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movies/tv Sony's "The Interview"

Alex Z

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This film has had alot of controversy latley. I have not seen it yet I have no thoughts on it. Have you seen the film? What did you think of it? What are your thoughts on the controversy around it?

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I haven't seen it yet and honestly I don't know what all the fuss is about. I don't even know the plot of the movie, all I know is that it features Kim Jong Un or something.


Though I guess I will watch it eventually. I have a lot of films on my IMDb watchlist.


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You know what, I enjoyed it and I'm not afraid to admit that. Yes, it was ridiculous. Yes, it had more holes in the story than a piece of swiss cheese. But it was fun and done well for what it was, and it even had some thought-provoking commentary at points. Think of it like a daydream you have of killing Kim Jong Un.

  • Brohoof 1

^ don't listen to this guy ^


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I've known about this movie before any of the controversy started to surround it. I was talking with some of my friends. One of them said' "there's this movie coming out about killing Kim Jong-un". It sounded ridiculous because I was told it was like, "hey, you wanna kill Kim Jong-un?" Then the other guy was like, "sure". Turns out it wasn't like that. Then I heard about controversy starting back in June, with North Korea's reaction to it. I really started hearing about it when Sony Pictures was hacked. Haven't seen it yet, but I heard it was average. There was a game for Sega CD called Night Trap back in 1992. It would probably have been all but forgotten, but a lot of people remember it due to the controversy surrounding it(eventually causing the ESRB's inception). Kinda makes me think not as many people would remember The Interview in the future if there wasn't any major controversy.

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I haven't seen it, but as far as I can tell it's just a dumb bland comedy that's only being treated differently from every other dumb bland comedy because it's using a controversial topic. Really, I wish all these comedies would stop focusing on shock value and, ya know, actually focus on being funny. 


I also find the whole thing a little insensitive. I mean, real people are really suffering because of this person, that doesn't really seem like something to make light of. Not the worst injustice certainly, but it's something to mull over at least.

  • Brohoof 1

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I also find the whole thing a little insensitive. I mean, real people are really suffering because of this person, that doesn't really seem like something to make light of. Not the worst injustice certainly, but it's something to mull over at least.

If anything, the movie is bringing the problems of North Korea to the attention of more people, which certainly isn't a bad thing. And considering the movie is about dethroning this horrible person for the benefit of everyone, I don't see how it is insensitive.

  • Brohoof 1

^ don't listen to this guy ^


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Actually, the movie's pretty good. I like it. The first time I saw it, I was confused of why the title is "The Interview". But when I watched it, all questions were answered.


About the controversy behind this, though. I actually didn't pay attention to it. I only know about the hacking in December, which cancelled its theatre release.

  • Brohoof 1



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I would LOVE to see "The Interview" but since I'm Korean AND live in South Korea so I can't. I cried. Even the North Koreans want to see The Interview. Hopefully I can watch it soon. 


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it´s an above-average movie, i guess i just like seth rogen´s acting.

i also liked how they portrayed Kim Jong Un.


I can see how people might be disappointed in it, though.


it has some problems, especially the first 20 or so minutes weren´t really interesting and/or relevant to the plot.

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Haven't seen it. Looked interesting when the trailers were out before Korea freaked out. I'll probably see it sometime in the future if it ever comes out on Netflix.


Really? Night Trap caused the ESRB?? I thought GTA 1 or smash TV would have caused it but I guess I was wrong.

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I saw it today. All I can say is, it was funny and messed up. I liked the quote "They hate us cause they ain't us" and the constant Hobbit/Lord of the Rings references.

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I saw it today. All I can say is, it was funny and messed up. I liked the quote "They hate us cause they ain't us" and the constant Hobbit/Lord of the Rings references.


Me, too. 


There were some boring parts in the middle of the film right before the climax, but all in all I think it was really funny and worth the watch. I understand why some people didn't want it released, but I'm glad that Sony finally did.

  • Brohoof 1

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Ehh.. its nothing special. I can see why North Korean what's-his-name was getting in such a tizzy over it.. it does its job of defaming him. But if he didn't want people mocking him maybe he shouldn't have been such an unlikable person. But really I think no one's gonna remember this movie after a few months.

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I just saw 'The Interview' movie last night, and I thought it was hilarious! :lol:  Granted it was a bit too raunchy for my tastes, but I still thought it was great. They threw in plenty of real DPRK references to make it funny for people who have been keeping up with North Korea in the news.


Anypony else seen it? What'd you think?


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The film sounds fun, I'd like to see it some day.

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