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Currently replaying Pokemon Y! I had missed this game- Kalos is awweeessoomme.

It might be my favorite region... Though Unova is great too. What's your guy's favorite region?

My favorite region would definitely have to be Sinnoh.

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Just caught a shiny pancham!! She's my second shiny in this game. My first, a woobat, I found accidently but I ended up hunting for a pancham in the friend safari. It only took me thirty minutes. :squee:


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Sceptile, Azmauril, Mega Mawile, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Greninja, Swampert, Clefairy, Sylveon, Jolteon, Flygon, and Wailord are the best Pokemon. I don't care about your opinions.

And for the love of Togekiss..... that Pokemon is hella awesome.

  • Brohoof 1



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My favorite Pokemon game has to be Pokemon Ruby for the GBA. My opinion may be biased because I played when I was young (If you didn't know, people tend to remember only good things from their childhood except for very traumatic events)

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My first holographic card I got when Pokemon first came out was Wigglytuff. <3 My overall favorite pokemon is Miltank!


I have a question... I have a couple of fun forms, like 'Make your own gym' and 'What are your teams?' that people do for shits and giggles. Am I able to post them here, or might it make it too cluttered?


Or hell, maybe if OP says, they could be added to the first post? <w <

Edited by x0jackie0x
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My first holographic card I got when Pokemon first came out was Wigglytuff. <3 My overall favorite pokemon is Miltank!


I have a question... I have a couple of fun forms, like 'Make your own gym' and 'What are your teams?' that people do for shits and giggles. Am I able to post them here, or might it make it too cluttered?


Or hell, maybe if OP says, they could be added to the first post? <w <


Sure! I'm more than happy to do something like that. Tell me what fun forms you have in mind, and I'll put them into the first post. :3

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Anybody wanna do a nuzlocke with me?
Any main series game or fanmade/rom hack is okay with me!
I don't have a lot of friends who like pokemon, and would love to do a nuzlocke with asomebody!

If you want, we can skype while we play! 

Message me here or message me on skype at SnakeMilkshake!

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So this is interesting.




Apparently some more obscure Pokémon, like Gulpin, have no fainting animation in the 3DS games, instead just simply calmly sitting there until it faints. So I tried this out with Gulpin and, sure enough, it had no fainting animation. I've also noticed some attacks - namely those that hit multiple times, e.g. Double Hit, have no attack animations, instead the attacker just simply hops a bit and you hear a damage sound effect and the enemy flinches. Just goes to show the time constraints placed on Game Freak by the yearly release schedule, wherein they couldn't fully animate all 721 Pokémon or all their moves.

  • Brohoof 1
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So far, I've been soaring up in the sky with my Mega Latias and there were still no signs of those mysterious rings that keep appearing. Each ring contains in my theory, a trapped Legendary Pokemon. So far, I have caught some but there are still others that must be found.


Do any of you know where to find these mysterious rings? So far, I got Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Zekrom, Uxie and Mesprit.

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Added some forms suggested by x0jackie0x. Thank you very much for your great ideas! I had so much fun filling them all, especially the Gym Leader one!

General Questions



  • When did you become a fan?: As far as I can remember, I've became a fan when I was very young. Maybe as young as 2 or 3. From what I could remember, the first time I learnt about Pokémon was when an old friend of my parents has given a Game Boy to my brother, along with Nintendo World Cup and Pokémon Yellow. Since the Game Boy belonged to my brother, I only got to play Yellow only twice or so. Still, I thought that it was an incredibly fun game. That, or that my first exposure to Pokémon is an episode to the anime (the one featuring Erika and her Gloom, I believe). It's quite funny to say, as when I first played Yellow, I thought that the objective of the game is to please Pikachu, and whenever I enter a battle, I thought it was some terminal glitch. I was that dumb at video games. xP


  • What do you like most about the series?: The Pokémon themselves. There is a wide range to choose from and to admire. Granted I don't think that all of them are great, but most of them do something that really impresses me. I also love the gameplay. In some RPGs they can get a little complex to the point of annoyance, but with Pokémon it's pretty easy. Things are simplified a little so that all ages can enjoy it. But if you also want to do something different or get into something for complex and interesting, you can do so by trying out competitive play or trying out popular challenges like the Nuzlocke Challenge. As somebody who thinks that Pokémon can be a little too repetitive at times, complex things like these are refreshing and fun.


  • Who is your favourite Pokémon?: Sawk, a Pokémon introduced in the fifth generation. It is strong and rather fast, it can be found early in some games (X and Black in particular) and it has a very nice design. It's mostly for the design, however - I shamelessly admit that I kinda have a crush on it. xP But I can honestly say that Sawk has helped me remind what I loved about the series, as there was a time before it was introduced in the fifth gen where my love for Pokémon has started to fade away, and that I didn't really have much of a favourite Pokémon anymore. I can't say the same for Throh, however. I mean, Throh is also a cool Pokémon, but it didn't leave as much of a surprising impact as what Sawk has. Honourable mentions go to Mienshao, Latios, Empoleon, Hawlucha and Honchkrow.


  • Who is your favourite human character?: Now this one was a little tricky to figure out. Not that I don't like any of the human characters, but I've always preffered the human characters. But if I were to pick just one, it might have to be Prof. Sycamore. He is such a charming character and surprisingly enough has a backstory. It's nothing too major, but to see that he was once friends with Lysandre is pretty interesting. But I mostly like him for his fantastic personality. Oh, and he has a nice design. I'm also very fond of Looker, Colress and the Battle Chatelaines (especially Morgan).


  • What is your favourite game?: It's a tie between Black 2/White 2 and Platinum. B2W2 has done many things different from your average main series game. It's a sequel and continues the story in B1W1 and proves that it's a decent story, many of the new locations are put into good use, the wide range of Pokémon is much better than sticking with just Unova Pokémon and the post-game is fantastic and doesn't get boring. Platinum is tonnes of fun and improves many flaws from Diamond/Pearl. Like B2W2, all of the new locations are put into good use, and the amount of Pokémon to choose from is nice. But to be honest, my love for Platinum is a little more biased, as I used to play this game every day as a kid.


  • Do you like anything outside the games? (i.e., anime, manga, TCG, etc.): I'm a fan of the TCG and the merchandise. While I don't really take TCG seriously as I'm unfamiliar with tabletop games, I still admire it for the different kinds of artwork and images that can be seen in many different kinds of cards. And while some of the merchandise can be cheaply made at times, it still looks really cute and looks nice to have on your desk, whether it be a doll or a sculpture. I can't say I'm a fan of the anime or the manga, however. The anime got worse overtime to the point where it got too cringeworthy for me, while that none of the manga series ever interest me, no matter how many times I've read them. Also, for some reason, I'm also a fan of reading interviews with anybody from Game Freak, and how they talk about little behind-the-scenes stuff on the games or just Pokémon in general.




Create your own Gym



  • 1. Which region you'd you be in? You can make up a region if you wish.

I think something like Unova would work. It's revealed that there are more than eight Gyms in B2W2.

  • 2. Which gym?

As in which gym you'll come up to? Probably the 6th gym. I prefer having strong teams for some reason.

  • 3. What would your gym look like?

The gym looks like an overgrown forest. You have to climb up vines and walk through fallen tree trunks. You also have to walk through grass that either contains these two things - a button, or a Trainer. This'll get more explanation in number 8.

  • 4. What would you look like?

I would look sort of like a rustic Pokémon Ranger. Probably the Ranger type from Hoenn as well. But I wouldn't have the hat. Instead, I would have longer pants, scruffier hair and my clothes would be green instead of orange. It represents how this Gym Leader has done a lot of exploring. And given how some Gym Leaders look like "gijinkas" of their main Pokémon, this Gym Leader would share some traits from her main Pokémon, Sawsbuck. Some of these traits include the flowers of Spring Sawsbuck and the little spots on its back.

  • 5. What Items would you carry?

Probably three Full Restores. To me having three Full Restores or getting to the sixth Gym is a sign where the game gets harder.

  • 6. What’s your gym type?

It's Grass. Unova doesn't have a Grass Gym Leader or Elite Four member, and the amount of Pokémon to choose from is interesting.

  • 7. What is your gym about? (what does it represent?)

I suppose it represents hardiness and knowledge. Since this Gym Leader likes to strategise and think out things as seen in her Pokémon's movesets, as well as the traps within this Gym, it takes a lot of knowledge and patience to finish the Gym off, similar to finding a way to, say, survive in a forest if you're lost.

  • 8. Any traps, gizmos, gadgets, doohicky’s, riddles or giant walls of bug slime that the challenging trainer would have to work around?

The most notable trap within this Gym is the tall grass. As mentioned above, there's a chance that either a Trainer would be in it and challenge you, or that you press a button that'll gain access to the next floor. When you press a button, a vine would fall down a cliff, which you can climb up. There's also a small chance where you'll encounter wild Pokémon. All of them are level 15 and is either a Foonguss, a Deerling or a Cottonee (Black)/Petilil (White). You cannot catch them, however. Aside from the grass gimmick, you have to do a lot of walking, as sometimes you'll come across a dead end or a grass patch without a button.

  • 9. What’s your team and respective levels? (include second challenge)

Something like this...

  • First Challenge...
  • Ferroseed | Lv. 39 | Iron Barbs: Ingrain, Iron Defense, Gyro Ball, Solar Beam
  • Amoonguss | Lv. 39 | Effect Spore: Sunny Day, Toxic, Synthesis, Solar Beam
  • Sawsbuck | Lv. 41 | Chlorophyll: Sunny Day, Jump Kick, Horn Leech, Solar Beam
  • Second Challenge...
  • Ferrothorn | Lv. 61 | Iron Barbs | Rocky Helmet: Gyro Ball, Leech Seed, Power Whip, Protect
  • Ludicolo | Lv. 62 | Rain Dish | Lum Berry: Fake Out, Giga Drain, Scald, Protect
  • Mow Rotom | Lv. 62 | Levitate | Magnet: Leaf Storm, Confuse Ray, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt
  • Amoonguss | Lv. 63 | Effect Spore | Black Sludge: Sunny Day, Synthesis, Sludge Bomb, Spore
  • Cradily | Lv. 63 | Suction Cups | Leftovers: Recover, Toxic, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock
  • Sawsbuck | Lv. 65 | Chlorophyll | Life Orb: Swords Dance, Jump Kick, Double Edge, Horn Leech
  • 10. How many subsequent trainers would be present?

About five Trainers will be present. It'll consist of Pokémon Rangers (both male and female). All of them would either have the following Pokémon: Pansage, Simisage, Ferroseed, Maractus, Deerling, Cottonee, Petilil and Foonguss.

  • 11. What badge and TM would you give out?

I would give out the Meadow Badge and the TM22, which contains Solar Beam.

  • 12. What would your lines be? (greeting, halfway beaten, last pokemon, defeat, re-challenge)


"A new challenger, eh? Well you better be something special. Do not keep me waiting! Let's get this over with!"


"You're not bad. But you gotta give it all you got if you want to win!"

Last Pokémon:

"I'm not giving in just yet. Time to give it my best shot!"


"Huh... looks like I have lost..."

"...Phew, what a battle. Still, I'd never thought I would see somebody as strong as you! Lately most of my challengers were too easy to take on, which left me pretty bored and all. But with you and how well you've did, I'd be more than happy to give out this Meadow Badge!"

"Now that you have six badges, any Pokémon up to Level 70 will listen to your every command, even those you received in trades! Also, take this TM with you!"

"With TM22 containing Solar Beam, you can take down your targets with a powerful beam of sunlight. But the catch is that you'll have to wait a turn for this move to work out well. I'd suggest you to use it in intense sunlight."


"You're here! Don't make me wait! I want to see how much you've improved since our last battle!"

  • 13. For no particular reason, when would the trainer have to call you to challenge you a second time?

Rather then calling as it's absent in BW and B2W2, you instead find this Gym Leader again in the Pokémon World Tournament and battle against her second team.




Create your Team



  • Team 1: Realistic Team


  • Theme: It's probably a more balanced and, of course, realistic approach to a team. It's kind of like a team you'll see in the anime or whatever.
  • Reason for team: It's more of meant to be more of a beginner's team than anything. Here you can see that while this team uses some of the right Pokémon, the types are poorly balanced and some of the Pokémon like Beedrill and Alomomola are weak. These pros and cons reinforces the idea of how this is a start to this said team below.


  • Team 2: Dream Team


  • Theme: It represents balance, from how this team can resist many, many types, to how each one of them has a unique role.
  • Reason for team: While I honestly can't say this is a team I would use myself, it is still what I want to look for in a team like this. I'm always looking for the perfect balance in my teams, whether it be the type resistances or the movesets, or even the roles of each one of them. This "dream team" kinda shows it - we have M-Lopunny and Salamence who deal with physical damage, Skarmory who is pretty defensive and can lay traps like Spikes, and so on. I guess this team is even really that balanced, but it's the closest I've gotten to it.


  • Team 3: Relaxation Team


  • Theme: Comfortable and easygoing Pokémon.
  • Reason for team: Some Pokémon I like. Although not all of them are great at battling, they're all feel pretty easygoing Pokémon, so a team that's made to relax and cuddle with on lazy days would be nice. Since some can sing (Altaria, Kricketune) and others are simply cuddly (Mareep, Vulpix), I think this would be the perfect team to be around with when I just want to do nothing other than be around them.


  • Team 4: "Gym Leader"/Monotype Team


  • Theme: This team has a theme of variety. Each Pokémon have a role to play due to their varying types and stats.
  • Reason for team: I like Fighting types... not much else to say. xP


  • Team 5: Eevee Evolutions


  • Theme: Aside from the obvious one, the theme is similar to the Monotype Team - each one of these Pokémon have unique stats and types to play and experiment with, and as a result it can come off as surprising and unpredictable... well, sort of. xP
  • Reason for team: Since the Eevee Evolutions are popular universally, I'd thought it would make a nice gimmick team. But the Eevee Evolutions I chosen represent the variety within this team - you have Flareon, the physical attacker, Umbreon, the one that walls many attacks, Jolteon, the one that hits fast specially and so on. Plus I've been meaning to make my very own Eevee Evolution team as well, but I never have the time to do so.


  • Trainer class:

I suppose I would be an Ace Trainer.



  • Reason for trainer class(es)?: It represents the teams I have made. They all seem like they all belong to an Ace Trainer as it usually consists of fully evolved Pokémon. But then again, despite how good some of these Pokémon are, some of them won't work well with others due to typing resistances or whatever. The Ace Trainer class also represents my personality in a way, or probably even how I like to play Pokémon. I'm the kind of person who prefers playing with the strong Pokémon over my favourites, but it's mostly because I want to be more realistic with battling tougher teams, because really, if I did made a team of only my favourites, I'd get knocked out quickly. But even though I prefer teams where I can experiment more, I don't do a good job at it and instead constantly use the same old team formats again. I'm still looking ways to improve, however.



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Well, I just finished Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky last night (yes, I emulated it, and yes, piracy is bad, but no, I don't care). The first plotline was good, and I now understand why everyone's all like "THE FEELS!" whenever someone mentions the word "Grovyle" anywhere relating to PMD. The second plotline was...eh? It certainly filled some holes in the plot, but not really in a way where I was as captured by it as I was with the first one. It was really predictable, and the final-final boss fight was less satisfying and more annoying than anything. FUCK LIGHTNINGROD - this has been a message from your friendly neighborhood Discharge spamming Shinx.


@@Odyssey, how did you get the sprites to lay out nicely in those grids? I notice that they're one solid image for each team of six and not six individual tiny images. If it's easy, I'll post my team(s?) later.

Edited by Lateon
  • Brohoof 2


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[omega ruby post-game team intensifies]




Getting Vaporeon, Electrike and Ralts (aka Gallade) up to par with everyone else is gonna be so much fun. But at least I've got it 90% done. Only thing left is to find a replacement for Tropius.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nice teams, and @MountainDrew. :3


@Lateon, The reason I got i perfectly was because of this. I was going to post all of these icons in link URL form, but the forums said that I'm using too many image URLs. So as a result, I had to take snapshots of all five of them and upload them by using this site's image uploader. Since all of the sprites were the same size (16x16, i think), they all were nicely lay out. Admittedly not all of them were perfect (see M-Lopunny sprites), but still.




So, I think I have an idea, guys. How would you like it all if we had some sort of friendly competition? Like, a tourney of sorts. I've also been thinking of telling the admins or whomever about this. In this tourney, we simply battle and see who will come on top. Nothing too special or fancy. And it doesn't even matter if you're casual or competitive. Anybody can join if they want.  But of course, we need to do little things like trading Friend Codes or whatnot. Still, it is an idea I've been wanting to do for a long while.


I'm thinking around July 6th or something. Call me out if I'm wrong, but it's when summer break is still ongoing. And not just that, but I also get my school break around that time, so early to mid July is when I think almost everybody is available.


What do you all think about these ideas? Let me know. Thanks for reading. :3

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I've decided. Braviary is gonna replace Tropius. Now I just need RNGesus to bless me and spawn a Mirage Mountain north of Lilycove so I can get a Rufflet.


@@Odyssey, sounds like a plan. Hopefully I'll have my team grinded up and movesets completed by then.

  • Brohoof 2
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@Odyssey, that would be awesome!


Would there be any rules like a Level Cap at 50 or no hold items?  Because I would be fine with any rules you'd like to set up.

  • Brohoof 1



The Magic of Honesty

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