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Has a "friend" betrayed you?


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Lets just leave it at that 

You, sir, understood the meaning of life.

And to answer the original question, yes, it happened to me twice. The second time, the guy came back to mock me, I sent him to the hospital for breaking his left leg.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sadly, yes...  :( And a lot more times than I'd like. 


I trusted them with my secrets - and they would just tell them to everyone, I don't talk with them anymore, even though I wanted to set things right, I can't go back to them because they'd just laugh at me.


But sometimes it isn't even betraying, it's also just forgetting me. Just leaving without saying goodbye. 

And that hurts, it hurts so much...

  • Brohoof 2
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Yeah, more than once a friend has left me behind for some reason or another, i suppose it happens to everyone at some point, but i can't help but feel i messed up whenever it happens :/


this is my first post on this forum, boy, this got  depressing real quick.

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There seems to be a lot of accounts of people who are hurt by the people they trust, this saddens me and makes me empathetic since I too know how it feels to be let down, kick to the curb and beaten time and time again. 


All I can say really is that true friends stab up front. 


As Oscar Wilde eloquently put " Always forgive your enemies  - nothing annoys them so much." : :comeatus:

Edited by ArcusPluviusIncitus
  • Brohoof 2
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Every single person I've called a friend past my middle school years has done this to me. It happened two days ago, actually; I had this friend, and she got in a relationship with a former friend. Things got really rocky with him on Thursday, to the point where they wouldn't talk with each other, and she came to me and hung around with me up until she was fine with him again.


Then, she acts like I'm not even there. It just hurts, and this happens to me on the daily. I could understand if I was socially unacceptable or something (which is still not a good reason, but people tend to do it more to those who are) but I'm not. I dress normally, talk normally, heck, I am attractive, but it seems like those factors can't pull a friend for me. I'm stuck.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nope because I have no friends ;~;


I've never really been close enough to anyone to be betrayed ^^;;

I am in that case, I never trust anyone fully now (family or friends)

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  • 4 years later...

I've had a couple so-called "best friends" turn out to be fakes. But I've completely blocked them out of my life and have long since gotten over their bs. I know who my real friends are. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I’ve been really lucky. I’ve never been betrayed in any of the petty ways I always hear about—no blackmail, no people straight-up deciding they hate me, no one ignoring me for no reason, no relationship drama involving me. I want to believe my current friends are loyal and trustworthy, no matter if we argue. But I did have a friend, once, who did something absolutely horrible, so I can’t say for sure. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Define “betrayed”..it’s you count friends who stopped talking to you then no. But it has happened in another way around.. And I regret it.

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Yeah. Unfortunately, that's par for the course with life. Not all your friends will be good ones.

Edited by Cash_In
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Back in middle school, I had an awesome friend...who sadly got sucked into this other kid's world. The other kid had a pretty sick and violent mind, and the two bullied me. It wasn't until one of my other classmates set things straight. Our friendship was restored and as for the other kid...he probably went into therapy or something...

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I don’t get upset if someone turns on me. It’s nice to know someone’s true colors if they really have something against me; maybe there’s something I can learn from it and maybe it’s my own fault. Anyway it hasn’t happened a lot and I don’t give it much thought anyway.  

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