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Your OC is going to be in a fighting game! What is he/she like?


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Fighting is magic is a pretty awesome game I'd have to say, but what if someone just suddenly made an edition with OC's. (I might be doing this sometime as a little fun project with MUGEN, if you think your character should be a character I make for it, send me a PM)


Here's the point, if you had to add your OC to a sort of "Fighting is magic: OC edition" what would he or she be like? I have a little form that you could use if you need ideas on how to describe it. You don't need to use it, this is just to help get ideas.


Fighting Strategy: (What strategy your character would encourage. Examples: shoto, zoning, rush-down, defensive, juggling ect.)

Pros / Cons: (your character's strengths or weaknesses, like good/bad wake-up time, high/low priority, fast/slow speed, ect., Characters NEED weakness, it's more balanced that way!)

Specials: (any ideas for special moves. For example: in street fighter you need to do a quarter circle + punch to do a hadouken/fireball move. NOTE: In fighting is magic, since the characters are ponies, they don't have 6 attack buttons, they just have 4: a light, medium and heavy attack (and 1 for magic attacks if you count that), it doesn't have different buttons for punches or kicks because, well, they're ponies. So just remember, ponies only have the directional buttons and 3 attack buttons along with the magic button)

Normal Moves: (If you want to go the extra mile you could also add what your OC's normal moves are)

Super Combo/Finisher: (your OC's ultimate move! Requires magic energy to use)

Taunt: (optional, pretty self explanatory, *insert some Dan joke here*)

Music / Stage / Story / Anything else: (what sort of stage would your OC fight in?)


Sample: (my OC Lucid!)



(A = Light attack, B = Medium attack, C = Heavy Attack)

Fighting Strategy: Zoning with some mix-up
Pros / Cons: Moves have considerable startup time, bad wake up time, Good walk speed. Great defense and anti-air.
Specials: Lucid's is good at conjuration magic, he can create temporary weapons to do his supers.

Quarter Circle + A/B/C: Toss

Lucid conjures a random household item and throws it, items get faster with more fierce forms of the attack, bad startup time, arcs a bit down as it gets to the other side of the screen.
Forward, Down, Down-Forward + A/B/C: Homewrecker
Lucid conjures a temporary bat and swings it down on the opponent as running forward.
Backwards Quarter circle + A/B/C: Trespass Drill
Lucid summons a drill from underground and it stays there for a brief second. If you do the light version of the move, the drill will spawn not too far from lucid, if medium, it spawns in the middle of the stage, if hard, it will spawn near the other side. (Similar to
C. Vipers "Seismic Hammer" or Filia's "Ringlet Spike" move.)

Forward half-circle + A/B/C: Upward Slash

Lucid conjures a sword and slashes it upward, jumping with it a bit. Limited range but decent anti-air.

Normal Moves:

A: A regular hoof punch or push

B: Light Kick

C: Lucid Turns and kicks

Forward + A: Punches, being slightly propelled, a fast, weak attack

Forward + B: Lucid slams forward with his side

Forward + C: Lucid swings a conjured sword in an arc.

(I'll make up some aerial moves later)

Super Finisher: Lucid summons a piano sits back and watches it fall on the opponent. Two forward quarter circles + D
Taunt: Probably conjuring an air horn or something.

Music/Stage: A beach at night. As for the music: Something calm but fast, like Yang's theme from street fighter 3: Second Impact.



Have fun!

Edited by Lucid Dream
  • Brohoof 2
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Fighting Strategy: Aggressive with defensive elements, all attacks ranged or melee; he's a hard character to master because he's a jack-of-all-trades.

Pros / Cons: High damage, big start-up Attack time, has an evasion chance bonus because of flight, low health points, very vulnerable to elemental attacks, invulnerable to most illusions or mind-affecting moves

Specials: Wilhelm is a master of ranged combat and a expert with in-flight combat.

Quarter Circle + A/B/C: Shocking Shot

Wilhelm fires his bow with a single shock arrow, doing damage and stunning the target.

Forward + Left + Right + Left + Up + A/B/C: Zig, Zag, Buck

Wilhelm dashes towards the enemy, zigzagging along the way, and at the last second, spreads his wings to fly up into the air a few feet and bucks his opponent straight in the head at close range. Does heavy damage and has a chance of stunning the target. Basically, you're doing to a pony's head a weaker version of what Applejack does to a tree.

Up + Up + Up + Down/Left/Right + A/B/C: Dive-Bombing

Wilhelm flies into the air a distance, and then dives in the direction specified, spreading his wings at the last moment to be able to slow down enough to drop a grenade onto the opponent. Does minimal recoil damage, and heavy explosive damage to the opponent, but has a chance of missing.

Two Quarter-Circles + A/B/C: Three-In-One

Wilhelm fires three arrows at once from his bow, which home in on the enemy and do average damage.

Normal Moves:

A: Wilhelm slashes with his saber. Average damage. Melee.

A + Up: Wilhelm uses his saber to cut upwards. Higher damage if it hits, but easier to avoid. Melee.

B: Wilhelm fires a single arrow from his bow. Average damage. Ranged.

B + Up: Wilhelm fires a flashbang arrow from his bow. Low damage, but stuns and disorients the opponent for a certain amount of time. Ranged.

C: Wilhelm close-range hits the opponent over the head with his sword. Stuns. Melee.

C + Up: Wilhelm hits the opponent over the head with his sword and then kicks them to the ground. Stuns and does bonus damage. Melee.

Super Combo/Finisher: Wilhelm flies up into the air very fast, hangs in the air for a moment at the top of the parabola, fires off a volley of arrows, and then dives down at his enemy to impale them with his sword. Up + One Quarter-Circle + D

Taunt: Makes a sarcastic remark about his opponent's lineage/fighting skills/intelligence/height/mother/all of the above. Varies depending on which opponent he's fighting.

Music / Stage / Story / Anything else: The music would be the Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII level selection theme. The stage would be on the roof of Wilhelm's Astronomy Tower at night, with a full moon. The story would likely be that you insulted him or tried to swindle him or mocked him, and he challenged you to a honor duel.


The Astronomy Tower would work in stages; when Wilhelm's health is down to 3/4, the roof collapses and you fall into the observatory. Only here, Wilhelm has the Special Attack of hitting his opponent over the head with a telescope. Once Wilhelm's health goes down to 1/2, the floor collapses and you fall into his laboratory, which gives Wilhelm the Special Attack of turning on the sprinklers and then electrifying the water his opponent is standing in, as well as the other Special of picking up an assault rifle and firing it at his opponent. Once Wilhelm is at 1/4 health, the floor collapses again, spilling the fighters into the final stage of the Tower Library.


Victory Animation:

Wilhelm watches the body for a moment and then removes his glasses, folds them into the pocket of his coat, and closes his eyes, saying "Hopefully, you'll learn from your arrogance in the afterlife." Fade to black.


Defeat Animation:

Wilhelm stares down his opponent as he dies, then in the last few moments, closes his eyes and sighs in resignation. "You know, I can't decide whether it's been too long or too soon. I never thought it would end like this, though. Goodbye. Perhaps I'll see you again, somewhere not of Equis." He dies, and then the screen fades to black.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Do Griffons qualify? I imagine it would look a bit off seeing a predatory bird thing with a razor sharp beak and talons as well as claws going up against ponies. lol

  • Brohoof 2
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@@Lucid Dream,

Fighting Strategy: Mostly offense, but depends on his Variations.




IB's Variations (different ways to fight):


NOTE: His Variations change his personality a bit, but only when fighting to keep his character consistent.


Cryo: IB goes on offense a lot and uses his powers more than anything.
Barebone: Relies on his hoof moves to allow time for D.I.N.E blast to charge.
Maverick: Uses strategy and times defense along with counterattacks.
Balanced: Nothing changes.


Perks of each Variation:


Advantages (Adv) and Disadvantages (Disadv)
Cryo: (Adv) Ice attacks deal more damage and ice can be used to slow the opponent down. (Disadv) He'll get headaches faster.
Barebone: (Adv) Allows time for stronger moves (like D.I.N.E blast to charge). 10% more movement speed. (Disadv) Hoof attacks deal less damage.
Maverick: (Adv) Strategically defends and counters. Ice Shield is more durable. (Disadv) His overall damage output is lowered.
Balanced: No advantages or disadvantages.


How to identify his variations:
Cryo: IB's ice will glow deep blue, and his personality will be more aggressive. :baconmane:
Barebone: IB's scarf will turn light blue, and his personality gets more enthusiastic. :fluttershy:
Maverick: IB's yellow hair gets brighter, his personality gets calmer and more strategic. -_-
Balanced: No identification needed. :)

Pros / Cons: Besides his Variations, his normal pros and cons are: Good attack damage, defense, movement, and hoof attack speed. But has poor ice attack speed, and his powers have a 20% chance of failure (due to not having a horn). When a failure occurs, his ice attack misses and he must wait for a cooldown before he can use them again. (Cooldown time is variable in game)


Forward Quarter Circle + A/B/C = Ice Ball

Throws a simple ice projectile with a 10% chance of freeze. (Stronger the button, slower the move, but more damage).


Half Circle + A/B/C = Shattering Drop Kick

Drop kicks the opponent.


Forward + Down + Up + A/B/C = Counter. Has 3 different counters that function in order:

Clone Counter: When hit, an ice clone of Blizzard jumps forward with a kick. (Deals least damage, but come out fastest)

Uppercut Counter: When hit, Blizzard will give an uppercut himself. (Deals more damage, but comes out slower).

IC4 Cage Counter: When hit, Blizzard will trap the opponent in an IC4 Cage, and detonates it with them inside. (Deals most damage, but counter window is strict).


Backward Quarter Circle + A/B/C = Freezing Charge

Blizzard rushes forward and shoulder bashes the opponent, leaving a trail of ice.

Normal Moves:

A: A simple right hook with low range.

B: A roundhouse kick with medium range.

C: A windup, then a heavy forward punch.

Forward + A: A slash with an ice dagger.

Forward + B: A sweep kick to the ground.

Forward + C: A 'baseball' swing with an ice pole.

Super Finisher: D.I.N.E Blast.

Blizzard jumps into the air, covers himself in ice, slams his hooves together, and blasts a Dry Ice Nuclear Explosion to the ground.

Taunt: 1. Breakdances and says, "Come on!"

2. Makes an ice clone, and brohoofs him before he dissapears.

3. Makes a pair of ice shades on his face, says "Stone Cold!", and throws tthe shades away.

Music / Stage / Story / Anything else: Music:

Stage: A Glacial Peak.

Story: If you challenged him, he'll fight. He never backs down from anything. B)

Other: Using his ice powers will drain his ice power meter that is unique to him. Each time he uses an ice attack, it drains. If it drains completely, or he uses the DINE Blast, his powers must cooldown over 20 in game seconds. He also wears a deep blue scarf he got from Rarity,

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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I play fighting games, but I'm not all caught up on fighting styles and what not. xD Bear with me. 

Also, if the want for a fighting game becomes serious, I'll do some research and something more indepth. : P


Fighting Strategy: I'm not too sure. Dynamic?

Pros / Cons: Strong offense, strong defense, terrible speed. Mostly melee.

Specials: (Not gonna bother with buttons) 

Where's the hammer? (Turns her back on the opponent and pulls out a tool bag, tosses four tools in random directions behind her)

There's the hammer! (Pulls a large sledgehammer from hammerspace and swings it over her head)

I spilled the nails! (stationary trap, trips up opponent)

Normal Moves: (Not going too indepth)


Flank-slam (meteor drop)

Tool throw (anti-air)

Super Combo/Finisher: Let's build a shed! (She pulls out a long 2x4 from hammerspace. If hit, opponent flies back a few feet and falls to the ground, stunned, while Jackie is building a small shed around the opponent. Shed's finished, it's built like shit and proceeds to collapse on the opponent. Jackie then stomps on the collapsed debris out of frustration before hopping off)

Taunt: I'm gonna steamroll ya!

Music / Stage / Story / Anything else: Classic rock/ Construction yard/ You accidentally ruined her lunch. xD

Edited by x0jackie0x
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Fighting Strategy: fast and strong! speed is key! keep your enemy on defense! that way they cant attack back!


Pros / Cons: extremely fast, and very easy to combo. high damage. but if he gets hit, he has a longer than usual recovery time. doesn't have any ranged attacks. small reach.


Specials: piercing slash. basically goes straight though the enemy, to the other side of the arena. (triple forward, X attack) fast. small damage.

dark magic. activated automatically after making a 15+ combo. power goes up. must keep combo going, or it'll go away. +30% damage increase.

jump slash. jumps higher than usual, and does a spin attack down. (double up, C) medium speed, medium damage.

recover: down, left, right, Z, down. (hold) he pulls out food, and eats. he is vulnerable, but he regens HP. +5% per second.

intimidate: forward, back, down, C. dark magic shrouds him for a moment, making the other pony back off a couple a feet.

saw-blade slash: forward, forward, C. saw blades himself towards the opponent. slow. extremely high damage.

fencing extraordinaire: forward, forward, forward, Z. multiple stabs. fast. small damage. but strikes a lot. (think 'trillion stabs' from devil may cry 1)


Normal Moves: Z = forward jab. quick, low damage.

X = slash downwards, or horizontal. quick, low damage.

C = heavy slash. stumbles if he misses. fast, heavy damage.

ZXC (at the same time) = small continuous combo. doesn't move from his spot, though. instantaneous. un-ending.

Z + down = taunt

Z + forward = sliding slash. fast, medium damage.

Z + back = jump-back while slashing. fast, low damage.

Z + up = straight jumps up doing a saw-blade like slash. medium speed, medium damage. 

X + down = dodge low

X + back = dodge backwards

X + forward = sliding slash. same as the other.

X + up = upwards jump, leaning back

C + forward = heavy slash forward. if he misses, he stumbles. medium speed. high damage.

C + back = quickly turns around, and does a heavy slash behind him. fast, high damage.

C + up = uppercut slash. medium speed, extremely high damage. takes fall damage if it misses.

C + down = slash to the ground. medium speed, medium damage.


Super Combo/Finisher: surrounds himself in magic. kicks the other pony into the air, and a insane fast combo from all sides. ends with a slash to the torso.


Taunt: down + Z

"are you sure your a fighter?" 

"this is easier than i expected!"

"you really think this is my best?"

*sits down and eats food* (unlucky taunt)


Music / Stage / Story / Anything else: arena: edge of the world. music: something fast! 

Edited by PeytonJay
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Well, this is going to be difficult, considering he is a breezie.... (I'm imagining a sort of joke character)


Fighting Strategy: Incredibly fast with good specials, but extremely fragile.
Pros: High special Damage, High Speed, small hit box.

Cons: Weak normal attacks, Low HP
Specials: Stone Cold is a story teller, and as such uses magic to attack with story telling tools.

Everyone Makes Mistakes: Fires a comically sized eraser at the opponent

Slay the Dragon: Illusion forms the outline of a dragon around the opponent, then charges towards them. (High damage w/ delay)

Final Draft: Stamp appears hovering in foreground of the stage, before slamming into background. If opponent is hit, they are briefly immobilized.
Normal Moves:
A: Pollen Dust (Flutters pollen at opponent)
B: Pencil strike (Stabs with pencil)
C: Inspirational Jolt (Fires small blast of magic)
Super Combo/Finisher:

The Pen Is Mightier:

Forms Giant Pencil hovering over opponent, which slams down.

"You're more of a magazine pony, aren't you?"

Graceful Ghost Rag


Library (Specifically in front of the bookshelf he calls home)

Story / Anything else:

Born in a small town, Stone Cold became fascinated with the art of story telling. He now travels the world, searching for the next great thing in media.

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Do Griffons qualify? I imagine it would look a bit off seeing a predatory bird thing with a razor sharp beak and talons as well as claws going up against ponies. lol

I would even encourage non-pony characters! Brings lots of flavor to the mix! PM me if your interested in him/her possibly being in the game.

  • Brohoof 2
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Fighting strategy: Rush down.


Pros: Fast and hits hard. Good defense, Good HP. Maybe can hover by holding down a button?


Cons: if any of you play Smash Bros Wii U, I was thinking of the opposite of Little Mac (Powerful aerial attacks but weaker ground attacks.) Big hit box, No ranged or magic attacks. Aerial attacks might be a bit harder to master control of.


Special: Hawk Screech: emits an ear piecing screech that can temporarily immobilize an opponent if hit by the sound wave.


Normal moves:

Talon swipes


Buck with hind claws.


Taunt: Hovers in the air, does a werewolf howling style pose, and screeches like a hawk.


Music: Something fast.


Story: A Griffon knight that serves under Celestia and works with the Royal Guards. He is faster than most pegasi (except rainbow dash and the wonderbolts.) he left the griffon kingdom due to griffon society being very greedy and cruel and prefers to live among the ponies of Equestria. 

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My alicorn OC Silhouette Dusk


Fighting Strategy: SIlhouette Dusk would be a ranged fighter, mostly relying on spellwork to do damage. He'll also have a heavy hard hitting close quarter attack with her broad axe.
Pros / Cons: Pros: Good ranged combat. Keep an opponent away and strike from every angle at a distance. Good defense to buffer incoming attacks. Can lay traps & environment damager like black magic crystals & gravity spells to throw off an opponent. Powerful melee hits. Cons: Not much of a rush fighter. Close quarters offense is lacking and is primarily used for counter attack. Melee attacks are a bit slow and leave her vulnerable. 
Specials: Crimson lightning bolt
Normal Moves: (Haymakers. Uppercuts. Telekinetic swipe.)
Super Combo/Finisher: Witchcraft: dark magic blast aimed at the ground, which causes the opponent to be trapped and impaled in black crystal.
Taunt: Don't tell me you're going to bore me like the rest of my contenders. 
Music: Imperium by Machine Head. Stage: Royal Cathedral. Story: Keep the newly formed New Everfree Empire independent from foreign control, including recapture by Equestria. Defeat the royal sisters, avenge her subjects from 1000 years ago, and reestablish the Equestrian Empire.  Will probably be a boss fight.
My Changeling/Centaur Proximus "Proxy" Charon
Fighting Strategy: Melee fighter. Usually a rush strategy. Get close and press the attack. 
Pros: Having two arms & four hooves will allow offense from high, mid and low positions, making defense difficult. His use of twin dao swords also makes it difficult to get close. Cons: Low defense. Vulnerable to ranged & magic attacks. 
Specials: Changeling fire ball.
Normal Moves: (fore hoof kicks. Lariat. Fore hoof stomp. Downward chop )
Super Combo/Finisher: Viceroyal driver. Telekinesis his opponent into the air. Flies up, grabs them, bends their arms behind their back, thrusts the both of them down into a suicide dive. Starts spinning, and then drives them headfirst into the ground like a bullet. 
Taunt: Transforms into the opponent and does their taunt. 
Music: Demanufacture by Fear Factory  / Stage: Gates of New Everfree / Story: Stop the Equestrian invasion. Defeat his mother Chrysalis. Keep his fellow changelings free.    / Anything else: Probably a mid-boss. 


And finally, my bat pony Chaly. 


Fighting Strategy: mid-range melee, hit and run fighter.

Pros: Very fast, mobile character. Able to dodge attacks and easily counter attack. Frequent attacks with her chain sword do damage at a distance and can work though defenses. Fast flight and shadow stepping allows her easy control of her place on the field.   Cons: Weak grapple moves. Vulnerable to grapples. Lacks long range attacks. 

Specials: Chain sword thrust.

Normal Moves: Spin kick. Wing uppercut. Corkscrew dropkick.  

Super Combo/Finisher:  Shadow Saw: Wraps her opponent in her chainsword, embeds the head in the ground, bolts straight up, and has the chainsword saw it's way through her victim until it tears though and becomes perfectly straight. 

Taunt: "You should be more disciplined." (she says this while hanging upside down)

Music: Poltava by Sabaton / Stage: Air Naval Zeppelin / Story: Battle Equestrian forces on the front lines. Get brainwashed. Betray comrades. Try to save comrades. Get revenge.  / Anything else: Might get additional weapons when she defeats certain characters. 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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I've done this before here, but hey, may as well submit again, if yore looking for a variety of characters. :)


This is a profile for Amber Dust


Fighting Strategy: I don't know any specific types of strategy, but this character would be best for players who really want to shock and awe their opponents with hard melee attacks and jumping about. This character wouldn't require a terrible amount of patience, but would require good timing and would take a bit of getting used to.

Pros / Cons: Amber Dust would be fairly balanced, but not the fastest nor the strongest in the roster. Her main weakness would be her difficulty of control. Her strengths include her ability to avoid/deflect hits, her ability to tire out opponents, and her rather high stamina. A bit of a tank, I suppose, as she's used to surviving on her own and doesn't tire easily. Her attacks aren't too powerful damage wise, but they usually have side-effects.

Specials: Blinding or otherwise disorienting bursts of magic, followed by swift melée attacks. Illusions that trap/hurt you when you attack them.

Normal Moves: Bucks, short-distance teleportation, minor magic bursts.

Super Combo/Finisher: Hmm... I haven't thought of a proper finishing move. Amber is something of an archaeologist, so perhaps a spell/artefact that summons an ancient magic to sweep away opponents in a succession of huge bursts of energy!

Taunt: "Aren't you tired?" "Don't push yourself-!" Generally subtle digs to throw them off.

Music / Stage / Story / Anything else: Mysterious, magical music with a hint of something ancient stirring within. Her stage would be some ancient ruins like a cathedral or temple from long ago, and she wouldn't talk much and would have a general neutrality about her. In story mode, she would probably appear a little after the halfway point and would have a mysterious appearance about her. Her attitude towards battle is, "if you insist, let's get this over with."

Edited by AmberDust
  • Brohoof 1

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

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Fighting Strategy: Defensive. Know thine enemy, then bring him to his knees. (May work as a training character of some sorts.)

Pros / Cons: Strong basic attacks, but lacks from vast variations of combos. Boost of magic in nocturnal arenas coupled with a decline while on diurnal ones.

Specials: (Any of these, but not all of them)

Timber-bait. (Toss bait towards the adversary direction, thus alluring a pack of timberwolves for a single, heavy group charge.)

Ethereal beacon. (Charged, damage of the final blow depends on how long you've charged it.)

Survivor. (Temporary. Limited. For a few seconds every atack from the adversary will be dodged/blocked.)

Normal Moves: 

Kick with one leg. Melee, average damage.

Magic beam. Ranged. High damage.

Buck. Melee. Very close range. Can stun the adversary.

Super Combo/Finisher: Shadow bucks the oponent's mug and proceds with a lower sweeping kick, therefore leaving his adversary dumbfounded in the ground. With a swift move, he stompts the fiend on his back to immobilize and finish him with a magic bolt. 

Taunt: *Head shake*

Music / Stage / Story / Anything else: When Our Journey Ends, Thunderdome or simple rain ambient sounds. (Dem music selection)


The badass, absolutely edgy motherf***ersb_blank_no_shadows_by_lshadowbeaml-d8f1


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Well... a while back, I made a move list for my OC as if she were in Smash Bros... (If you decide to go on, know that I go ALL OUT when designing my character for things like this and you'll be encountering a wall of text X3)




Up+b (recovery special): teleport (yaaaay for stealing mewtwo's recovery)
Side+b: Cutter beam (fires a medium-range [a little farther than PK fire] spinning curved blade-like projectile. Projectile has low knockback, to push enemies just far enough to keep them in the spinning blade as it moves forwards before dissipating)
Down+b: Reflecting mirror (pulls out magic mirror in front, which reflects projectiles)
Neutral b: Charge Shot (chargeable long range magic blast. because Samus)

Up tilt: Dazzle (waves hoof overhead as a rainbow trails behind, low damage and knockback, but high priority, good for priority-canceling areal attackers)
Side tilt: Mirror slap (swings the magic mirror horizontally, Mirror's hit-boxes function like Marth's tilts [the farther the opponent is, the more damage and knock-back the attack deals)
Down tilt: Tail sweep (after crouching, a quick spin swipes the tail at enemies [hooray for copying more mewtwo!]
Neutral a: Magical burst (small explosion bursts from in front, if followed by other neutral a's, several rapid smaller bursts combo opponents shortly before a final, larger burst deals the knock-back)

Up Smash: Flame geyser (a vertical cylinder of fire erupts from the ground in front, dealing fire damage and knocking enemies upwards)
Side Smash: Horn charge (dashes forwards slightly to attempt to stab with horn)
Down Smash: Tornado spin (flattens out with hooves sprawled in all directions while charging, before using magic to rapidly spin when released)

Uair: Sparkle shower (sparks jump outwards in all directions from horn, damaging and pushing enemies upwards.)
Bair: Mirror swing (swing the mirror backwards, functions much like mirror slap, again, mirror's hit-boxes function like Marth's)
Fair: Tail Spike (Flips forward and whips with tail, hitbox on the tail is a meteor smash, hit-box on the very tip of the tail is a spike [spikes are meteor smashes that can't be meteor canceled with a recovery move])
Dair: Double-hoof (quickly kicks one hoof, then the other beneath me in a half-circular motion)
Nair: Twirl~ (spins rapidly [now I'm stealing from Kirby!... So yeah, just imagine Kirby's Nair, but with a pony.])

Grapple animation: Telekinesis (thrusts head forward as horn glows, trying to grab-hold telekinetically, if the grab connects, they are outlined in a pinkish glow)
Pummel: Crush (grappled target vibrates quickly as the outline shifts inward for the frames that the target is vibrating, a crunching sound is played, implying a telekinetic crushing)
Up throw: Cutter gust (throws opponents upwards with a gust of wind, saturated with tiny cutter beams, medium knock-back, medium damage, knocks the target vertically)
Back throw: Whiplash toss (whips head backwards and launches the grappled target, high knock-back, low damage)
Forward throw: Burst launch (fires a magical bolt at the grappled opponent after holding them out at a slightly longer distance, the bolt explodes in a small burst, dealing medium damage and medium knock-back, knocks the opponent in a horizontal arc)
Down Throw: Brutal smash (Slams grappled target directly into ground. Low knock-back, high damage. Can be teched to prevent bouncing, however, damage is still dealt. If thrown at the tip of a ledge, it functions as a meteor smash [though easy to meteor cancel from the low knockback])

Up taunt: "I'm sorry :adorkable: "
Side taunt: "Where do you want me to hit you? Hehe, just kidding; I don't take requests!"
Down taunt: "Pick a god and start praying!"

Final Smash!: Nothing More You Need! (Hocus has a hole appear in front of her that sucks closeby enemies in., if somepony is pulled in, Hocus herself jumps in too. The hole leads to a space where Hocus' two friends, Sugar Sweet the Earth Pony, and Tru Bud the Pegasus [the three's cutiemarks are for sweets {Sugar}, friendship {Tru}, and magic {Hocus}. there's nothing more you need than those three things] are waiting. Sugar bucks the enemies into the air, Tru attacks them in the air, and Hocus finishes it with a massive magical blast that launches enemies back through the hole. Hocus jumps back through the hole and closes it up while the targets are sent flying)




So I guess I could try to work this into the standard 2-D fighting format :P


Fighting Strategy: Being a magic-heavy character, Hocus Pocus would be a very spacey character as well. Where I'm standing and where my opponent is standing will mean everything, and all my moves can range from incredible to absolutely useless depending on where the characters are on stage. However, most moves focus on keeping your opponent at a distance and using magic attacks to pelt them from afar.


Pros / Cons:


Great range

Great damage output on special attacks

Moves for just about every situation

Average movement speed

standard attacks have a quick recovery time (The amount of time it takes after an attack is made to go back to a neutral position where you can input your next action)



Low health

Using the spacey magic moves can deplete your special gauge very quickly.

Weak standard attacks

Low Priority on some standard attacks (many standard moves can be cancelled or over-run with other attacks)

Relies on using special attacks, if the special gauge is empty, prepare for a solid thrashing.

Lacks range on standard attacks

Lacks damage on standard attacks

Many attacks useless from certain distances



Quarter circle forward Light attack: Horn Jab- A quick poke with the horn, deals light damage, and has a quick recovery time

Quarter circle forward Medium attack: Horn Charge- Hocus thrusts her head forwards in an attempt to gore the enemy. This attack will move her forwards some, damage and recovery time are slightly more than Horn Jab

Quarter circle forward heavy attack: Horn Burst- Hocus jabs her horn into the enemy, and causes a small explosion to burst from the area. Damage is only slightly more than Horn Charge, but the enemy receives a much greater amount of knockback. The recovery time, however, is significantly longer. This is a good move to use if you read that your opponent is going to charge forwards.

Quarter circle forward Magic attack: Cutter Beam- [uses a large amount of the magic meter] a spinning, crescent-shaped projectile slightly little smaller than an average pony is fired forwards. It travels a short distance (about a third of the screen) before slowing down to a halt and lingering in one place for about half a second before dissipating. The projectile deals little damage, but pushes enemies just far enough to be hit with it multiple times while still in hit-stun, making its damage add up. However, it may pass through an opponent if used while the opponent is too close (its knockback isn't enough to keep pushing them all the way across its distance). It has a rather high priority, and is useful for forcing an opponent to keep their distance. Plus, if you can hit them at just the right distance, they may be trapped in the attack during its half-second stand-still period before it dissipates, opening the door for a follow-up attack.

Quarter circle back Light attack: Spin~- Hocus flattens out on her belly, and uses magic to spin herself around once, quickly moving backwards by a small amount. If an opponent is hit, they take a very small amount of damage and are tripped (essentially a knockback so small, it cannot be seen, but still plays the knockback animation). Only the first few frames have a hitbox, however, and if you use this with your back to a wall, your enemy may get back up and punish you before your attack animation ends if they can move quick enough.

Quarter circle back Medium attack: Twirl~- Hocus spins twice, moving back a farther distance, however, with the distance also comes a longer recovery time, and an easier punish if you back yourself into a wall.

Quarter Circle back Heavy attack: Cyclone~- Hocus spins three times, slower than Spin~ or Twirl~, but she keeps the hitbox as she is spinning. The attack moves you back only slightly farther than Twirl~, and it is still rather weak.

Quarter Circle back Magic attack: Flame Geyser- [uses a small amount of the magic meter] A jet of flame erupts in front of Hocus, the enemy is knocked upwards and back, effective as a tool to get your opponent to back away from you when you are trapped against a wall, or if an opponent is attacking from above since the geyser raises up about two and a quarter ponies high. essentially a shorioken (if that's how you spell it)

Down Down Light attack: Cutter Breeze- Hocus creates a small gust in the area just in front of her, saturated with tiny cutter beams. It pushes opponents back without playing their knockback animation and deals light damage, it has very low priority, however, and can be cancelled out with most other attacks.

Down Down Medium attack: Cutter Gust- Deals a little more damage than Cutter Breeze, and has  a slightly higher priority, but has a longer recovery time

Down Down Heavy attack: Cutter Blast- Deals significantly more damage than Cutter Gust, has a higher priority, deals actual knock-back rather than push-back, and has a MUCH much longer range, but the attack is made diagonally upwards to counter air-borne enemies. It also has a small start-up time and a longer recovery-time than Cutter Gust.

Down Down Magic attack: Ball Lightning- [uses a moderate amount of the magic meter] A quickly-rolling ball of electricity is sent across the floor, if it hits an opponent, the ball explodes, dealing damage and a small amount of knock-back

Quarter circle back Light attack in air: Burst Stall- Hocus flips forwards and lets loose a small burst of magic from her horn when her head reaches her front, popping her ever so slightly higher in the air, and changing her momentum to slowly falling backwards. Any enemy that is hit by the small hitbox from the burst of Hocus' horn takes a small amount of damage and knockback. If used multiple times in the air, only the first Burst Stall has any effect on Hocus' momentum

Quarter circle back Medium attack in air: Energy Blast- Hocus flips forwards and fires a small projectile diagonally into the ground, This affects her momentum in the same way as Burst Stall, however, she is popped slightly higher into the air and is unable to take any more actions until Hocus hits the ground. She can still, however, influence her trajectory with Directional Influence (holding to the left makes her fall slightly to the left, and vice-versa)

Quarter circle back Heavy attack in air: Energy Bomb- Hocus flips forwards and lets loose a large explosion from her horn, the burst sends her backwards quickly and pops her lightly higher in the air. The explosion radius is much larger and has a much higher priority than Burst Stall, however, Hocus will no longer be able to take any actions until she hits the ground. Due to the speed she is flying backwards fromt he attack, Directional Influence has no effect on her trajectory.
Quarter circle back Magic attack in air-  Horn Drill- [uses a moderate amount of the magic meter] Hocus begins to spin, as she projects a drill around her made of magical energy. She drops straight downwards and damages enemies hit by the drill slightly, it also deals very low knockback, but moderate hitstun. Upon hitting the ground, a small explosion is generated where Hocus lands that deals moderate damage and moderate knockback. The recovery time from this move is rather long, however, and can be easily punished if the attack misses or is blocked.


Normal Moves:


Gains Magic back by: (As you know, in fighting is magic, your magic meter is separate from your special meter, if you are using M.U.G.E.N. instead, with only a special meter, and no magic meter, feel free to ignore this) Keeping distance from opponent. The farther away Hocus is, the faster she gains her magic back. If she is in close combat, the whole time, it will take a very long time to gain the magic needed for magic attacks.

Blocking Animation: Hocus holds up her magical mirror in front of her. (It does not, however, reflect projectiles)

Grab Animation: Telekinesis- Hocus thrusts head forward as her horn glows, trying to grab-hold telekinetically, if the grab connects, they are outlined in a pinkish glow before Hocus tosses her head back, and the enemy is thrown behind her.

Light ground attack: Magical Burst- Hocus creates a small explosion bin front of her, if followed by other light ground attacks, several rapid-fire smaller bursts can combo opponents for a very short time. Even if caught in the combo, this attack does not do very much damage and has rather low priority, however, it can be used as a springboard for combos if you can catch your opponent in the first few split-seconds of hitstun

Medium ground attack: Magical Blast- A larger explosion is created in front of Hocus, it deals light damage and light knockback. Good for putting opponents within range of Cutter Beam if they don't move from the spot they land in.

Heavy ground attack: Magical Bomb- An slightly larger explosion than Magical Blast is created in front of Hocus. Its damage and knockback are greater, and its priority is above average, however, the recovery time is greater.

Light air attack: Sparkle Shower- Hocus thrusts her horn forwards, and several sparks jump from it, covering a small cone-like area in front of her. The sparks each deal a light amount of damage and hitstun, so multiple sparks usually hit at once, however, the attack had rather low priority.

Medium air attack: Pogo Hoof- Hocus slams her back hooves beneath her. If the attack connects, her opponent is sent straight downwards, while Hocus is popped up higher in the air. A great move to follow with a Horn Drill, however, if the attack misses, there is a rather long recovery time, to the point where you may likely recover by hitting the ground before you recover from the attack in the air.

Heavy air attack: Body Slam- Hocus attempts to telekinetically grab an enemy in front of her. If the attack connects, she moves the enemy below her, and pile-drives them into the ground.

Light crouch attack: Get away!- Hocus thrusts both hooves in front of her from her crouching position. If the attack connects, the enemy takes light damage and takes light push-back (like knockback, but without the animation, and still with a bit of hitstun). Hocus is also pushed back by a small amount, but without hitstun (recovery time still applies, though of course).

Medium crouch attack: Trapdoor- Hocus Telekinetically flips a small patch of the ground in front of him. Enemies hit are pushed back

Heavy Crouch attack: Mirror Slap- Hocus swings her mirror in front of her, the further the opponent is from Hocus, the more damage and push-back is dealt.

Launch Animation: (again, only for Fighting is Magic, since everypony has some sort of launch attack that can be done with diagnal down/forward, heavy attack) Mirror Toss- Hocus lays her mirror in front of her and slams her hoof on the edge close to her, popping the other end up like a see-saw. Opponents that are hit by this attack are launched vertically.


Super Combo/Finisher: 

Nothing More You Need!- Hocus's two friends, Tru Bud and Sugar Sprinkles appear beside her. Sugar bucks upwards, and if the initial attack hits, Tru Bud flies up to deliver a devastating flurry of blows. Tru's last hit pops the opponent higher in the air for Hocus to unleash a large lazer that delivers the final hit of the combo. If Sugar's initial attack fails, the two disappear again.



"I'm sorry :twi: "

"Where do you want me to hit you? ... Hehe, sorry, I don't take requests!"

"Pick a god and start praying!"


Music / Stage / Story / Anything else:

Hocus lives alone in a small and strange structure on an Island off the coast of Baltimare that her and her friends have taken to calling "Hideaway Island". Hocus will fight to defend her privacy on the island, so her home stage should be a small, heavily-forested island. Off of the island, Hocus is very shy, but will fight to defend her friends.

As for music, I've posted before that the music Hocus would charge into battle with would sound something similar to this



Of course, I wouldn't use exactly that theme if I aimed to make money off of anything with Hocus in it, because that would be stealing X3.


But I feel it describes Hocus' personality. Not exactly itching to fight, but willing to if it's to protect something she loves, such as the island or her friends. And while she may be reluctant to fight, she's no pushover, and will certainly not hold back in battle.


Victory Pose: Hocus closes her eyes and shakes her head "Such a waste..."

Defeat Animation: Hocus gets up, and with a swish of her cape, she vanishes, fleeing and leaving her cape behind to blow away in the wind.


Miscelaneous Speech Flavortext:

When performing Ultimate- "Friendship, Magic, and Sweets, there's nothing more you need!", "Tru! Sugar! Help me!", "Say hello to my best friends!"

When using attacks that push the enemy back- "Get away!', "Stay back!", "Eep!"

When using Spin~, Twirl~, or Cyclone~- "Whoosh!" "Spin to win~", "Swish!"

When using heavily damaging attacks: "AlakaZAM!", "*generic battle grunt*", "Bam!"

Edited by Hocus Pocus

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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Fighting Strategy: Fast moves, flexibility, precision

Pros (green) / Cons (red):


- Attacks from behind or above

- Stealth attack from the sky

- Strong body and quarters

- Can knock down and cause serious injury to enemies on the ground using posterior quarters

- Can perform meteorogical strikes using thuders, lightnings, wind (also tornados) and hailstorms


- He's a pegasi, so basically if unable to fly, he loses most of his abilities.

- Wings can be damaged by fire and provide more opportunities to enemies to harm or grab him from side while deployied by accident or by an attemp to fly




- "Gone with the Wind" >  Dingo_Dash turns on itself into a mini-cyclone for a short window of time. If the opponent takes contact while DD is performing this move, the enemy takes multiple hits. Causes light damage.


- "Applejack's Teachings" > If the opponent is behind him, this move let Dingo_Dash maintain his equilibrium with anterior quarters for a short period of time and hit repeately the opponent with a superfast rose of hits his posterior quarters. Causes medium damage and randomly dase


- "War Thunder" > DD recalls a stormy cloud and hit it with a hoof causing a thunder that will spread in the opposite direction. Can cause heavy damage and daze



Normal moves (ground):


Single anterior quarter attack

Multiple anterior quarter attack

Multiple anterior quarter attack + half turn and posterior quarter attack

Defence > Uses wings to take cover


Normal moves (on air):


Single anterior quarter attack

Multiple anterior quarter attack

Multiple anterior quarter attack + half turn and posterior quarter attack

Defence > Keep crossed anterior quarters to defend from opponent's hits

"Takedown" attack (flyes high disappearing from te screen but leaving a marker) > Strikes hard from above

"Cannon ball" > Turns into a loop and strikes with at superspeed


A: Press once for single attack, press multiple times for chain hits, keep pressed for posterior quarter attack

B: Defend

C: Toggle fly mode

B + Up: Jump

B (keep pressed) + Down (while on fly mode): "Takedown"

B + Up + A (keep pressed): "Cannon Ball"


Super Finisher: Grabs his opponent by the neck and flies high. Swoops down with him\her and crush it's body to the ground. Stands over the exhausted enemy looking at the screen with aquiline glance and wings open in all their length, in a glorious pose.

Taunt: "Don't buck with Dingo Dash" - "Was it a caress?" - "My agenda is full of things to do, so hurry up!" - "Is that your mom who's calling you?" - "It's time to kick somepony's face and eat some muffins... And I've finished them!"


Music/Stage (no ideas but if i have to stick to classical stuff...): Norrin Radd - Do or Die! (Retro City Rampage Soundtrack) > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k2YDCNFDKc&list=PLjDNZ2fyuV-2J3qKmggwWJ0MUX_3bKVzW&index=8

Also member of Cutie Mark Crusaders - http://www.mylittlepony.it/forum/index.php   -  http://i.imgur.com/1pVyHyu.jpg



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I have multiple characters but I'll go with Scorpion, since he's my first OC. I'll do it in the Fighting is Magic manner.


Scorpion is an all-around human character with great resilience, capable of both offense and defense. His fairly simple controls are ideal for beginners. However, in capable hands, he can also dish out deadly combos that rival with those of others.


Assuming there are these keys

Up, down, left, right, a, b, c, d, e, f


Fighting Strategy: Capable of both offense and defense style. Skilled in ranged output and CQC.



- Great Resilience

- Balanced in both offense and defense



- Ranged weapon usage limited (ammo)

- Moderate stats in damage, defense, and agility render character with no specific statistical advantage








Punch: a


Kick: b


Knife: c


Grab: d


Rifle: e *requires at least one bar of magic* (optional: accompany with left/right key for back hop or lunge.)

(Fires three consecutive shots, move has a cool down of 1 second, and could be used 3 times per round.)


First Aid *spends 1 bar of magic*: f (Recovers 10% of Scorpion's total health)


Grenade *requires at least 2 bars of magic*: right/left + f (Scorpion throws a grenade with any of the following random effects: damage, stun, reducing opponent's attack by half for 10 seconds, or making the opponent take 2x more damage from sources for 5 seconds. Getting caught in the effect radius will cause Scorpion to be affected by the grenades as well. Move has a cool down of 1 second after use, and could be used 2 times per round.)


Classic Combo: a + a + b


Solid Combo: a + a + a + b + b


Knockout: a + a + b + a + a + a + a + a + a


CQC throw: right/left + d






Super Move


Alternate personality *Spends 3 bars of magic*: down + down + down + c (Scorpion recovers 25% of his total health. He also deals 3x more damage, and takes half of usual damage from sources for 10 seconds. After buff duration expires, he deals 1/3 of his usual damage and takes 2x more damage from sources for 5 seconds)

Edited by Solid Scorpion
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  • 1 year later...

Hmmm, well, can't say I'm very familiar at all with fighting games, but I've often thought of wedging him in as a miniboss for Warcraft, Undertale and even a card in MTG TCG. Don't know the controls and such, but I've got the good mental image of how the games played from the times I've seen games like Street Fighter shown on youtube videos and the like.


As for Widdershins's stats: Huge health pool & a very small hit box, but very weak defenses. Only his head can take damage, and as his health goes down various parts of his body(starting with his limbs, tail, then the rings of his body until he's left as just a head) start exploding off him with various cartoonish sound effects.


Tactics: Dodge & Flurry!

Widdershin's long body extends off screen, with his head waggling up & down. As he can't extend far enough across the screen to reach the opponent, he relies on rapid-fire pancakes to deal damage, akin more to a arcade shooter game.


Special Attacks:

1. Can speed up his already fast pancake delivery by whirlwinding his ears and scooping up more pancakes from nowhere resulting in a solid stream that,if not avoided, deals massive damage.

2. While he still has his tail on, his Ultimate move(or whatever its called when the magic bar is filled up) consists of him looping back into a hoop shape and somersaulting at the opponent, and can only be dodged by jumping through the gap and into him as he rolls by.

3. With tail gone, but the long body still mostly intact: Ultimate move becomes him spiraling up into the air real fast, and summoning a Pancake Tornado that travels towards the opponent and fills the screen from top to bottom.

4. With just a head left(and a very small window of health & time left to do anything) his Ultimate becomes him tucking his long ears around his head, and ricocheting wildly around the screen like a superball. If he makes contact he'll take as much damage to himself as dealt.


Cons: If the opponent can manage to grab him by his head and slam it into the ground, he'll be stunned long enough for half his health to be whittled away at.


Death Animation: When the last blow is dealt, Widdershins's eyes will widen, shudder a bit, then explode off screen in the direction of the top corner opposite of where he spawned with the Kirby Death sound effect music playing. Then his head will roll back to his corner from across the screen as his voice is heard saying "Whoops! My baaaad!!!" Seconds later, an enraged Derpy will chase him off-screen.


Pre-combat Quote: "I can help with that!"     "Griddlecakes comin' in hot! ORRRRDER UUUUP!!!"

Win Quote: "Now who's falling apart?!!?"    "Oopsie! Did I do thaaaat?"   "Didn't mean to SYRUP  your throne!"

Defeat Screen: "Aww, Poopy!"     "No mo' play?..."     "CAKE YOU LATER!!"

Attack Quotes: 1. "Have some cake! And eat it too!"

2.  "I'm onna ROLL TONIGHT!!!"

3. "Batter up!...get it?"

4.  "Haaave a BALL!  *ping*  No,wait, A pancake!  *ping*   ...Other thing!  *ping*   Insertpunhere!"


Stage: Chaos Ponyvile under Discord's rule, or really anywheres that's pink & has a bunch of random floaty bits!

Music: Hotel California! I don't care if it's copyrighted or doesn't fit! It just gooooots ta be!


  Edit: Forgot to mention he's a Draconequus! Also have a Hydra in the works, but I tend to think of things more along the lines of an MMORPG.

Edited by Widdershins

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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For my OC unicorn, Captain Doubloon


Fighting Strategy: Due to her personal stance on magic, mostly melee close combat.


Pros / Cons: Pros: Stronger offensive melee than other unicorn characters but still not on the same level as earth ponies.


Cons: Weaker offensive & defensive magic compared to other unicorn characters.


Specials: Light: A weak magic bolt shaped like a gold coin. Used as a stun with very little damage.


Medium: Runs off screen and swings on a rope kicking the opponent.


Heavy: Whistles and her shipmates stampede across the stage doing multiple hit damage to an opponent.


Magic: Summons an anchor that drops instantly to the ground, doing damage if an opponent doesn't move out of the way in time.


Normal Moves: Left/right punch with front two legs, back leg kick, head ram


(Super Combo/Finisher: Uses magic to summon an ocean wave for damage as well as pushing opponent back.


Taunt: Fixes hat and says something like "Is that all ya got?" or "I'll teach you not te mess with a sailor."


Music / Stage / Story / Anything else: Sea shanty music set on a pier during a sunny day with other sailors cheering in the background.


When left idle after a few seconds, Doubloon will start playing on her accordion, which can't be heard by the players. If left idle on her personal stage, some ponies in the background will cover their ears as if she's playing bad and will run away in a panic.

Edited by Sgamer


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Fighting Strategy: Magic Range Attacks :please:

Pros / Cons: Strong magical attacks but have weak melee attacks,average defense,and health.Also uses a'lot of magic too 


Light:A Burst of Magic Bolt that slows down and damages a pony for 3 seconds 

Medium:A Blast of Magic that does random damage

Heavy:Shoots out a heavy damaging maigc beam 

Normal Moves: Punches with her front hoofs,hind leg kicks,and headbutt

Super Combo/Finisher: Flies up and uses a Magic Barrage Spell

Music: I don't know,any musics that fit in will do I guess

Stage:In Manehatten :P

Edited by Princess Moony




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Fighting Strategy:  Focuses on raking up as many combos as possible.

Pros / Cons: Rapid combo attacks but weak defense and average health.


Light: Attacks using a sword made of leaves

Medium: Becomes surrounded in a tornado of leaves and slams into the oponent

Heavy: Summons a decent amount of thorns and vines and plants to sprout onto the ground hurting anyone who gets hit by them

Normal Moves: Fights using tai chi stances.

Super Combo/Finisher: Releases a large burst of energy that causes a giant flurry of magical leaves.

Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLGW4-pgGXc

Stage: Some kind of tranquil garden

Edited by cmarston1


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