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Why is the Pony Creator looked down upon? (Examples please?)


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Because its EVERYWHERE. Ponycreator makes it so easy to make "original characters", so everyone makes these terrible looking OCs and posts them all over the Internet. Every single google image search will eventually lead to these. It's become a plague, not because its bad, necessarily, but because its everywhere, and often encourages a lack of creativity and effort.

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

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I don't agree with the negative feedback it gets; all these "abominations" people see are not representative of everything that comes out of the program. Some people aren't as good with the program while others are; it's just like any other creative-based program. I've seen plenty of good looking OCs come out of this program, and many bad ones. No need to hate the program based on what some people make with it.


While it's not really the best medium for creating ponies (it's a bit limited with poses and creating original designs), it is very accessible and has other uses that are useful for artists. You can use it to easily test out color schemes, and use the manestyles to help you with coming up with your own manestyle. And for those who aren't as skilled with drawing, it is useful for creating ponies easily that can be used as references for those that are good at drawing. It's honestly a really handy program.

Edited by Blue Moon
  • Brohoof 1
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I actually think most of the hatred stems from the fact that a lot of people now have the ability to make OC's, but Pony Creator makes it so that a lot of only focus on the visual, and not the character itself. I can't tell you how many OC's i've personally seen that were just seemingly created on a whim with no background or personality, and it pisses me off every time when people are proud of having done essentially nothing.


Basically, I don't mind the program itself, because it helps people who already have interesting ideas finish them and make unique, interesting OC's. But unless you put more effort into it than just creating a face, they're neither original, nor characters, and a quite a few people who know who they are need to stop pretending they are.

However I see the pony creator as a tool that allows us to focus more on story and personality rather than the visuals because less attention is put into the visuals and more into the writing. That is if they don't make them ghastly and gaudy like those examples.


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I, personally, saw Pony Creator as a godsend. It's a good tool to create at least an initial visual for a pony OC that you can use as a reference later on for work from artists who do art for real.


Some say all the ponies have a certain sameness because of limited options. That's fair. Some say some people have made absolutely hideous creations with it. Also fair, but you'd get that in any case no matter what, it's just be ghastly coloured and badly drawn as well. But for people like me who had a concept for an OC in mind (Yes, personality and backstory included) but couldn't draw a straight line using two rulers, Pony Creator was great for creating a visual reference while tweaking details, like making sure that the colours used didn't make your retinas scream in pain.


With a little patience and willingness to play with pretty much all the sliders, Pony Creator is great for creating a quick visual reference for a new OC, and while I would neither call it art nor try to pass it off as such, sometimes you just need a simple picture.

  • Brohoof 2

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Rain was my first oc created with it, he looked like this at first:







Now that has turned into this:








And i'm quite happy my friend on Fimfiction did this for me. But as far as the hate for this program goes; its really a shame to see people blaming a program instead of the person who made the OC in the first place.


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


//// My DA: (OC requests available) ////


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And here's a tip for the ones saying they can't draw- trace.


As if it's even remotely that simple. Tracing could not bring me to what I have for my avatar. I wanted a very show-accurate style, the digital style, which is not at all simple to get to from tracing. It is not at all a simple process, and it's one that requires both skill AND talent. Trust me, because I even tried from scratch. I followed tutorials, but I never liked the results at all. I just am not fit for this kind of thing.


But of course, people always have to hate on tools that make such things easily available to those of us who are less talented and skilled (or gosh, have other things to do with our lives, and just want a simple way to make an OC). Relax, it doesn't take anything away from those who have the skill and talent. My "OC" can only appear as she does in my avatar and profile because not only are there very limited poses with the Pony Creator, but it's gone, and the mane was removed early on. I acknowledge the limits.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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A lot of the hate is because some people who can draw pretty decently wants to feel better then other people. So they use the pony creator as a excuse to  look down at people. 


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Pony Creator is to OC making what Flash is to Animation. It's a tool used for people who aren't good at drawing to make show accurate OCs quickly. I do believe it gets too much hate. Some people naturally can't draw and can't learn due to say having fine motor issues.


I will say though, it is home to some of the most ridiculous looking OCs. Some of the OCs I've seen come out of there, I'm not sure if they're supposed to be joke OCs.

  • Brohoof 1



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I used pony creator a lot before I got a pen tablet. I drew my OCs on paper, so I couldn't afford to mess up. So I had to get the basic design and color scheme with the pony creator and draw it on paper afterwards. After I got a pen tablet, I was able to start digital drawing, and I was able to fix mistakes easily. Besides, I prefer 3q view. 


Also, you can put horns and mechanical wings on your OC, but it doesn't allow eye shadow? I never seen an pony with horns or mechanical wings, but I have seen ponies with eye shadow! One of the Mane Six wears eye shadow for Celestia's sake! .


People are very judgemental on OCs. Many of my OCs have two colored manes. Two colored mane isn't anything special. Zecora, Mayor Mare, Sweetie Belle, June Bug, Mrs. Cake, etc. Rarity's mane is gradient! 


Can someone have an OC that is visually appealing instead of being Mary Sue or Gary Stu? 


Sometime a character can look Mary Sue but isn't. Here is an example: 



She looks like she is Mary Sue, but she's not. I checked. She has plenty of flaws, she isn't royal, she isn't related nor in a relationship with any of the Mane Six, so on. Here's information about her.



Name: Gleaming Gem
Nicknames: None

Gender: Mare
Age: Adult
Species: Unicorn
Height: Slightly Above Average
Weight: Average

Hometown: Canterlot
Current Residence: Canterlot

Occupation: Jeweler

Mane Color/Style/Length: Pink and Purple, medium length

Coat Description: Violet Blue-ish

Eye Shape/Color: Similar to Rarity's, dark blue

Accessories: A fancy dress or a necklace on occasion.

Allegiance: None

Cutie Mark: Two diamond rings

Special Talent: Making Jewelry

Family: High Society ponies.

Friends: Several friends, mostly unicorns. She prefers to be friends with other high class ponies.

Personality: Sophisticated, well mannered, elegant.

Flaws: Somewhat of a snob, materialistic, hates rejection.

[Character History]
She was born into a wealthy family in Canterlot. As a pony born with a silver spoon, she rarely had to do anything as a filly. She loved the jewelry her parents gave her, and she frequently drew pictures of them. When drawing wasn't enough, she wanted to learn how jewlery was made. Her wish was granted when she was taken to a ring shop. She eagerly watched the jeweler make a ring, and he let her try to make jewelry herself. She tried to make a ring, but it was poor quality. Still, the jeweler said that she did better than most ponies on their first try. Later, her parents bought a jewelry making kit for her. She continued making jewelry until she was skillful and earned her cutie mark. She took over the ring shop after the old owner left and turned it into a shop for a variety of jewelry. Today, she still owns the jewelry store and makes jewelry for many ponies.

[Current Home]
She lives in a fancy house in Canterlot and creates jewelry for a living.

[Powers List]

Basic unicorn magic
Ability to mold solid objects, specifically metals



I'm not sure if I can even make her with pony creator, but if I could, would she be any different? Besides the fact that she would be profile view. Her character information and all that stuff are the same. 


Hating the creator because of how others use it is rediculous. People can make terrible OCs anywhere, and they could make great OCs anywhere. 


Want to see a picture of one of my more OP OCs? (Single colored mane.) He's not extremely powerful, but he is Gary Stu because he's a king. Even though he's an antagonist in a fanfiction I should write but can't seem to figure out how. He's a greedy king who imposes unfair taxes on the ponies of his kingdom. It's a Rarity fan fiction by the way. The drawing isn't my best. 









Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

My Drawing of Rarity

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I actually loved it, I was incredibly excited when I came across it and over the course of a few days created 7 OCs. Plus an additional two for one of my fanfiction I'm writing.


It's a life saver for those who've invested all their real life skill points into skills other than drawing.

(Music and Writing are mine if anyone's curious)

Edited by Mustang D
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I don't think that Pony Creator is inherently bad. It's actually a very useful tool for experimenting with colour schemes and the overall feel of your OC before you develop them further.


The problem is that too many people rely on Pony Creator. Yes, you can choose the colour scheme, the mane/tail style, the type of pony, accessories etc. But there are limitations, because the game only gives you a certain amount of options. Even if you think that your Pony Creator OC is unique, the reality is that someone else could coincidentally create exactly the same pony for themselves.


The good thing about creating your own OC from scratch is that you have complete creative control. If you look at Pony Creator OC's you'll notice that so many of them have Rainbow Dash or Vinyl Scratch's mane and tail style, which severely affects the overall originality of the character. By designing your own pony, you will ensure that it is truly unique.


I understand that not everyone is great at drawing, but there's no harm in at least giving it a try. I know for a fact that many people appreciate original drawings, regardless of how good they are, much more than Pony Creator OCs. If you at least get an original idea down on paper, I'm sure there will be someone willing to draw your character for you in all its glory. :)

Sweet Style ♥ Ivy Swirl ♥

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