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My previous post on this topic got quoted thrice in about 25 minutes by those above.


We're bronies, man. It, like, happens. ;) 


Speaking of that stallion, I'm in favor of the theory that he's Tree Hugger's father. That's just awesome. ^_^  


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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Firstly, ship fuel to the max..... Twily cane makes a cameo, Dr Hooves is.... Well just how I would expect.... Just like doctor who.... The sea serpent dude, finally gets a name..... 99 episodes after his first appearance. Derpy =Muffins. No surprise there.......


It was........ AWESOME!!!!!!!!

  • Brohoof 1
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Before I jump into all my thoughts about Slice of Life, let me congratulate MLP:FIM for reaching it's 100th episode! :D The cast, the writers, everybody from the directors themselves to the animators have done such a wonderful job on each and every episode :fluttershy: My congratulations goes out to them all! ^u^


This has definitely become my second best episode, my first to always be Sisterhooves Social. Anyways, that's not even important right now! I probably finished the episode about an hour ago, and still I can't seem to put my mind on anything else :rarity: Best part for me was Gummy, hands down.


“What is life? Is it nothing more than the endless search for a cutie mark? And what is a cutie mark but a constant reminder that we're all only one bugbear attack away from oblivion? And what of the poor gator? Flank forever blank, destined to an existential swim down the river of life to... an unknowable destiny?" -Gummy


I am guilty of wanting more episodes like these, but I know that this was a special for a reason ^w^



Dr. Whooves/ Hooves, I keep forgetting the spelling, but he too was a success! I liked the Doctor Who references, even if I am not a fan of the show now, I was when the tenth doctor was around (I miss you David Tennant :( ) I got to hear him say what I have anticipated most for, “Alons-y!" I'm sure the bow tie, time travel references and the scarf made Doctor Who Fans and MLP Fans alike go wild! ;)


Lyra Heartstrings/Bon Bon

The one thing that had me disappointed was Lyra's personality. I own a collection of MLP toys, and Lyra was the first one I had. When I use to play with them as I was younger (in the newer days of MLP FIM), I liked Lyra best. I thought of her as a smart, charming, pony who was really outgoing and super friendly (like Levy from Fairy Tail.) I'm a bit disappointed to see that her personality seemed to differ in ways. I know, that's not a fault on the writers part, just stating my opinion. :yay: Bon Bon (or whatever her name really is) disappointed me as well. Doesn't Bon Bon mean candy? I pictured her as a sweet pony who loved to do things like sleepovers or going to the park and stuff. In reality she's some secret agent? Kinda cool, yet not much what I pictured. Again, let me restate this is a fault on my part, not the writers. I guess one should never judge a book by its cover, or in this case, judge a pony with the name that means Candy for her personality.


Octavia/DJ Pon-3

Both had a positive reaction from me! Octavia seemed like I had always pictured her, proper and epic! :D DJ Pon-3 I liked as well. I have alqways liked her because she is so much like me, she is music obsessed and doesn't say a word. Yeah. Me. xD Except for on the internet :) She seemed a little less cool than how I had pictured her, yet I liked that! Too much coolness and you'll have me intimidated cx



Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!! She's just as derpy as ever cx The part when she shut the door on the Mane Six ponies had me laughin'! I find her cute, too, Derpy has something about her that strike me as adorable. I'm glad we go to see more of her!


And thar you have it! x3 My opinion! Now, I'm going to watch it over and over again! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. c: What a great episode!

  • Brohoof 1

Fabulous Forum Sister: Lissi Starlight

Anime lover!

I'm too fabulous to think of anything else to put XD

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Hmmm.... I have an personal moment of coincidence that has to do with my OC, Will Guide as a result of Bon Bon revealing her double life to Lyra. In my Head Fanon (Fanon that changes by MY will; not by the show's will, that's Head Canon), Will Guide was helping his next-door neighbors, L&BB with the decorations when Bon Bon told her secret. What happened off-screen after that was that Will Guide told Lyra that he too lives a double life (of sorts; being able to swap his soul between his Ponysona as Will Guide the Unicorn in Equestria and his True Self as William the Human in our Real Live-action Earth (separate from Equestria Girls Realm)). My talk with Lyra is what helped got her to forgive Bon Bon.


Again, that's just my personal head fanon. 

We're bronies, man. It, like, happens. ;)


Speaking of that stallion, I'm in favor of the theory that he's Tree Hugger's father. That's just awesome. ^_^  

 What Stallion are you theorizing is Tree Hugger's father?


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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I see that Tara Strong is the only one that didn't get to voice any background characters. I guess she just doesn't have the range that the other three do.


Also it bugs me a little that Derpy was listed as Muffins in the credits.

Tara strong? Not have range? You're funny.

I think it's more that all of tara strongs voices are pretty easy to accociate whit the rolls she used them for, particullarly to a fan of the dc super hero cartoons.


What is the deal with the "strangely obsessed w/ tubs of jelly" pony?  I think he has to be on of the people on the staff.  His face...  Sort of blew me away that those three made it in.

attachicon.gifToo Young, Too Flashy, Strangely Obsessed w Tubs of Jelly.jpg

and of course "too young" and "too flashy." 

And there goes my headcannon of him being a sea pony...

Edited by TwistedGear
  • Brohoof 1

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since when does Lyra have a lyre (that isn't her CM)? How do we know that her CM isn't purely symbolic, like Cherilee's is?


I guess you didn't dive much into the background ponies fan-canons did you? A lot of people have made pictures and wrote stories about Lyra and her use of a lyre, my statement had nothing to do with it being show canon. lol  

I made an OC! I'm always looking for feedback on her, please have a look and tell me what you think! ^^


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I didn't really enjoy the episode as a whole, and that's likely because most of the scenes focused too long on a character. At first I was excited to for example see Dr. Hooves, but then it just dragged on and on. But some of the individual scenes were well done, my favorite being the Octavia/Vinyl music scene in their home, "jumping the shark," and Celestia and Luna arguing.


Although I may not have liked everything, I really appreciate all the nods and recoginition they gave toward the fandom. That was a nice way of doing this.

Edited by JH24
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It went about as far as I expected I to go, to be honest. In terms of absolutely blatant and overly indulgent fan service. Really, that about sums up this episode. It feels like it was written by someone on Youtube, except run through a filter to remove the most explicit and excess parts. (Such as the Doctor being Doctor Who as a pony and Lyra/Bonbon being lesbians.) I was a bit surprised at how far they went with the Doctor though, considering copyright and was caught off-guard by the whole secret agent bit with Bon-Bon and Lyra (which was entirely random, stupid, and pointless to me. It was probably a reference to some fan thing I don't know about though), but that's about it, really. I was hoping for a moment that they might show a little more restraint than this, but nope. They just went on full force. The entire episode was made to be a big fat meme, with moments like Octavia and Vinyl Scratch riding around on the giant speaker system made to be a gif on Tumblr.


My feelings on this are mixed. Although the episode was complete nonsense, it was still more entertaining than most episodes. Seeing some new characters get the focus for once was nice. I would've preferred if I wasn't such heavy-handed fan pandering and had more of a plot, but I'll take what I can get. The episode would've benefitted from focusing on less characters to make a more concise delivery. Also, I don't think that this fangasm was appropriate to be the 100th episode. Something focusing on the main characters would have made more sense. Perhaps a slightly more serious episode that goes more in-depth with their characters and friendships. But then again, this show wouldn't have gotten to 100 episodes and likely would not have lasted past Season 2 if it wasn't for the bronies, so I can understand a celebration of the fandom. In both cases though, I think it should've been a two-parter. If they were going to have an overly indulgent fangasm, then the should have at least gone all the way, dammit!


Overall, it was okay, I guess. Even if it kind of makes me a bit sad how far out of hand the show's steady decline has gone, but I already was resigned to this fact by the end of Season 3, so it isn't a big deal to me. I mostly just find the way that people are eating up all of this overly fudgy cake to be amusing.


Man, talk about bitterness against a cartoon show. >_>

  • Brohoof 4

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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My literal reaction to this episode:


Alright, let's dive in.

Loved it.  Amazing.  Wow.  They really delivered.  First off, I want to say that I think it's amazing that we have this fan/creator relationship.  Some folks complain about this being pandering fanservice, and hate the relationship, but I see nothing wrong with fanservice in a franchise like this.  I think it's incredible and mindblowing that so much fan created stuff has adopted as canon by the creators.  Take Derpy for example.  We created her.  She was just an animation glitch, and would have never been seen again.  We made her, and the creators acknowledged our community in the most honoring and flattering way possible, by making her a real character!  How awesome is that?!

I absolutely loved Derpy in this episode.  It's a shame we'll never hear her name again, though.  I know they can't say her name anymore, because they'll get in trouble, and they have to list her canon name as Muffins, but whatever.  We know and they know what her name is.  Her part was fantastic, though.  I was thrilled to see her have so many lines, and be able to show so much personality.  I love her new voice, as well.  In some ways, her original, unedited Last Roundup voice will always be her real voice in my mind, but objectively speaking, I think her new voice is the best one.  It suits her perfectly.  She was so adorable, too.

Dr. Hooves was awesome.  I love how he and Derpy are friends.  I just regret that I don't appreciate the references because I've never seen Dr. Who.  (I know, I know, I'm sorry.  There isn't time for everything.)  But he was so great.  I loved him anyway.  Incidentally, I think that his science speech completely negates the horrible letter at the end of Feeling Pinkie Keen, so huzzah for that.

Definitely didn't expect to see The Big Lebowski guys again.  That was fun.  I honestly think they should have gotten Jeff Bridges and John Goodman, though.  I really do.  I know that would cost too much, though.  I also thought that when Dr. Hooves said he couldn't bowl because there were too many variables, the Dude should have replied by saying, "The buck you talkin' about man?"  I know that they couldn't do that, though.  Even though it's censored Equestrian style, it's still too suggestive.  But wouldn't that have been great?  Canon Equestrian profanity.  Think about that!

Lyra and Bon Bon were fantastic.  I could have done without the special agent thing, though.  Very weird.  I would have preferred them to just be friends and that's it.  No need to throw in that complication.  But I guess I can live with it.  They made it work with Miles/Nicholas Carbone on The Golden Girls, so....yeah, ok.  It did create a fantastic moral, though--that it feels good to share your deepest secrets with your closest friends, and that's what friends are for.  Very nice.  And it was neat how they used both names, but they could have easily just said that her real name is Sweetie Drops, and Bon Bon is just a nicknmame.  'Smatter with that?  But I really liked them anyway.  They make such an adorable pair, whether you wanna ship 'em or not.  I am absolutely in love with Lyra's voice.  :wub:   Also, I have to admit that for some reason, I found their rump bump to be just :wub: .

Steven Magnet was amusing, although he kind of lost my support when he told Mathilda that "the wedding is everything".  Her message was great.  Steven was mean.  I did love how he cut off his moustache for Cranky's toupe.  Oh, the irony's so thick you could cut it with a scale.  ;)

Octavia and Vinyl.  Wow.  I actually didn't think they were going to get to them.  I was so happy when they did.  Their house was awesome.  I love the whole Two-Face-esque split.  They're like The Odd Couple or something.  I absolutely loved their whole jam session thing.  Amazing.  Octavia's voice was wonderful as well.  I love her classy accent.  I will say that I'm disappointed, though not surprised, that Vinyl did not speak.  Would it be a stretch to suppose that they figured fans would reject any voice that wasn't Nowacking, and thus decided to have her remain silent?  Probably.  A more likely guess is that they decided that it would just be a good running gag at this point to treat her voice like Wilson's face from Home Improvement, or Maris from Fraiser.  Either way, I really wanted her to speak.  In fact, I'm not a big fan of Nowacking anyway, so it wouldn't have spoiled any headcanons for me.  I also think it's a shame that they never said either of their names.  Too bad.  Oh well.

I like how Derpy unintentionally locked out the six at the wedding ceremony.  Very cute.  Luna and Tia arguing was priceless.  Absolutely brilliant.  I love it when they act like real ponies.  Mayor Mare's speech was nice, of course.  I really loved the changeling at the wedding.  That was unexpected and awesome.  Just the other day I was debating that the changelings are very interesting villains because not all of them are necessarily inherently evil.  Some may be just misunderstood, and all may be capable of getting the sustinence they require without hurting anypony.  So, I say, headcanon confirmed!  Woot.

Jumping the shark--genius.

The only think I'm kinda wishy washy about is Gummy.  What...the frack?  Can't say I really approve.  We're suppose to believe he's a genius?  I'm sorry, I just can't buy that.  And it doesn't seem appropriate to me that a lower animal, one of the pets, can think in English words.  That just doesn't fit, imo.  It was just too weird.  I admit that I sometimes hypocritically bend the rules of canon in my mind.  I'm taking this one with a grain of salt.  He's not a genius.  Listening to the speech a second time, I say that there's no way to prove that those were actually his thoughts, and not just a voiceover narration.  I know they intended it to be his thoughts, but that's not what I'm going with.  I did think that speech was pretty amazing, though.  "One bugbear attack away from oblivion"?  "An unknowable destiny"?  Wow.  Pretty dark!  I love it!

And who'd have thought that of all characters on the show, Sweetie Belle would go down in history for having the single best line in the entire series?

"Maybe it's just a friendship problem, and it'll all be cleared up in half an hour or so."  :lol:

Amazing episode.  Love it.  Did I leave anything important out?  Hope not.  I may come back and edit.

I'll close with my obligatory pointing out of the fact that every problem on this show could be instantly solved if Twilight remembered that she can use magic.  She can teleport herself and Spike into the library from halfway across town, and she can teleport herself and Rainbow directly into the library from midair, but she can't teleport them into the townhall when they were locked out??!!  (I know, it was better that way, but it's just funny.)  I've said it before; Twilight's magic (at least telekinesis and teleportation) is like Roger Rabbit's toon abilities:



*EDIT*  Funny idea: they should have ended the episode in the bowling alley with a ponified Sam Elliot doing "The Dude abides" speech.

Edited by Justin_Case001
  • Brohoof 3


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Before I throw down my thoughts, I have something I need to get off my chest.


I would've posted my thoughts earlier... 



but I had 30 freakin pages of comments I had to read through! 


You all know how big a playlist I had to set up to get through all that? 



Anyways, pissy fit over.


Me after watching the episode:





I was doing laps around my house listening to power metal soundtracks. That's how amped up I was after watching this episode. My bro and I never made that much noise for an episode since the S4 finale, and we never laughed that hard since Pinkie Pride. I was grinning like a cheshire cat the whole time. The episode gets started with [Muffin], not only getting a speaking role, but actually offers up a basket of muffins as an apology. I knew then, "S##t just got real".


Little did I know that the mind flipping madness was only just getting started my friends...


One crazy hit after another. We thought we reached the height of psychosomatic hype with Derpy & The Doctor, but wait! Here comes the Lebowski pones!  Not enough for you? Giant mutant bear/bee hybrid comes into play!


Fun little note on that. When that thing come on, my brother asked "What is that thing?" Y'know what I said after a moment's deliberation?


"I think it's a honey badger." 


We both had a nice laugh at that, mostly cause we both thought I was right.



Seriously. It had bee's wings, a stinger, and it looked like a badger. All Y'all see where I'm going with this,? I mean that meme isn't dead yet, right?




What's been said has been pretty much been said already so I'll sum up my responses: LyraBon getting dialogue. Mind Blown! That ship getting borderline armed with cannons? Freakin sweet to see, but not all that surprising, considering we kinda already saw that ship set sail during Rainbow Rocks. Secret agent backstory? Whoah dude bruh!   Man I now wanna see that elaborated upon.





Spa ponies getting their Swedish/Finnish accents back. Brilliant! Also enjoyed Amethyst Star/ Sparkler's cameo. Didn't expect her to get a speaking role, but it was a pleasant surprise.  


I actually saw the OctiScratch bit when it was a preview, but when I saw it, I thought it was an animated short, like what was done w/ RR. I didn't think it would be in the episode. And y'know what? I had just as much fun, if not more so watching ti the second time around.And Y'know what? I'm cool w/ Vinyl being mute. If you look at it, it's really DHX giving a nod to Jessi Nowack, as she has become inseparable from that character. She more or less made Vinyl Scratch, is Vinyl Scratch, and to have the studio leave that part unfilled is a great show of respect to her, and one of many, to us. P.S. that Violin-Step sogn damn well better get released. My bro says it's pretty much Lindsey Stirling in a nutshell. 


I pretty much got into a fight with my cable box trying to pause for that one pic (you know which one I'm talkin bout), during the shark jump (gonna have to watch again cause I didn't see a shark), and the blasted thing would react slow. Like pausing one frame at a time. All it does is undo the pause, and fail to recognise a second button press. And hitting slow mo wasn't helping much either. So yeah, that was very frustrating. 


Steven Magnet. He was cool. But truth be told, I had no idea his name was created by the fans. I thought he introduced himself in the second episode, or was at least credited as such.  Backstory w/ Crank. Wasn't expecting that, but with many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many things this episode, it was cool. 


BTW, was I the only one who was hoping Steven was going to object to the wedding and profess his love for Cranky? I woulda LOL'd so hard at dat. And crazier still, have Matilda go "I ain't even mad." 


...and just like that, a new ship is being built...




Doctor. References. Allonsy flavored scarf. Nuff said.


You'd think he'd wear a tie of some sort to a formal event...






Which reminds me, how did the Pedal sisters fix that issue of the flowers for the wedding?


Hey did anypony notice during the shark jump how each pony was reacting? Side burns pony striking a pose made sense. Berry Punch trippin balls wasn't out of place. But did anypony notice now Mr.Cake was handling the whole freakin ordeal? 


Berry Punch's keg gets his own chair.  Hopefully she's willing to share. 


Speaking of, we need after wedding party fics on the double! We need to know who caught the bouquet? Colgate or Lyra (I don't believe Twinkleshine was there to fight them over it, again)? Also, we need to know who caught the garter. Get on that denizens of the Poniverse! 


Actually, what the hell happened with the bachelor party? Or the bachelorette party? We need fics on those STAT! 


And yes I checked Fimfiction a few hours ago, they're still standing... for now... 





Random Changeling. Just chillin. I will name him/her Chutch. It's like Chuck, but cooler. 


My bro heard rumors that there was going to be a changeling in this episode. Was anypony hoping that when Bonbon mentioned her secret, it was going to be revealed that she was a Changeling the whole time, just so that her differing voices could be explained? Dat would be nutz. Oh the madness! I would've loved to bear witness to the calamity.












The Mayor was actually competent. She really is good at her job. And in a way, just like Sparkler was shown to be needed, Mayor Mare was also shown to still have her welcome duty in Ponyville.


Giving all the backgrounds voices & personalities, actually gives me hope. This, this is how the show can continue on. A series based on these ponies can continue the life of FiM. While this may have been a crazy mosh pit of fan service, I hope this isn't the last time we get to have backgrounds in the foreground. I want more of this. I want more episodes involving  Doctor "Time Turner" Whooves, Ditzy "Derpy" Muffin Hooves, Lyra Heartstrings, Agent Sweetie "Bonbon' Drops, DJ Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Amethyst "Sparkler" Star, Lotus & Aloe, Mayor Mare and Chutch. 


And quit bitching about fan service and pandering! I like being pandered & fanserviced! Makes me feel significant. And frankly, I think it's helping the show evolve. I'm in favor! Why aren't you? Does it matter? Nein! 



But do you know what this really means? You all may think this was a love letter from DHX. It wasn't.


It was a challenge. 


DHX is trying to out Brony us. 


The gauntlet has been cast! The punk card has been thrown! We are being called out fillies and gentlecolts! DHX is going "Top that." 


Oh we will DHX. We will! You may have raised the bar, but that only gives us a higher platform to stand and a place for us to climb forth unto eternity! Well then DHX, your challenge has been accepted!


Come forth my fellow Bronies!


In the words of Throwdown:


It's time to fire back! 



Honestly though.


What really solidified this episode as magnificent was the mayor's  message. Everypony has their story and their own part in the stories of others, just like us. And Twi saying she loved ponyville and loved all her friends, capped off this episode with warms & fuzzies. It brought the point home, that this, this is what this fandom is about, and it just feels so good for the show to highlight it too. There aren't' enough thanks DHX.


I now leave you with this. A pretty fitting song for the moment. 




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Man, talk about bitterness against a cartoon show. >_>

I'm not really bitter towards the show. I'm just rather lukewarm about it. Although people may want to interpret my feelings as bitter due to my words lacking tone and being rather blunt, I'm more wistful and apathetic than anything else. It really isn't all that big a deal to me. I write posts like that simply to get out my opinions to clear my mind. Besides, my bitter feelings are more towards this fandom than anything else. As I've stated before, I still enjoy the show for entertainment. This episode is no different. I just have negative opinions on top of positive ones.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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It was an alright episode, but it had pacing and focus issues for a great part of it so it came across as stretching itself too thin. It had some good gags, and good lines, and most of the background characters were characterized pretty well even if the episode played it a little too safe with some of them.


Loved Celestia and Luna bickering over the wedding gift, and also Cadence being strong emotionally while Shining Armor cried. 


Surprised to see Twilight and Rainbow Dash get a line at the end there.


Gummy waxing philosophically was amusing.

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My late review:


Alright, so in the weeks leading up to this episode I saw A LOT of people doubting it. Nobody thought that Larson would be able to deliver everything they wanted, or that the episode would live up to its hype. I never doubted it - I knew it would be awesome and boy oh boy, it was.



General plot: 7/10


So I'm kinda realizing that my scores are always like 7 or 8, lol. Anyway, I thought the plot was alright. There were a few people that were saying "Geez, the ponies preparing for a wedding, that's FASCINATING!". I'm sure they aren't saying that now but I remember when I heard what the plot would be I thought it was actually alright. I could see the massive amount of opportunities that a plot like that provides, especially with an MLP episode that is meant to be full of references and stuff to its fandom. On top of that, it's (sort of) unique. They did something nobody expected, and I like that. As for the way it unfolded, well, it seemed kind of all over the place. One second I'm watching a scene that finally makes me love Derpy, the next second I'm watching Octavia and Vinyl get to the wedding on their Wub Machine (Which was actually my favourite scene so I guess I can't complain). Then all of a sudden Gummy is monologuing, and yeah, it just seemed like heaps was happening at once, but I can totally understand why they were doing it.


Visuals: 10/10


It was episode 100, and it was jampacking itself with references, shoutouts, and headcanons. It had to be visually spectacular and it was. The Octavinyl (I'm sorry) scene with the effects on the Wub Machine and the slow motion and all that looked great, the character designs of the bowling team was awesome (except for the skinny old guy. I feel like we have seen people like him way too much in the show), Lyra's sitting pose, yeah it was great.


Humour: 9/10


This episode was hilarious! Sweetie Belle's 30 minute joke was a personal favourite. I think it's nice to have more jokes made by, like, other characters than Pinkie Pie, and jokes in a different style. I have mixed feelings about Bon Bon's secret agent scene but it was pretty funny either way.


Dialogue/Writing: 6.75/10


Forced dialogue is forced. Lyra and Bon Bon's scene, maybe one of the scenes I was looking forward to the most, had the most forced dialogue I think I have ever scene in this show up until Bon Bon started describing her past. "OH MY GOD WE ARE SUCH GOOD FRIENDS". And then Twilight had to come in at the end, too, and even though we had already had our whole mushy plot moral said by the Mayor (which for once made sense, fit in well, and was well timed instead of being sudden and jarring) and add her little bit. It ALWAYS has to be Twilight at the end that says something about friendship, doesn't it?
Honestly though, those scenes I just pointed out were really the only scenes that had this problem. But when a few scenes are bad, they tend to stick in your memory much more than the other ones. (Not that I'm saying those scenes were bad since they weren't)


Tryhardiness: Yeah/10


This is where the "kinda" comes from. While pretty much all of the episode was awesome, and it made me fan... guy? brony? I dunno, it made me flip out, I could still tell that it seemed to be trying a little too hard at times. Namely the Octavia and Vinyl scene, which is wierd that I'm singling that out since like I said earlier I loved it, but it was obvious that they were trying really, really hard to make the fandom go nuts (and it looks like it worked).


Button Mash did next to nothing: Yup/10


I mean, I guess they couldn't get Jan or whoever voiced him on youtube to voice him, but still...


LyraBon scene did not live up to my expectations: Opinions/10


I won't remove points for this one, it's just me wanting more.


Mane 6 had lines: Why/10


It's just not neccesary. They didn't need lines. It was an episode about the background characters, so why does it HAVE to end with the mane 6 talking?


Stupid sea monster guy: Shut up/10




Alright, I'm done.


Overall score: 9/10. I loved it, one of my favourite episodes, it just had a few flaws, but what doesn't? This is the first episode I have watched more than twice.

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She, the magnificent Trixie,

A mare among mares!

She, paragon of ponies,

With wand and with rope!

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GUMMY GUMMY GUMMY!!!!!!!! AND DOCTOR DOCTOR DOCTOR!!!!! :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:

Edited by Anisanne
  • Brohoof 2


Flying is not only using your wings, it's feeling it in your heart

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I'm not really bitter towards the show. I'm just rather lukewarm about it. Although people may want to interpret my feelings as bitter due to my words lacking tone and being rather blunt, I'm more wistful and apathetic than anything else. It really isn't all that big a deal to me. I write posts like that simply to get out my opinions to clear my mind. Besides, my bitter feelings are more towards this fandom than anything else. As I've stated before, I still enjoy the show for entertainment. This episode is no different. I just have negative opinions on top of positive ones.


There is having opinions, which i am fine with and then there is acting like an elitist; who thinks that he knows everything better then the others, who apparently "just eat things up."


You should stop that, because it makes you look like an unlikeable person

  • Brohoof 2

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Well most our cannons got voiced: happy fans.


Derpy is voiced and we the Doc Hooves: Super Fans flood the net!


Bon Bon and Lyra a cannon couple?  Fics will flow....


Two Royal Sisters forgetting a gift and Sunbutt not be prefect?   Oh I loled....


DJ Pony not voiced yet?   Hmmmmmm


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That was just SOO worth the wait. I really enjoyed the episodes... especially "What is Life?" that part had me roflol for a good 5 minutes. The lesson, I thought, was AWESOME, and I think we finally got to see the real Celestia and Luna. I dunno. I'll probably watch in again in a few weeks. 

Very good.

Very, very good.

Come join the Equestria Big Band project!


"A little glass of water, please..."

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1. Dr.Whooves (That scarf LMAO!)

2. Finding out that Bon Bon is actually a secret agent

3. The Big Lebowski ponies

4. The return of Steven magnet

5. Vinyl and Octavia playing music together

6. Princess Celestia and Luna arguing

7. Shining Armor's liquid pride LOL!

8. Cameo of Button Mash


Oh god there so many other things I could list LMAO!

3DS friend code

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