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None- I ain't got nopony to talk to over here...


I don't think I'd really use any brony slang even if I did, though, but maybe that's just because I haven't been a speaking person brony for long enough. 

  • Brohoof 1


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nothing, because i am kind of in the closet about it.( what i mean is that nobody has ever asked me about wether i like the show or not, but i wouldn´t hide it if someone would.)


but even then, i don´t think i would use any slang related to the fandom.

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LUS (Lavender Unicorn Syndrome), and I actually use this one quite often. It's a bronywriter-founded term for when some writer uses, well, "Lavender Unicorn" or something similar to name Twilight when "Twilight" itself works just fine.


I edit other peers' essays on occasion, and there are, indeed, some argumentative essays that instead of repeating "Microsoft," say "multi-national corporation" or "large electronics and software company" instead.  :okiedokielokie: I just scribble "LUS" next to the problem and explain what it means in a footnote or something.

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I don't really use Brony slang(besides the occasional every-Pony slip-up) But, I have taken a liking to the Pinkie Promise shenanigans and actually use it regularly.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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None. While I'm not a closet brony by any means, and I'm quite open about it, I understand that others may not be into the show, and therefore don't go making random, unprovoked references to the show whenever possible. 

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Quote a lot. Like Eeyup and Okie Dokie Lokie! Use everypony, anypony, somepony, etc. a lot. *blushes* I had to say Manhattan in school a while ago and said Manehattan. Luckily I'm homeschooled and only my mother and sister heard. Still can't say Manhattan right. We have a game called Shadows over Camelot and I called it Shadows over Canterlot by mistake. Use hooves in replace of hand often. It's quite embarrassing.

  • Brohoof 1

Sunset Shimmer is best pony/human!

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Not really in front of people I don't know well, but then again, I'm shy in person, so I rarely, if ever, talk to people I don't know well. Though, I do have a somewhat Pegasister friend, and i say Pinkie Promises to her whenever she says to pinkie swear to something. I also quote the show a lot when I'm around her, such as "foreeeeveeeeer!" and "she's psychic" (From EqG).
I do have another Pegasister friend, but I don't know her as well, nor do I know how invested in the show she is, so I refrain from using brony slang around her. 
Other than that, I say "Eeeyup" fairly often in public, but that's not a very obvious one.
I would say "Okie dokie lokie!," but I'm not very cheerful in person and it would seem very out of character, so I don't. :3


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I personally use "gone luna (gone crazy)" and "eeyup" and sometimes "eenope". What about you ponies ?


Heya, we actually have an old (what I refer to as legacy) topic about this very item in Sugarcube Corner right here. SCC is where all Brony and Brony Fandom related topics should be posted 


I'll move these over to that thread as there are a few extra replies in this one. 



Eeeyup. That is what I say a lot these days. It actually replaced my old common acknowledgement, "yep yep" which I now only say on rare occasions. 



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I usually use eeyup and eenope in everyday conversation with everybody and occasionally I'll okie dokie lokie friends. I have used 20% cooler when talking about stuff too. I'll only use brohoof and everypony when I'm talking to bronies though

When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move,
your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the river of truth, and tell the whole world
"No, you move."

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Eeeyup is one I've used for ages so I keep doing that, but that one's fairly neutral. When speaking English I have once accidentally said everypony instead of everybody, but that doesn't happen often since I usually speak Dutch.

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As someone said earlier, the only "slang" I use is Big Mac's Eeyup. I have used this as an agreement soo many times that I can't say anything else. Also, whenever I say Eeyup, I sound EXACTLY like Big Mac.

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I have used "everypony" a few times under my breath. However, I use the phrase "20 percent cooler" on a regular basis! The funny bit about it is when non-bronies and/or folks who have no idea what I am referring to think it's the coolest thing in the world when I say it.  :yay:

If only they knew the phenomenal sensation it is to be a Brony.  :P


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