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Is MLP Forums the best forum you've been a part of?

Gone Airbourne

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So throughout the years  what forums have you been apart of? Do you feel like that MLP Forums has been the best of the best of all the forums you have been apart of? I always find myself attracted to this place for some reason... the people for one reason for sure. But honestly how do you feel do you think this is the best forums site you've been apart of? 


I've actually tried other forums out and I always end up coming back to this place... it's kind of like a home to me :)

  • Brohoof 9



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Also the only one.

Don't tell anyone.

It was the first forums I've been apart of as well in all these years.

  • Brohoof 2
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MLPForums has been the only forum I've ever been on that has created such a caring and safe community. Unlike others, the forums aren't as intimidating. There's not overly-huge amounts of swearing or vulgar behaviour either. The effort that the staff and members take to make the forums so welcoming really does show compared to other forums online.

  • Brohoof 10
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I'm part of only one other forum and, if I'm totally honest, I'm only there to keep in touch with only a couple of people. This site is a lot more welcoming and...just somewhere where you don't have to worry about what you say...don't tell anybody though :blush:

  • Brohoof 3
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I remember at one point in time that I tried to find another forums to start anew at and it didn't last long. I have just become really attached to this site for some reason and I can't honestly point a finger on it but I feel so at ease here. The people here are so welcoming and caring that I love it.

  • Brohoof 2
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*high pitched squeal duck noises* Yeeesss. This is by far one of the most accepting and non-bigot MLP forums I've ever encountered. I've seen other MLP forums who allow their members to get away with racial slurs, making gross commentary about someone's identity, harassing other people, etc. MLPForums actually knows people's boundaries and limitations, they understand what no means and they stick by it. Poniverse overall is amazing, and if I had friends who'd like to join a pony forums website, MLPForums will surely be the first one.

  • Brohoof 5

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HELL YES! I do like the staff keeping this forum so welcoming and all

I've been a part of an another forum called "Wrong Planet" but I've been inactive on there lately because during the summer I help my grandparents with the shop they own

Edited by MLG4Ever
  • Brohoof 1

*Boops You Nose!*

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Yes and no.  This place has been a source of significant anxiety and frustration for me in the past.  And some days it still is.  Functionally, this is one of the better forums I've joined.  Excepting, of course, the times when it isn't functional. xD  I met friends here, and being here helped lead me to other places that helped me in invaluable ways.  A more candid way to express the latter is: I was driven away from this place at one point and found somewhere that suited me better.  But I've been aboard a couple sinking ships of forums now; MLPF gets a point for not having sunk yet.

  • Brohoof 2

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Nope, I've been with a VERY tight knit community since around 2011. We've had people come and go but those who have stayed- we're total bros. There's been heats of drama over the years but it's still been a fun ride and has finally settled down to a quiet little forum.

  • Brohoof 1
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Pretty much. There was another site that felt pretty similar to this one, but it was smaller and slowly dying. I was a moderator on that site for over two years; I eventually ended up leaving because of a certain member there. Since then I've preferred to stay over here.

  • Brohoof 3




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The place is my one and only, wouldn't change it for the world!

  • Brohoof 3

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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I really love this forum and I think it's the best in my opinion. This is my very first forum I've ever been on and I haven't been to many other forums. I really love the community and everyone on here. It's really great to get to know so many people and have some interests with others. I also like the discussions on the forum because there's so much to talk about and many others can have the same idea from one topic to another. This forum makes me feel accepted by others and I feel very welcomed every time I come online to the forums. To me it feels like a second home in my opinion and I wouldn't change any of it  :).

  • Brohoof 2
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Yep, this is the best forum I've been apart of. And not just the best forum either, but also one of the best website I've been to. A lot of people in MLP Forums are mellow and welcoming, which is what I don't see often in any other forum. And no matter how much I try to settle in another forums, I would always come back here. It's kind of like a second home to me.

  • Brohoof 5
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all the other forums I go on (which is like three) is nothing like this one... in a good way. there is so many friendly ponies here :)

Edited by KrazyDashie
  • Brohoof 3



20% cooler in 10 seconds flat

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It's nice to see that the majority of people on these forums love it here though. It just further proves that the members here can get along well and are really kind in itself. 

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I feel like I would have tried another forums, or something, but this is the only one I know about.


Tbh, I actually find it funny and startling that there aren't any cross overs between fanfic haha lol

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I can't stand a dead forum. If it's not active I'll loose interest, so when I set out to find an MLP forum this one stood out right away. After looking around I decided to hang my hat here and am very glad I did. I've never seen a more open and welcoming forum. It feels like you could say just about anything here and not be judged or attacked.  


Is it perfect? No, but it's a damn friendly place to hang around. I can't say that about most of the other forums I've been apart of.

  • Brohoof 2


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nope the best one i have been is a forum for a local anime channel

cause its the first time that ive been socially active online, made friends on the internet and even went to cons with them

  • Brohoof 1


What is broken can be reforged

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It has to be one of the best forums I've been apart of since I don't spend as much time as I do here on the others. This one is the most friendliest and best forums I've been apart of and forever will!  :D

  • Brohoof 4


Signature made by me.



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This is the only forum I've stayed active on for more than a couple months, but you could argue there's a reason for that. It's sad to see members go but I still love coming back here :)

  • Brohoof 4

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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Yes.  :wub:


Poniverse / MLPF wins all day long! Best staff I've worked with. The nicest Ponies reside here. <3 And look at the designs - pop!  :D


Best super-community / place -- hands down!  :yay:

  • Brohoof 3

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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