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mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

Mint Petal

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Picture update time

This is actually a pony shirt I got for Christmas. Me and my sister happened to conveniently where shirts that were like gender swapped that day (this was only taken a few weeks ago by the way). Yeah behold the irony. 

You look slightly like me.  :wacko:

Edited by Georgeson
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I got busy editing and decided that I'd start making my own filters instead of using pre-built ones. :D


I am definitely not expert or even a novice in photoshop, but I like it :)



20 freakin brohoofs! Holy crap you are beautiful!  :D


Every single one of your pictures here becomes popular Misty Pie. Doesn't that tell you... oh I dunno... that you are probably the most attractive female member on the forums!? ;)


Face the the facts Miss MLP Forums! :D  



And the best part is that you're all mine... ;)


You should've used this:



Sorry, I love this gif too much :3

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I am definitely not expert or even a novice in photoshop, but I like it :)


Thank you :D


It's just the same gradient I used for my profile background but at 90 degree's rather than 35 degrees. I desaturated the image of myself first and then put the gradient on it's own layer set to overlay at 70 percent. This made the actual image of me quite dark so I used the curves tool to lighten it up quite a lot. After that, I blurred the background manually using the blur tool set at 95 percent strength to give it a sense of depth.

Edited by Essy*
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Mucho gracias mi bueno amigo que you necestia hablar mas! Mi espangolo is mucho terrible escribendo :*( ayuda meh poor favor men! DALE!

my god...and i saw people speaking terrible spanish...i think that what you wanted to sayis:


muchas gracias buen amigo,que necesito hablar mas!mi español es horrible escribiendo :*(ayuda,por favor! DALE!


that's the correct way :P

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20 freakin brohoofs! Holy crap you are beautiful!  :D


Every single one of your pictures here becomes popular Misty Pie. Doesn't that tell you... oh I dunno... that you are probably the most attractive female member on the forums!? ;)


Face the the facts Miss MLP Forums! :D  



And the best part is that you're all mine... ;)





Picture update time

This is actually a pony shirt I got for Christmas. Me and my sister happened to conveniently where shirts that were like gender swapped that day (this was only taken a few weeks ago by the way). Yeah behold the irony. 

gender swapped?? haha! good one, you REALLY wanted to wear that shirt you can't fool us!  :okiedokielokie:





Hey, look at what I made, yeah.



why thank you!.. ermmm, umm I mean, I agree too  :P

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Selfie time. inb4 "You look 14!"





You look just like a friend of mine. O_O

If it makes you feel better you look more 15-16ish. (It is at least what I would have guessed)

Edited by A CrayZ Cat
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If you can find my brother (the lil guy with the crimson jacket), I'm just above him. This was taken just before we left for Toronto from Jakarta for the second time in my life. When I was... 6 or 7 I think?

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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And if you recognize this next pic you should add me ;)

attachicon.giflol yeah 001.JPG


Oh!  Oh!  Let me try, I think I can figure out what it is!  It's... um... it's... well... I'd say that it's most definitely.....


I've got nothing.  I think I see a heart and a pear (and a signature), but that's it.  Evidently, I'm not a part of the exclusive club of people who can recognize it.  :(  I like you're art though!  Have you put up anything in Octavia's Hall? (I wouldn't know if you did; I rarely ever go there...)

Edited by Antismurf9001
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20 freakin brohoofs! Holy crap you are beautiful!  :D


Every single one of your pictures here becomes popular Misty Pie. Doesn't that tell you... oh I dunno... that you are probably the most attractive female member on the forums!? ;)


Face the the facts Miss MLP Forums! :D  



And the best part is that you're all mine... ;)



I'M NOT!! :okiedokielokie: I will accept the fact that I'm adorable from all the brohoofs but I'm not the most attractive female :P 


I'm sure someone else will win that pageant if it were ever to happen not me ;)



I totally love being all yours. 

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Picture update time

This is actually a pony shirt I got for Christmas. Me and my sister happened to conveniently where shirts that were like gender swapped that day (this was only taken a few weeks ago by the way). Yeah behold the irony. 

You look sad or something but your sister was happy.

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