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Something I still don't understand about the matter is the story Applejack told Applebloom in "Where the Apple Lies."


This implies that Big McIntosh were living with Granny Smith even before Applebloom was born. If so many staff members imply that Applejack's parents are dead, then how do we explain the story of that episode being before Applebloom was born? It just doesn't make sense to me.

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Something I still don't understand about the matter is the story Applejack told Applebloom in "Where the Apple Lies."


This implies that Big McIntosh were living with Granny Smith even before Applebloom was born. If so many staff members imply that Applejack's parents are dead, then how do we explain the story of that episode being before Applebloom was born? It just doesn't make sense to me.

I'm not sure that not seeing her necessarily equals her not being born. Maybe she was just offscreen for some reason, likely because she was too young to care about the things AJ and Big Mac are talking about there.

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I am pretty sure that they are deceased.

I would like to see an episode that at least acknowledges their existence for once outside of that brief mention in the Reprise for We'll Make Our Marks.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm not sure that not seeing her necessarily equals her not being born. Maybe she was just offscreen for some reason, likely because she was too young to care about the things AJ and Big Mac are talking about there.

Well isn't Applebloom the same age as Diamond Tiara? The episode in question tells a story that took place back when Filthy Rich and Spoiled Milk were only engaged, so obviously Diamond Tiara wasn't born yet, If Applebloom and Diamond Tiara are in the same class, it doesn't make sense to me that Applejack's parents weren't dead then considering all this.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 4 weeks later...

It was my understanding that Faust wanted a couple of things (AJ's parents dead, Scootaloo crippled) that Hasbro said were just too grim.  You must remember, this show was originally supposed to sell dolls to little girls. We bronies were a surprise to everyone -except Faust.


So, AFAIK, officially AJ's parents are just travelling.  Unofficially, where they went, very few return.  Although, I don't think it has ever been specified what exactly happened

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I don't like the idea, that both of them are dead. And as long we don't have a 100% prove in one episode. I will continue have hope, that one day they will reunite with their children.


My headcanon so far.


After months without any sign, the family just found the damage wagon and bright mac's hat near a ravine. Over the years they lost hope and imply their death. But they just lost somewhere in equestria. For example: By trying to rescue pear butter from falling, bright mac and her fell down the ravine into the river. Both of them woke up in a underground valley (like mauds gem gave)and can't find a way out. But because the love they have for their children, they didn't gave up hope and continue to search a way out. Both of them also wrote messages everyday on leafs, who float down the river where they came from. And one day someone will find this messages...

Edited by Burny
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16 minutes ago, Burny said:

I don't like the idea, that both of them are dead. And as long we don't have a 100% prove in one episode. I will continue have hope, that one day they will reunite with their children.


My headcanon so far.

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After months without any sign, the family just found the damage wagon and bright mac's hat near a ravine. Over the years they lost hope and imply their death. But they just lost somewhere in equestria. For example: By trying to rescue pear butter from falling, bright mac and her fell down the ravine into the river. Both of them woke up in a underground valley (like mauds gem gave)and can't find a way out. But because the love they have for their children, they didn't gave up hope and continue to search a way out. Both of them also wrote messages everyday on leafs, who float down the river where they came from. And one day someone will find this messages...

Then you are forced to believe either their marriage ended in divorce, they became loveless, or that everyone assumes they are dead due to the dialog and grammar used in the show. 

"... they loved each other very much"

"That kind of love was ..."




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1 hour ago, LaLaDumbAssBoy said:

Oh they're not dead , These people just spread rumors just spread rumors for attention

My mom is an expert at this stuff 

The mainstream media just wants you to believe AJ's parents are dead! Fake news!


Anyway, I'm pretty sure either Meghan McCarthy or Lauren Faust herself confirmed Applejack's parents are dead. Since it's technically a kid's show, they'll avoid using "dead" to describe characters. Case in point: even Steven Universe dances around the word despite the fact it's obvious Rose Quartz is, for all intents and purposes, deceased. Like @Jeric said, unless AJ's parents went through a really nasty divorce (which most shows wouldn't touch with a thirty foot pole), there's no reason for their presence and relationship to be referred to in the past tense.

  • Brohoof 2


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So having just watched The Perfect Pear, it's not really any clearer what exactly happened to them.  Whilst it's almost certain they died sadly, it's deliberately avoided by the writers, who believe that such a tragic premise would not have been allowed on the show.   Good episode though :dash:

  • Brohoof 1
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The Perfect Pear addressed that the Apple Parents are deceased. I think it was handled in a way where it's was implied rather a more tragic approach. By not explicitly telling or mentioning the deaths in detail, the show had a creative approach in showing the symbolism through the Tree. Despite the lost of the Apple Parents, their legacy lives on in the stories, ponies and that very Tree that represented their lives. 

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They died after AB was born. They have been eaten by timber wolves, or the ate a rotten apple. :grin:

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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  • 1 month later...

I still think they have been eaten by a chimera or timberwolves. :ooh:

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/22/2017 at 7:34 PM, DonMaguz said:

They went to buy cigarettes. To another planet. And missed Equestria on their way back. Because they were riding two shooting stars.

Yep they aren't dead but they did go to a third world country 

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Man, this is even sadder now. Because A Perfect Pear was a great episode. And the parents were really endearing.


I really hope at some point (maybe the end of the series?) we can get an episode that just revives a bunch of people somehow and in the background we can see AJ and AB hugging their parents. Maybe? I dunno. I'd like that. If it's in the background, they don't have to explicitly state "LOL THEY WERE DEAD BUT THE MCGUFFIN REVIVED THEM. THEY WERE DEAD THO"

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