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S05:E18 - Crusaders of the Lost Mark


S05:E18 - Crusaders of the Lost Mark  

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  1. 1. Sooo .... thoughts?

    • No, I hated it! >:
    • I didn't like it.
    • Meh. It was okay.
    • I liked it!
    • Omygosh ... That. Was. Amazing!!! Loved it!

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  :(Oh.... my... gosh. I haven't cried this much since the end of The Magical mystery cure! This. THIS is my favorite episode of season 5 without a single doubt in my mind. This was SOOOO beautifully done. i couldn't have made better cutie marks for the crusaders if I had tried. These three fillies are what hard work and determination is all about. I am so very proud of them! And I love them so much! They made Diamond Tiara see the light in herself and once she saw it, it was shining so bright and beautiful that it showed the true her. I love this... so much. SOOOO much!


  • Brohoof 1
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I think this episode was summed up by Scootaloo when she said "Is it wrong, I feel sorry for her."

I think this was an amazing episode. It had a whole bunch of great songs without feeling rushed, and we finally get to see some character development with Diamond Tiara, it's about time. I think the CMC's cutie marks fit them well. I'm glad they made it so that their story arc is obviously not over. All in all a great episode.

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There are episodes that I like from first watch and this doesn't change. There are episodes that I don't like very much or parts that I don't but as I watch them more or get used to it, I start liking them more and more, like getting used to them.




The Crusader's cutiemarks are ehh... They are too similar. Wish they were kinda like some of the fanmade cutiemarks.



Exactly why I didn't like them the first time! The Cutie marks looked weird to me and I expected their marks to be something like those of the other ponies but now a closer look thanks to some posted images and explanations of what they look like, I can understand why these items are combined. And in fact I am looking forward to seeing them and what they will do now with their new fate and how all will interact with the new CMCs. They are like the Cutie Mark Musketeers of Equestria but yes they could have differed a bit, maybe small shield, different colors on top of the wings+lightning bolt or other 2 items to really make each of their marks unique and different. - so not the most suitable design for the 3.


DIam Tiara - In many shows there is the 'school nemesis' and usually while they may change to good at some point, they return back to their old self. Do you think DT will remain good from now on? I think it is good to be unique and not repeat all other shows and unlike them just go on MLP's own way of being different - and that is if she is no longer the bully.




I know that the 2017 movie will be the closing for MLP, and it will make sad 100% of the whole mlp fans, and 85% of people in the whole world. Lauren Faust will have tears I can tell. Don't let us down writers, make the closing of mlp very great that it could remind everyone the opening of mlp which Lauren Faust did, and make us proud of that show in our whole lifes. It lived 7 years, brought friendship in 7 years, and gone very sadly. I know that movie will be the end of mlp, cuz it makes 6 seasons of mlp, marking the main six characters, who brought friendship to the world and the source of the show.



Ah really, I didnt know MLP would end then, I wasnt following such news. But every good show has a shorter end, if it is stretched to countless episodes, it becomes bad - this is for every tv show or a movie.

Edited by ImtR
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all the songs, the fact diamond tiara is not so bad and the cutymarkcrusadercutymarks are AMAZING!! but i still think the cuty mark does not match sweetybelles collors, its a bit to bright for her, but on appelbloom and scootalo it looks adorable!!!

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Yep, episode was awesome. Started great and just kept it that way.


It's also one of rare examples where positive characters win just at the beginning, besides villan's (redeemed or not - Diamond Tiara was still a villan then) efforts, including bribery, blackmail, and wealth. I watched and my reaction was just: "This has never worked before in any show! You can't just be positive and win!". Well, apparently you can. Good morals everywhere. Plus ten points to overall incredibleness.


Seriously though, CMC really deserved such an episode. It was also really good move to give CMC cutie marks that go beyond their own, unique tallents, but also something that joins them even more. Join this with the fact that the ep was very similar in form to Magical Mystery Cure and you could basically make at least a spin-off (if not take it as an idea for a new generation of MLP) with CMC as main characters.

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Well that happened... BUT it is the 5th year anniversary.

I was thinking the writers might give them their marks seeing the title and the date, but in reality I was thinking most likely not. I thought they were maybe going to end up helping Pip get his mark.



I'm surprised and glad they did actually mention the Apples' parents though. For some reason that was something that really Irked me- The Apples are "all about family" yet it was like their parents never existed. Is it too dark or something?



I mean come on, I watched the Lion King when I was six and I'm not mentally scarred or anything. Simba's Dad GOT FRICKEN' KILLED by his BROTHER and they SHOWED HIM DEAD!!


Sorry for my off on a tangent tangent rant, but things like that are what worries me about kids growing up today. Giving kids a false sense that the world is a "butterflies and rainbows nicey nicey" place is probably going to cause problems for them down the road when they actually have to deal with real problems.



Well back to the episode in general, I thought it was good although a bit too musical for my taste. I like that they worked on Diamond Tiara, because she was just annoying. It will be interesting to see how the CMC are used from hereon out.

-twitch twitch- You just made a 'the world is not butterflies and rainbows reference in a My Little Pony forum? Really? Nonetheless, I do see your point, and wholeheartedly agree with it.

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I was disappointed, not because the cmc got their cutie marks, but because the episode was disappointing in my opinion.  I personally think that a better episode could have been made to celebrate the cmc getting their cutie marks. Also, what will be in store for the cmc? They're not the cutie mark crusaders anymore.  I can probably see them helping other ponies get their marks, but that would just be repetitive. I think the cmc's character development is coming to an end sadly. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Something I really like about this episode is Diamond Tiara's family dynamic. While Filthy Rich seems to be a genuinely good pony, if a bit inattentive to his daughter, Spoiled Rich is just a total bitch. In my experience. kids who are bullies usually have at least one of their parents that they've learned that behavior from, and also seem more likely to change and act like their opposite parent when they mature. My friends in high school were my bullies in elementary school, so this plot line of DT realizing how horrible her mother is and wanting to be more like her father isn't unrealistic in the least. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I was disappointed, not because the cmc got their cutie marks, but because the episode was disappointing in my opinion.  I personally think that a better episode could have been made to celebrate the cmc getting their cutie marks.

To me, no episode could have done it better than this one.

They used their talent on the pony who truly needed it, and helped her break free from her mean ways.

By liberating Diamond Tiara, and deciding to the same for other ponies, their talent and destiny was fully realized, and the marks appeared.

It was fitting, it was poetic, it was perfect.


Also, what will be in store for the cmc? They're not the cutie mark crusaders anymore.  I can probably see them helping other ponies get their marks, but that would just be repetitive. I think the cmc's character development is coming to an end sadly.

Repetitive? You mean "let's try yet another random activity to get our cutie marks" that's been happening for 5 seasons?

To me, this is a change like Princess Twilight. It's closing one door, but opening many others for going forward.

  • Brohoof 3
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Compared to "Magical Mystery Cure", this episode is a marked improvement using the fast-paced musical style of storytelling.


The songs are a lot better here and the conclusion was a great paid off for the audience.


Their cutie marks are perfect~! In "The Show Stoppers", we had a glimpse of what cutie marks could have been if they made their discovery alone. However thru the course of the show, we have realized that together their talents were to discover the best attributes of other ponies.


I can imagine now the idea of the Cutie Mark Crusaders turning into an organization keen to "Big Brothers Big Sisters" where troubled ponies are paired with a mentor.



Edited by windy_prance
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Normally I don't care for CMC episodes, but it was pretty exciting having them finally get their cutie marks!  I love that they got the marks they got.  Also nice to give Diamond Tiara a bit more character development.


I miss Pinkie Pie.  Can we get a Pinkie Pie episode next?  ;)

You're in luck. That's this week's episode!

  • Brohoof 2
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I still can't get over this episode.  I think it's my favorite of all time.  Season 5 has been a really feelsy one and I'm loving it.  I think I'm going to write about this episode in my blog--and it's not an MLP blog.  :sunbutt:

  • Brohoof 8
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agreed 100% on how good it was.

As for the Class president thing, eh, it reminds me of my highschool's class president things. I remember one class president's campaign was basically just "Vote me me, I'm not a total B****" (not to her face of course, but it was well known that was pretty much all he was running on) and he WON. The girl he was running against was basically diamond tiara and he had no real plans except to NOT be her.



School presidencies can be 100% like what the show was about.



Naaaah. the finale is going to be about the mane six.

It'll be twilight who reforms starlight (They have the whole "basically the same name" thing going on after all)




Haha, true about AJ's parents. BRONIES DEMAND IT HASBRO!



Eh, I like them. They make sense, and work thematically.

I agree with you on the cutie marks making sense. I think they make perfect sense. Good point. Starlight is a foil for Twilight. 

I think it will, and possibly with more changes (like Diamond Tiara actually appearing with them...  :blink: )


Also, did anyone else expect to see Diamond Tiara pull out a folder with the unpublished photos Featherweight took for the Gabby Gums column in "Ponyville Confidential" when she sung about revealing her classmates' secrets? That actually would have made a lot of sense since he was snapping photos left and right through the whole episode, and would have made for yet another nice ref to a past season!

Thanks! I think so too. Yeah showing the folder would have been a great idea. Good example of her willingness to blackmail.  

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Man, besides the 100th, this is by far my favoritest episode yet!! I only seen it 2 days ago, but ive done watched it 4 times XD. I almost screamed with excitement when they got their cutie marks! Hmm, I kinda feel like watching it again lol. Just cant get those awesome songs and the transformation and aw heck, the whole episode is stick in my head

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Decided to re-write my thoughts, cause, in all honestly, it was rather strong on the unfair side. I re-watched the episode and it's indeed quite an improvement over Magical Mistery Cure. I still think the CMC mark designs could have been a bit better, but are decent nonetheless and that shield-thing is admittedly cool. Yeah, Diamond Tiara's redemption feels rushed, but she's still a filly after all, who has had to deal with such an awful mom until she was able to stand up to her. I am confident Tiara's change of heart will be quite a potential for many upcoming storylines. And yeah, I'm gonna admit it, seeing our little fillies achieving their longtime goal was full of feels.

Edited by Dino-Mario
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