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MLP Dream Experiences & Discussion

Vinyl Scratch

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I had another last night. I was outat some store/con thing with a bunch of random bronies. one had gotten a MLP tattoo, and it was horribly done, it looked like it was done by a 4 year old. We toured around the con, and I had found this Pegasus transformation kit. It came with several sets of different coloured plush wings, and when you pout them on you would transform into a Pegasus of the same colour as the wings you put on. It was the last one on the shelf, so of course I take it, I go to pull out the moeny, but instead of realmoney, I pull out gold bits. Cashier said it'll be 10 bits, soI gave her 10 bits. Anywyas, me and the bronies I"m with, find abenchto sit on and they're eager for me to open the box of the Pegasus transformation kit. So I quickly tore it open, not paying attention to the instructions, I grab the blue wings labeled "Rainbow Dash" there were a few straps on them with plastic buckles, all of which were blue. Thinking it was just a toy, I put them on, clipping all the buckles and pulling the straps tight. Then, like magic as soon as I finished snapping the last buckle closed, I was surrounded by a rainbow, swirling around me. I was engulfed in a bright aura of light, blinding everyone around me. Thenit all dissapeared, and everyone was staring at me in awe. I looked at them and said "What?" one of them then said "Dude,....you're Rainbow fucking Dash!" I didn't believe them until I looked into a conveniently placed mirror. I got an instant wing boner when I seen myself as Rainbow Dash. I couldn't beleive it. and before I could even try my new wings out, I woke up






Edited by Flutter Dash
  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Yeesh... Much of the details escaped me but I remember this one moment... The place seemed to be some kind of dorm. I was sitting at this counter when out of nowhere Sunset Shimmer (human) grabbed and held me from behind. She played with my hair a bit and she had this menacing look of anticipation on her face. Right there I felt deeply helpless and frightened... 

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I am sad to say that, so far, the only MLP related dream that I have had, that I remember, was a nightmare. I plan to change this, by learning how to have lucid dreams. Once I got good enough at lucid dreaming, I can make my dreams be whatever I want them to be - at which point I could dream myself into a happy, loving, true Equestria. There are also many other things I plan to do with lucid dreaming other than visit Equestria, but visiting Equestria is definitely one of the things I will do.


The dream I had about MLP was that I was in my room. It was dark. I saw a rarity toy sitting on a changing table I had when I was a baby that I now use for storage, as it has cabinets in it. The thing is, the toy looked evil. It looked similar to Rarity, except it had a gaping, evil looking smile. I also had the sensation that it was alive, and I felt an aura of just grossness and extreme evil hitting me like a tidal wave. When I looked up at my door to see if the Christian cross I keep up there (even though I'm not a Christian) was still there - it was gone. It was replaced by that same evil looking Rarity toy, stuck to the wall where the cross was supposed to be. I think I woke up at that point.



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My dreams are usually disturbing and unnerving to the point that I dread sleep. But occasionally I'll see a pony which will brighten it up. I've seen Lyra, AJ, Fluttershy, and my tulpa before. 


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This is pretty easy to explain; everyone I know was turned into a pony. Then suddenly all the villains appeared and took over.. And it ended once RD did a Sonic Rainboom.


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When I get MLP in my dreams, it's always just a small reference. I had a dream where I needed an instrument.. so I went in this room to get one, but the room lifted off the ground.


When I got into the room, it took off into the air. In the room, there was cello, a violin, and a string bass. I can only play bass, so I went to that. There was a plaque above the bass, which said in order for me to take it, I had to explain a movie.


What movie? My dream self chose EQUESTRIA GIRLS XD. I explained the movie to... some invisible god people it seems. They LOVED it, and let me take the bass :P

  • Brohoof 1


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One night i dream´d that i was Vinyls son and i looked like my profile pic,

(frome there i got my oc)

I was on a big party and help´d vinyl with the music,

there everypony had a good time and everypony was happy. ^_^  A short dream but i think it was awsome!

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to @kaz for making me this sig!!


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I remember dreaming 'bout drinking some alcohol with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in Cloudsville and then a nuclear war started in Equestria, but we didn't give a f*ck because we were in Cloudsville, so we drank some more, then a few WWII fighter planes came from above and killed us.

  • Brohoof 1




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I'm sure a lot of you have had a dream of MLP at some point if not well then umm sorry? I think? anyway I want to hear about your dreams that have something to do with MLP. Now I have had many.... only going to talk about 1 of them.


I got up like any normal day, walked in my bathroom to get ready for work when I had seen I had twilights horn, I just stood there and said "ok this is some kind of a sick joke right?". I got ready for work, when I got to work my friend laughed and said "nice hair!". I stood there, I looked in a mirror and had seen my hair was the same as twilights, at the point I was thinking oh no I'm becoming twilight, I guess its not all that bad. As i got in the back of a truck to be taken to some place on the farm to do something whatever they wanted me to do, I had seen my left hand was a hoof, I didn't freak out or anything I just sat there thinking, holy shit how I'm going to do my job now! As time went on my other hand turned in to a hoof, making so I cant do anything. So I just walked up to my boss and said "Well mark it was good working for you but as you can see I'm turning in to Twilight so I cant keep working for you cause I don't have hands" He looked at me and said "What the fuck is a Twilight?".


Now please tell me or well us some of your dreams that have something to do with MLP! or just read some of this and don't post anything and move on with your day.

Edited by xPrincess Celestiax
  • Brohoof 2


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I've had a few dreams.  Just your average run of the mill 'wake up in Ponyville and for some reason you're a pony now but don't seem to notice' kind of dreams.  Nothing too special.  I never go on adventures or anything.  Since when did my dreamworld become slice of life?


I like your dream though, that's kind of funny.  I can actually see that as the most legit response your boss could've had given next to 'WTF is wrong with your hands!?' lol  If it was me I would've went for the brohoof ... cause of ... the hoof *crickets chirping*

Edited by Night Shadow
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Yea, I've had a lot as well.


I can't remember most of them....but I had a couple about Rainbow Factory the other night...as I've slowly been reading it before bed. Probably a bad idea. I've been in two different positions, one being a head engineer for Dash. and another of being one of the "Failures" I woke up before being tossed into a Pegasus Device. I can't recall the details....but I have a feeling I'll have another tonight.

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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I've only had one dream related to ponies.. I think... meh. Anyways. The dream started with me waking up and getting out of bed and apparently I was a pony. I then went outside to see I was in like... a Colosseum for some reason. I didn't question anything. I looked up and in the sky I saw DIscord! I was confused and worried. Me and my Mom, Dad and brother (were human for some reason...) ran and I made sure they got away before I turned and remembered a Legend/Prophecy. I was to awake "The 6" who's power was said to be powerful enough to stop anything. I hurried so I could stop Discord. I made it to a weird Mayan looking temple thing and as I placed my hooves on a step, the ground shook and I heard DIscords laugh in the distance. 6 Pod like things arose from the ground and inside were "The 6".... Then I woke up and was like "DAMN IT!!! I wanted to see the rest!!!"


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I just woke up and Ponyville and didn't know I was an alicorn, looked at my hands and thought WHERE ARE MY FINGERS?!?!?! And all the Mane 6 besides Pinkie and Twilight were hitting on me, I was feeling pretty awkward considering I was a different species.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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I remember this one dream about MLP that I had a year ago. The reason I can remember it is because it made me sit down for a while just pondering about it.


Spike was dead and Twilight was going through deep depression blaming herself for his death. Her friends tried to comfort and help her through her depression by telling her it was an accident and that she didn't do it on purpose, but it wasn't working. Eventually, It had got to the point where she wouldn't leave her own house and kept all the windows and doors shut and locked. She didn't eat, sleep, or even allow her friends to see her. She would just lay there on her bed, curled into a ball, crying. Then, she magically brought to herself a quill and parchment and began to write a note telling her friends that she was sorry it had to come to this and will miss them all dearly. She placed the note on a table and then I woke up.


I was very curious about what Twilight did. From what I had gathered, she accidentally killed Spike and was suffering greatly from it. As for how she ended her torment, I don't know. I never had another dream concluding this story, so for all I know, Twilight's friends could have bust down the door and save her before she ends it all. That dream got me into depressing stories about MLP, except when I write those kind of stories, they start out depressing, but then I start mixing romance into it and then it ends with the character in a romantic relationship and happy.



IF is best girl.

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I remember this one dream about MLP that I had a year ago. The reason I can remember it is because it made me sit down for a while just pondering about it.


Spike was dead and Twilight was going through deep depression blaming herself for his death. Her friends tried to comfort and help her through her depression by telling her it was an accident and that she didn't do it on purpose, but it wasn't working. Eventually, It had got to the point where she wouldn't leave her own house and kept all the windows and doors shut and locked. She didn't eat, sleep, or even allow her friends to see her. She would just lay there on her bed, curled into a ball, crying. Then, she magically brought to herself a quill and parchment and began to write a note telling her friends that she was sorry it had to come to this and will miss them all dearly. She placed the note on a table and then I woke up.


Haha sounds like a Creepypasta.  I would believe you, but the dream just seems too structured and orderly to be a dream at least for most people.  Still would make an interesting story.


Someone watched "Owl's Well That Ends Well" before bed :]


Has anyone ever considered how bitchy it was for Twilight to push Spike into King Sombra's "Door of greatest fears?"  What a nice way to treat someone who is 100% loyal to you.  He's also just a kid, which makes it even more of a dick move.  She could have just told him what it did without showing him.  It wasn't even Twilight that delivered the crystal heart but she got all of the praise.



Edited by John
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Haha sounds like a Creepypasta.  I would believe you, but the dream just seems too structured and orderly to be a dream at least for most people.  Still would make an interesting story.


Someone watched "Owl's Well That Ends Well" before bed :]


I did add a few details, but this dream actually did happen, I guarantee you. I have had dreams like this before where it played out like a story. So, this isn't the first time it happened. It was thanks to dreams like this that I started writing. :)


Also, I might have watched that episode before bed. ;)

Edited by SmartyPants



IF is best girl.

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Hi there, @. Since we already have a thread for discussing pony-related dreams all set up, your new thread has been merged with it. The search function can help avoid this sort of thing, please make use of it. Sweet dreams! ;)

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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Haha sounds like a Creepypasta.  I would believe you, but the dream just seems too structured and orderly to be a dream at least for most people.  Still would make an interesting story.


Someone watched "Owl's Well That Ends Well" before bed :]


Has anyone ever considered how bitchy it was for Twilight to push Spike into King Sombra's "Door of greatest fears?"  What a nice way to treat someone who is 100% loyal to you.  He's also just a kid, which makes it even more of a dick move.  She could have just told him what it did without showing him.  It wasn't even her that delivered the crystal heart but she got all of the praise.




Sometimes I wish Twilight actually did fail the test in some way.  This would have been more interesting.  Celestia is too soft with her.

Oops.  This was meant to be an edit of my previous post.  Derp.



To continue the topic, I have only had a handful of dreams that involved the show before.

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I actually had my first MLP related dream last night. I was Sterling Crimson and basically I was with a mare. Not sure which one, but either way, I somehow decided to meet Twilight (Princess) at her library in Ponyville. That's about all I remember. It was extremely colourful, just like the show! It was a nice feel, but I wish I remembered more of that dream...

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One night I was on the forum and was reading the pony hypnosis thread. It was kinda late so I was on my laptop, just laying on my bed. I was interested in that Vinyl Scratch was one of the ponies you could hypnotize yourself to "become", so I decided to try it out. I was about more than half way through the audio track when i just thought it wasn't working, so I stopped it and went off to bed. I then a dream that I was Vinyl and getting ready for a show. I remember the loud music, everyone cheering, and going crazy with the turntable like I know exactly how to play. It was pretty cool B) !

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream where I was at a big movie theater to watch Equestria girls, but for some reason I had to follow my mom out to a different theater. We changed theaters 3 times while EQG was playing and I jsut wanted to sit down and finish the film. There was something a Xenomorph from Aliens walking around and me getting 2 slices of sausage pizza from a box in the middle of the theater, only to be upset when one of the slices had a whole jalapeno pepper on it.


I've probably had others but can't remember them. I recall that the amount of pony in them was rather minimal.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heres my pony dream


Basically, what happened was that I knew I was in a dream. At first I was going to look for girls, but then I  was all like "nah I did that last time" so I decided to look for ponies. I found fluttershy and I was all like "helloooo" and she was making her shy whimpering noises from episode 1. Assuming that she didn't want anything to do with me, I turned around and began to walk away, but then, as if she suddenly recognized me or something, Fluttershy happily ran over to me and jumped into my arms. It was weird, but I'm not complaining

Edited by Sarge Sixteenbit
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