Lupus 127 October 18, 2011 Share October 18, 2011 I dreamt of a pony who made 3d walk-in clocks, and had his own song There is a pony called Jeremy An excellent designer Gets on well with Applejack And Rarity And sits in his recliner 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Founder Twilight Sparkle ✨ 8,528 October 22, 2011 Founder Share October 22, 2011 I had my first pony dream a couple of nights ago. I don't remember much of it, except that there was this one part where I saw Twilight Sparkle flying, with wings she had created for herself. In my dream, her wings appeared to be made of dark blue silk or something, matching her mane. They weren't feathery, like normal pegasus wings, and weren't quite bat wings, either. The other detail I remember from the dream was seeing ponies had hands when seen up close (made no sense, I know). When somepony grabbed something with their hoof, it turned into a hand. My scientific mind must've borked itself trying to come up with an explanation for things like this: What if you lucid dreamed about ponies. What would you do? Oh, don't even get me started. 4 Avatar credit: robinrain8 Signature credit: Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 October 22, 2011 Share October 22, 2011 (edited) I never have had a pony related dream, but then again I practically never dream at all. Is that normal? =P Edited October 22, 2011 by Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavia2 83 October 22, 2011 Share October 22, 2011 I'm happy, just had my first pony related dream a few nights ago: Me and a friend are in a huge football stadium (football has nothing to do with the dream, no idea why I dreamt about one). Apparently there's a MLP video game, and this guy is hosting an event for it. Lots of people come to watch him make a perfect run through of the game (that's the whole point of the event). After he does it, he invites people to come and try to beat his time. My friend and I volunteer, and we end up beating his time. Then a bunch of media comes in and interviews us about MLP and what being a brony is, etc. I don't remember any of the questions though. I was supra excited after I had this dream, because it was my first dream for months. It had been bothering me that I wasn't having any dreams, then all of a sudden this sucker popped up. I hope I have more show - related dreams in the future, as this one didn't have any of the ponies from the show in it or anything. What if you lucid dreamed about ponies. What would you do? I've always dreamed of having a lucid dream (hah, hah...). Never actually experienced one, though. I would explore Ponyville and the Everfree Forest and fly with the Wonderbolts(!!1!11!!!), all the while having conversations with as many of the mane 6 I can. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheogorath 1,155 October 23, 2011 Share October 23, 2011 A while back I had the most curious dream featuring Pinkie Pie, but white, (and this was before I knew of beta version of Pinkie too) The dream started from me floating in light blue space, like sky, then out of mist / cloud / something came Pinkie, kind of semi-trot flying at me and told me to follow her to sucarcube corner. I wondered how am I to follow since I am suspended here in middle of nothing floating, and as I turned to look after her I noticed pair of blue wings flapping on my back keeping me in the air. I then realized that I had been instinctively hovering with my wings rather than been suspended. And then I scooped air under my wings and pushed after Pinkie who had gotten a bit further away from me so I did a faster flap and folded the wings and gained up on her. A little fly later, I had been watching the landscape and setting sun over ponyville and I wondered the whole situation but how ever landed in to the doorstep of the SCC and pushed the door open with my forehead, there I saw Pinkie next to Fluttershy and a projector plus a white canvas. Pinkie then walked over to me and yanked my pony tail (yes, I was a pony too somehow) pulling me on my butt and said to me that I better take a seat because she has a lot to say. Then she skipped over in front of me and yammered a bit about stuffs I rather omit right now as it was .. embarrassing exchange of dialogue. After this exchange however she got this serious but still pinkie happy expression on her face and told me... Uh.. I better add disclaimer here first: I do not believe this was anything more than a dream, the entire pony element in it was likely due me having watched an episode earlier the previous day, and what is now going to follow, and why ever I remember it still vividly is beyond me and as a skeptic I treat it as figment of my subconsciousness. Okay, so this is odd since I usually do not dream sounds or words or anything like that. This also ties to something she said in the part I omitted so I must navigate around certain contexts. Pinkie told me, with the help of incredibly intricate diagrams, and a formula something that directly related to string theory, the "4th wall of fiction" and nature of sentience as extra dimensional concept. To more accurately: "In order to accomplish this (omitted data) and transfer sentience from dimension to another, in order to observe, or even to integrate and cross populate the interverse spanning multiple parallel worlds like yours or mine the personality itself as a wave pattern can be projected accross dimensions like the light from that projector into this canvas and then through the reflection of the projected pattern (image), the pattern can be preserved in the new world under different laws of physics using an adaptive medium, In this case brains"... In this part Fluttershy changed a slide in the projector and showed a panel of images with alpha wave pattern indicators as "wavefront" being projected from one set of brain, though hyperspace wormhole (That's all I can describe the diagram as) into another set of brains in early stages of development, fully formed by lacking in neural connection mesh of adult brains. Then pinkie picked up the chart stick in her mouth and snapped it at the "new brains" spat it out of her mouth and it landed into a cup with pencils on the table next to us with some pastries on display in a cute basket. She continued her lecture "As the chart explains, to transfer ones identity into new body,t he new body needs to be in its infancy, tablet rash as it were (Fluttershy corrected her with "Uhm.. it is tabula rasa Pinkie" To which she responded only with a giggle and said "Don't be silly, that's not even English!" And then she continued on with the lecture looking at me with her big blue eyes and came at me to poke me on the head, saying "As young base of cognitive system, the personality can be projected and locked in to new form, then raised to meet the receptive demands of the new home, and same time providing the sentience developing a direction to which the mind will advance, as well as some memory regeneration over time in some cases. And this is how Equestria is made!" Then she just gave me a formula that she didn't seem to have time to explain to me, as I woke up soon after looking at the formula and just had this immense WTF going on for hours after the dream. Now couple weeks later, having brewed this "data" some of it actually makes sense: In order for mankind to ever venture and explore in alternative realities safely, and not causing massive paradoxes in laws of perhaps different physics, we need to project only our sentience into local species in those alternate dimensions with the use of technology that is not currently available. But however it seems like only valid option to explore other realities. It is a bit chaotic overall content as it was a dream, so forgive all narrative flaws, it was my subconscious and despite apparent preference to sci-fi it is not too good of a writer. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goodra 531 October 23, 2011 Share October 23, 2011 What if you lucid dreamed about ponies. What would you do? Ride Luna through space. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ProjectRKA 2,848 October 23, 2011 Share October 23, 2011 I wish i had pony related dreams D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crazy Misty 654 October 24, 2011 Share October 24, 2011 I had a dream completely un related to MLP then someway through it I bought toys of the mane 6. siggy by PixiGlow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lupus 127 October 24, 2011 Share October 24, 2011 Fluttershy keeps edging into my dreams, usually as a character in a world of humans, and nobody but me seems particuarly to notice... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Marvelous 544 October 24, 2011 Share October 24, 2011 still no pony dreams on my end. okay ponies, give me all your treasure. "I will destroy all the riders" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lupus 127 October 27, 2011 Share October 27, 2011 Pinkie was in a dream the other night, in a crowded room Last night tho I had a very weird dream that I was watching a documentary on kids who got polio and were left paralysed, and how in several cases finding the first generation of My Little Pony helped them to recover at least to a degree. Very strange dream, maybe partly influenced by the thriller I'm reading plus writing about ponies just before going to bed... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SBaby 660 October 29, 2011 Share October 29, 2011 So who here's had an interesting dream involving everyone's favorite ponies? I'm not implying that it's all we ever dream about, but it would make for a fascinating read if you just took a moment to type it out. Not yet. But probably soon. I expect this to happen within the next week or two, as it usually does with things I end up liking. A Winner Is You!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady Rarity Pony 4,892 October 29, 2011 Share October 29, 2011 Whenever I try to have a dream I never get it but strangely when I don't have something on my mind it comes up in my dreams. But ponies are always on my mind LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finesthour 7,287 October 29, 2011 Share October 29, 2011 I want to dream about ponies. It would make me happy. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady Rarity Pony 4,892 October 30, 2011 Share October 30, 2011 Closest thing I really get to Pony dreams is imagining it just as I fall asleep... LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viscra Maelstrom 3,718 October 30, 2011 Share October 30, 2011 Ponies has at some point been subject in my dreams, but only very briefly, and never been the main theme of any of my dreams. I do, however, daydream and imagine ponies instead, and imagine myself as my OC walking around instead of me at times. Now whether that's a sign of me being mentally unstable I don't want to know. =P 1 Soundcloud---------Twitter---------Tumblr---------DeviantArt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FLARE 952 November 4, 2011 Share November 4, 2011 (edited) Well, I had a dream that my school got turned into a hospital, in one of the rooms at school you can see the ovals, so I was in hospital with a bunch of random kids and one of My friends. All this stuff happens and then i look out the window to see someone dressed up as rainbowdash running around the ovals with applejack. Then something bad happens and we all die. The end. Sent on my iPod at 3am sorrty for smelling errors Edited November 4, 2011 by flare03 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viscra Maelstrom 3,718 November 4, 2011 Share November 4, 2011 Since my last post, ponies seem to have frequented my dreams more and more often. Not any major theme in my dreams, but enough of them to be noticeable and make me remember them. Though nothing major yet like if I would be prancing around in Ponyville as my OC. Soundcloud---------Twitter---------Tumblr---------DeviantArt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady Rarity Pony 4,892 November 4, 2011 Share November 4, 2011 ...Lock myself in a ponies all day...go to pony dreams LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finesthour 7,287 November 5, 2011 Share November 5, 2011 I am going to learn to lucid dreams for real. I want to be in equestria when I am asleep. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Klopp 2,050 November 5, 2011 Share November 5, 2011 I've never had dreams about ponies yet, but I do dream fairly often. My dreams always have me trying to save one thing or another, and they always are at least 99.9% unrealistic. The only thing that is usually realistic in my dreams is the people in them. And the people in my dreams are often no one I actually know in reality. They are always cut short though, but only because I keep getting awakened by inconsiderate family members. I hope I can have a dream in Equestria though, but at the same time if I did I know I would eventually just wake up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeremy 128 November 5, 2011 Share November 5, 2011 The other night I had one of those nightmares when something is chasing you but you don't really know what it is. No pony dreams yet, or at least none I can remember. On the topic of lucid dreams, I had one years ago and wanted to die that morning after waking up. Quando omni flunkus moritati Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady Rarity Pony 4,892 December 3, 2011 Share December 3, 2011 (edited) I think when I fell to sleep today I had a pony-themed dream. Either that or it was just all I had on my mind from watching ponies all night and staying up for 24 hours -------------------------------- Well a couple of days ago I had a dream which was basically a combination of FiM, COD Blops and MW3. We were in Ponyville and there were guys sniping from the back of the "map". I would have preferred something that made sense but whatever -__-' ---------------- I've had some more pony dreams First one was one with Scootaloo getting her cutie mark (though I never saw it for myself). Surprisingly enough this felt more like a nightmare...during the dream I got the feeling that her getting her cutie mark meant the show was over D: And the second one Ive had this week was pretty weird. I was Twilight Sparkle at the Gala with Rarity. Rarity used some "eagle spell" as it was referred to in my dream and something went wrong. The spell was turning her into different kinds of birds (though she still maintained her white and purple coloring). Weird dreams...I wish they were a bit happier Edited November 9, 2011 by Lady Rarity Pony LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FLARE 952 December 3, 2011 Share December 3, 2011 I had a dream, very strange one. I woke up from a dream (dream-ception) and I had to go to school, I looked next to me on my bed, and there was my blazer I need to get changed into, but who other than a life sized rarity sleeping on it who wouldn't get off it was there to greet me. she wouldn't move so I just went downstairs anyway. stuff happened. BUT then I realised something, I remebered that I could fly places, so I ran out side and looked up at the sky and jumped off the balcony. I died. the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SBaby 660 December 3, 2011 Share December 3, 2011 I dreamt I saw Twilight Sparkle at Hogwarts. I can't remember much else about what was happening, but I remember seeing Harry Potter's son (which clued me in that it was Hogwarts). 1 A Winner Is You!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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