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S05:E19 - The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows



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Huh, a lot of things are happening this season, things I never expected would happen. Granted, it's not as much of a surprise as the CMC's cutiemarks, but still...yay, new foal~ I thought it was a fun episode, I enjoyed it. Gotta love Shining's reaction to his comic book, hehe :P


Also, just realized that Season 5 is coming to a close. Huh, time sure passed by quickly. Looking forward to the finale! :D

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... and the moral of the story is to never hold in big secrets or you'll fall into pieces.



In all seriousness, this was a great episode.

It's a Pinkie Pie based episode so the crazy stuff would be included, very humerus too.


When Pinkie was trying to hold it in while being around her friends who noticed that she is keeping something from them, I kept on thinking "just tell them it's a secret."

Wow, I didn't even notice Shining had discovered his comic had been burned! Since he was happy again at the end, I'll theorize right now Twilight was able to reconstruct it for him with her high-level magic. She probably learned a spell for doing that after the burnt book incident with Spike in S1!

I don't think it would be in mint-condition anymore even if it were to be repaired with magic. RIP value.
  • Brohoof 1

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Although I did like this episode, I think twilight should have teared up a bit after finding out that she'll be an aunt soon.


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While hardly heavy on plot, we don't always need that. This was just 20 mins of watching Pinkie be Pinkie.


As such it was a fun 'sit back, turn your brain off and giggle like a numpty' episode and the animators clearly had a lot of fun too.

After the last few feels-heavy episodes it's good to have something to relax with.

  • Brohoof 1
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Just one thing to say about this episode: it was hilarious!


I am surprised by the quality of all the episodes this season. It just keeps getting better and better.




Edited by 4april


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Great episode, and for once Pinkie Pie was really funny (it's getting rare unfortunately...).


It really reminded me of another episode though...


There were some pretty intentional call-backs. However, this episode was about how hard it can be to keep an exciting secret, while in Green Isn't Your Color, it was a subplot about not revealing the feelings A has for B (as it's not your job to do so). 




Thought this was one of the most hilarious episodes ever. Everything just clicked. 

  • Brohoof 2
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it wouldn't be its own race. More like a rare genetic anomaly, where the kid comes out with pegasus wings and a unicorn horn. Because we rarely see races mating with ponies outside their own race. Earth ponies tend to breed with their kind, Pegasi wigh their kind, and unicorns with gheirs. Shining and Cadance are an exception, so having their kid be a mix of both their genes, to where both appendages are visible, would be a good opportunity to shake things up.

Very true,great points, but I doubt they would call this mix of genes pegacorn . I think they would just use the term alicorn and say the baby is just a different type of alicorn for the sake of younger kids watching and new toys. Using a new term might accidentally imply a new race of pony. Just my opinion. 

Edited by StitchandMLPlover

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I see some people complaining how she was able to mantain a secret back in Green Isn't Your Color, but the circumstances are way different and it makes sense she'd be able to restrain herself back then, but would have a hard time with that in this episode.


Pinkie isn't mean, if somepony tells her a private secret about somepony else she'll have no trouble keeping her mouth shut. However, since she's the element to laughter, or happiness, she'd have trouble keeping the details of an exciting event to herself that she knows will make somepony else be happy (like being an aunt in this case). 

  • Brohoof 5



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I see some people complaining how she was able to mantain a secret back in Green Isn't Your Color, but the circumstances are way different and it makes sense she'd be able to restrain herself back then, but would have a hard time with that in this episode.


Pinkie isn't mean, if somepony tells her a private secret about somepony else she'll have no trouble keeping her mouth shut. However, since she's the element to laughter, or happiness, she'd have trouble keeping the details of an exciting event to herself that she knows will make somepony else be happy (like being an aunt in this case). 


That's the same that i said. We talk about 2 different circumstances here. The thought of making someone happy, is what makes Pinkies Character and keeping a secret that will surely make someone happy (especially Twilight) would kill her on the inside.

  • Brohoof 1

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Although I did like this episode, I think twilight should have teared up a bit after finding out that she'll be an aunt soon.


I think the tears will be saved for when the baby is actually born. I felt like her ecstatic reaction to the news was appropriate, and was joyous for me to see the adorkable one so happy!



I don't think it would be in mint-condition anymore even if it were to be repaired with magic. RIP value.


That may be true, but somehow I don't think Shining has to worry about money all that much, being married to a princess and all.  :) I do understand there is a certain euphoric value in knowing a comic you own is mint condition, but alas, I could never relate to it. A comic is just a comic to me.  :lol:



More objectively speaking, it really annoys me that everyone always has kids on TV. Can't one, just ONE TV couple choose not to? I feel like it's stereotype that's shoved down our throats, as if there aren't any couples irl that don't have kids.


And, if nothing else, at least it serves to remind us that





I think you may have answered your own complaint in your spoiler, Justin.  :)  For me, this couple is so lovey-dovey (to the point that it saved Canterlot from Chrysalis) that it would be less believable if they didn't have foals. (Presuming both of their... respective plumbing - is in working order, Not to get too, um, deep(?) into their personal lives, but it seems like they rock that royal bed more often than not. :lol:   


What I really wish they do is show a pregnant Cadance on the show, but I'm sure that's out of the question. Would probably bump the rating up from G to PG or something, so it's a no go. I also really wish they'd have a scene depicting the foal's birth. (Yeah, I know, I know—you don't have to yell “kid's show!” at me.) I'm talking about something like Spirit's birth at the beginning of Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmarron.


Someone else already mentioned they showed a pregnant Wilma on The Flintstones, but I suppose that really wasn't a kids show - it was a prime-time animated sitcom. It only became a "kids" show after it went into syndication, which is all I ever saw of it. But, perhaps if it was OK to show it in the 60's when characters still had to sleep in separate beds, maybe in 2016 TV will have finally matured enough to show that there's nothing dirty about having a clearly pregnant character in Y7 series? *Hooves crossed*



In my opinion, having such trouble keeping a secret went against her character. My reason for thinking this is simple: Green Isn't Your Color. If you've forgotten the details of that episode, re-watch it, and then you'll see why I think this story with Pinkie doesn't wash. She should have had no trouble at all keeping her lip zipped. Did not care for that one bit. Nope.


I'm of the opinion this secret was so much bigger than Rarity and Flutters' secret and even bigger than the non-secret of Spike's crush on Rarity I found it believable Pinkie could insist those secrets be kept and this one was hard, even for her. Also, the episode did make a point of her not making it a Pinkie Promise, so it was only the warnings from Mrs. Cake and Rarity that was keeping her muzzle shut. Maybe if she had Pinkie promised it would have been easier for her to act normal.


Anyone remembers in the episode "Green isn't your color" how she was the main one who stressed to Twilight that she shouldn't reveal secrets? Even though things would have been solved quickly had she confessed the truth to both Fluttershy and Rarity, Pinkie was the one who pushed Twilight to not say a word....and nearly had Twilight explode.


I love the callback to that episode. I love how Rarity even recalled Pinkie's "Forever..." catchphrase that is the defacto standard for ponies with secrets to keep quiet.  :okiedokielokie:  :lol:

Speaking of callbacks, DYN the callback to "Party Pooped"? The mayor learned about Pinkie's awesome filing system and had her implement a similar one for the town!


And with this, Pumpkin Cake has joined the list of best side characters in the show.


Yes! That scene of her mimicking her mom's shushing was precious!  :pinkie:



I see some people complaining how she was able to mantain a secret back in Green Isn't Your Color, but the circumstances are way different and it makes sense she'd be able to restrain herself back then, but would have a hard time with that in this episode. Pinkie isn't mean, if somepony tells her a private secret about somepony else she'll have no trouble keeping her mouth shut. However, since she's the element to laughter, or happiness, she'd have trouble keeping the details of an exciting event to herself that she knows will make somepony else be happy (like being an aunt in this case).

That's the same that i said. We talk about 2 different circumstances here. The thought of making someone happy, is what makes Pinkies Character and keeping a secret that will surely make someone happy (especially Twilight) would kill her on the inside.



Oooh, good point! I hadn't even thought of that - revealing the secrets from "Green..." was something Pinkie thought would cause misery, but this secret was something that would have been many ponies happy (except for maybe Cadence and Shining...)

Edited by Truffles
  • Brohoof 2

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After reading everyone's posts in this thread before mine; I think the writing can be improved if maybe Mrs. Cake whispered the secret to Pinkie and we're left guessing (most would be guessing correctly). Then the rest episode is still the same (minus most the aforementioned baby hints) and it would be better?


I still liked the episode none the less.

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I Told all of you Hoofing Ponies that The secret pinkie would be keeping in the synopsis from when we first read it would be Cadence and Shinning Armor having a Child!1




Now back to watching the episode!

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Seeing Shining's collection, Spike's own love of comic books suddenly makes a lot more sense.

Good point. I could see Spike being bored and wanting Twi to play with him, but she was busy reading, so Spike is wandering around exploring Twi and Shinings house, and he comes across Shining's stash of comics, that he had left at home when he left to be in the royal guard. Now Spike can enjoy reading with Twilight.

  • Brohoof 1
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Cadence and Shining Amour had SEX!!!!!

Either that happened when they weren't on screen (as one said on some other thread) or it's just "magic". Hey, logic isn't always a thing in show. ;)

A web dev pony.

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Beginning: OMC, it's a baby! :D


Throughout the episode: Pinkie had given me feels... and all of this is so hilarious!


Shining Armor also gave me feels with the comic book being burned.


The ending: This was both touching and hilarious, kinda like Party of One.

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