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What convinced you that this show could be good?

chirox the pony

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Now I'm not asking what made you watch the show in a general sense. What I'm asking is what specifically made you say "hey, maybe I could like this show". What was that one reason? Well if you remember it post it here. 

  • Brohoof 2

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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I watched it because one of my best friends is a brony. He didn't shove the show in my face or anything, I just decided to check it out with him as something we could do to hang out. I ended up liking the show and now I'm probably a bigger brony than he is. /)

  • Brohoof 2
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I didn't really think. I saw that there was an episode on TV, and as I didn't know what to do I said to myself "Why not, it might be good" and then I watched it. And I loved it! I already needed to watch the next episode! xD

  • Brohoof 1
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The extremely big adult male and female audience is what got me to think the show was good. Think about it, if a show has such a large audience you would probably think it's good.

  • Brohoof 4

signature made by myself.

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I cant tell.


I watched the show, because i wanted something to collect and the title picture of a My Little Pony Tales Dvd, was just to cute  :pinkie:


I havent thought about, " Could i like it ?  :ooh:  " i was more like : " Is it okay, to watch it ?  :wacko:  "


I didnt cared, if i would like it or not, i just wanted to watch it because it was very cute, i was just hoping that i could like the series.

And i did thankfully.

  • Brohoof 2


Sig made by Kyoshi

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Well may as well get mine out of the way. When I was researching the show on wikipedia I couldn't see myself liking it. Until I found out that the creator was involved with powerpuff girls. And I remember liking powerpuff girls (in fact I actually remember asking my mother if powerpuff girls was a girls show or not). So I said "hey if it's like powerpuff girls then there must something good here" (or something along those lines.


P.S Why is this in the pony merchandise section? I hope a mod fixes that. 

  • Brohoof 1

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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The extremely big adult male and female audience is what got me to think the show was good. Think about it, if a show has such a large audience you would probably think it's good.


A lot of action and adventure with some battles are the culprits to this. 


I'm not going to lie, I was shocked when I heard the Fine Brothers tell some teens that the show was that popular.

  • Brohoof 1

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My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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  1. The brony fandom. A product with a bad reputation like MLP wouldn't grow a massive following of both kids and adults (especially adult males) unless there was a solid reason behind it.

The pilot. Today, obviously it shows its age. The animation, while smooth, was also a bit stilted, and the story is very cramped into two parts. But it has a major intangible: heart. It knows it can be good, if given the chance. It started slow, but it finally found the footing when Winter Wrap Up aired.

  • Brohoof 4

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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As I've stated before, what really made me decide to watch the show was seeing Faust's words, especially the ones about the show being made to show girls that there is no wrong way to be a girl.

  • Brohoof 1

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Magical Mystery Cure being the very first episode that I could say that I loved really helped prove that this show was worth my time.

Even though I saw all of season 1 and watched season 2 up to A Friend in Deed and then Watched the episodes live.  Including all of season 3, I wasn't really super into the show,  but that episode made me really glad for following the series. 

And season 4 proved that this was a show that I am going to really enjoy following.

Heck A True True Friend and Celestia's Ballad convinced me alone.


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I was indifferent to MLP, but I read good reviews about this show. Lauren Faust being involved helped since I liked watching Powerpuff Girls and never considered that a little girl's show even when I was a child (though I didn't care much for Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends). I started with the pilot and enjoyed it, and here I am. It's all about the execution.

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Because many people were talking about it. I looked at opinions from grown men and teens who thought this show was great and nothing like it was stereotyped to be. If anyone can praise a show like that and be serious, then FiM itself must be worth watching.

  • Brohoof 2
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Animated James. I watched his "Sonic VS Rainbow Dash", and it was actually enjoyable... I liked RD's character design. So I decided that maybe they are all that way? Besides, I was already hearing a lot about the show from the internet.

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The hype.


I mean, even though I'm a brony as of last year, (Right before the year-long hiatus, which really sucked btw) I understood that this show had an abnormal following. I didn't think anything of it for so long (roughly three years), and one day, on a whim, I decided to check it out, and here I am now.


But the real reason I was interested in the first place was because of two things: One, I remembered there being a lot of people who went out of their way to watch a show that was supposedly for little girls, (Or at least that's what I thought at the time) and I found it interesting. Second, (as weird of a connection it is to make) my mom taught me that if she eats something I haven't tried yet, and likes it, then there's a possibility that I might too. Though it may've been just something my mom said to eat my greens when I was eight, I still held onto that thought and it still keeps me thinking.



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s1 e1/e2. I watched them for less than friendly purposes. I always say that it was bloom's pouty face, pinkie's gasp/gone and song, and Rare's canterlot eyes that hooked me but in truth they are one small part. It was actually the story, that gotta see what happens next thing everyone gets with shows or books. I watched the first episode then had to watch the next thanks to the cliffhanger, soon enough I was one of the people I'd despised, and was loving it. 

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This thread appears to be discussing MLP:FiM in some way, shape or form. Thus, it has been sentenced to Show Discussion.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Because the show doesn't brainwash people into buying their toys (unlike other cartoons)

The characters interact in a way that either humans do, or how we want to treat each other.

This is really something I can't explain...

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By the time I saw it popping up (3 seasons in), it had a HUUUUGE fanbase. So even though I wasn't really all that fond of the pilot (which was kinda cliché, predictable, and [in my opinion] stupid), I went on and watched some more. And some more. And some more. And you know what? After a while, I discovered that I liked it. (Well, most of it. Sometimes I absolutely detested an episode, for example, Mare-Do-Well or The Best Night Ever.)

Edited by Royally Blue

This is your average, everyday annoying signature.

Are you seriously reading this?


Wow. I didn't think you'd actually waste enough time to get to the fourth line.

Or the fifth, for that matter. What, am I interesting or something?

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