Nuke87654 1,849 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Serioulsy, that AU Equestria with Sombra reminded me so much of Gears of War personally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunset's Shimmer 394 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 I rather disliked, or rather was disappointed with this episode ( Something which I very rarely say). I'm getting tired of this trend lately, where literally every, "evil" character ends up getting redeemed. (Ironic I know, I'm all about the redemption stories/ponies). -_- It just seems to me they're beating a dead horse, pardon the pun. I'm all for recurring themes and elements, but, this is happening a lot lately. I just feel that there's so many unexplored alternatives that could have be done to resolve the conflict... with out repeating the same lesson again, and again. ... I guess also another reason I didn't like this episode is; it pretty much destroyed my headcannon of Sunset Shimmer ever returning to equestria, or at least in a mane6 type of capacity. On a positive note: I really liked the time spell visual effects, and the reappearance of the past season's villains. As always, Daniel Ingram cast his magic and created another awesome song. 5 Sunset Shimmer -----*and*----- Princess Luna Signature by Me, myself, and I Redemption ponies are best ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlbaTross 1,586 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 That was...awesome! It's just as epic as the trailer promised, though it played out quite differently than I expected, but in a good way. I expected Twilight to end up in one time paradox that she had to solve, and it would have either been one where all of the villains take over, or more likely, the one where Nightmare Moon returns, but where the rest aren't acknowledged if only because things would be way too hectic if all of them returned, so perhaps focusing on Nightmare Moon would have been the best choice in that case. However, what they did allowed for all the villains to return, just in different time streams. I love that even the Flim Flam Brothers, who I've thought of as more of minor antagonists than straight up villains, took over in one timeline. By the way, did anypony else notice the CG on those Timberwolves? It's somewhat reminiscent of the kind of CG I've seen in anime films, so while it's not groundbreaking I think it's a nice touch, even if it's just shown for a couple seconds tops. On one hand that kind of makes me wonder how Nightmare Moon, Discord, etc were defeated in those other timelines where a different villain takes over, as the sequence starts with Nightmare Moon, but that could just be me overanalyzing. On the other hand, it was a great way to give every past villain at least a tiny bit of screen time, and that format allowed us to see multiple possible bad timelines, while building up to the falling action, which obviously had to do with friendship just because that's what this series is all about. I actually think this finale tops the last one. It not only uses time as a force greater than any one villain, but Starlight Glimmer, unlike Tirek, is shown to have a good side, and is reformed in the end. Also, I'm even more intrigued about where things will go from here. Will Starlight return to her town and create a new society built around friendship? Will she move somewhere and become Twilight's student, mirroring Twilight's relationship with Celestia? By the way, it comes as no surprise that Celestia barely appears in this episode. Will she stay in Ponyville and build her friendships with the mane six? Is a new mane seven in the future? The finale cleverly left things open ended so we can guess where things will go, but we'll have to wait and see what will actually happen. Whether or not an expanded cast of seven mane ponies could work probably comes down to writing quality. Discord as the valence electron of the group has kind of worked, and I'm used to it now. Having another mare, and another unicorn to boot, has potential. Heck, expanding the mane cast could be what the show needs to reinvigorate it. On the other hand, it also makes perfect sense if Starlight goes elsewhere and just ends up becoming another part of the side cast. Perhaps this is a discussion for another time, mind you. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 They did it!! They redeemed Starlight!! Wow. Anyways. I just watched the finale and I liked it a lot. Interesting how Starlight was so talented magic-wise that Twilight couldn't force her to stop changing the past. Instead, Twi had to convince her that ruining their friendships would mess up Equestria each time, therefore it was vital that they let RD perform her rainboom. The plot flowed smoothly in this two-parter, which I thought was great. We got to see Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysalis, and Sombra again. I think the alternate realities were fascinating to watch, because of how different they were from the real Equestria. The song at the end fit very well. You can't expect much besides friendship from a show about about friendship, so I suppose it all works out. yay Imagine all the fanfic ideas that could come from this (alternate realities, what Starlight does after this, etc.) The fanfics. Oh, the fanfics. These episodes have given us fimficers more fuel than we could burn in century. What can I say about the ender except that I loved it~! Epic end boss, reformation, war machine, changelings, Nightmare Moon, and the list goes on and on. A fitting end for an amazing season. I thought season 4 was the new golden season but now 5 takes the cake in my book. 2 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mothra 705 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 I think this is one of the few episodes that's changed my mind on the entire series. I'm a fan of side-changing characters, discord, luna, etc. But after a while I thought it'd get stale, like you cant make friends with everyone right? But the message in this episode is amazing. Keep trying, of course making friends and realising mistakes is the start of a good decision, nay, the best decision! And of course it sets up a bunch of questions for season 6. I really don't have much else to say other than I loved it! This show really has changed my life for the best. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EVBP 94 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 I was watching the finale with a friend from my local brony group and he brought up TwiGlimmer shipping. My immediate thought was, "that has to be a thing already!" So a couple hours later, I googled "twilight and starlight mlp" and found a group on fimfiction devoted to it. No biggie. But then I noticed that the ONLY story under this group was THIS. This story, was started in July, 4 months before the episode even aired. How did this writer get so close to the plot of the actual season finale?! I'm scared! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pop-Tart 33 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Watching it Live at brony network!!! 1 -Insert Really Cool Signature Here- My main OC is Flame Mist If nothing goes right, go left. My only regret is that I have... ponitis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dynamo Pad 11,476 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 I just finished watching the new episode and all I can say, is that I am literally blown away by this. It was insane seeing Starlight using time travel to stop the sonic rainboom and making alternate timelines. The timelines were also insane and pretty shocking in my opinion because I never thought changing one event could greatly affect history like that. It was really great seeing the old villains from previous season return and what it would be like if they had succeeded in ruling Equestria. It was also pretty shocking what happened to the mane 6 in some of the alternate timelines and what they were doing in the timeline as well. It was great how we get to see Starlight's backstory on why she hated cutie marks and why she did what she did to Twilight and the others. I liked how Twilight and the others accepted Starlight as a friend and that everything was all fixed at the end. I also liked that Twilight is going to be Starlight's teacher on friendship, just like how Celestia taught Twilight before she went to Ponyville. The only thing I wonder is what was altered Twilight doing in the possible futures if they weren't fixed? I also wondered if the sonic rainboom never happened, that causing Twilight not being able to hatch Spike, would the current Spike have vanished in time due to history not happening the way it was supposed to. All in all, I completely enjoyed this episode and it's probably my favorite finale in the seasons, and one of my favorite episodes. Season 5 was quite a ride and I can say without a doubt, season 5 is my favorite MLP season in my opinion. I look forward and can't wait for what will happen when season 6 comes. My OC: Dynamo Pad: Signature made by The Wife of Rengoku Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reading Heart 167 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 (edited) That was awesome, but I'm a huge fan of it's a wonderful life, and strongly believe that everyone has the potential to change the world for better or worse. I'm also a huge fan of redemption, believing that everyone has the potential to be redeemed, they just have to be willing to take the first step... this is the ending that I wanted for Starlight.. so I'm generally all around elated by this final.. I enjoyed the ending song and scenes, imagining them going over quite a bit of time. Also, Twlight has now come full circle, from Celestia's student, to teaching her own students.. which is another degree of awesome.. excuse me while I go back and watch this again. Edited November 28, 2015 by Reading Heart 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scion of Arcadia 69 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 I knew it! Next to all the finale villains, the Flim Flam Brothers are the most heinous to ever grace the screen. Their elegance, their diction, their trickery. If it weren't for the Mane 6, Equestria would be forced to bow to their machinations! Truly the most villainous reoccurring villain. Only they could cause a terrible future with their wacky shenanigans. This is what happens when you underestimate the Super Cider Squeezy Eazy 3000. But in all seriousness, of all the terrible futures they showed, that was my favorite just out of the sheer randomness of them being the catalysts. I had to pause just laugh about it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ribbondancer 0 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 OK, try this: It's the one I watched. thank you so much! I really enjoyed the episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 (edited) The post apocalyptic settings were obviously for the Fallout Equestria fandom side. Also Starlight Glimmer's backstory, very weak. I felt for Luna a little more, but Starlight Glimmer's story was crap. Edited November 28, 2015 by cider float 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 This was such an amazing episode. It is unbelievable how much I loved this episode. But, I thought it moved just a bit too quick. I mean just like that Starlight becomes INSTANT best friend's with Double Diamond, and Sugar Belle, and all those other ponies, she had lied too for so long? I love the transformation, and found the friendship rather heartwarming. I just think , maybe they should have had an episode in season six, where Starlight, is afraid of making amends with those other ponies, and it takes a little while, but, they learn to forgive Starlight, instead of BOOM! now, they all forgive Starlight, for everything. I would also love to see Starlight's little friend again. Other than that PERFECTION!!!! 10/10! 1 Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 These two episodes were a little bit too messy and not because they were going through different timelines but because there was multiple lesson, concept, point being made that it just felt really convoluted and unorganized. Like the writers were writing this as they went and their ideas kept changing on what the main theme of the episode was going to be about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Alright, well this was just simply splendid in every sense of the word! Won't have my final "Batbrony Reviews" up for quite some time, either late tonight or sometime tomorrow, cause I'll be spending most of the day with my family doing some fun family stuff, but trust me, I have very many very good things to say about this season finale. It was executed about as well as we could've possibly hoped, nicely closed this season and wrapped things up, opens up some very fun possibilities for Season 6, and was just a gripping, enjoyable ride in every sense of the word. About as well as we've ever seen MLP seasons wrap up, and I loved every minute of it! Keep an eye out for my full review later on ya'll, until then, this is Batbrony signing off. I'm off! *cue dramatic exit* "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeonCobalt 256 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 THIS. WAS. AWESOME!! In all seriousness though, this was a really fantastic finale to a really fantastic season. I think this was a really great idea for a plot. We revisit the events of one of the earliest episodes, and get to see the repercussions of those events not happening. It was a great excuse to bring back some of the past villains for little bit parts, including, in a strange bit of randomness, Flim and Flam (seriously, what was up with THAT alternate timeline). It was also interesting to finally see Starlight's origin, and it's pretty similar to what I figured. Also, I liked that, after her redemption, she made a visit to the village from the premiere, to make amends. Although, I do think it may have been better to that as a whole episode, sorta like Amending Fences, but then maybe it would have been seen as a rip off of that episode. Which brings me to my last point. Starlight, it would seem, is now going to be a recurring, if not main, character. I'm genuinely curious as to whether she will join the Mane Six, making them into the Mane Seven, or if she will be a recurring character like Discord. Only time will tell, I suppose. Overall, this was a fantastic episode. I'd rate it 10/10. Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightAngel 109 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Is it just me or does Starlight Glimmer sounds different in this then the last time we saw her? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMarkz0ne 962 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Major Pro: We finally saw Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek, etc. again. Major Con: Starlight was kind of Villain-Sue-y here. But the villains were cameos.. Nothing focused on them. It was only cool to see them officially animated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glike 487 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Twilight, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, and Moondancer need to become a unified group sharing the Element of Magic now. XD Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pomiar 4 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Am I the only one who felt well... a little underwhelmed by this episode. Don't get me wrong the first part and the concept as a whole was amazing it's just...well the ending doesn't quite sit right with me. For once as people have already stated the "redeemed" villain trope has lost its charm somewhere along the lines. Also what really irked me is, well the way I see it, now Starlight Glimmer is supposed to be a stronger magical user than Twilight?! I know Twilight has the whole friendship power but being the strongest magical user is who Twilight is. It's her identity,her thing that makes her unique. I can't accept how easy it was for Starlight to defeat her and essentialy take that away from her. And now what? She will join the group? (I hope not) and be the magical one? Where does that leave Twilight? Sure she is the princess of frienship but the power of frienship comes from all of the mane six and that is the whole point. Last season finale was better in my opinion it had some real fighting and while it may not have been perfect or had as much meaning as this one it showed Twilight in her element, because while being the princess of friendship may be her role her element is magic and I think that the creator are kind of trying to take that away from her 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CinnamonSwirl 90 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Is there going to be a 6th season? I Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wonderbolt 68 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Pony WarsThat was freaking Epic. I totally loved the alternate futures, loved how Dark they were and ithink the Sombra and Nightmare moon ones would have been great shows in their own right. The Flim Flam reality as them as presumably being a capitalism monopoly was funny. Would have liked to have seem maybe a corrupt Celestia or Evil mane six member one though (Evil Applejack starting a civil war or something to match the how Applejack won the war fanwork would have been great). Some really amazing costume designs and concepts for the many soldier ponies. Maybe it would have been better if Starlight would have been killed or incarcerated rather than reformed as the reformed villain act is getting a bit old in the teeth. Finally I have to say that the best Twilight story ever. ----Twitter ----tumblr----Deviantart----My Blog---- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Is there going to be a 6th season? I Eeyup! And like this and the fourth, we'll have 26 episodes. ^__^ "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[NULL] 906 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 (edited) "Real life sucks! I just want to escape to Equestria where life is perfect!" - Bronies Well I can die happy now. The show finally became as good as I wanted it to be since I first saw it back in 2011. One nitpick I have is that I would prefer it if Starlight didn't become best friends with the Main 6, since they're biased. I think it would be better if they gave her the implied friendship lecture, left her at her village to make amends. Starlight and Twilight hug it out, people tear up, and we never see Starlight again. (Because injecting ambiguity automatically makes it more profound I guess.) I think it would be better for her arc, instead of doing the whole "Friendship is the only way!" message the show likes to hammer in. But like I said it's just nitpicking. Edited November 28, 2015 by SpaceOnion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pizzly 57 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 I thought this might be appropriate Eternal Glory to the Lunar Republic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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