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Two happy bronies are going to marry!

Senior Butterscribbles

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Hello, good ponies!

Today is officially happiest day of my life!
Happy to declare: I and the best pony I ever met (also known as Infernus) decided to marry. :wub:


Yes, it's big responsibility, because it deeply will change life for both of us. And I think we will discuss details pretty long time. But I'm ready to do my best to make my bride (AAA! I still can't believe I say it) happy! :squee:
I write it here because this site helped us to find each other. :fluttershy:
To be honest I never though I will meet someone such amazing, kind, smart and beautiful like she is. :3
So this is also message to people who think that it's impossible. :wub:





Thank you for support, dear ponies! You really warmed my heart.
I and Infernus appreciate it very much.

I want to officially declare that it was April Fools joke! :umad:
Yes. Even if we truly enjoy being together we definitely need more time to make such important and responsible decision.
Thank you again. You all made this joke so funny. :muffins:


My special apologies to @@PiratePony. Sorry, bro :P


P.S. Discord made us to do it!


Edited by Crypty <3~
  • Brohoof 22
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This is awesome news! Congratulations! :squee:

I'm sure it'll be a big change in life, but an amazing one. I'm happy for ya!

  • Brohoof 2
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Congratulations!!!! If you need any wedding planning tips from a former groom who loved the whole process, hit me up. Ours was super awesome.



Also, if this is an April Fool's joke, for destroying the name of love for a cruel cruel joke, I will destroy you. Bye! :D :D :D

  • Brohoof 3
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Marriage?  Whatever would you want to be stuck with the SAME PERSON for the rest of your life!?


You humans have some rather strange ideas about things... but I SUPPOSE the two of you could be quite happy together.  Besides, 'Princess Lovey-Dovey' has mentioned a time or two about trying to 'witness the magic of LOVE'...




Well, at any rate, far be it for ME to spoil your moment in the sun; congratulations are in order, and I give them to you gladly.  May your lives be filled with the happy CHAOS that love can bring... and may you weave that magic between you both for the rest of your lives!


(Should you see her, mention all this to Heartbutt - maybe she'll get off my back about the mushy stuff!)

  • Brohoof 11
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Strangely enough in 2 days I'll have been married for 1 year.

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Aaaahaaawwwwww I can't believe you did this thread .///////////////////////////////////////////. Well thank you guys for all your good wishes and everything else. I can assure you we are super excited and happy n_n. Can't believe this is going to happen x3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! *explodes* >////////////////////////////////////////////////<

  • Brohoof 3
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Congrats, just for the sake of all things holy, if or when you decide to have kids, don't name them after ponies ... They will thank you later for it ;)

  • Brohoof 2
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