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S06:E05 - Gauntlet of Fire


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Twilight: Hey Twilight I know Rarity's not much of a fighter, but you went toe-to-toe with Tirek. Maybe you could blast them with a Kamahamaha or something, just saying.


Rarity is absolutely a fighter!




As for them fighting dragons. 1) Twi's not suped up on all the Alicorn magic 2) Dragon's have been shown to be pretty superior physically to ponies in pretty much every way and two normal ponies, or even an alicorn, aren't going to be able to really fight one without packing some elements of Harmony or something. Dragons seem to be pretty Apex Predator in the mlp verse. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I could go on and on with how important this is. But basically, I agree with you. The whole "big strong leader" thing has to do with basic psychology. The reason it's bad for modern society is because we don't want to live as barbarians. Or at least a sizable number of people don't. What I found good about Ember was that she seemed to be the most willing to change her ways. At the start, she was against friendship and to be fair she was still too much so at the end - BUT she had eroded enough of her "tough guy" attitude to do the right thing. I think the only real advantage she had over the other dragons was that she was slightly more open to helping others. Simply being female does not make her better than any of the others.  :toldya:


On a related note: I'm not sure what she thought she was trying to prove early on without going the helping others route. She didn't like the emphasis on strong and tough so what did she prefer? Smart? Clever? But without the concept of helping and caring for others, those traits are no better than mere physical strength. Sure, one dragon might be clever enough to overcome lack of physical strength by poising their opponent but who cares since that's still barbarism. (The emphasis is still on force and oppression or survival of the fittest / most clever.) 


I totally agree. Being female or any minority for that matter does not automatically make you a good leader. Smarts doesn't equal good leadership. I met people who are like super smart PHDs but they have no instincts or leadership ability whatsoever. I would guess that Celestia knew just being smart did not make you a leader so therefore she had Twilight learn friendship first before becoming a princess. 

  • Brohoof 1

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One has to wonder if the dragons' aspirations of pillaging, plundering, or destroying Equestria is even advisable. Ponies control the sun, moon, and nature itself, thus if the dragons destroyed Equestria, they'd destroy themselves, too, akin to stabbing yourself in the heart or decapitating yourself. Psychologically dominating the ponies with their numbers, power, and size isn't out of the question, though.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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Y'know, Twilight doesn't have to be Kryptonian-levels of powerful to fight back. She could have tripped them with some magic, or teleport out of the way. Heck, she could use that transformation spell to turn into a dragon. Or the sandworm. Or a banana peel Garble could slip on.

  • Brohoof 1


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Everything went better than expected :) Ember looks like an annoying Spike shipping OC, but instead we get platonic friendship with her and plenty of shipping with Rarity :D


One thing that bothers me.. why does the dragon lord say "dragons of Equestria"? I thought they lived far away in their own land where they don't have to submit to the friendly ways of colorful miniature horses. At least, not until now that the new dragon lord has been infected with pony friendship  :love: Discord, griffons, dragons... is there any uncontaminated species left at this point?


But Spike bringing pony culture to the dragons was the dragon lord's fault for summoning him. Twilight did a good job of non-interference.


I wish we'd gotten more time with Celestia and Luna at the start. Just a little bit of actual conversation beyond greetings, before they were interrupted. But at least they're around in a regular episode, unlike in season 4.


Hmm, it would make a good future story if Garble uses friendship for evil. Spike's friendly attitude allowed him, a tiny baby dragon, to win against all the big ones. Up until he gave the scepter away, that could have been considered as just a very good strategy. And Garble just might have enough brains to realize that he could use it too.


Maybe there is some separate dragon lands but this particular dragon lord is about ruling the dragons living in Equestria? At least that is my head canon now. It would explain the lack of bigger dragons as well, they might be more interested in ruling actual dragon lands.


I would have liked to see more of Luna and Celestia as well but it was a nice surprise regardless to see them at all.


After the atrocity that was Princess Spike, Spike deserved this episode.  :okiedokieloki: This is definitely a contender for one of the best Spike episodes to date. If this was indeed Dragon Quest 2, then I'd have to admit that in this case, the sequel was definitely better. 


It's just a shame that he'll likely return home an unsung hero after he literally threw himself into harm's way just for Equestria's sake. Also, on that note, I do wish Twilight had showed more concern for his safety. She was reasonably concerned, but considering that his life was in potential danger, she simply wasn't exactly the concerned parent I'd expect her to be in a situation like this. 


I liked Ember as well as the influence that Spike's actions had on her. I also like that Spike finally got the chance to connect positively with someone of his own kind. 


There are a few questions I am left with, though: Why was this the first time in Spike's entire life that he was ever summoned by the dragon lord? Why were there so few dragons competing? Hell, why didn't Twilight defend herself when Garble nearly backed her off a cliff? Since when does she ever hesitate to fire a laser? :huh:

And is Equestria as a whole really at the mercy of the dragon lord? Because that seems like a REALLY big problem. Surely there has to be some sort of deterrent or peace treaty in place that keeps them from ravaging ponykind?


Overall, this was an enjoyable episode. However, I am really starting to miss mane six ensemble episodes. We haven't had one since the premiere, and even that fell to the wayside due to all the focus Starlight got. 



Well Spike is already a hero in Crystal Empire and Ember (and Twilight and Rarity) should appreciate him so I do not think he needed more accolades, the rest of ponies do not get those often either. 


Spike is so young that it makes sense he was too young when previous dragon lord thing was arranged (if he was alive at all, who know how long a "term" is).


The dragons that said that could conquer Equestria or whatever do not need to be right and that was just boasting. Spike was concerned and that is understandable but he is not hardly a expert, Twilight was not so concerned. Not that it would not be an issue at all, but Equestria being at the mercy of dragons might not be right either.

  • Brohoof 1
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I totally agree. Being female or any minority for that matter does not automatically make you a good leader. Smarts doesn't equal good leadership. I met people who are like super smart PHDs but they have no instincts or leadership ability whatsoever. I would guess that Celestia knew just being smart did not make you a leader so therefore she had Twilight learn friendship first before becoming a princess.

I think it's a matter of the episode's writing putting the moral way too simplisticly. It's more like Ember is better suited to be a leader because she thinks things through and sees the value in not being a jerk for the sake of being a jerk.


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I think it's a matter of the episode's writing putting the moral way too simplisticly. It's more like Ember is better suited to be a leader because she thinks things through and sees the value in not being a jerk for the sake of being a jerk.


But that's still a good lesson even if it has been simplified for younger fans. 

  • Brohoof 3

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I liked this episode


Of course Joanna and Kristine show their superiority over the other writers of this season. They are the best writers of the season and this episode proved it. There were a couple parts that were wishy washy but all and all it was ok.


I liked it more than last weeks episode which was, ehh, passable, and WAY FUCKING MORE than Gift of Maud, seriously Gift of Maud was unbearable but that is another rant for another time.


I guess the biggest Issue I have with this episode is Grumble, I wish he didn't stay as the antagonist. It felt a little forced, I mean I know people hold grudges but... seriously dude... its been 4 years. He didn't kill your dog or anything, just let it go.


I thought Twilight and Rarity would have had more significance being in this episode there if they were caught and locked up by the dragons. That would have given incentive as well as higher stakes to spike. I mean that could have been the plot and nothing would have changed. Twilight and Rarity, while I like their inclusion, really do nothing but pad out the episode and provide a half reason for Spike and Ember to help/trust each other. 


While I would have liked to see that more I think what we got was ok as well. The gantlet idea was fun and while none of the slapstick made me laugh, It was still nice to see what the dragons had to go up against.


I also liked Princess Ember, there will be a lot of fan art of her.


so it was an ok episode 7.5/10 

Edited by Zantetsuken
  • Brohoof 2
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I was planning on writing my thoughts on the episode but I feel I might have to watch it again to see if I liked it or not. It was quite predictable in a typical kids show adventure way and the characters thin (and I did not see a Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire references anywhere,  :okiedokieloki: ). Rarity and Twilight unnecessary and unfunny as well (not much humor in general, not that this episode needed it, Luna or Celestia commenting how they visit only in the times of crisis maybe the best). The glowing should maybe have just teleported Spike to the place without Rarity and Twilight coming along to make the thing see more dangerous, the ponies could have gotten exposition from the princesses and worried about Spike without him being there and then going to rescue him but find he did not need it.


But I love how Spike was written here. The opportunities of this episode gave were great as well, Ember has great potential as a character in the future, and it was good thing Garble was not redeemed. None of the flaws truly damaged the episode, it was still enjoyable. So maybe it was a good episode?

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spoiler alert!I would love it if they someday explained why Spike does not have wings.

Yeah, it did bother me that we got another episode about Spike being around dragons and not finding out a single thing about why he's the way he is, and where he came from.


I was sort of surprised they didn't ad Rainbow Dash in to the episode since she was in "Dragon Quest" but I'm glad they spiced things up a bit.

Lol, I think that would have complicated things greatly for our protagonists! If RD had been there, she likely would have seen their contest and insisted on competing in order to win.


All hail the new Dragon Lord, Rainbow Dash!




Wait, wut?

  • Brohoof 1

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They've gained an ally in the dragons, huh? And considering we're getting a Griffonstone episode this season.. they may become allies too.


Anyone else have the feeling we're setting up a war of some sort?something that doesn't only put Equestria at stake, but the world?


With what seemed to be a Changeling at the end of the premiere, and now this.. I have a feeling something big is coming, and I'm excited!

  • Brohoof 6


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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Nitpick: Some dragon a long time ago decided a sceptor too tiny for any regular dragon to wield would bestoy lordship. It's like if Excalibur was the size of a toothpick.


A toothpick? So that's what the last dragon lord has been using it for. Eeewww....Spike, wash your claws!  :eww:

  • Brohoof 2


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Yeah, it did bother me that we got another episode about Spike being around dragons and not finding out a single thing about why he's the way he is, and where he came from.



Lol, I think that would have complicated things greatly for our protagonists! If RD had been there, she likely would have seen their contest and insisted on competing in order to win.


All hail the new Dragon Lord, Rainbow Dash!




Wait, wut?


Good point! LOL She totally would have jumped in LOL. Yeah I want another wingless dragon to show up and maybe explain what the heck happened to Spike's family. He must have had a dragon family at some point. Maybe they were killed and some ponies found Spike's orphaned egg and gave it to Twilight for her test. I would also like a wingless dragon to have Spike's personality traits like more loyalty. 

  • Brohoof 1

My short independent films about physical disability!





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Rarity is absolutely a fighter!




As for them fighting dragons. 1) Twi's not suped up on all the Alicorn magic 2) Dragon's have been shown to be pretty superior physically to ponies in pretty much every way and two normal ponies, or even an alicorn, aren't going to be able to really fight one without packing some elements of Harmony or something. Dragons seem to be pretty Apex Predator in the mlp verse. 

Okay got me on the Rarity one but that just raises further questions!  :lol:


I know Twilight isn't Super Saiyan Princess at the moment, but she still an extremely powerful magic user. She shouldn't be on the sidelines doing nothing.  Dragon strength hasn't really been all that shown in the show, but still they could still distract Garble and help Ember out, like what Spike did. I mean the most effective move in Dragon Ball Z was Solar Flare, so why couldn't Twilight or Rarity done a move like that and blinded Garble? Or blasted him to get him to look away from Ember? Or do anything other than stand around and watch? 

Edited by Sidral Mundet

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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That was the best episode in a while, well-written, funny, a great story, new characters (finally another dragon protagonist), new places etc. Much much better than "Dragon Quest"!


And for once, Spike was pretty good (looks like season 6 is going to be the best season for him)!

Edited by Blobulle
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Great episode, nice introduction to the whole dragon culture only if there was more. I assumed Spike would like have the ability to become huge like he did in the episode of "Secret of my excess" but he didn't and doesn't have that ability would have been cool though as in that episode he was probably bigger then the former dragon lord. So yeah, great episode heil Dragon lord Ember!

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Okay got me on the Rarity one but that just raises further questions!  :lol:


I know Twilight isn't Super Saiyan Princess at the moment, but she still an extremely powerful magic user. She shouldn't be on the sidelines doing nothing.  Dragon strength hasn't been shown so it's still headcanon at this point, but even if it were, they could still distract Garble and help Ember out, like what Spike did. I mean the most effective move in Dragon Ball Z was Solar Flare, so why couldn't Twilight or Rarity done a move like that and blinded Garble? Or blasted him to get him to look away from Ember? Or do anything other than stand around and watch? 


I think they were so scared and surprised they freezed up. It's happened to me in scary situations. You can defend yourself but you freeze instead. I think since they have never fought a dragon this reaction might be expected. It's also slightly lazy story telling so Spike and Amber save the day. 

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I think they were so scared and surprised they freezed up. It's happened to me in scary situations. You can defend yourself but you freeze instead. I think since they have never fought a dragon this reaction might be expected. It's also slightly lazy story telling so Spike and Amber save the day. 

I suppose but that's why I bring up Tirek. Twilight was in a far worse situation against a far greater power with little control over her own power and she still when at it head first with her magical abilities.  She should have done something IMO, but it's really the only criticism I have for the episode. 

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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Okay got me on the Rarity one but that just raises further questions!  :lol:


I know Twilight isn't Super Saiyan Princess at the moment, but she still an extremely powerful magic user. She shouldn't be on the sidelines doing nothing.  Dragon strength hasn't been shown so it's still headcanon at this point, but even if it were, they could still distract Garble and help Ember out, like what Spike did. I mean the most effective move in Dragon Ball Z was Solar Flare, so why couldn't Twilight or Rarity done a move like that and blinded Garble? Or blasted him to get him to look away from Ember? Or do anything other than stand around and watch? 

Dragon strength hasn't been established? You sure about that? 


1) When Spike went Godzilla mode (kinda wish he did that in this episode, that would of been sweet) he was able to take on all of ponyville with no problems, even the wonderbolts were useless against him. He was also smashing buildings like there was no tomorrow. 


2) Dragons can swim through lava and Spike can serve as a literal pin cushion for Rarity and not be bothered in the least by it. They also eat Diamond and Precious stones for sustenance. They do this with SHARP teeth mind you, meaning they are Piercing Diamond, one of the hardest substances we know of, with the strength of their jaw and sharp fangs.


3) Spike isn't aware, but he is packing a lot more fire power than he thinks, He torched that Glacier that would of crushed an entire stadium of ponies with a single burst of fire breath.


4) Dragons have the potential to grow exceptionally huge, Ember's father is massive, and considering Spike's godzilla form that was nowhere NEAR that size was making lightwork of mobilized pony forces, one could only imagine what Ember's dad could do if he aimed to take on Canterlot. Without the elements the ponies would be screwed.


5) Take all that into consideration and then note just how MANY dragons there actually are and then note how we've seen ponies fighting. The Only pony I think that could take on a pack of dragons that isn't super powered on Alicorn magic like Twilight was is Maud Pie, because that pony is a beast 



Beyond her and probably the other members of the Pie family, Dragons pretty much have the upper hand in every way save for the elements of harmony's OP powers. 

  • Brohoof 4
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I quite liked this one. It was cool to see some world building for Dragon culture. Ember was pretty cool, but I can already see the Spike/Ember shipfics coming a mile away. It was also good to see Spike doing something other than his usual routine for once. Also, is it just me, or does Garble sound different?



  • Brohoof 1


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I would have liked to see more of Luna and Celestia as well but it was a nice surprise regardless to see them at all.

Yeah, and seeing as the last scene of them in the premiere was when they were still in their Crystal Alicorn appearance and we never saw them revert back like the others, it was nice to see them back to their regular, everyday appearance here with spending some quality time with Twilight before Rarity arrived with Spike to ask for help regarding the glow in regards to the Gauntlet of Fire summoning.

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