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gaming Games you would like to see get a port on modern game systems


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As video games get more advanced, the consoles and systems they're played on advances ahead as well. Games that were once current generation at the time become part of the past generation and make a return over time through sequels, remakes, and ports. Unfortunately not every game gets a chance to become a remembered classic, as time can help some games as much as it can hurt others. There's many variables for what could make a game become lost to many players, ranging from the system it's played on to just not being as popular as it once was. This doesn't necessarily mean the game itself wasn't good, but the simple fact is that if you want to play them now, you'll have to deal with what's left behind by it's creators and what the game works with.


Whether a game deserves a port or not, I'm sure there's people out there that would appreciate seeing a new port made for games they've enjoyed before, or even games they just heard of that they would like to play now.


A game I would like to see get a port is called SegaSonic the Hedgehog.


This is a Arcade game that supports up to 3 players where you play as Sonic the Hedgehog, Mighty the Armadillo, and Ray the Flying Squirrel and you have to survive through levels full of traps and hazards while collecting rings and keeping ahead of the dangers you face. Sadly this is only a Arcade Machine game at this time, and even though it's listed as being released in the US that doesn't exactly mean it's any easier to find and play it. I know that there was plans to port it to games like Sonic Mega Collection or Sonic Gems Collection, but due to the game using a Trackball for the characters movements it became a difficult game to port and to this day has not been released officially on consoles or computers. Hopefully someday they can figure it out, I believe this would of been a great game to have in the Sonic Collections games and even though it didn't happen that way I think they should still port it somehow if possible.


Is there a game you have in mind that you would want a port made for current systems? It could be as simple as just re-releasing the game to having modern extras like HD visuals for example. If there's a specific console/handheld/computer version of the game you would want it on feel free to mention that too. :)

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Silent Hill 2, but we all know that's not going to happen since Konami is Konami.



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Honestly, I'd like to see a 'Master Chief/Handsome Jack/Nathan Drake Collection' for Crash Bandicoot. Its surprising that such a great character met an end so tragic. He had a few gems and it would be a shame to see them lost in the past.


But going back to the idea of a "Crash Collection," I'd be happy with CB: 1 & 2, Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, and Twinsanity.


Maybe Wrath of Cortex or a port of Nitro Kart also.

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I would love to see Wind Jammers get a port or perhaps a version that is more refined. It was a tad clunky but it was a really neat idea for a pick up and play arcade title. Like Pong taken to the EXTREEEEEME. Well, not that extreme, but it was still pretty cool.


You know what else needs a port? Rollercoaster Tycoon, either the original, 2 or even 3. While some might think this would be a bad idea due to control, there was a port of the original RCT on the original Xbox and it worked fairly well, using the buttons to trigger multiple commands and it worked very well for a controller. So I would LOVE to see any of these come back on modern consoles. 


Another one? Test Drive Eve of Destruction. Another game that deserves either a port or better yet, a remaster. It is the best demo derby style game ever, easily, with so many modes to choose from and even an in car view, something that even Dirt Showdown did not have. It is a game that was forgotten about by Atari and never to be seen or heard about again. 


Let's keep going. True Crime Streets of L.A. This game was not perfect by any means and knowing the odds, Activision probably still owns the rights to True Crime itself and they would hand off a port to some D-team that doesn't know what they are doing and boom, disaster. Gotta love activision. This was a pretty cool game with awesome combat and a cool cop system. If the driving physics could be more refined and of course the look of the game polished up, it would be a fun game even today. 


Continuing on. Viewtiful Joe. These games did get a port on the PS2 and had an installment on the PSP and I *think* DS, so it would be awesome if Capcom could give us a port for the modern systems and maybe use these as a gauge for a possible revival of this franchise. Good old side scroller beat em up action with some neat time effects. Would love to see them again.



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I'd love to see Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie remastered in HD. Those were my favourite games when I started playing video games.

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I'm sounding like a broken record, but 




I would sacrifice body parts for this.

  • Brohoof 3

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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A Clover collection featuring HD updates of their games(Viewtiful Joe 1/2, Okami, God Hand)


An HD collection of the best Simpsons games for modern consoles(The Arcade Game, Hit & Run, The Simpsons Game 2007, and maybe Road Rage as a throw away title)


An HD port of the Transformers game on the PS2, it's a solid game and after the last 3 games being fantastic(WFC, FOC, Devastation) why not bring back another good TF game from the past? Especially since it looks like crap on my TV


Revive the cancelled Rogue Squadron Wii Trilogy and give it a shiny new HD coat and release it on PC/Wii U/NX/whatever


Lastly, and my most wanted, would definitely be HDs port of Super Mario Galaxy 1&2 complete with the option of playing with traditional controls


EDIT: Oh shit I forgot the Timesplitters Trilogy, that too

Edited by Megas
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System Shock! Awesome underrated game! They already did Thief, hopefully System Shock is the next of the Looking Glass Studios games redone, along with the Ultima games.


Oh, and I would love to see a modern, Graphical port of the old Text games from InfoCom, like "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" and "Suspended, A Cryogenic Nightmare" !

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A lot of the games mentioned in this topic do have ports via Classics or Virtual Console. Both Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie, for example, are on Xbox 360. Likely the Xbox One as well.


I wanna see some Galerians, Silent Bomber, Fear Effect and Legend of Legaia put on Playstation Network or something so I don't have to shell out tons of money for a heavily used hardcopy. :P

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Star Fox 2

Okay, so this game technically never got released but it's fully finished and could easily be put onto the virtual console... if it wasn't for the fact that they just don't want to. They're using ideas for newer Star Fox games from Star Fox 2 and for some reason that's still not good enough for a release. I mean I could understand if the game wasn't good but that's not the case, actually I think this could be one of the best Star Fox games ever made for the series. I guess only time will tell if it gets a second chance to be alongside the first Star Fox.


Also speaking of SNES games a official translated Clock Tower port to the U.S. (and other places) would be cool. The SNES game is on modern systems, but only in Japan.

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I'd love to see Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie remastered in HD. Those were my favourite games when I started playing video games.


I 2nd this.


As much as Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts was a waste of time, money, and resources, I did actually like the art style used for it. Just take the old games, update the graphics to modern standards, and DON'T CHANGE ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT THEM!!!!, and you've got yourself two gems from the 90's for today.


That would be pretty sweet...



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I'd like to see a re release of Planescape Torment honestly, not that the original isn't good, no quite the opposite. But I wouldn't mind seeing a version of the game where they improved it graphically speaking , the audio is improved and maybe have the gameplay tinkered with slightly so it doesn't feel as clunky. I know it's based off of a sort of "Dungeons and Dragons" system which is all fine and good, I love D&D as much as the next D&D person but sometimes it just doesn't work as well for games.


This game is mostly based around its story and you can tell that combat was the last thing they were thinking of when designing it. Not that I mind too terribly since the story is just stunning in so many way, but goodness the combat is bad sometimes. 


That and maybe they could fix the bugs that have plagued so many people for so many years. It obviously varies from person to person and there are some people that never run into it, but there are lot of people who did and seeing a new PC release might help with that. 

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Well, I'm getting my wish with a new DOOM. DOOM is one of my favorite fps games ever. The first one is still the best, but I have hope for the new one.


It's not an old game at all, but I would re-play Red Dead Redemption if they ported it to new consoles (and while they're at it, why not pc?). 

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Well while Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie are in mind I'd like to mention an interesting game mode that was scrapped in Banjo-Tooie, which is called Bottles' Revenge.





The intention of this was that a 2nd Player could take control of the monsters and attack the other player using them in the main story mode. As cool as this would be to see in newer releases of the game, (since the Xbox 360 and Rare Replay's Xbox One port doesn't have it at this time) it will likely just remain hidden, unfinished, and forgotten about.


The possibility of this happening is slim but Glover would be cool to see again, especially if they did some improvements to the game for a new re-release.

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I'd like to see "Secret of Evermore" hit the Virtual Console so I don't have to buy the cartridge someplace.  It was an American-made Square Soft (pre-merger with Enix) game for SNES (the only American made Square Soft title, if I'm not mistaken) that borrowed game play elements from Secret of Mana.  It had an excellent soundtrack worked on by Jeremy Soule, who later went on to compose for a number of Elder Scrolls titles (including Skyrim).


This was the box art:



I borrowed money from my grandparents in order to buy the game new, and I was SO excited about it that I drew that damned bug thing on my wall.  I mean, directly onto my wall in marker.  I miss that game; actually prefer it to SoM.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Obvious choice is obvious.

I have heard a lot of great things about Mother 3 and I am curious to what playing this and Earthbound would be like.

The original Mother game (Earthbound Beginnings) has already been released in America on the Wii U virtual console as well as Earthbound itself finally getting a virtual console re-release after high demand for it.

So it is only a matter of time for the final installment in a beloved cult classic to finally get an English release.

Maybe it could celebrate it's 10th anniversary perhaps?

Also it would be really really cool if we could get all three games bundled together in one collection game.

It would be a great way for me to actually try out a series of games that I am at least somewhat curious about checking out.


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  • 2 years later...

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Those ones are next in line for the remake treatment, but when they'll happen is still a mystery.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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We just had a compilation of Capcom's Dungeons & Dragons beat-em-ups. Now we just need....

Alien vs Predator

Now's the perfect time to do this. Disney just bought out Fox. That may have ended Fox's contract with Sega to make exclusive Alien and Predator games. If that's the case, Disney could easily make them give the license back to Capcom so they could port this to current platforms. And why shouldn't they? This is THE most requested game that people want to see a port of. Sales would more than likely exceed expectations.

The Punisher

Even with having gotten the Marvel license back after all these years, for whatever dumb reason, Capcom never thought to give this a new port yet. I'm so disappointed. The opportunity was there for a concurrent release with Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, and the latter bombed for being an utter trainwreck. I think porting this game would have at least showed Marvel that their contract wasn't a total waste. And I think I can say with a straight face that this is the only good Punisher game to date. The only way to make it better? Amp up the violence. Add buckets of blood, and dub over the original voices with new recordings; Jon Bernthal for Frank Castle, Vincent D'Onofrio for the Kingpin, and another big shot actor for the white Earth-616 Nick Fury.


                                               No questions asked.

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