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Only as a pony would you date a pony?


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I can't really wrap my head around this logic. I've seen quite a few bronies say this "I would not date a pony, unless I was a pony."


This logic confuses me. You are a human, the pony from MLP FIM is basically a human too, for both of you are sapient minded species. You are willing to admit you are willing to date a pony, just as long as you are a pony? Because being a human while dating a pony, who is a sapient species like yourself is wrong or something? 


So you ask your favorite (get a unicorn to help you out if he or she is a earth pony) to transform you into a pony? Right? But what if... hypothetically the last time body transformation was cast on a human.... it just killed them... horribly. Other spells don't harm humans, but a human turning into a pony just kills them.


So with the grim reality of never becoming a pony. Would you (despite the fact you can't  be a pony) date them and whatever? Remember, you are willing to date them as a pony, but once you can't change into a pony would you throw that out the window?

Edited by Bendy
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I think it's easier said than done. IE, anyone could say that dating another sapient species would be okie dokey, but then what if a green skinned human/chicken with 12 fingers actually shows up at your door...would you really? Or even with a layer of fur, like you can assume the ponies have...would that just shut down the "oh yeah for sure" out of you, if that was the reality? Again, humans have never experienced such things other than in fiction, so I can understand both arguments and points of view.


Like you said though, the Equestria ponies are practically quadrupedal humans with da magicks and not horsies. 

Edited by PiratePony
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Personally, I'm not interested in dating any animals, no matter how anthropomorphized, because as a human, I am attracted to humans. If I were a pony, then I'd (theoretically) be attracted to ponies, so in that scenario I would probably date a pony. As long as I'm a human though, who is only interested in humans, no I wouldn't date a pony. Maybe that helps you understand the logic in question.

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I think it's easier said than done. IE, anyone could say that dating another sapient species would be okie dokey, but then what if a green skinned human/chicken with 12 fingers actually shows up at your door...would you really? Or even with a layer of fur, like you can assume the ponies have...would that just shut down the "oh yeah for sure" out of you, if that was the reality? Again, humans have never experienced such things other than in fiction, so I can understand both arguments and points of view.


Like you said though, the Equestria ponies are practically quadrupedal humans with da magicks and not horsies. 


Point taken. I would not date Zoidberg for example, despite the fact he's somewhat humanoid.


Me: Sorry Zoidberg. You're too ugly."  


I would date some aliens from Mass Effect like an Asari. And... also a MLP FIM Pony. 

Edited by Bendy
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wow you put some thought into this. I get it. Don't date a pony in the mixed species way but because both are communicating and conscious and know what is going on. but I digress, Yes i would date either Fluttershy or Applejack. Applejack because she has the country cowgirl attitude and mindset when it comes down to it, and Fluttershy because she is sweet, gentle, loving, and a good hearted pony

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Personally, I'm not interested in dating any animals, no matter how anthropomorphized, because as a human, I am attracted to humans. If I were a pony, then I'd (theoretically) be attracted to ponies, so in that scenario I would probably date a pony. As long as I'm a human though, who is only interested in humans, no I wouldn't date a pony. Maybe that helps you understand the logic in question.


They aren't animals though. They are sapients.


But yeah, I see why some people would not date another species. Even if they are the same intelligence, it not both superior with in physical strength and more intelligence than a mere human. Or even life span.... alicorns for example. 

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They aren't animals though. They are sapients.


But yeah, I see why some people would not date another species. Even if they are the same intelligence, it not both superior with in physical strength and more intelligence than a mere human. Or even life span.... alicorns for example.


Well, technically they are animals, as are humans, but yeah I just meant I'm not into other species and I'm assuming it's the same for others. Can I definitely say that's the way I'd see it if I actually met one of these ponies? Nope. I used to think I was straight after all, and found out that wasn't so. But as of now, only interested in dating humans.
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I would have no trouble dating a pony, or even falling in love with a pony, griffon, etc. 


As for body transformation killing a human, maybe ascension to alicorn is still possible if one works hard enough at it.

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Well as far as I can see, there's not a need to think of the question since accordning to Equestria Girls, traveling worlds changed your species to match the world. So I would be be a pony for my pony waifu. Whether she would want to date me is still in the air. 




But if I have to deal with this question, like in some weird way it doesn't work the way we see it in Equestria Girls and I'm a human... In Equestria! It would depend on how things went. I would be most reluctant to start a cross species relationship, even if I love her personality, eventually things gotta hit the bedroom. if ya know what I mean. 




Who knows how that would go down? In our minds we all have our own preconceived notions about what we can and can't do. But when we actually try, we find that a lot of the time we were wrong. 

Edited by Lucky Star
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@@Lucky Star


You got a good point. If I was just strolling along one day and happened upon an interdimensial portal to Equestria, and I had the choice to go there, become a pony, and live life there or stay here in this pretty much boring life...hmmm choice is pretty obvious to me. Would I date pony, human or not? Maybe? Lol rainbow dash, vinyl scratch, or twilight sparkle as my choices, sounds pretty good to me :D

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I'll date anything as long as there's nothing sexual involved.


Dating, for me, is more about the companionship than anything else anyway, and there's no reason why a pony couldn't be a good companion.

Edited by Slime Mold
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If they were like the Ponies in the show, then yeah. I'd date them without a problem, they're basically humans in a different body, and in my opinion? That body is pretty attractive, more so than humans anyway. I don't see anything wrong with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I'd date a pony if I weren't a pony myself. I don't care if I was a three-headed dog, I'd date them regardless. If the ponies are okay with it, I certainly am. They're so fine! 

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Yeah, I would date a pony if I couldn't turn into a pony. I'mma skip the talk about "they do have human personality and looks don't matter", cuz it's totally not the case now. If I am supposed to date a creature with human personality and intelligence, but being disgusting, or I could even put it this way: if I find them weird/disgusting/not appealing to me in any degree, no way. But, (no zoophilia intended, I'm not any kind of deviant I swear) the talking and (it's a fact) anthropomorphised (is that crap spelled correctly? damn I dunno)  ponies are not one of the not appealing species (One extra bracket to the collection).

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I would

Rainbow Dash in particular

I know Rainbow Dash to the T, So If I were a pony long enough, I'd date her ;)

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Only as a pony. Being human forever to me means that we'd never be meant to be together.


I might date the EqG version of one I like though :3

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