weesh 690 July 12, 2016 Share July 12, 2016 Daring Don't, Princess Spike, and Newbie Dash. Newbie dash makes my list too, Along with Mysterious Mare Do Well... those two are just awful. so bad that putting another episode with them seems disingenuous. but if I had to pick a third, it might be Bats! since they ganged up on fluttershy in a way that was completely out of character. There are also a ton of episodes that are painful to watch, but aren't portraying completely horrible things as acceptable. I wouldn't mind if the story didn't include the cutie mark crusaders, since most of their episodes are poor. Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 July 12, 2016 Share July 12, 2016 Third episode I would like to erase is Mystery Cure, then Twilight won't be an alicorn anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swifty 249 July 12, 2016 Share July 12, 2016 All of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Luna episodes Made in Manehattan, Applejack's "Day" Off and Spice Up Your Life. The most boring three for me. The story is not interesting and i even needed breaks between 22 minutes. Nothing more to say. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MAIKUN 262 July 12, 2016 Share July 12, 2016 The reason why I wanna erase Crusaders of the Lost Mark forever because...I just don't like the idea of the CMC earning their Cutie Marks, this kinda reminds of the Twilicorn controversy back in 2013. And also Slice Of Life, because THEY recolored Button Mash because of the C&D in the first place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MilesW1998 24 July 12, 2016 Share July 12, 2016 Rainbow Falls: Rainbow acted OOC in this episode, especially before the opening theme song. (Did she seriously need to pick Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps?) The Wonderbolts, minus Soarin, acted mean-spirited and just plain jerks. This is my least favorite episode in the entire show. Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: And this is my 2nd worst episode. Rainbow's attitude and ego is so inflated, its almost flanderized in this episode. I also can't stand how her friends take matters into their own hooves and decide, not to talk to her, but make a new superhero compete against her. Its ridiculous and unnecessary. Somepony To Watch Over Me: The "moral" is destructive, basically telling kids if you want to be treated with respect and as an adult, to go out on a dangerous mission for you sibling that could potentially kill you. Also, this is like what, the 3rd episode that Applejack has been out of character before and gone crazy? Its getting really annoying when they flanderize good characters like Rainbow and AJ like this. Its even worse when they do this so many times. If I wanted a character to go crazy, Lesson Zero already done that and actually made it funny, and interesting in that episode. But this episode is not funny, or good in a moral sense of the term. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlareGun45 2,221 July 13, 2016 Share July 13, 2016 Can't believe no one picked Trade Ya! That episode was pretty meh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skyling 14 July 13, 2016 Share July 13, 2016 The Cutie Map 1 & 2: In the hopes that by removing these episodes, the blight that is Starlight Glimmer never gets to impose itself upon the show. Past that ... hmm, perhaps Mysterious Mare Do Well - that one featured some shoddy characterization all around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlutteringDweamz 2,086 July 14, 2016 Share July 14, 2016 The one where scootaloo was teased cuz she couldn't fly is a top one i'd destroy forever. No more stereo types of girly girls being horrarable people.... Aka "LadyPKchu". I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though. I'm also a FlutterDash supporter. I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eggy0 103 July 14, 2016 Share July 14, 2016 (edited) My personal picks and explanation why: Somepony To Watch Over Me: Applejack is horribly out of character in this episode; she's treating Applebloom like a baby, which eventually leads the filly to trying to prove she doesn't need Applejack constantly babying her by delivering the pies herself (and putting herself in danger as a result). Yes, their parents are dead and all and I can understand Applejack worrying about Applebloom in that case, but that doesn't mean she has to behave like Applebloom will die the instant she looks away. Owl's Well That Ends Well: Oh, the classic jealousy/paranoia episode. I'm not taking the way Spike acts too well, and the Mane 6 just make it worse when they're showering Owlowiscious with attention (something they did with Spike earlier in the episode) like they've known him since who knows when, and Twilight's excuse that "she needs help at night" doesn't hold much water given the fact most of the episode takes place during day. There are other flaws as well, but I don't really want to go in-depth about every single thing wrong with the episode. Ponyville Confidential: Personally, I find this episode mean-spirited and hypocritical. Yes, Gabby Gums (also known as the CMC) did start spreading lies about other ponies, but only because they liked the gossips at first and Diamond Tiara kinda forced them to do it (and blackmailed them into continuing when they wanted to stop). Then Rarity gets her hooves on Sweetie Belle's stuff and learns who Gabby Gums really is, and all of a sudden the entirety of Ponyville, including the Mane 6 (and especially Big Mac who takes on Applejack's speaking role while Applejack just says "Yep" and "Nope"), harshly shun them like they're some sort of criminals, nevermind the fact that they're children! Plus the CMC don't even bother to tell anyone about why they're doing this (and I can't see a reason why shouldn't they). The only slightly saving grace for this episode is the ending (CMC manage to apologize and Diamond Tiara gets what's coming to her), but that's it. Edited July 14, 2016 by Eggy0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,784 July 14, 2016 Share July 14, 2016 No particular order on these. 1. The Cutie Remark: You could swap this one with the opening and it would be the same deal. Starlight, a unicorn, overpowering an alicorn that also happens to be the element of magic itself. Ugh. Time travel and timelines alteration? Why? Starlight can fly with magic! Because...reasons. Oh, Starlight lost a friend that one time. A friend that she could have stayed in touch with through letters or something. Nope, let's trying to do something that will destroy all of Equestria as we know it. And we were supposed to feel any sort of sympathy for her? Please. 2. Feeling Pinkie Keen: This was THE episode for season 1 for me. That being the episode that I really did not like at all. The whole episode makes Twilight look like an idiot only because Pinkie is doing things that do make no sense in the context of the episode and by the end of it, the moral is to...just give up? That's not how the scientific method works. Yes, Twilight shouldn't be so obsessed over it, but she doesn't have to just stop and accept it outright. 3. Newbie Dash: F*ck. This. Episode. Rainbow Dash, the pony that mentioned in EPISODE 1 that her dream was to fly with the Wonderbolts. It finally happens and what do we get? Rainbow Dash apparently forgetting every single ounce of character growth she ever had. The entire friend imitation scene was painful to watch. The Wonderbolts themselves all look like assholes with no redeeming qualities now. Rainbow Dash is bullied and that is passed off as acceptable via 'hazing'. Rainbow endangers SCOOTALOO. Seriously? Who in their right mind thought that THIS episode was even remotely good for such an important occasion? I said these are in no order, but this episode right here is my least favorite in the entire series, bar none. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The MegaBrony 219 July 19, 2016 Share July 19, 2016 The Return of Harmony - while it did provide a lot of humor, I simply can't stand all-powerful characters that could realistically win with a simple gesture. Plus, Queen Sheba would have been a MUCH better choice to send after Tirek two seasons later than Discord: Every Spike episode before Gauntlet of Fire - either Spike is the cause of the problem, or a more interesting plot is shoved to the side in his favor. The Crystal Empire - for making Twilight the main focus of the show and shoving the ReManeing 5 to the side. Plus, King Sombra's infamous lack of screen time (the exact same problem that the infamous Fant4stic movie has). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prospekt 11,021 July 19, 2016 Share July 19, 2016 1. Newbie Dash: The series' longest character arc, which began in the very first episode, concluded with an episode that didn't make me the slightest bit happy for Rainbow Dash. Poor writing and characterization made this one of the biggest disappointments of the whole series for me. Rainbow regresses to her typical arrogant Season 1 self and the Wonderbolts hit an all-time low from a moral standpoint. I was willing to let Wonderbolts Academy slide just because the team gets its comeuppance when Rainbow quits. I even put up with Rainbow Falls because at least Soarin' wasn't a jerk. But this was too much. 2. Applejack's "Day" Off: A far cry from the amazing Applejack of episodes like The Mane Attraction and The Last Roundup. Never before has her character been portrayed as being this stupid. How the farm was able to survive before this episode, I have no idea. Applejack's methods of working on the farm range from a little odd to simply absurd. The spa repair scene is painfully slow. The moral is poorly executed and the episode just drags on for much of the 22 minutes. 3. The Mysterious Mare Do Well: Another bad Rainbow Dash episode, and the only Season 2 episode that I really loathe. Rainbow Dash's ego gets the best of her, but rather than trying to have a nice mature conversation with her, her friends decide to shame her by creating their own superhero character. OK, the opening fan club scene is cute, but the rest of the episode is painful to watch. The moral seems forced at the end; it's basically "Maybe I got a little carried away" and that's it. I'm not led to believe that Rainbow genuinely learned something. 2 Signature by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EquestriaGuy 1,074 July 19, 2016 Share July 19, 2016 Princess Spike What About Discord Applejack's Day Off I like Neal Dusedau as a person, at least what I can tell from twitter, but those 3 episodes are the absolute bottom of the barrel, and somehow they're all his. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dynamo Pad 11,467 July 27, 2016 Share July 27, 2016 The three episodes that I would get rid of would be: - Princess Spike - Just for Sidekicks - What About Discord These episodes were just not really entertaining and were kind of boring, in my opinion. My OC: Dynamo Pad: https://mlpforums.com/roleplay-world/roleplay-characters-sheets/original-characters/dynamo-pad-r44/ Signature made by The Wife of Rengoku Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smitty1038 53 July 28, 2016 Share July 28, 2016 1. No Second Prances 2. Hearth's Warming Eve 3. Magical Mystery Cure Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurora Glimmer 494 July 29, 2016 Share July 29, 2016 One Bad Apple The Cutie Re-Mark, Part 1 The Cutie Re-Mark, Part 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Cynical Lone Wolf 615 July 29, 2016 Share July 29, 2016 (edited) Rainbow Falls- Good Lesson, but everytihng else is terrible. Fluttershy and Bulk being part part of Team Ponyville. Applejack has no point of being there along with Rarity who has worse outfits I have seen from her. Oh lets forget this epsiode is, I think, the main reason why "Newbie Dash" sucjed because this episode and that one protray the Wounderbolts as total snobs A Canterlot Wedding- This episode destroyed any chance of MLP:FiM having a good lore because Celestia got beat down by a bug; thus destorying the image that she's a god. On top of that, Shining Armor and Cadence appear out of the blue and are a sterotypical 1 dimensional Disney couple. Plus Queen Chrysalis is an idiot because of her plan makes no sense at all oh and this qoute Princess Cadance: My love will give you strength.Queen Chrysalis: [chuckling] What a lovely but absolutely ridiculous sentiment. Flutter Butter- How much I loathe this epsiode, its logical is borderline stupid. First of all, Fluttershy's shyness is genetic, let me say that again a personality trait is genetic. A secondly when Fluttershy says to her brother, Zepher, that he is smart and skilled thats when the whole epsiode feel apart for me because we never see him be "skilled and smart". All we some being is a condescending idoitc asshole. How see him be that, what that 10 seconds of Fluttershy mane style being redone? That's skilled and smart? Bull. Which leads me to this question: What is Zepher cute mark stand for than? That cutie mark isnt mane styling its for something else and well no one brings it up. I'm sorry this episode legitimately pisses me off. Edited July 30, 2016 by COBLoneWolf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Piranha 29,440 July 29, 2016 Share July 29, 2016 Well, I'd put Applejack's Day Off and Equestria Games for being so underwhelming, though there's only ONE episode I find so bad that it shouldn't exist: Spike at your Service 1 Sig by Discords Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JH24 385 July 30, 2016 Share July 30, 2016 (edited) "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well" -- Rainbow Dash's portrayal...ugh. Normally I like to see her being taught a lesson if she's becoming cocky again, but the entire episode felt just weird. "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" Lots of action, lots of drama, yet feels hollow and empty. Way over the top action and pandering to really enjoy. This one just didn't sit well with me. "Applejack's Day Off." Don't hate the episode, but it felt just utterly pointless. Waiting for some twist or change in story but it just never came. Honorable mention: "What about Discord." I appreciate the moral, I appreciate the story, but the execution of the episode felt wrong, and too much on the mean side. Humor felt flat and cringe-worthy at times. I still re-watch this episode from time to time for certain parts that were well done. I wanted to add "Newbie Dash" as well at first, I've been a bit up and down about this episode since it aired. In the end though, I can appreciate the episode for what it tried to do. Rainbow Dash became too cocky and completely obsessed with her nickname so I could understand the lesson she had to learn in the end, even if it was painful. I can't see it as humiliating, but more like Rainbow Dash maturing and growing as a character. Seeing her at peace at the end of the episode really sold it for me. Edited July 30, 2016 by JH24 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pnylvr 185 August 1, 2016 Share August 1, 2016 In no particular order, -Games Ponies Play -Spike at Your Service -What about Discord? I'd eliminate all three of these for much the same reasons. All three were chores to sit through without much payoff. They all contained failed attempts at mean-spirited humor as well, and the conflicts in at least the first two could have been resolved easily if the characters didn't act like idiots. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brightbart 268 August 1, 2016 Share August 1, 2016 Every episode that makes Rainbow Dash look like an egotistical asshat, which unfortunately are most of her episodes. Why the writers hate her so much is beyond me. 1. Newbie Dash 2. Mysterious Mare-Do-Well 3. Princess Spike 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 August 1, 2016 Share August 1, 2016 Hmm, which episodes would I erase? Boast Busters. My absolute least favorite episode in the series. The mane 6, Twilight aside, act like jerks and then Trixie's introduction wasn't exactly the best, either. The Show Stoppers. The CMC are blatantly oblivious and their talents are shown in front of our faces, but not theirs, also the song near the end is terrible. Yes, some of you may say that was the point, but it doesn't make it any less terrible. Baby Cakes. Another episode that is hard to sit through. Pinkie Pie is shown to be pretty incapable of watching kids, and also the foals in the episode... I can't stand them. There are a bunch of episodes from season 1 I would also erase, because to me season 1 is the worst, and a few from season 2, but the thread asked 3, so I'll stick with 3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Classic Play 232 August 1, 2016 Share August 1, 2016 Any of the Spike episodes, really, excluding Gauntlet of Fire and Dragon Quest. I love Spike, he's pretty chill. But, every single time they put the spotlight on him, except for the two exclusions, they keep telling us that Spike is completely useless or a complete asshat. It's kind of unfair to the little reptile. The show is about friendship, but there's rarely any real friendship shown to Spike. Really, they keep making him seem pathetic. I'd rather save Spike and write him out of the show, instead of keeping the theme going. Or perhaps, take notes from the comic side, which really shows us how cool Spike is. But, yeah, they don't write Spike properly and it's pretty annoying, really. Gauntlet of Fire and Dragon Quest were amazing Spike episodes. They actually gave us something to see in Spike. Gave him some character, if you will. My OC(s): Clear Rider My Ask a Pony At some point, there will be a fic or more here "You can't be a comedian, unless you can laugh at yourself." - Me "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SquipyCheetah 449 August 3, 2016 Share August 3, 2016 -Putting Your Hoof Down - As much as I kinda like the moral, this episode almost butchered Fluttershy's character for me. I only watched this episode once and never again. -Mysterious Mare-Do Well - Because, the obvious. -Princess Spike - A semi enjoyed this episode but I found Spike to be very out of character. I like all of Spike's episodes except this one. There is no way Spike would use Twilight's princesshood to his own advantage. And seeing it kinda broke my heart. -Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 - The only thing I liked was Dashie's cider obsession and the 'moral' at the end. I never understood the appeal of the Flim Flam brothers. They're just so bland and annoying. I understand why people may not like Newbie Dash but I like how it was written, the same with Applejack's 'Day' Off. Or maybe that's just my opinion. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MAIKUN 262 January 11, 2017 Share January 11, 2017 1) Crusaders of the Lost Mark 2) On Your Marks 3) The Fault In Our Cutie Marks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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