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If you were omnipotent what would you do?

Lil Pip

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I think if I were omnipotent I would not have any needs because I could make them automatically satisfying, unless I valued fun then I would value fulfilling my needs but then I would have some restriction on it to not die ever anyways but could change form etc, and I would create many worlds for many reasons, but then omniscience would be strange all outcomes are expected, not only expected, but bound to happen if I do certain actions. So the only thing to do would be remove omnipotence forever, and make everything living automatically near that limit of omnipotence and give them each their own domain rights, even the ones that are made from other omnipotent beings get their own domains. And due to the origin of each omnipotent thing its bound to end up as an infinite fractal universe with much to explore for all eternity and never being bound to a single location or destiny.

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I think I would like to create worlds and live life as my OCs from various games, shows and stories.  I'd also like to explore different worlds(in this universe) and bring back what I learned back to Earth so maybe that way, it would encourage people to become more interested in space travel and the like(if they believe me).  There's so much more I'd like to do.  I'm just worried that I'd become crazy from all the power though.

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1. No more natural disasters.


2. Extra natural resources for everyone!


2. Use subliminal-messaging magic to "persuade" all our corrupt leaders become more public-sympathetic.


4. Conjure the world's greatest kind of gaming PC for myself.


5. Call it a day.

Edited by A.V.
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-Create a planet that is just one huge arena.

-Bring to life the most powerful beings i can come up with.

-Make them fight.

-Put it pretty much all over all forms of media so the whole world can see.

-Give it the dumbest name i can possibly think of.

And of course all the stuff that people usually would do: help to solve humanity's problems; create my own planets and civilizations, including but not limited to a whole species of humanoids that has invisible organs and skin, making them literally look like living skeletons; making the sky caramel-colored instead of blue; make all alien planets and alternate universes not only habitable to humans, but also make them accessible through conveniently placed portals, which would of course be labeled according to where they lead to; create my own worlds in which i - and probably some other people i'd invite over - go on all kinds of adventures(of course, it would all be staged: nobody's in any actual danger) etc.

Edited by GreenGreenWhirlWind
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If i were omnipotent I'd probably grow bored in time with all that power.


So I'd probably create lifeforms on other planets and rule them as a deity, and give them ridiculously confusing traditions and demands. Yknow just for fun.


Or watch the universe crumble until the last known particle is devoid of energy.


Or make people fall in love with a cat-shaped cloud.


After a while i would still probably lose all interest in whimsical desires and sever ties with mortal lifeforms altogether.


Maybe i could set up complex plans for otherwise impossible natural processes and watch them unfold over the millenia.


More probable is that at some point I'd erase bordome from my mind and will elect to exist in a different state altogether because of motivations that i might not fully grasp.

  • Brohoof 1
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Probably doing everything I ever wanted without trying to disturb the way our world is too much because I'd prefer everything to stay the way it is because at some point I'll get bored and go back to the human world and just chill occasionally to enjoy human stuff.


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Maybe i could set up complex plans for otherwise impossible natural processes and watch them unfold over the millenia.


To be fair, anyone who can one-shot nearly anything will inevitably develop some kind of Complexity Addiction out of sheer boredom.


Just ask :umad:.

Edited by A.V.
  • Brohoof 1
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To be fair, anyone who can one-shot nearly anything will inevitably develop some kind of Complexity Addiction out of sheer boredom.


Just ask :umad:.

This makes a reasonable amount of sense. Which is in this case, very ironic

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  • 2 weeks later...

Step 1: make myself supreme overlord of the human race, but only the human race.

Step 2: resolve all major issues that I'm actually presently concerned about.

Step 3: ban people from worshipping me as a god on pain of death.

Step 4: prove that I can't actually be omnipotent by attempting to create an object that I cannot move. If I can't make one then that's something I'm unable to do, meaning that I'm not omnipotent. If I can make one then I will have effectively removed my own omnipotence as I've created something I cannot do. 

  "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

- Douglass Adams​​

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I think I would abdicate. I don't have the wisdom to properly handle that kind of power.  :awuh:

No human being possesses wisdom or restraint enough to properly handle that kind of power.


As an example: For the most part, I'm a pretty live and let live kind of a guy.  But the moment I got my hands on unlimited power, I would use it to SMITE MY ENEMIES and probably transform Donald Trump into some manner of strangely-coiffed rodent.  I see these posts where people are using their powers for the betterment of mankind...  I might eventually do something like that.  But first I'd do things that benefited my loved ones, things I thought were cool, and things that would inconvenience really awful people I don't like.  At some point or another, anyone else would likely do the same kinds of things.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I suppose I'll start by writing stuff using the stars just to mess with people's heads and then leave funny messages on the moon to startle astronauts.

Edited by cider float


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What I defeniitely wouldn't do is to build a better world for everyone. Because even if I'm omnipoint I have no moral right to choose what better world should look like. :adorkable:


I guess I would just horse around and help random people :love:  Everyone deserves little miracle in their life from time to time. :D



Edited by Crypty
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This is incredibly interesting debate that I can only see having one outcome for me.  So, omnipotence is something that human beings cannot comprehend.  Upon skimming this thread, I see various answers to the tune of ending human suffering, ending various problems on Earth, bettering humankind, etc.  With true omnipotence, why limit oneself to this puny race of simian apes?  Why not create something much grander?  Well, it would seem to be unethical to tamper with life.  But then again, would it be ethical to just let humans destroy themselves and their planet when you could stop it?  But then again, why not transform them into something better?  Or why not....


Hopefully you can already see the problem beginning to form.  Omnipotence would create an unstoppable avalanche of possibilities, but ultimately, nothing would ever be good enough.  Why settle for anything when you could create anything else?  One would never be satisfied, ethics would be an impenetrable fog, and nothing would have any meaning.  I see only one option if I was omnipotent: destroy all existence, including myself.  Make the universe, make the multiverse cease to exist.  I would become the quintessential Final Fantasyesque villain who seeks to end all suffering in the universe by ending all life forever.  One there was nothing in existence, then there would be no problems for all eternity.  And no one would "miss out" on the potential joys of life, because there would be no one to do the missing.  This directly relates to a philosophical question I posed to my friends about thirteen years ago: if there was a big, red button that would cause all matter in the universe to cease to exist, would you push it?  Perhaps it makes me a monster, but I would push it.  Pretty out there, and I'm not saying that this would really be the best course of action, objectively speaking.  And it's a question that doesn't need answering, because the premise is impossible anyway.

  • Brohoof 1


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I am definitely not qualified to wield that kind of power. I wouldn't use it for anything, even to fulfill my deepest desires or to alter anything in anyone else's life. I would be too paranoid of any repercussions down the road. I would think of how to get rid of it in a safe way. I wouldn't want it falling into the wrong hands. ^^

Edited by Lady Kiriness

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I'd force these worldwide wars to stop, make the drought end, and stop these disasterous weathers from causing destruction around us and our homes.I'd also destroy all the shifty low-life criminals in the world who never show any remorse for their actions.

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I know a few people said a few of these already, but if I were omnipotent, I'd get rid of natural disasters, put a stop to global warming and restore the polar ice caps, put and end to all the droughts in California and other places, and make it so we never run out of non-renewable resources.


So basically, make a much better world to live in.

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I would fix the major issues in my life that aren't fixable otherwise, then use my omnipotence to alter all of history to knock string instruments and vocals off of their pedestal and rise wind instruments up as the instruments associated with God/the good deities and the high arts. Oh, and alter human history so as to keep these atrocities from ever happening: War, violence, slavery, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc.


I'd realize that's way too much power for me and use my omnipotence to get rid of my omnipotence... That is if I even still existed after the last action, which I'm sure would drastically alter history so much that there's no way I would have ever been born. lol

Everything needs more woodwind!

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If I had that kind of power, I'd probably explore the limitlessness of my creativity, which is what I imagine such a deity would be doing if it did exist. Destruction is too easy and gets boring very quickly, but creating takes time and is rewarding when you complete it. Something with infinite knowledge would likely need some form of ultimate project, an infinite project to keep itself occupied for its infinite existence, which exercises its infinite power. Would such a project not be the universe its self?

With such power, you would essentially be the singularity of existence. The event horizon on which everything takes place. You would cease to be human, and become everything. With infinite power, you would be all things.

  • Brohoof 1

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One thing for sure is that's a thing too dangerous to be just lying around. One thing I wouldn't tamper is with history, nature, nor people themselves. These are the way they are for some reason. History because the knowledge learned from it will be lost, and we could only provoke greater tragedies. Nature: yes, natural disasters can cause a lot of damage, but they exist for a reason, and we might be building a bigger mess by preventing natural disasters. Human: Change them to be better people? Ok, let me ask you something: Good people by whose standards? Yours? Let me remind you something, YOU are a person too, as good as you might be, you are not without flaws. besides: you'll doom them to being stuck, instad of letting humanity grow. Yeah, I wouldn't touch any of those, as much harm they cause from our point of view, they are necessary


I think I'd mainly use those powers for myself due to that. I'm sure I'll always find ways to not get bored. like: visiting other worlds and dimensions. See if my favorite fictional worlds exist, create my own universe, etc. I'd also involve myself on this planet, but not on a global scale, but I'd wanna see important events unfold, see secret creations, and maybe have a little fun torturing unrepentant criminals and scum who did nothing but harm other people  :-P . HEY, HAUNTING DESPOT COUNTRIES LIKE NORTH KOREA DOESN'T SOUND LIKE A BAD IDEA  :D


Sig by Discords

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I would make myself no longer omnipotent. Seriously, omnipotence would be extremely boring and make me want to kill myself. There would be literally zero challenge to anything anymore and no reason to have accomplishments. Any use of my power to do anything to the universe would be immoral and a step out of bounds of morality of what I should be doing. 

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