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What did you dream about last night?


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Since my friend was wearing a neat coat yesterday, I had a dream about sewing myself a similar coat. About halfway through the coat started to look pleasant and almost finished but then I noticed that the threads started to come off in many places at once and all I could think was "No no NO not like this". Sewing is hard, even in dreams. :mellow:

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The night before this past one I had a dream about this one game where you have to survive an abandoned mining town and collect these objects(forget what they were) all while avoiding/hiding from these huge Deathclaw types of things.  There was a lot of snow too so the monsters would sometimes track your boot-prints or follow your scent.  Only one guy ended up surviving out of 7, it was a weird dream....

Last night I had this reoccurring dream where I'm in a school and I have to walk down stairs to this really nice library.  I was a kid again and I just kept looking at the books while trying to navigate the busy library full of other kids during lunch.  I don't know why I keep having this dream. 

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 8 months later...

I had two dreams last night, unfortunately I completely forgot the first one by the time I woke up.

The second one, I was Spider-Man meeting some obscure historical person, whom I knew well for some reason. Anyway, I held him against me with one arm and used the other to web-swing around; the sensation was first scary, then exhilarating.
The city was full of huge structures, some new (mostly towers) and some old (like a bridge with beautiful carvings beneath it and on the pylons). The man commented on how big everything was, and I replied with "yep, gigantism is trendy again nowadays~" or something similar.
We ended up in some sorta racetrack, upside-down with water flowing thru (think Aquatic Capitol in Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity), where I struggled to go against the current a bit.
Afterwards, I tried swinging across a lake mottled with small wooded islands, but it was tough to stay up with nothing to attach my webs to, tho somehow I kept going slowly. Someone was making huge waves there, we had no idea why, until I spotted some of the islands were burning. The waves struck the closest ones and put out the fires there, but there were more further down my path.
After a narrow doorway (or two cliffs facing each other very close?), I saw why; there was a volcano erupting, and sending out half-molten boulders. It actually seemed very controlled; some sort of searchlight illuminated me, then the volcano hurled one of its burning rocks. I put the historical man somewhere safe, then started a boss battle where I'd use my web to sling those rocks back to the volcano.

Sadly I woke up before I could find out whether my technique had been successful.

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I got a secret ancient tablet with me, some kind of relic, and I had to protect it and what was into it. Some bad mafia guys kidnapped me but thanks to my infiltration skills I managed to escape their base. 


Too much Zelda Breath of the Wild lately I guess! :sealed:

  • Brohoof 2
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I had a strange dream about being chased through a labyrinthine complex with a group of futuristic refugees, pursued by a really treacherous female baddie (the one from Dredd, if you've seen it). After a while she had us cornered in a small metal room, but I crawled out through a duct and ran up into an elevator shaft, which was paneled on all sides with barred walls. The villainess soon discovered my absence and came after me, but I managed to find a gap over the top of the barred walls, which led me to secret corridor to the only room with a view to the outside. To my surprise I wasn't in some gigantic building but a huge, city-sized vehicle that was parked on a desert planet. The room I now occupied was filled with controls, with which I sealed off the corridor and the bad woman, and started the huge machine. The vehicle moved on a series of huge legs that walked across the planetary surface, and I directed it toward the only signs of greenery and life where I hoped to meet up with other pockets of humanity on that unknown world. 

Then the dream faded out and I woke up. 

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I was in the Golden Oak Library, sitting on Twilight's bed. I was sad. I was crying. I stopped crying when I felt something warm on my body. I opened my I eyes. I saw Twilight hugging me. She was sitting next to me on the bed. I looked at Twilight comforting me. Her lavender fur was so soft, and she also kinda smelt like lavender. I glanced around and saw the rest of the Mane 6. They were smiling behind her at the back. Especially Pinkie. :pinkie:Twily stretched out her wing and puts it over me. I closed my eyes and embraced Twilight's love. I don't know why I remember this one, but It gives me a nice warm feeling. :twismile:

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

A couple nights ago, I had this dream of a dystopian world where all artistic expression was banned unless it was propaganda for the state. A group of rebellious artists and warriors somehow escaped, including myself who could fly and use a magic paintbrush.

Then I made a portal from our hideout to my old home, looking for a painter much more skilled than all of us but without magical power. That painter turned out to be Somnambula living in a duplex apartment, making posters and flyers for the state, clearly upset. She obviously wasn't willingly doing propaganda; I noticed unfinished paintings of somepony I couldn't recognize, but she wanted freedom. I pulled out a scroll with a pre-written scenario of paintings coming to life, but only those from the artist's heart (not ordered by threat), and used the brush to make it true.

I forgot most of the rest, but I wrote down much of it in my dream journal.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a series of dreams lately, but sadly I forget all about them after a few hours.

Except last night's... I saw myself in a classroom. Then some alien craft glided down to the yard, flying back and forth across the class window.
Everyone huddled up to watch fascinated, except I hung back as I knew they'd be beaming me aboard. So I made sure to stay away from the mass, until the transporter effect took me.
For some reason though, rather than the transporter tingle described in Star Trek books, it was crushing pressure that damn near ground my leg bones to dust.

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My dream last night was really weird. I was on a street I didn't recognize, and there were a bunch of shops around me that were all Rainbow Dash themed. Of course I went in, because RD is the best. When I went in I was expecting stuff like plushies and blankets, but no, it was paper towels, styrofoam plates, and other random boring stuff like that. Nothing actually had RD on it, just the packaging. They were all just regular shit shoved into RD-themed packaging. It was disappointing. After that all I can remember is a dark alleyway and a crowd of people. I don't understand any of it.

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It wasn't nice. I was a detective trying to hunt down a child molester. Found the culprit by DNA testing a random red wig that I almost put on. 

Also the band Disturbed wound up playing at a cafe in the middle of some po dunk village in the woods. 

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I had a dream where for some reason I returned to the university I just graduated from last year. In the first part of the dream I was just in the community band there, which made a little more sense. The first community band rehearsal was weird. For some reason I was there with my recorder of all instruments. Now, the recorder is actually a legitimate instrument and I love it, but it's not appropriate for a band setting. I realized this in the dream, and for some odd reason also had my trumpet to randomly pull out and start playing. It was my silver trumpet from high school, but for some reason had a fancy gold-plated mouthpiece and I was enjoying playing it and showing it off. >.< Good lord.

The dream then evolved into those dreaded "I'm missing all of my classes!" dreams. Because for some reason I was now enrolled in other classes? I don't know. lol. Anyway, I had "forgotten" about these classes and was freaking out about having missed them. It then came to the point where I was at home and realized that I was also missing a band rehearsal and really freaked out about that. I somehow made it to the rehearsal all of the way from home (an hour plus drive) and this time decided I should probably just play my oboe since it is my main instrument and the school wouldn't have any oboists aside from me. But when I got there the guy that played oboe in that ensemble (so I could play the bassoon instead, this was a secondary ensemble) for some reason was playing oboe. Note: He really disliked playing the instrument, so I couldn't have imagined he'd still be playing it. And that's where the dream ended.

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I've managed to lucid dream every night which is great, so I have a lot of stories to share my most recent dream I had was where a zombie apocalypse happened like 28 days later and hordes of people were trying to get north towards Wales to get away from the zombie horde and slowly overtime my friends would either go M.I.A or would die altogether and ended with me, and a small group of survivors and my last friend making a final stand in this mansion and it ended with me being the last one standing and just as I'm about to be overwhelmed the air force bomb the horde to hell and ends with me stumbling out of the house at dawn.

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