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spoiler So the finale just aired in the UK...

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So, i've stalked a little in this thread, and wanted to ask...

Is the episode out on the internet? I truly wanna see it, and if someone could link me to the ep.


Totally not a support main.



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So, i've stalked a little in this thread, and wanted to ask...





Is the episode out on the internet? I truly wanna see it, and if someone could link me to the ep.



Yeah, the episode is out on the internet. I dunno if I should directly link to an episode, but you can Google "to where and back again mlp" and pick from one of the video results that pops up. I got several results searching that and you shouldn't have a problem if you search the same thing :) I hope this helps!


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The mystery is now solved -- Queen Chrysalis is the main villain of the finales of both Seasons 2 and 6. And Thorax (one character I do not want to see in Season 7, the other is Trixie) is against her!


By tomorrow, we'll finally know what will happen in the second part of the whole story, and hope for an ending that requires a continuation of the series.

Well you won't get that last bit since every season finale is written with the possiblity that it could be the series finale, that's how shows that get renewed on a season by season basis work.


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Well you won't get that last bit since every season finale is written with the possiblity that it could be the series finale, that's how shows that get renewed on a season by season basis work.

I agree, they all need to write shows like that.

Edited by SunsetBaconDrive
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Yep. That team-up was exactly as I predicted. Even if it's not perfect, the fact that….



…. Trixie and Discord are finally in the same episode is beyond awesome. I expect them to be at each other's throats by the time they get the Mane Six and the princesses back. Should make for some intense hilarity.


Oh, and pony Trixie eats peanut butter crackers. That alone just made my day. Lol.



                                               No questions asked.

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Average so far. Would be better if Starlight wasn't so badly written and uninteresting to begin with.

My black cheese horse goddess dark mother has returned... As long as she is set, I'm fine. I am excited to see Trixie again for this finale.

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[spoiler]OMG that was awesome!!! Reform Teamup!!!  :umad: and that fluttercord bit at the end  :orly:  the derpy bit at the begining was cool too  :muffins: this is shaping up to be one awesome double episode!!! cant wait for part 2!!! but dont want it to end :I[/spoiler]

Edited by Pixel Dusk


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With everyone's excitement to see what happens in Part 2 of the finale, either way, Chrysalis made a big mistake kidnapping the entire Royal Family and the Mane Six. If I was there, I'd be ready to tear her apart for what she's done because she has awoken the beast within me, and once the beast is awoken...I feel...I feel...I feel like...A MONSTER!!!



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Curious that Thorax stated he never wanted to see the hive kingdom again when they arrived. I thought he wanted to go back there and teach the others about friendship and allow them to become self-sustaining?


Maybe he tried already and it was a near disaster in that he was nearly captured? Or maybe he simply got cold feet after thinking about it more carefully?

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I watched the first part late last night because I couldn't wait any longer, and I was certainly impressed with what they did. Granted, I did notice some flaws that could serve as a detriment but overall I did enjoy it.


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I agree, they all need to write shows like that.

Yeah like if a show gets renewed for 2 or 3 seasons in one go? sure they can have the luxary of making season finales less conclusive, but when shows DON'T have that luxary when they have to assume every finale could be the last finale while writing them.


Sometimes show's don't do this and it can lead to some really frustrating things, like the ending of Young Justice for example where yes, they resolve the seasonal plot... only to end on a giant cliffhanger about the overall series plot but that was the end of the series so there's no resolution. 


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Yeah like if a show gets renewed for 2 or 3 seasons in one go? sure they can have the luxary of making season finales less conclusive, but when shows DON'T have that luxary when they have to assume every finale could be the last finale while writing them.


Sometimes show's don't do this and it can lead to some really frustrating things, like the ending of Young Justice for example where yes, they resolve the seasonal plot... only to end on a giant cliffhanger about the overall series plot but that was the end of the series so there's no resolution. 

2017 is going to be a financial frenzy for My little Pony 


1 season 

3 specials 

1 movie 

Brand new toy line


Hasbro might as well just make a PS4/PC game with the money they have. They save a ton of money using Flash and Toon Boom from episode to episode.

Edited by SunsetBaconDrive
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Curious that Thorax stated he never wanted to see the hive kingdom again when they arrived. I thought he wanted to go back there and teach the others about friendship and allow them to become self-sustaining?


Maybe he tried already and it was a near disaster in that he was nearly captured? Or maybe he simply got cold feet after thinking about it more carefully?


Given his birth-based flashback, can you really blame him?


It's practically Green Tartarus.

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How do you think "the four" will go about rescuing the others?



I think the best course of action could been seen going one of two directions. Either the four become Changelings, using their magic (minus Thorax of course.) Or the reformed characters use their past lives as villains to their advantage. Think about it. There are so many in the population that the odds are not every Changeling knows all the Changelings in the hive. That idea sounds kind of cool but lacking in excitement. If the four went back to their former selves: Starlight Glimmer the Cutie Mark Snatcher, Discord King of Chaos, Trixie Wielder of Dark Magic, and Thorax the stealer of love, their chances of getting the other out would be higher. (Technically Thorax was never really evil but Chrysalis would expect that from him.Not to mention more entertaining. I could see Chrysalis wanting them all on her team. What do you think?



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With part 2 of the finale airing tonight, I have some theories that could go through


1) The ponies of Starlight's Town: Do you think they MIGHT be Changelings in disguise?  What if Starlight discovered them in cocoons?  Would she flip out like Discord did when Fluttershy was kidnapped?


2) The love of the Crystal Empire: I have a theory that the events of the Crystalling were responsible for giving the Changelings enough power to become nearly invincible.  Do you suppose that, plus baby Flurry Heart, may have helped Queen Chrysalis return to power and extract her revenge on the Mane 6 and the other Princesses?


3) The Near Villain Victory: In previous episodes with Big Bads, the villain always seems to be on the brink of victory, till the hero manages to luck out and light their darkest hour.




Friendship is Magic part 1 and 2: Not only does Nightmare Moon seal her sister away in the Sun, she also destroys the Elements of Harmony.  But Twilight's friendships towards her new friends restored their power and reawakened the 6th one, dealing the final blow and restoring her back to Princess Luna


Return of Harmony Part 1 and 2: Discord had finally defeated the Mane 6 and made them polar opposites of what they were.  It was the letters of PRincess Celestia that caused Twilight to snap out of her trance, allowing her to restore her friends and defeat Discord


Canterlot Wedding Part 1 and 2: Worth mentioning since this is Chrysalis returning.  Even after being exposed as the Big Bad, she manages to defeat Princess Celestia and was able to capture the Mane 6.  But it was her own ego, combined with a careful Twilight, that resulted in Cadence and Shining Armor to use their magic to drive the Changeling Matriarch to the hills


Crystal Empire Part 1 and 2: King Sombra has trapped Twilight Sparkle in with the Crystal Heart.  But she sacrifices her goals and allows Spike to deliver the Crystal Heart to Cadence.  The duo was able to unleash its power, finally defeating the Dark King for good


Equestria Girls: Just as Sunset Shimmer had an army to invade Canterlot, she appeared to have defeated Twilight and her new friends.  Only for the Element of Magic to power them up and turn the tables on her.


Twilight's Kingdom Part 1 and 2: The 3 Princesses are crippled in Tatarus.  A trecherous Discord has been double crossed.  The Mane 5 captured.  And Twilight was forced to give up all of the Alicorn Magic to Lord Tirek.  He was poised to rule Equestria.  Till a remorseful Discord gives the last of the six keys to Twilight Sparkle.  This allows her to open the box, unlock the rainbow magic, and with her friends, defeated Tirek


Rainbow Rocks: Twice in a row from the Dazzlings.  Just as they were poised to become powerful through their music, it took a reformed Sunset SHimmer to rise up and aid her new friends in depowering the siren sisters.  The end result also allowed the school kids to forgive her for the events of Equestria Girls


Cutie Map: Starlight Glimmer has captured the Mane 6 with the intent to convert them into villagers.  Fluttershy was able to convince her that she was ready to side with her, only to expose her for her lies.  It took the strength of the villagers to get back the Mane 6's cutie marks and defeat her.


Cutie Remark: Realizing that she could not beat Starlight Glimmer at her magic game, Twilight Sparkle took her to a desolated future to show her the consequences of her actions.  And at the last moment when Starlight tried to destroy the time scroll, Twilight Sparkle was able to convince her to try again and give her another chance.  Starlight caved and later became Twilight's apprentice


Friendship Games: Nearly similar to Cutie Remark, except it's former villain Sunset Shimmer trying to reason with Earth's Twilight Sparkle, who has become Midnight Sparkle.  Sunset, finally understanding the Magic of Friendship, uses it to become Daydream Shimmer to fight Midnight Sparkle.  With some help from Spike, Daydream Shimmer defeated Midnight Sparkle and helped guide her back to the like.  Like Starlight with Equestrian Twilight, Earth's Twilight became Sunset Shimmer's apprentice


Legend of Everfree: Gaia Everfree(Gloriosa Daisy) has sealed everyone within Camp Everfree, and Sunset and Twilight are trying to save everyone.  Worst off, Fear has enveloped Twilight Sparkle with Midnight Sparkle still lurking within her.  It took the encouragement of her mentor Sunset Shimmer, plus her new friends to finally get the courage needed to defeat Gloriosa Daisy and help her see the error of her ways.





How do you think Starlight, Discord, Thorax and Trixie will be defeated by Chrysalis, only for them to rise back up and defeat her once and for all?

  • Brohoof 1
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I can finally post my thoughts on Part 1 now that I know how spoiler tags work.



I just watched the episode right now--I couldn't wait until morning--and while it definitely put Starlight into the role of leader, there are some issues that do need to be addressed. The pace goes by relatively quickly as though they wanted to put so much in at once without taking a breather. Also, how did the Changelings succeed in their plans to replace everyone? It just happened without an explanation. Oh, and judging from the featued performers, they wanted to add in a lot of characters.


Speaking of the Changelings, it was pretty obvious something was wrong when the one posing as Pinkie talked. On a positive note, I liked the consistency with Thorax coming back, Trixie still being Starlight's best friend, Twilight being jealous of the idea, and bringing back a former villain as opposed to a new one. Oh, and Discord's presence can be seen as a mixed blessing. You knew no Changeling could impersonate him die to his powers, but then he does give Starlight an overpowered edge.


What will happen in Part Two? My gut is telling me Starlight will not be the same pony she once was by the end of it.



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Given his birth-based flashback, can you really blame him?


It's practically Green Tartarus.


From the disagreeable lot that were impersonating the Mane 6 and Spike, there's no doubt about that.



Speaking of the Changelings, it was pretty obvious something was wrong when the one posing as Pinkie talked.


I'll say. I said back in "The Times are a Changeling" the ponies didn't yet have a changeling detection spell. The funny thing is, they don't need a detection spell! While changelings may be very good at copying physical characteristics of their prey, they are lousy at copying their personalities! They don't seem to have any sort of interest in learning how to talk like the pony or dragon they are impersonating, and can only speak in generalities.


Any close friend or family member would be able to suss out the fake in no time, just like Twilight did when Chrysalis couldn't act like the real Cadance during the first invasion and how Starlight immediately knew something was wrong with her friends.

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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I'll say. I said back in "The Times are a Changeling" the ponies didn't yet have a changeling detection spell. The funny thing is, they don't need a detection spell! While changelings may be very good at copying physical characteristics of their prey, they are lousy at copying their personalities! They don't seem to have any sort of interest in learning how to talk like the pony or dragon they are impersonating, and can only speak in generalities.


Any close friend or family member would be able to suss out the fake in no time, just like Twilight did when Chrysalis couldn't act like the real Cadance during the first invasion and how Starlight immediately knew something was wrong with her friends.


We also know that they can't mimic the abilities of those they impersonate.


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