Thrond 3,263 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) Had a lot of fun with this one! Definitely not the best two-parter plot this show has had, but the characters are so good that they more than make up for it. Loved how there were barely any action scenes, loved how new characters were given the spotlight, loved how this was mostly focused on fun character interaction despite the stakes being fairly high. Think the higher stakes help make it feel less run-of-the-mill than the previous finale, although the tighter focus and different lead characters certainly help. Starlight and Trixie are mostly redeemed for me, too, which is pretty damn significant. Not my favourite finale, but certainly lives up to most of them. Certain people here are definitely gonna hate this, though. Full review at my offsite blog as always. Additional Thoughts: Since he seems to be leaving the show, here's my ranking of Josh Haber's writing credits: 1. "Bloom and Gloom" 2. "Leap of Faith" 3. "The Crystalling" 4. "Stranger Than Fan Fiction" 5. "Castle Mane-ia" 6. "Hamstocalypse Now" / "Pinkie on the One" (tie) 7. "To Where and Back Again" 8. "Friendship Games" 9. "On Your Marks" 10. "The Cutie Re-Mark" 11. "Simple Ways" Really sad that he's leaving; I loved most of his episodes. I enjoy that pigs fly at the end, because that's what me actually being satisfied with a season of this show feels like. Total improvement over season 5 in so many ways, even if it doesn't fix all of the show's lingering problems. Hoping the new changeling designs grow on me over time. I'm not really sure how to feel about them right now. I'm fairly certain this is just me, but I actually rather like that the princesses and mane six were abducted off-screen. Seems a bit quick for the changelings to work so subtly, but I can buy it. For a moment I thought the entire town was replaced, leaving me to feel it made the mane six a little more "human" and less above everything else, but even with that disproved, I kinda still enjoy that it was so unceremonious. Didn't need to be drawn out or anything; just got to the point. Glad it was all six of them, too - I really appreciate when the show acknowledges that Twilight's friends are just as important as she is. Finales ranked: S1 > S4 > S2 > S6 > S5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S3 Edited October 23, 2016 by AlexanderThrond Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackshirt Brony 415 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 I really did enjoy this episode. Granted it wasn't the best season finale, but I doubt whether S5 will ever be outdone. I almost died at Discord's reaction to Fluttershy being captured. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganondorf8 11,370 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Anyone think Sunburst should have been in this finale? All we heard about him was from what Thorax said when he appeared before Starlight and Trixie. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Already watched this weeks ago. I got to wonder was that the Badlands the Changelings were living at? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jon the VGNerd 887 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 First time I've seen a finale with no musicals, and Chrysalis being deemed un-redeemable as well. Plus, Trixie got more screentime, along with Thorax, Discord and Starlight herself. I'm looking forward to see if Starlight will ever take up Twilight's place and become the new protagonist with Trixie and Discord (and maybe Thorax or another new ally) for their adventures. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonny Music 3,441 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 This. Season. Finale. Was. AWESOME!!!! I would have to say that it ranks up the top spot of favourite Season Finale's (with Season 4's in leading 2nd) in this great show. 1 My Profile LinkedIn Profile Main YouTube Channel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,905 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 It's been a rough season, and I was bracing myself for the worst, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. This was a pretty phenomenal episode overall. I think it ranks as one of the best two-parters. Objectively, when judged on all criteria across the board, it might be the very best, though I think I still have a slight preference towards The Cutie Re-Mark. There's a lot of great things to say about To Where. I thought the characterization was top-notch. It felt like a pretty original story, and not just a re-hash of previous ones. It's a story that needed to happen at some point, because the changeling army has just been regrouping and gathering strength since they end of S2. It was inevitable that they were going to launch at attack at some point. I really loved the decision to make the episode center around Starlight and Trixie. It was unexpected, but it worked beautifully. It actually gave their friendship and development some real meaning and purpose. After No Second Prances, it felt like Trixie was just forgotten. I'm glad they gave this relationship proper attention. I never imagined I'd be saying this, but I think I actually trust Trixie, now. I think she's finally proven that she doesn't have a hidden agenda. I still find her a bit irritating, but not in a bad way. I feel like that's just how her character is written, and it works. I think it's good for Starlight to have a friend that Twilight and the others don't get along with all that well, because that's real life for you. I identified very strongly with Starlight, especially when she freaked out at the village and high-tailed it back to Ponyville. I actually teared up a bit, because I can't count the number of times that was me. I suffer from social anxiety as well as confidence and self-esteem problems, and there's been many times in my life where I've bailed out the way Starlight did. It hit home really hard. I thought Starlight's characterization and development were some of the best we've seen from her. Discord was great, as usual. His not being able to use magic definitely had a hint of Deja Q to it. Speaking of which, I really liked the no magic thing, and I thought that Chrysalis's throne was pretty interesting, reasonable, and believable, y'know, as plot devices go. I'm thrilled that Thorax had a major part. He was great, too. The only problem I have was how quickly the hive did their presto-chango-reformo trick, there. I was actually thrilled when Thorax changed. It was surprising, but I loved it. Adding this new depth to the changeling lore was extremely welcome. But it was, quite frankly, completely ludicrous that the entire hive followed suit instantaneously. For Thorax, it was believable, but he took time to get here! He had already partially changed, and he's been living with true friendship for awhile now. But for all the others to be convinced so easily, and to....transmute, metamorph, whatever you want to call it, right then and there?! Come one, give me a break. Now, at least they didn't reform Chrysalis. When she looked sweet and started to take Starlight's hoof, I was about to lose...MY. SH*T. Oh, dear sweet Celestia, thank Celestia they didn't reform her. (Speaking of Tia, I'm glad she at least had a freaking speaking role!) Anyway, I have always found Chrysalis to be an interesting character, and a villain you might be able to momentarily sympathize with, like Magneto or General Zod. I'm in favor of developing her, but an insto-reform would have been asinine. Anyway, back to the rest of the hive. I'm not unhappy with this direction; I think it's fine to have them all become good...eventually. That's the point--it should take time, like it did for Thorax. The rest of the hive haven't even made real friends yet, like he did. This was easily the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) example of the rushed FIM resolution hat trick. I realize that they can't spend half of S7 developing the changeling hive and bringing this story to a gradual, natural conclusion. The staff have their hands tied. Corporate says you get 40 minutes to do this and wrap it up, and S7 moves on to something else. That's why I can forgive it, but it's still annoying. This would probably be my clear favorite two-parter if only they had just done a resolution where Thorax becomes the leader, and the rest of the hive begins to change their minds, and consider an alternative, but it's left implied that they will eventually change sometime down the road. But at least the end result isn't terrible or stupid, like it would have been if Chrysalis partied with Pinkie at the end. Of course, this new development raises interesting questions about changeling biology. They have multiple natural forms, apparently. This reminds me a little of Halo Forerunners. But now that the changeling don't need to feed, are they just permanently sustained? Do they need to eat food? Do they even have digestive systems? Probably not, I would guess. So they are permanently sustained just by loving others? Huh. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal. There's one other thing that nags at me a little--how inept are the princess of Equestria that the changelings could so easily capture every single one of them? That's pretty bad. It seems like the Sisters need to have some serious discussions about national security. Maybe develop an agency or two, know what I'm sayin'? The plot defense here seems to be that, as I suggested earlier, the hive has been planning this for the last four seasons, secretly planting covert operatives, biding their time, and so forth. This wasn't some spur-of-the-moment thing. That makes it seem okay, I guess. I just wish we could have seen more of it, y'know? Seen how they were able to take all the princesses without detection. It's just another case of not having enough time for everything. Other than that, I was really pleased. Great episode, truly. Alright, so, closing S6 thoughts: It's been a lot of up and down, with a lot of bad characterization, and a lot of characters acting out of character. A whole lot of "meh" episodes, but some spectacular ones, too. I feel like it's about 50/50 with good and bad. The bad tends to get analyzed more, I think, which is why it sticks out like a sore thumb. Overall, though, I have to say that S6 is probably the weakest season. It's been problematic, for sure. But I want to close on a positive note. This season delivered one of my biggest wishlist items since Canterlot Wedding, and that was Thorax. The show hasn't gotten too old yet; it's still brimming, overflowing, with potential. Six seasons isn't that old for any show. Indeed, many shows, such as Simpsons and Seinfeld, for example, peak around season 8. There's no reason why S7 can't be the best yet. The new writers just need to get their act together. So, let's hope for a spectacular S7, all leading up to the greatest happening in the history of Pony next fall. Hooves crossed. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracu98 139 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 haha, YES! from the very first second on, when Celestia acted like a b*tch in "No second Prances", I KNEW there was something shady going on! well...probably everybody did, given the fact that it was pretty obvious, but still...APPLAUSE TO ME! so, Chrysalis and her hive are back, in what could be my new favourite season finale along with "Twilight's Castle". most of the episode works perfect, from the team-up (which I was mostly exited for just because of Discord) up to the "journey" in the hive and the villain we've all been waiting for to return (in a pretty creepy way). Discord and Trixie work pretty well together and make a good time. their bickering, while it sometimes seems to be annoying, comes off as completely believeable given who we are dealing with here. and I'm glad that they "banned" magical solutions from this episode, because, as Trixie said: "Discord could take on the whole swarm by sneezing if he wanted to". it would've either been a very short finale, or I would've been shouting "WHY CAN YOU TURN CITIES INTO VOLCANOS BUT NOT DEAL WITH A DEMENTOR-BUG?" at my screen all the time. therefore, it was great that they had to rely on their brains and tricks alone (although that Changeling-trap by Trixie DOES look like magic to me. but hey, what do I know). also, I think there is one thing some people have missed so far: Celestia, Luna, Twilight AND her friends are all gone. when Starlight suggests visiting the empire, Thorax says that it's already too late for that. do you notice something...? WHERE. WAS. CADANCE? seriously, I don't like this character or anything about her, but...where was she, honestly? did we see her inside one of the cocons? did we see her at the festival at the end? NO! I didn't miss her at all, but that's just...odd. is she inside a cocon in her throne-room, waiting for someone to rescue her (I bet there will be fanart of this)? so anyhow, the search in the hive was a lot of fun and surprisingly thrilling, Chrysalis' entrance was creepily awesome, and I loved how she kicked Starlight around (did I ever mention how much I disliked that character, too?). but it also lead to what could be the worst reformation in the whole damn show: the Changeling-reformation. when Thorax did it, I was kinda fine with it. he had a backstory, he was born good, he tried to make friends, he was the odd one out. when he changed into his new form, I was confused, but I also thought "meh. he deserved it". but suddenly, ALL of the changelings, who have NEVER shown us ANY kind of friendly behaviour, figure "I did it all my life and it's the very purpose of my existence, IT MUST BE WRONG!" and change into their good forms too? granted, it must really suck to constantly feel like you're starving to death. and I'd buy that some changelings don't want to feel that agony anymore. but ALL of them? Chrysalis and her hive were everything they ever knew, and given what we find out in the comics, they're been with her for at least one thousand years. and suddenly, out of nowhere, they decide to leave this existence behind, like all of them had a magical moment of hindsight? that's both unbelieveable and stupid, and we all know why it was done like this in the first place: Toys. Hasbro...are you going bankrupt? with a fanbase that has the money and the dedication to buy EVERYTHING you crap out, do you really feel the need to damage the show just to sell some more toys?...nevermind, I just noticed what I said there. but luckily, Chrysalis tells Starlight politely to f*ck off and flees once again. aaaaand no one tries to stop her. none of the three royal Alicorns. none of the Changelings who just decided that their long-year-ruler is evil. not even Discord (ok, I'm buying that last one given that he only rushed into that adventure because Fluttershy was captured). seriously? after she promised to return for season 7, NO ONE is like "we might wanna stop that evil overlord who almost overpowered us twice now"? but hey, at least that makes it possible for her to be a reoccuring villain once again, and I can't wait for that. I don't think there is much that Chrysalis can do on her own, but we'll see about that later. so, that was "To Where and Back Again". was it awesome? yes. did the changeling-reformation suck? definitely. did I love it? absolutely. it worked as a great finale for a season that was like 50% great episodes and 50% boring episodes. I for one can't wait for Chrysalis' return in season 7. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wind Chaser 4,768 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) Re-posting from an earlier thread. I originally watched this episode when it leaked out on the British channel and kept the original post under spoiler. Absolutely impressive, worth the (reduced) wait given the average regular episodes we got this season. I think the early release did it a disservice because we all couldn't see it at the same time, given the more spoiler-averse ones among us.Though this season's regular episodes were largely very safe, this episode managed to stitch together some of the more unique aspects from the better episodes and have this season's breakout writer (Mike Vogel) on staff.It managed to bring back one of the more requested loose ends with Starlight's return to Our Town. Although I question the creative choice to not have it be the focus of a regular episode given the relatively thin subject matter of some of the episodes that did get made, at least it was addressed and we finally got to see the unlikely heroes of "The Cutie Map" return.Speaking of unlikely heroes, it's by and large the episode's strongest suit, making callbacks to some of the better-remembered episodes this season. Both the Mane 6 and the Princesses needed to be bailed out for once, and though we haven't yet gotten the "all of Equestria pitches in to save itself" two-parter I've wanted to see for about two seasons now, it's especially interesting to see the hero ball be passed to redemptive characters; an extra win given how easily the fandom is won over by these types of characters.The four heroes all provide an interesting contrast in personality, with the more cautious and reluctant Starlight and Thorax contrasting the boisterous, clashing, and bickering Discord and Trixie. Even though Starlight is the de jure leader of the group, in truth each one takes the lead and brings their own talent and ideas to the table at different points in the episode.Discord brought one of his better performances, (far better than "Dungeons and Discords" IMO) although he seems to be less and less like Q and more like an irreverent yet morally squeaky-clean good guy by the day. Though I'm not a fan of Trixie, her callbacks to "No Second Prances" and moments with Starlight gave the episode some depth, and her quibbles with Discord were entertaining (although I root for Discord's playful wit over Trixie's dry sarcasm every time; if there's one character here you don't talk down to, it's Discord). Thankfully and as predicted, we got more of Thorax and his presence is actually very meaningful and essential for the ponies' needs. It shows just how powerful the connections made by friendship can be.I'm glad they didn't go the route of reforming Queen Chrysalis, although I do wonder what good leaving that arc open will do down the road. Speaking of arcs, Starlight Glimmer continues to show advancement, but one can only wonder what her endgame is and how other characters factor into it.It's a shame we only get episodes like this twice a season, because I think the show needs a little more of it now. I think it's a great way to end Season 6 and gives them plenty to work with in Season 7, although that means the regular episodes will have to account for changes in format to keep up. Edited October 23, 2016 by Wind Chaser Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simba86 1,541 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 I think this is one of the better episodes of the season It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Scribbler 1,705 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Where do I begin my rant on how amazing that was? lmaoI probably would be repeating a lot of things, however I'll post my top 10 personal fav things.1- First major 2 part episode where the mane 6 were not the mane characters. 2- Discord with no magic 3- Chryssy crawling like a spider out of those cocoons 4- Trixie as a main role 5- THOSE BEAUTIFUL NEW BUGS! <3 *only one criticism about this though, I'll get to that after* 6- Keeping Chryssy evil. Good call for future story! 7- Dat hive doe 8- So much lore for changelings!! 9- Luna cameo <3 10- Oh, the possibilities now, with a whole new kingdom to work with. And now my criticism. Firstly, I don't know where the rest of the changeling hive magically got all that love to transform with. I was kind of hoping they'd make that a little less "*snap* and it's done" kind of deal, and more gradual. But, such is to be expected, it's not the first time they've compressed something potentially complex into a simple moment. "Magic" works evertim.Secondly, I have to wonder.. How the hell is it that Celestia and Luna are so powerless against the changelings? Like, really? I feel they should have a bit more defence against them, being alicorn leaders with more magic than 20 unicorns combined. I think they need to focus a bit more on those two maybe. And explain perhaps why they seem to be getting less and less powerful. That aside, I'm also not sure why they didn't choose to go back and use the other characters from = town. xDI thought for sure they'd use this as an opportunity to create a whole new set of mane characters. That just seems like a profitable choice for a toy company. But they didn't, though I won't be surprised if they do it sometime in the future. 1 Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Connie 320 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) My favorite season finale so far. I'm glad that the mane 6 were not the one who saved the day this time. I guess I'm more attached to secondary/background characters. Oh, and Flurry Heart can walk now. Hopefully this means that she wont be breaking shit every time she sneezes Edited October 23, 2016 by Bright Lights 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BastementSparkle 20,328 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Secondly, I have to wonder.. How the hell is it that Celestia and Luna are so powerless against the changelings? Like, really? I feel they should have a bit more defence against them, being alicorn leaders with more magic than 20 unicorns combined. I think they need to focus a bit more on those two maybe. And explain perhaps why they seem to be getting less and less powerful. Probably because the Changeling's used stealth. I highly doubt any Changeling could take the Princesses out in an actual fight, especially since the Mane Six crushed a whole army of them back in Canterlot wedding, but if the Changeling's used stealth, and got the drop on them, potentially knocking them out before they could put up a fight... Course, we don't see how they did it, which a lot of people seem bothered by, but I kind of like. Leaves it up to the imagination, just how did the Changeling's do it? Whatever we think of personally probably makes more sense than what the writer's could have put in. 3 Twilight is best pony. Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna the Great of all the Russias 2,999 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 As usual, the season finale is well done. It is interesting to have one focusing on none of the Mane6. The interaction between Trixie and Discord was fairly amusing and I have been taking more of a liking to her over the seasons. I am disappointed that all of Chrysalis's changelings reformed, but I am glad that she herself did not. But with how Chrysalis flew away, is this just her reluctance of reformation or does this imply that there are Changelings elsewhere in the world? And does this also hint that she will eventually return? So far, whenever characters ran away at the end of episodes, they would eventually return (Trixie and Starlight). Pony Art Thread Brony since ~25 July of 2011. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmarston1 5,959 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 I was really pleasantly surprised with this finale. I ended up loving it and this ended up my favorite episode of the season. This was the episode that finally made me like Starlight Glimmer as I feel that she had some great character development here with finally trying to make amends with the ponies from the village and her fears about that as well as learning how to be a leader. The interactions between her, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord were great and lead to some pretty funny moments, and I really like the friendship between Starlight and Trixie. Discord was great here as well, and I didn't mind the changeling reformation, especially seeing how Chrysalis stayed evil. Season 6 ended on a pretty good note to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic5421 425 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) Probably because the Changeling's used stealth. I highly doubt any Changeling could take the Princesses out in an actual fight, especially since the Mane Six crushed a whole army of them back in Canterlot wedding, but if the Changeling's used stealth, and got the drop on them, potentially knocking them out before they could put up a fight... Course, we don't see how they did it, which a lot of people seem bothered by, but I kind of like. Leaves it up to the imagination, just how did the Changeling's do it? Whatever we think of personally probably makes more sense than what the writer's could have put in. Yeah, a lot of Bronies are considering that the Changelings used stealth, and kidnapped everypony in their sleep, which would then result in how many of them are asleep in their cocoons and are trying to wake up to little success because the fluid in the cocoons is keeping them sedated ever since being put in there. Edited October 23, 2016 by Sonic5421 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) WHERE. WAS. CADANCE? seriously, I don't like this character or anything about her, but...where was she, honestly? did we see her inside one of the cocons? did we see her at the festival at the end? NO! I didn't miss her at all, but that's just...odd. She was there: There's a lot of great things to say about To Where. I thought the characterization was top-notch. It felt like a pretty original story, and not just a re-hash of previous ones. It's a story that needed to happen at some point, because the changeling army has just been regrouping and gathering strength since they end of S2. I was ready to give this finale my highest rating for all of the reasons you gave. But what they did to Thorax... Hmm. I guess I still like the finale overall (I voted it good but could have been better) but I was dismayed by the ending. The only problem I have was how quickly the hive did their presto-chango-reformo trick, there. I was actually thrilled when Thorax changed. It was surprising, but I loved it. Adding this new depth to the changeling lore was extremely welcome. Heh, I guess we have to disagree sometime. Usually I'm optimistic about allaying my own misgivings, but right now I feel like they kind of killed Thorax off by changing him. He was already a near-perfect character in terms of storytelling: Good at heart, but flawed in his physical form and having an unending hunger for emotion. A bit nerdy in his ways but still able to socialize when in disguise. I'm really going to miss this guy: Granted, I don't know yet how much his personality will shift with his new form, but somehow I don't think he's going to act the same as before. I now know how those who didn't like Twilight changing felt at the end of season three - of the new characters this season, Thorax was my favorite, and I don't know where he stands in that list now. I guess a lot of it depends on how (and if) he is portrayed next season. Will he still have the same demeanor and voice, or will he be Thorax-in-name-only? How I eventually feel about this finale as a whole pretty much hinges on whether Thorax is still Thorax under all that fluorescent color or whether he's been effectively killed off as a character. But now that the changeling don't need to feed, are they just permanently sustained? Do they need to eat food? Do they even have digestive systems? Probably not, I would guess. So they are permanently sustained just by loving others? Huh. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal. That is a good question. I always assumed changelings needed emotion, particularly love as an energy source for their magic but they still had to eat regular food to build and maintain their physical form. However, it could just as easily be possible they are entirely beings of magic and somehow convert emotion directly into chitin and tissue. Even if they don't need food and water, I imagine they must still have digestive tracts if for no other reason than to blend in better with those that they impersonate. It would be suspicious if they were sitting at dinner with others and everything they ate just overflowed back out of their mouths. :awuh: Edited October 23, 2016 by Truffles 3 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BastementSparkle 20,328 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 I now know how those who didn't like Twilight changing felt at the end of season three - of the new characters this season, Thorax was my favorite, and I don't know where he stands in that list now. I guess a lot of it depends on how (and if) he is portrayed next season. Will he still have the same demeanor and voice, or will he be Thorax-in-name-only? I now want an episode where Thorax comes to Twilight and the other Princesses for advice on ruling, because he has no idea what he's doing. I think Thorax's character and personality from before could still fit, he looks all regal and majestic and...deer-like, but on the inside he's still a dork with no experience ruling anything, but of course is well meaning and willing to try and rise to the challenge. That could actually make his character more interesting if done right. 4 Twilight is best pony. Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) Where do I begin my rant on how amazing that was? lmao I probably would be repeating a lot of things, however I'll post my top 10 personal fav things. 1- First major 2 part episode where the mane 6 were not the mane characters. 2- Discord with no magic 3- Chryssy crawling like a spider out of those cocoons 4- Trixie as a main role 5- THOSE BEAUTIFUL NEW BUGS! <3 *only one criticism about this though, I'll get to that after* 6- Keeping Chryssy evil. Good call for future story! 7- Dat hive doe 8- So much lore for changelings!! 9- Luna cameo <3 10- Oh, the possibilities now, with a whole new kingdom to work with. And now my criticism. Firstly, I don't know where the rest of the changeling hive magically got all that love to transform with. I was kind of hoping they'd make that a little less "*snap* and it's done" kind of deal, and more gradual. But, such is to be expected, it's not the first time they've compressed something potentially complex into a simple moment. "Magic" works evertim. Secondly, I have to wonder.. How the hell is it that Celestia and Luna are so powerless against the changelings? Like, really? I feel they should have a bit more defence against them, being alicorn leaders with more magic than 20 unicorns combined. I think they need to focus a bit more on those two maybe. And explain perhaps why they seem to be getting less and less powerful. That aside, I'm also not sure why they didn't choose to go back and use the other characters from = town. xD I thought for sure they'd use this as an opportunity to create a whole new set of mane characters. That just seems like a profitable choice for a toy company. But they didn't, though I won't be surprised if they do it sometime in the future. Chrysalis' appearance was a bit anti-climactic to me, they couldn't have fiddled out a new music theme for her when she appeared and maybe given her some new clothing or accessories or something to distinguish her from her previous appearance? And they just use the cliche overused head turning and walking on the ceiling Exorcism gag completely ruining any suspense there could of been. This was her grand re-appearance for crying out loud and the best she can do is just spin her head 360 degrees? Her first appearance was still miles better than this. Edited October 23, 2016 by cider float Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 I now want an episode where Thorax comes to Twilight and the other Princesses for advice on ruling, because he has no idea what he's doing. I think Thorax's character and personality from before could still fit, he looks all regal and majestic and...deer-like, but on the inside he's still a dork with no experience ruling anything, but of course is well meaning and willing to try and rise to the challenge. That could actually make his character more interesting if done right. Yes, if they do that, I'll change my vote for the finale from liked to loved again. That is a good point - just because you look older doesn't mean you get a wisdom transplant to go with it. 2 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershyfan94 5,742 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 I loved it, great ending to the season the room filled with Fluttershy's definitely left a mark. lol Though I've got to say, I wonder did the changelings stop their evolution by accident or did Chrysalis know. She definitely was not willing to do it as well. Well I did enjoy seeing the side characters go at it, though considering how much resistance they put up in season two. How did they even manage to take over, surely they outsmarted them somehow. Definitely leaves those type of question. I loved it though. DA: Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracu98 139 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 She was there: cadancethere.jpg welp, guess I truly am pretty f*cking blind. or this could just be a case of "people only see what they want to see". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyMage 228 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Dude, I took that picture myself and used it as an avi once. The new Changeling design reminds me of Stantler from Pokemon Or Xerneas XD Now as for my thoughts, it was great! I've always loved Trixie, and she and Discord had great interactions. There's way too much ego between the two of them. I liked Thorax and Starlight Glimmer as well. Oh, and that freaky Chrysalis moment. Oh, man. I loved that part so much. It's the little things like that which I LOVE about animation, and by extension, this show. Pushing the envelope for that extra bit of intrigue and immersion. Now, as for the plot, well, I have a fetish for shape-shifter stories, so of course I liked it. In fact, I preferred the 1st half, it was more ominous and focused on the fear the Changelings invoked in Starlight. Lastly, the ending. I'm glad they didn't redeem Chrysy, because while I actually like the show's redemption theme, I wasn't at all keen on the Changelings getting the treatment. They were previously portrayed as monsters, plain and simple (especially the comics). However, I'm fine with the race getting redeemed while the queen goes free because I realized, only Chrysalis was really shown as evil. The others were more "along for the ride" I guess. About their forms... well, they're incredibly toyetic, but I've warmed up a bit to them. They're kinda cool and sci-fi and Star Trekkish (not that I've seen Star Trek). Though Thorax's is so more over the top than the other Changelings'. Also, it was weird how he didn't talk after he changed form. I predict it's because his voice will be different now. It'd be weird if his old voice come out of... that thing. Also, wonder where the Throne came from. Perhaps it came from the trees that spawned the changelings (as far as the comics go), and that's why only Changeling magic affects it. In fact, maybe that's why the friendship beam destroyed it, because it came from Changelings themselves? Idk. Really great and fun watch overall. 1 This isn't pretty but it's what I am tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter's lover <3 8,206 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Pretty epic season finale. Probably one of the best yet. Loved how they brought together pretty much every reformed villain into it to save all the main characters. I also learned never to hurt Fluttershy (though I'd never do that anyways) as Discord would go all "Angry Father" on your ass and stop at no ends to rescue her/save her(Honestly, I'd do the same for her). This episode painted Discord in a more father like role towards Fluttershy, which seems fitting. I loved all the little quips and references through out the episodes....example in The Hive, being tricked to take the wrong tunnel, classic..and Discord just "happened" to run into Flutters... Or the Wizard Of Oz quote from Spike and Starlight talking at the Castle. Was fun to see my favourite villain return as well and kinda glad she didn't "reform" just shows she truly is evil....unlike her Hive, which were just slaves to her and obeying her every whim before Starlight and Thorax taught them different. Was over all a fantastic episode, different point of view seeing Secondary characters saving the main six and the Princesses, who were in trouble for once. 1 Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng* Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Music Chart Fan 819 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Overall, these episodes do a couple of things well, but I ultimately have too many issues with these episodes for them to be satisfying. The premise that Starlight and company have to save Equestria without magic is interesting, and the episodes do a pretty good job of keeping the audience in suspense about how Starlight and company are going to save the day. However, it's disappointing that the princesses, the Mane Six, etc. are all captured and replaced off-screen. (It seems that the Crystal Empire security shown in "The Times They Are A Changeling" was pretty useless.) Trixie's and Discord's antics are okay, but I generally didn't find them especially entertaining. Starlight's concerns, both about seeing her old villagers and about abuse of power when put in charge, seem inconsistent with past events and her prior characterization, leaving me unsure about what to expect or think about her as a character. And the final means by which Chrysalis is defeated and the changelings are transformed, with Thorax as the new leader, is all rather dubious to me. To start, the whole plot line about Starlight being afraid to go back to her old village and fearful of how the villagers will react seems questionable. Starlight and Twilight went back to her village already in the ending montage of "The Cutie Re-Mark", and we saw the main four villagers smile and hug Starlight as though all was forgiven. Starlight questions whether her old villagers have accepted her apology and moved on, and says that they "don't really know how much I've changed". What is she referring to - how much she's changed since apologizing in "The Cutie Re-Mark"? I don't know what she thinks has changed since then, such that her old villagers wouldn't accept her anymore. Or is Starlight saying that her old villagers don't really know how much she's changed since she led their village? Why wouldn't they know that? Presumably Starlight (and Twilight) didn't take the trip in the ending montage of "The Cutie Re-Mark" just to hug, smile and then immediately leave. Wouldn't Starlight and her old villagers have talked things out? At the village, Sugar Belle even asks "How is it living in a castle?", so some conversation must have taken place before. Starlight's worries here just seem unfounded and inconsistent with past events. On a related note, I know it's supposed to be kind of a joke that Starlight picked Trixie, rather than Twilight, to go with her to the Sunset Festival, but I do wonder how much assistance and support Trixie can really provide. Trixie tells Starlight "If things get weird for you, just let me know. I've got your flank", but what does that mean? If Starlight's greatest fear is that her old villagers haven't really forgiven her and will reject her, then what can Trixie (a total stranger to the villagers) really do about that? If Starlight had brought Twilight, then Twilight would be in a much better position to make the case for Starlight to the villagers, since (1) Twilight would be trusted, having helped to save and protect them before; and (2) Twilight is the one most responsible for getting Starlight to change and overseeing her development since then. And in fact, Trixie makes fun of Starlight's fears and laughs at them a little bit later. Trixie also does nothing to help Starlight as she has a nervous breakdown at being asked to do a bunch of festival-related things; all Trixie does is use a smoke bomb to help Starlight run away from the situation, rather than dealing with it. Finally, Starlight's apparently crippling fear of abusing magic if "put in charge", and her speech to Chrysalis about real leaders not using fear and intimidation and not forcing their subjects to do things, might be intended as signs of Starlight's progress, but to me, they also seem to come a bit out of the blue. Starlight tells her old villagers at the end of the episodes that "I guess after the way I used my magic on all of you, I wasn't sure I was somepony who should even be in charge of a baking contest. I was afraid I might go back to being the pony I used to be". But I don't think that's something we've seen her be concerned about before. Starlight had no ethical qualms about magically forcing ponies to do her will in previous episodes this season, and had to be told that doing that was wrong. So it seems rather incongruous for Starlight now to have crippling doubts about being able to control herself if she's "put in charge" of making some decisions about the Sunset Festival, and to be confident enough to lecture Chrysalis about real leaders not intimidating or forcing their subjects to do things. Even if, as many people have theorized, Starlight is supposed to be going through a painfully slow learning process to redemption, it seems like a giant leap for Starlight to go from mind-controlling the Mane Five because she was inconvenienced, and having to be told by Twilight and Spike that that's bad and wrong, to her concern about abuse of power in these episodes. To further complicate matters, in these episodes, we still see Starlight literally force the villagers away from her with a magical barrier, and see her levitate Trixie out of her wagon after she doesn't voluntarily get up at Starlight's admonition. Those might still indicate an instinct in Starlight to use magic first to solve problems, although those actions are on more of the level of what other characters do in the show. So, ultimately, after these episodes, I just find Starlight's characterization messy and exasperating. I don't even know what to expect from her any more, or how I'm supposed to feel about her. Next, Queen Chrysalis's grand scheme might have been doomed to fail even if Starlight and company didn't attempt a rescue. Chrysalis says that the plan was to replace the most beloved figures in Equestria with changelings who would store all the love meant for them and return it to Chrysalis. Then, Chrysalis says, "everypony will do as I command, and my subjects and I will feed on their love for generations". First, what does she mean by "everypony will do as I command"? That the changelings who replaced the leaders of Equestria will be able to order ponies to do what Chrysalis wants them to do? That would seem difficult to make work while staying "in character". And that might be the biggest problem with the plan: from what we saw, the changelings who replaced the Mane Six, etc. were pretty terrible at convincingly impersonating them, or even acting in a sympathetic way to elicit love to store or feed upon. For example, the changelings impersonating the Mane Six appear not to even know who Starlight is. Or, for another example, the changelings impersonating Rarity and Applejack laugh at Starlight after she dejectedly says that she freaked out and ran away from the Sunset Festival. Whether those changelings think that's "in character", or couldn't help themselves from laughing at Starlight's expense, they're doing a bad job at their impersonations. It would seem like most of the ponies who would care enough about the ones who were replaced to give love to them would be able to tell that they weren't acting like themselves, and would stop giving them love, or even figure out that they were replaced, sooner or later. Chrysalis's plan might not even last a week, let alone "for generations". The whole resolution, by which the changelings share/give love instead of taking it, and thus permanently transform, is all rather dubious. If sharing love with Chrysalis caused Thorax to transform, why didn't that same transformation happen before? Thorax shared love with Spike and presumably others, so why did only his wings change in appearance before, but his whole body transformed after sharing love with Chrysalis? And of course, after Thorax transforms, the other changelings share love and proceed to transform, too. First, their doing that implies that they had love to share in the first place. How does that square with the statements that changelings are always hungry and never satisfied? Also, has no changeling ever tried to share love before, or even done so accidentally? They're apparently capable of doing it, since they all did it right after Thorax transformed. Did Chrysalis just maintain such a negative attitude among the changelings that none of them ever shared love with anyone else? Did Chrysalis just scare them all into never disobeying her orders or "leaving the hive", such that they never discovered that method? The act of all the changelings sharing love also caused the dark stone throne (and the walls/ceiling) to shatter. But why did that happen? I guess the changelings' shared love didn't count as the kind of magic that the dark stone throne would soak up, but I don't know why it would destroy the throne. Finally, the transformed changelings just look weird - Thorax looks like a multi-colored moose - and I really don't know why it was necessary for them to permanently transform into colorful beings. Finally, Starlight and Celestia just start calling Thorax the leader of the changelings, as though it's obvious that that's the case, but I'm not so sure that it is. Did Thorax necessarily want to be leader? Did the changelings indicate that they wanted him to be their leader? Also, just because Thorax was born different and "left the hive" and was the first to share love and transform doesn't necessarily mean that Thorax would make a good leader. He seems nice enough and all, but I'm not sure that we've seen him exhibit leadership qualities. Is he ready and willing to make big and consequential decisions? Is he able to make decisions that represent what the changelings want and that are in their best interests? I don't really know what being "leader of the changelings" actually entails, anyway, especially if Thorax won't be ruling with an iron fist like Chrysalis. I suppose this could be addressed in future episodes, if we actually ever see Thorax or the changelings again. Now for some other miscellaneous observations: Luna says that sees much of herself in Starlight, and that might be the case in a very general sense, but I think there are significant differences. I guess both Luna and Starlight did terrible things in the past, and have worried about therefore not being accepted by others in the present. But Luna, ever since she was blasted back to normal by the friendship/Elements-of-Harmony rainbow, has put a good amount of work into proving herself and dispelling negative opinions of her. She's happily resumed her royal duties and duty to raise the moon, she's made efforts to ingratiate herself with residents of Equestria, she's apologized to Celestia and the Mane Six and others for the harm she's caused, and she's helped many ponies with their problems by entering their dreams. However, since Starlight was convinced by Twilight to stand down and became Twilight's student, it seems that she's worried about how others will think about her, given her past, but hasn't necessarily done much about it. She's avoided social situations as much as possible, she hasn't done much to prove herself day-to-day other than her actions to save the day in "The Crystalling" and these two episodes, and (at least prior to these two episodes) she's done immoral things without even realizing it or feeling sorry about it or making up for it until she's told to do so. When Luna enters Starlight's dream the second time to tell her the changelings are back, Luna says that she was able to "break through" because Starlight's dream called to her, and we see Luna being yanked out of Starlight's dream by the changelings. How is that able to happen? I thought Luna was the only one who had the power to enter others' dreams. So how were the changelings apparently blocking Luna from entering dreams, such that she had to "break through" to Starlight's dream, and how were changelings able to pull Luna out of someone else's dream? After the changelings impersonating the Mane Six and Spike went in the map/throne room for "friendship business", did they then stay in there all day and into the night? Would that not be a bit suspicious, especially considering that Starlight is there the whole time? Also, the changelings don't hear Starlight startlingly say "Queen Chrysalis!", but they hear the door creak as it's closed? I'm not sure that describing Thorax as a "reformed" changeling is necessarily accurate. He was born different; it's not as though he used to be just like the other changelings, but was convinced to "reform" at some point. When Discord asks where Fluttershy was taken, Starlight says "The Changeling Kingdom", but no one actually said where the captured princesses, Mane Six, etc. were taken. The changelings impersonating the Mane Six and Spike, when reporting to Chrysalis, only say that the Mane Six and Spike were replaced. And Chrysalis only says to them that Celestia and Luna were replaced. Thorax also only says that Cadance, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart were taken. Again, at no point is it ever said where all of them were taken. Starlight emphasizes that she doesn't know what she's doing to the others by saying "I couldn't even handle giving advice at the Sunset Festival, and I had magic then!". But how did having magic help in that situation? And what does that situation really have to do with their current predicament? It seems like a false equivalence, similar to how Starlight compared Sunburst's imagined status as a "big important wizard" with her not being able to find her way around Twilight's castle back in "The Crystalling". The two changelings that broke off from the rest of the patrol might have gone to protect the queen, but how do Starlight and company know where those two went? The hole they went through disappeared, and I don't know that they could have seen where that hole led, or been able to get there even if they did. Chrysalis says that "the hunger of changelings can never be satisfied", and Thorax says that changelings are "always hungry" and "can never get enough love". Then why do changelings even bother feeding in the first place, if it never satisfies them and they're always hungry? Also, that seems like a terrible existence - it's surprising that more changelings haven't "left the hive" or tried something, anything, different to satiate their hunger and stumbled across the whole "sharing love" thing. Everyone just watches as Chrysalis runs away, with no attempt by anyone to, say, restrain her in an anti-magic bubble or anything like that. When Starlight ran away at the end of "The Cutie Map", there was at least an excuse that they wouldn't be able to find her in the cave system. At the end of the episode, Starlight tells the villagers that she invited "a few" (a.k.a. 14) of her friends to join the festival, and hopes that's okay. I might not think that their small village festival would be able to accommodate that many extra guests. They could easily run out of food or supplies, and they're seemingly in the middle of nowhere, so it's not like they could just run to the store to buy more. I suppose Discord could make more food/supplies appear, or one of the unicorns could teleport somewhere to get more. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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