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Are bronies too tolerant?


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I wouldn't say we are too tolerable. Honestly many bad seeds out there make us look bad.

Cloppers aren't the issue, just a couple of people that like sexy ponies, so what? It's not like what they do in private is hurting me. If people want to look down on us due to a handful of bronies then they're the idiots and are obviously wasting time and energy hating a group of people.


I am intolerant when it comes to people who send mean tweets to the show makers or inappropriate tweets to voice actors. The amount of verbal abuse Big Jim gets on Twitter is really infuriating especially when it's over some bullshit like "Wah! Trixie changed! Wah! why did you guys do this in the show I didn't want it to happen!" and start harassing the show makers. Jjust the other day this clop twitter profile send the voice actor for Angel Wings some very sexual tweets. I think that bullshit needs to stop.


When is comes to things outside of MLP ummm I don't tolerate racism (pretty sure most of us don't), hate towards LGBT (pretty sure most of us don't), things of the sort.


I think many of us bronies stand by the "If it's not hurting anyone than it's not an issue" motto. I stand with it. People are always bitching about bronies this or bronies that and I'm just like that makes no sense. What people do in their spare time is of no concern to you. So yea I wouldn't say we are "TOO" tolerable.

  • Brohoof 1


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I forgot to mentioned. I don' t searching for them intesive. I'm not sick or focused to find the most sick people in the world. But which kind of DISCUSTING UGLY MONSTER could take INNOCENT things which could never hurt anybody like this:






And mix it with hardcore fucks with suffering penetrating. Really i don't get it. How could people do that??? HOW??? If i just try to search a funny or cute and INNOCENT picture of mlp i found three scrolls forward a picture where celestia fu...s twilight sparkle in the a.. . I know how to ignore them. I ignore them. But if you try to go to sleep and somebody is very very loud, bothering you intesive and you can't stop this person would you make very very angry too. Would accept people who ruin your favorite clean beloved and innocent show? Would you accept people who rape child show characters just because they wanna destroy innocence? Would you accept people who rape MAYBE EVEN YOUR PLUSHIES, TOYS AND MLP STUFF?





I know what you would say about that.


Yes i should ignore them but they hide behind EVERY corner. I can't ignore them everyday. You can't ignore them everyday. Sometimes it's really hard to ignore them.


And you can run but can't hide. (Queen Chrysalis)


Just let me say.


My reaction to clopshit and cloppers.



My second reaction.



(Sometimes i really cry about that :( )

Welcome to the internet. I've found Barney porn online before. It's weird but it's not something you should really worry about. 

  • Brohoof 1

- Kayleigh

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Someone got triggered.


Anyway, no I don't think bronies are too tolerant. I mean just look what happens when two or more have differing opinions in a lot of the cases... I've seen less intense Salem witch trials.


And why would you care if someone wants to clop to MLP or striptease their plushies? I mean it is not like a mandatory brony initiation or something. And if it is, I certainly didn't get the memo.

  • Brohoof 3


~No profound statement needed~

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About this whole clopping thing.


If someone draws tits on a horse, and you're into tits, it's going to do something for you. Replace tits with whatever else, and my argument is pretty valid.


Either way, I don't think there's such a thing as being too tolerant, but it shouldn't be to the point of neglect. If people are getting hurt, someone should step in and tell them to knock that shit off. Apart from that, if nobody's getting emotionally, physically, or mentally hurt, what's the harm in it? 

  • Brohoof 1

Enter the Forest...

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People still think they have on obligation to "love and tolerate" just because they watch a show.

Fun fact: Love and tolerate is an ironic meme. Taking it seriously is just funny.

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Seriously though, I don't understand it but they aren't hurting anybody so I don't really care.

I would NEVER hurt people for no reason. Especially not in this forum. But i said my opinion and that started a very very lets say "special" discussion.

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Clopping aside:

"tolerate" is a dirty word.

there is nothing good about it.

at its best, it is useless, and at its worse it is actively bad.


how many of you guys would feel the love if someone said "I tolerate you"?

tolerating someone's addiction is a dick move that shows  you don't care.


If you love someone, you help them through the broken parts of themselves.  

Edited by weesh
  • Brohoof 3

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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I don't think bronies are any more tolerant than the rest of the population, just because people keep throwing around the "love and tolerate" thing does not make bronies super tolerant of anything and everything


It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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While it's not exactly my cup of tea, I wouldn't condemn people for being into it and/or taking part in it so long as it doesn't harm somebody else.  


One proverb that I live by is quite simple: Live and let live: You should tolerate the the opinions and behavior of others so that they will similarly tolerate your own.  


If they're not doing anything to hurt or harm someone else, why should it be any business to others what they're into?  Everyone has some 'unusual' kink in the eyes of another.  This will not be the first of them, nor will it be the last and I don't believe that it would make them any less of a person than anyone else.  Don't worry about the people with different personal views than your own, worry about people who's actually going out of their way to murder innocents.  I think that deserves more concern than how individuals choose spend their personal business.  Of course, this is my personal thoughts on the topic.

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you for the amazing signature, @Sparklefan1234❤w❤

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I don't want to say bronies are all bad, obviously because I am one, and also because this culture has more to do with the show than anything else. But, there is no question that a good number of bronies have only contributed to the general beta mentality that we see so often today, and I think it's really a sad thing that bronies are some of the least likely people to have especially strong personalities or to be in good shape.


I think a lot bronies can be too tolerant of their of their own faults and will sometimes try to use this culture as an excuse to not even bother living their lives in a natural or healthy way. Of course that's not true with everyone and again, that's part of a bigger cultural problem than just ponies.



Clopping aside:

"tolerate" is a dirty word.

there is nothing good about it.

at its best, it is useless, and at its worse it is actively bad.


how many of you guys would feel the love if someone said "I tolerate you"?

tolerating someone's addiction is a dick move that shows  you don't care.


If you love someone, you help them through the broken parts of themselves.  


I agree, it's definitely weird terminology to describe someone with. I don't see "tolerance" as an especially positive word for the reasons you said.

  • Brohoof 2
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Don't flatter yourself, bronies have the biggest collective victim complex to hide behind after whining about stuff they don't like

As for clop (which is somehow central to this topic), I wasn't aware I had to care about what people jack off to.

Also I thought clop related discussion wasn't allowed?

Remind me which fandom bullied a show staff member into quitting social media forever because they felt the non-canon animations that member made for fun in her spare time favoured a ship they hate again, bronies or steven universers?


On FIMfiction, people bully new writers, mock them, mass downvote and harass them, then insist it's the victim's fault. Meanwhile, mods and admins tolerate it because they're too lazy to bring the banhammer down on bullies and hate groups even though the site has rules against it.

The SU fandom is full of bullies, the MLP fandom is full of victims

I forgot to mentioned. I don' t searching for them intesive. I'm not sick or focused to find the most sick people in the world. But which kind of DISCUSTING UGLY MONSTER could take INNOCENT things which could never hurt anybody like this:



And mix it with hardcore fucks with suffering penetrating. Really i don't get it. How could people do that??? HOW??? If i just try to search a funny or cute and INNOCENT picture of mlp i found three scrolls forward a picture where celestia fu...s twilight sparkle in the a.. . I know how to ignore them. I ignore them. But if you try to go to sleep and somebody is very very loud, bothering you intesive and you can't stop this person would you make very very angry too. Would accept people who ruin your favorite clean beloved and innocent show? Would you accept people who rape child show characters just because they wanna destroy innocence? Would you accept people who rape MAYBE EVEN YOUR PLUSHIES, TOYS AND MLP STUFF?


I know what you would say about that.

Yes i should ignore them but they hide behind EVERY corner. I can't ignore them everyday. You can't ignore them everyday. Sometimes it's really hard to ignore them.

And you can run but can't hide. (Queen Chrysalis)

Just let me say.

My reaction to clopshit and cloppers.


My second reaction.


(Sometimes i really cry about that :( )

You'll get used to it eventually
  • Brohoof 2
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I find it extremely odd that people claim that you "can't avoid clop every day" when I sit here and don't see clop even a little bit unless I were to specifically search for it. People apparently don't know how to internet. :P


What's even more hilarious is that this is being referred to as rape. Rape is a very specific kind of sexual intercourse referring to at least one unwilling participant. You can find rape porn out there but you can just as easily find porn of characters doing the act willingly as well, and thus it's not rape in any sense of the word.


Innocence is a funny concept. People seem to equate it with something that should be protected, often to the point of it being a bad thing when it is lost whether it was willingly or not. It's even funnier when people apply the idea to fiction.


This is an important point: The existence of porn does not affect the "innocence" or wholesomeness of the original product. People create porn for fictional characters specifically because it doesn't have to adhere to the rules put in place by the creators and the ratings board.


When people find a character they find attractive, physically or otherwise, it's not a huge leap of logic to want to sexualize that character. For some it creates a further sense of intimacy with that character. Other times it's just for a bit of fun. It's not done with the purpose to slander the original product, nor with the idea of "corrupting" some ideal of innocence.


I guess I'm getting a bit off topic here. Nothing I say here is really going to appease the anti-cloppers anyway but hopefully it sheds some light on the reasoning behind it for those who were curious or unaware.

Also I thought clop related discussion wasn't allowed?

Usually it has to be kept very civil and clean as well as closely watched by a moderator. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if my posts here, while meant to be informative, might get modded for discussing it outside of the specified clop topic. Wouldn't surprise me.

  • Brohoof 1
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Because they won't shut up about it.  It would be easier to ignore if they actually kept their fantasies private.

But even in this very thread, bronies continue to talk about, for no reason, their cartoon horse fantasies as if it's something normal.  It's even more cringe-inducing when members as young as 13 like to tell others who their favorite pony to diddle to is.

They practically go around saying, "HELLO, I MASTURBATE TO HORSES" and then develop a victim complex if someone suggests that that kind of behavior is strange.

On some pony sites (I'm looking at you, Derpibooru) one cannot even describe horse p0rn with something as simple as the word "ew" without causing a bunch of bronies/gentlesirs to feel oppressed or whatever.


1. The only people describing clop in disturbing detail are the ones against it in the first place, see leonbrony17's posts

2. I never see anyone so much as openly admit they jack off to mlp unless the topic somehow comes up (such as the case with this thread)

3. Maybe if you weren't taking time out of your day to comment on mlp porn (why the honest fuck are you doing this instead of filtering it holy shit) then you wouldn't draw attention to yourself

4. Weren't you a part of a few adult mlp groups on Skype yourself?

  • Brohoof 6
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1. The only people describing clop in disturbing detail are the ones against it in the first place, see leonbrony17's posts

2. I never see anyone so much as openly admit they jack off to mlp unless the topic somehow comes up (such as the case with this thread)

3. Maybe if you weren't taking time out of your day to comment on mlp porn (why the honest fuck are you doing this instead of filtering it holy shit) then you wouldn't draw attention to yourself

4. Weren't you a part of a few adult mlp groups on Skype yourself?

I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed that clop doesn't even come up unless it's an anti-clopper bringing it into the conversation in most cases. :lol:

  • Brohoof 2
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Why is "anti-clopper" a term?  It implies that being a clopper is normal, and that anti-cloppers are strange and different.

Anti: To be against. Opposing. Etc.


It has nothing to do with anything subjective like social normality.


An anti-clopper, just like an anti-brony, is someone who is specifically against the idea or tries to fight its influence.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's nice that there's a baseline expectation here. MLP is for kids. Mainstream communities like this one are going to be a little more careful about it because they have to consider that. Everyone here has to consider that a little kid might see what they post. This is a good thing.

We all need to be a little more self aware anyway now, with the age participation range on the modern internet running the gamut, and anonymity becoming increasingly difficult, we should stay tolerant within reason, not just for our sake, but for theirs as well.

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   Tolerant or disciplined? Bronies are much like the rest of the public, they do not know how to choose their battles, so they tend to fight things like cloppers, or even other bronies for having a different opinion about a character or episode. Bronies have different levels of tolerance, but weak discipline, given that all fandoms before this one have a risque side, like Star Trek, Star Wars and furries, you can not possibly expect to police all brony related content, or fans choices to watch that content, you do not need to see clopping art, you could just divert your attention. Bronies need more discipline, some of us can be puritanical, taking offence to suggestive imagery, and to those who create and look at it, if it does not harm you, then leave it alone, there is plenty of good pony content out there, so you have choices, good things happen to those with understanding.  

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"Hurr durr if you don't tell us you like something we don't, we won't bully you about it! Don't ask don't tell!"


Now, where have we heard this line of thinking before?


Btw I'm talking to OP and helping him understand the difference between ok clop and "This should not be happening to characters I like" clop.

https://mlpforums.com/topic/158860-emerald-stars-crazy-adventure/- My Fanfic, featuring my OC Emerald Star and his Stand, Grey Justice. The Mane Six also get Stands in this fic, so if you like awesome fights, Stands, and epicness, check it out!

NOW ON AO3! - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8505844

MLP:O/C - Order/Chaos, an original MLP Fighting Game featuring Original Characters! Apply within! https://mlpforums.com/topic/159347-mlp-oc-orderchaos-mlp-fighting-game-with-a-cast-of-ocs/?p=4726269#entry4726269

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