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What are your Pokemon Teams?


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I ... don't actually remember my past teams very well, so I'm gonna stick with my Moon teams for now. My rule for this playthrough was/is 'female only' so aside from the genderless ones, all of my Pokémon are female (also I kind of have a thing for cute and/or feminine Pokémon anyways, so). ^^


Team One - My main team I used to go through the main game and some post-game stuff. Most of them I kept with me since at least the first half of the game, with only Lunala and Mimikyu being newer additions.


Primarina (Mieko)

Tsareena (Selphine)

Lunala (Nebby)

Magnezone (Swagnemite)

Lycanroc (Shiina)

Mimikyu (Iori)


Team Two - After I beat the E4 several times with my main team, I wanted to train up a new one that included some of the other Pokémon I had to leave behind for one reason or another, as well as some new ones. 4/6 of them are fairy types. I would've gone full fairy, being my favourite type and all, but the only other two I had were already part of my main team, and I would have had to drop Wishiwashi and Lurantis.


Wishiwashi (Rika)

Ribombee (Hibiki)

Comfey (Kiko)

Magearna (Kokoro)

A-Ninetales (Hikari)

Lurantis (Kusaki)

3rd Eye | To suffer hate in search of love, or lose them both forever? 🎔 ~


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I decided to only have 5 pokemon with me because the elite 4 and post-game challengers only use 5 instead of 6.






Lycanroc (Midnight Form)

Not all light is good and not all darkness is evil. Darkness can be used for good just as much as light can be used as a force of destruction.

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When I finally get Sun or Moon, I am probably gonna do a fairy team. Going mostly off appearance, something like this. Probably with one of them being replace by Clefable if needed.


- Primarina

- Azumarill

- Gardevoir

- Sylveon

- Ninetales

- Florges

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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I haven't had the chance to play S&M yet, but whenever I revisit the other Pokemon games, or whenever I play Showdown, I make a different team, always trying new stuff for either the casual playthrough or the competitive scene. Although, I do have this one go-to team which I keep in a special place in my heart:


- Windows 8 (Porygon-z)

- Blair (Mega Gardevoir)

- Kermit (Breloom)

- Gloria (Hippowdown)

- Space Jam (Goodra)

- u wot m8 (Slowbro)


I've also got Gojira (Aggron), Daft Punk (Swampert), Imp (Mega Sableye) and Yuki (Froslass) as backup.


Those are all my all-time favorite mons, and that's the main - and probably only - reason I decided to make a team around them. Since I still don't know a single thing about Gen VII, i can't make predictions about my future team yet. But I'll get there~

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This has been my Sun in-game team:








Can't remember from other games right now, and I have tons I've raised for competitive as well... you expect me to remember it all? :P


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  • 3 weeks later...

This is my Pokemon Moon team after I beat the elite Four, The Champion and Tapu Koko









Should I do a Post-game or not?

Edited by Zachary

Rarity SIG 17 Standard Size.png

Thanks Kyoshi for the Signature

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Kommo-o (Oregano)

Shiinotic (Moosh)

Incineroar (Tigri)

Araquanid (Mandela)

Toucannon (Perl)

Pelipper (Bleu)


My main team has remained the same for pretty much the whole time in Moon, with just few exceptions. When I finally found my Kommo-o, my Stoutland (Treat) swapped places with her.

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  • 1 month later...

My team is not as everyone do with the same type of Pokémon. My team is more of a balance one, one type each. Though, I may have two of the same types on my team, but that's only for either flying or surfing in the water.


My team in Moon are:


Primarina, level 84 (my starter, with help from the Pokémon wiki to choose from the Alolan starters).


Metagross, level 70.


Salazzle, level 79 (nicknamed "Fiery Lizard". What, it's a lizard and has fire coming from its mouth?)


Lycanroc, level 73.


Charizard, level 40 (for now - got it from a wonder trade).


Pikachu, level 33 (for now).



Until I got some other Pokémon on my other games, I'll write them down here/edit this comment. I had Zygarde on my team, but chose not to use it, since it's a Legendary. I have gotten better at not having Legendaries on my team in the newer games, but had them on the teams when I first got the first ones: Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Pearl, Diamond, Platinum, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X and Y (only had Groudon or Kyogre on the team necessarily in OR/AS).

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Been continuing Pokemon Yellow on my 3DS recently and my team is as follows: Gengar, Golem, Magneton, Kangaskhan, Pidgieotto, and Cloyster. First time using a Kangaskhan and they are beast at physical attacks. :o


I don't own the newest games so I decided to go old school. :3



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  • 9 months later...

This is the team I used in Pokemon Ultra Moon:


- Primarina

- Alolan Raichu

- Salamence

- Alolan Marowak

- Golisopod

- Bewear




Edited by SolarFlare13


This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

team got an update from my old post:

Mainstream team (1):

 -Blaze (Arcanine)

 -Storm (Zebstrika)

 -Pegasus (Rapidash)



- #6 open reserve place (switched with members of Team 2)

Team 2 (Reserves):

 - Charizard (Mega Y)

 - Noivern

 - Nidoking

 - Pyroar

 - Umbreon

 - Pidgeot

Legendary pokemon: Reshiram, Lugia, Alt forme Giratina.

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Ooh, might post on here once I get Pokémon Sun or Moon.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 7 months later...

Its been some time since i played last, so i don't have a specific pokemon list.

when casually playing: whichever looked cool had a part on my team(5 slots of those), i didn't care much for stats since the game was pretty easy anyway(and a slot for the one i was training at each given time, or the HM slave for when i was roaming around)

For fights with my friends and brothers(does anyone remember those 4-way cables?) i remember mostly caring for speed, so half my team was electric type legendaries
sometimes we set a level cap(no going to catch any, whatever we already had) and those teams were the most fun to make, always had some weird combinations in there, and of course all were nicknamed

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This is my team I used to conquer the Elite 4 in both Pokemon Y and Alpha Sapphire, and is the latest team I've used (beat Ultra Moon a bit ago). It's also the first time I not only fully leveled a team, but fully EV trained them, as well. They are quite the force to be reckoned with. :orly:

Volcarona, nicked 'Amotherasu'



Aegislash, nicked 'Excaliboo'



Krookodile, nicked 'Quakroc'



Gengar, nicked 'Chesire'



Hydreigon, nicked 'Voidrake'



And last but most certainly not least, my Shiny Yveltal from the 2016 XY&Z shiny giveaway event. :ph3ar: No nickname because one does not simply nickname death incarnate.





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The team I remember the most was the one I used in Pokémon Silver.

- Beta the Typhlosion.

- Gamma the Noctowl.

- Sigma the Red Gyarados.

- Zeta the Pidgeot.

- Delta the Espeon.

- Alpha the Ampharos.

May their spirits rest in peace, my Pokemon Silver cartridge's battery wore out years ago...

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Last I played, I was playing Emerald (a while ago) and my team looked like this:

  • Electrike, LV.50 (Male- "Grohk") Moveset- Bite, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Roar (?)
  • Sceptile LV.50 (Female- "Lizer") Moveset- Leaf Blade, Dig, I forget the rest
  • Azumarill LV.51 (Male- "Blue Bunny") Moveset- Surf, Double-Edge, Secret Power, Rain Dance
  • Hariyama LV.51 (Female- "Garnet") Moveset- Vital Throw, Seismic Toss, I forget the rest
  • Exploud LV,51 (Female- "Angelica") Moveset- Earthquake, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Water Pulse
  • Swellow LV.50 (Female- "Birb") Moveset- Fly, Aerial Ace, I forget the rest
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Pokémon FireRed:

- Venusaur 

- Primeape 

- Dugtrio 

- Arcanine 

- Seadra  

- Articuno


Pokémon Silver:

- Typhlosion

- Pidgeot

- Victreebel

- Kadabra

- Kingler

- Piloswine



Pokémon Omega Ruby:

- Swampert

- Swellow

- Pikachu  

- Camerupt

- Weezing  

- Latios  


Pokémon Platinum: 

- Empoleon 

- Staraptor 

- Luxray 

- Houndoom 

- Umbreon 

- Garchomp 


Pokémon X:

- Greninja 

- Lucario 

- Charizard 

- Gogoat 

- Ampharos  

- Espeon  


Pokémon Moon:

- Incineroar 

- Magnezone

- Drifblim

- Poliwrath

- Shiinotic

- Espeon

Edited by Cash_In

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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