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gaming Super Smash Bros. Thread

Fear Moonscar

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Palutena is probably gonna make it into the roster anyway :P


I really hope not. I've had enough disappointments with this roster so far. I'm just going to say that I don't care that Kid Icarus is now in Sakurai's control, that doesn't mean that it deserves another rep. It really doesn't. Especially when series like Metroid have been around the whole time and still only have one character. (And even if Metroid does get a second character in this game, it still doesn't change the fact that Metroid should have had a second character long before KI ever gets one. KI does not deserve one)

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I really hope not. I've had enough disappointments with this roster so far. I'm just going to say that I don't care that Kid Icarus is now in Sakurai's control, that doesn't mean that it deserves another rep. It really doesn't. Especially when series like Metroid have been around the whole time and still only have one character. (And even if Metroid does get a second character in this game, it still doesn't change the fact that Metroid should have had a second character long before KI ever gets one. KI does not deserve one)


1. Kid Icarus has always been Sakurai's.


2. I agree another Metroid rep would be nice. Better yet, a new Metroid game altogether would be even better.


3. I understand how you feel, but I'll have to tell you the same thing I told you regarding Rosalina: The roster does not revolve around you. Sakurai isn't going to include x character and exclude x character just to please you. The rule of thumb for fighting games roster is this: you can't please everyone.


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1. Kid Icarus has always been Sakurai's.


2. I agree another Metroid rep would be nice. Better yet, a new Metroid game altogether would be even better.


3. I understand how you feel, but I'll have to tell you the same thing I told you regarding Rosalina: The roster does not revolve around you. Sakurai isn't going to include x character and exclude x character just to please you. The rule of thumb for fighting games roster is this: you can't please everyone.


It isn't about me, though. You must be sorely missing my point. I don't care about Metroid. The only Metroid game I have ever really played was Metroid Prime, and I'm not into the series. I'd probably be more into the Kid Icarus series.


What this is about, is being fair, and I don't think adding a second KI character is necessarily fair at this point.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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It isn't about me, though. You must be sorely missing my point. I don't care about Metroid. The only Metroid game I have ever really played was Metroid Prime, and I'm not into the series. I'd probably be more into the Kid Icarus series.


What this is about, is being fair, and I don't think adding a second KI character is necessarily fair at this point.

 As long as it doesn't negatively effect the game, I don't think the people making the game are too concerned if adding another KI rep is "unfair" or not.

Edited by Bright


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 As long as it doesn't negatively effect the game, I don't think the people making the game are too concerned if adding another KI rep is "unfair" or not.


Probably not. But before this point I never thought that Sakurai has been unfairly adding characters to franchises he has control over, so I hope it doesn't change this time around.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I'm still shocked by the lack of Metroid characters(no Zero Suit doesn't count), as well as F-Zero characters. Hell the F-Zero cast has a lot of insane characters that could make a good fighting game

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Oh, how I wish that was Mewtwo. Mewtwo is so much worthier a pokemon rep than Lucario. If this means I won't see Mewtwo in this game, I'll be disappointed.


 Depends on how many pokemon reps are in I think. And I'm sure one of the newcomers will be a Pokemon. Jigglypuff is one of the original 12, so if there's only gonna be 5 including the newcomer either Mewtwo or Pokemon Trainer are gonna have to be excluded.


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I bought a pre-owned Gamecube (30$) from Gamestop JUST so I can play Super Smash Bros.  I rarely play games at all on my consoles (I also have a PS2), but I played a lot in college.  Back in college, just to annoy my dorm mates if I was too busy to play (i.e. homework), I would put 4 pickachu CPU's against eachother with the volume up.  It was background noise to me (I can ignore things easily) but man, did it piss off my dorm mates.

In High School, I remember in my jazz bands, when we'd have a free day (usually post concerts), we'd have Brawl Tournaments which were so much fun!

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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I'm liking all the newcomers so far, especially Megaman. I'm a little curious about Rosalina and Luma from Super Mario Galaxy, though. Their reveal trailer shows them fighting together, but in a different way than the Ice Climbers.




I like the challenge of getting creative with the Ice Climbers' fighting style, and I was hoping Rosalina and Luma would work the same way, but it looks like their play style is a lot more dynamic, making you use different moves with each of them to control them effectively, instead of just controlling one and having the other mirror your movements. Megaman's still my favorite newcomer for now, but I'm keeping my eye on these two.


I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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I love love love the first game, but I think it went downhill from there. Melee was one huge elitist fest which is weird considering how bright, colorful, and friendly the game looks. It would be like going to Disneyland and finding out that everything is a time trial and hardcore amusement park-goers only visit the place after comparing notes and strategies online complete with spreadsheets. The charm and fun of the original was lost on me for Melee when I realized that it required all the multitasking strategy of an MMO along with the twitch reflexes of Counterstrike. Pro-tip: Party games shouldn't require intensive practice, and they definitely shouldn't require study. I liked Brawl a lot more than Melee, but I noted a few major errors. Like Melee, the fast characters were favored by pros, while the slower "heavyweight" characters would get denounced as "casual noob characters". Again, why the hell should there ever be a distinction between pro and dirty, filthy casual in Super Smash Brothers? It boggles my mind. At least the developers killed a lot of the things all the pro, frame-counting dirtbags used in Melee tournaments to make the game what it was supposed to be: fun. Still, it all turns into a speed battle at the end of the day, and characters like Dedede simply don't make sense. He hits like a heavyweight, takes hits like a heavyweight, but moves like a lightweight. Also, his grab and downward throw is infinite against certain characters like: All the characters I like to play. Yahtzee stated it best when he said that practicing the game turns you into "that guy" whom others don't stand a chance against unless they're other "that guys". As good at the original as one of my friends got, I could still almost win against him some times and win at least a few of the times. This is because the N64 lacked the processing power to create a fighting game that could be studied and exploited. 

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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I'm really glad Lucario was confirmed; I was getting worried he might get cut. Now that he is in all the vets I wanted are back.

For newcomers I hope we see Paper Mario, Kat & Ana, Ridley, Little Mac, Pac Man, and King K. Rool.

Some of these are unlikely but regardless I think they would make great fighters.

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Again, why the hell should there ever be a distinction between pro and dirty, filthy casual in Super Smash Brothers? It boggles my mind. At least the developers killed a lot of the things all the pro, frame-counting dirtbags used in Melee tournaments to make the game what it was supposed to be: fun.


 That was bound to happen considering the groups wanted very different things out of the game. You and your group wanted a party game, while the "pro's" wanted a fighting game. What I find sad is that the casuals are always trying to kill off the hardcore, who don't really bother with the casuals at all. All those pros are usually just hanging out in their own circles filled with other pros.


Though, I find it a little odd that you want to be as good at the game as your friend without putting in as much work as he, presumably, had to. I mean, I do kind of understand, no one wants to lose(at least not constantly), but the whole "drag them down to my level" mentality loses me. I don't know, maybe it takes a certain mindset to appreciate the idea that personal improvement is it's own reward in these types of games, that the raw sense of challenge and achievement you can only get from competition is only there because of how varied the skill levels of the players can be.

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That was bound to happen considering the groups wanted very different things out of the game. You and your group wanted a party game, while the "pro's" wanted a fighting game. What I find sad is that the casuals are always trying to kill off the hardcore, who don't really bother with the casuals at all. All those pros are usually just hanging out in their own circles filled with other pros.


Though, I find it a little odd that you want to be as good at the game as your friend without putting in as much work as he, presumably, had to. I mean, I do kind of understand, no one wants to lose(at least not constantly), but the whole "drag them down to my level" mentality loses me. I don't know, maybe it takes a certain mindset to appreciate the idea that personal improvement is it's own reward in these types of games, that the raw sense of challenge and achievement you can only get from competition is only there because of how varied the skill levels of the players can be.

The very idea that Melee tournaments can exist at all is ridiculous. Short hops, wave dashes, chain grabs, knowing how many frames you can shave off. Is this Nintendo or Texas Instruments? Shall we play this game with a controller or a graphing calculator? Of all the gaming competition videos that I have seen, I have never seen any game that people take more seriously than Melee besides Starcraft. The difference is that SC was built as an ivory tower for people to claw each other up to get to the top of.


I also never said that I wanted to be as good as my friend without effort, but Melee provides too many tools for try-hards. And guess what? Maybe I don't want to develop peptic ulcers over being the best cartoon warrior. Maybe I want to have fun and not kill myself in an attempt to train muscle memory for making short hops. I've said it about Counterstrike, and it applies to Melee and every other game: When you see everyone take a shot from their sniper rifle then immediately switch weapons and then back to the rifle, it's all over. You're no longer playing game; you're studying and training. And the sad thing is that it happens everywhere in so many different forms. When I first heard about Team Fortress 2 having a legitimate stock market and players devoting god knows how much time to Wall Street-esque economic speculation, I wanted to never stop vomitting.


Raw sense of challenge? Drag them down to my level? Here's a question for you that I also can't get my mind around? Why do swathes of gamers always have to pollute every game with cutthroat competition? I can see it with MMO's and squad-based shooters, but the fact that Melee attracts some of the most dedicated players around who practice like they're training for the Olympics, where matches are so fast, they look like blurs - it's too disgusting for me to think about for too long. Super Smash Bros. for the N64 was a fun game. Melee is an occupation.

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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The very idea that Melee tournaments can exist at all is ridiculous. Short hops, wave dashes, chain grabs, knowing how many frames you can shave off. Is this Nintendo or Texas Instruments? Shall we play this game with a controller or a graphing calculator? Of all the gaming competition videos that I have seen, I have never seen any game that people take more seriously than Melee besides Starcraft. The difference is that SC was built as an ivory tower for people to claw each other up to get to the top of.


 So it can't be a deep game because it's made by Nintendo? I hope you don't get upset when people claim Nintendo games are for babies. Plus, some aren't afraid to put a little effort into succeeding at a game. 



I also never said that I wanted to be as good as my friend without effort, but Melee provides too many tools for try-hards. And guess what? Maybe I don't want to develop peptic ulcers over being the best cartoon warrior. Maybe I want to have fun and not kill myself in an attempt to train muscle memory for making short hops... You're no longer playing game; you're studying and training.

Yahtzee stated it best when he said that practicing the game turns you into "that guy" whom others don't stand a chance against unless they're other "that guys". As good at the original as one of my friends got, I could still almost win against him some times and win at least a few of the times. This is because the N64 lacked the processing power to create a fighting game that could be studied and exploited. 


Well, when you complain that "that guy" is way above everyone else's level and then immediately mention how you were able to still win a few times against your friend in the original game, speaking in past tense as if it doesn't happen anymore, I come to the natural conclusion that your friend became one of "those guys". Plus, even if this particular circumstance isn't true in your case, you've made it quite clear how you would feel if it were.


And some people find that training and studying to be quite worthwhile. That sense of improvement is part of the fun. Just look at sports, there's plenty of practice and studying going on; that's part of the spirit of competition.


Raw sense of challenge? Drag them down to my level? Here's a question for you that I also can't get my mind around? Why do swathes of gamers always have to pollute every game with cutthroat competition? I can see it with MMO's and squad-based shooters, but the fact that Melee attracts some of the most dedicated players around who practice like they're training for the Olympics, where matches are so fast, they look like blurs - it's too disgusting for me to think about for too long. Super Smash Bros. for the N64 was a fun game. Melee is an occupation.


Well, when you pit player against player, you bring out the competitive nature of people and, naturally, those people try to be better than their peers. Honestly, I think it's strange to look at a game where you beat the snot out of each other, and there are obvious winners and losers, and be surprised that competition arises.


You say the "pros" are polluting your game but they haven't done much of anything to it. The skill cap rose but you still could mash in Melee as much you could in the original. Honestly, casuals will have more fun playing with other casuals and competitive players will have more fun with other competitive players, but you don't see the competitive players trying to kick out all the casuals from playing the game.

Edited by Mutemutt
  • Brohoof 1
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Now that's a surprise if I ever saw one. That moveset looks soooo brutal.

  • Brohoof 1


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Oh, what a nice surprise. He looks pretty cool, muscling his way through all those attacks. I have to say though, I was expecting Bowser to be the one sporting all the armor, what with being the heavy and slow character of the game...

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