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On 6/16/2017 at 10:04 PM, K.Rool Addict said:

OP, I see that you added a new adorable picture.

Just felt the need to comment on that >.> Also, who are those characters? :o 

The one on the left looks my like my type ^///^

Those are charcters from Hanazuki Full Of Treasures. You can watch all the currentley released episodes on youtube if you want. Also the one on the left is Hanazuki.

On 6/16/2017 at 9:53 PM, cuteycindyhoney said:

Part of it is a mild taboo thing. The rest? Well, sometimes it just looks pretty. I'm a bisexual woman, married to a man. I see nothing at all wrong with mixing things up a bit with same sex shipping. Here's a very mild picture to show what I mean. It's just so nice to look at! It is a kind of a cheat though. In the Kampfer series, the girl on the left is a boy most of the time.




Sorry I just had too comment since I actually know what Kampfer is. 

*Also the protagonist charcter was the cutest girl in the show even though he was male 50% of the time.:D

  • Brohoof 1


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On 6/16/2017 at 8:52 PM, ZethaPonderer said:

Because the amount of exposure that people WANT to see gay relationships is huge in comparison to straight couple ships? That and people being Pro-LGBT (Though I do feel sorry for Transexuals so they have my support in the nearest future).

Meh, don't get any of the sexy factor out of gay relationships tbh. It's not sex if there is no penetration involved. Gay male couples have an advantage on this one, not so much for gay female couples. Either way I don't find it hot at all in comparison to straight couple relationships.

Not trying to offend anyone here. To each there own. You do you, I do me. Hopefully we both don't have to end up doing each other. :lol: 

I'm not against homosexuality, but it annoys me that everywhere is homosexual shipping. I feel it's shoves it in my throat everywhere that it's tiring. I don't mind homosexuality, but that doesn't mean I'll watch homosexual porn nor I have to find it arousing

On 6/17/2017 at 0:17 AM, Tiny Hoofs said:


The only people that take issue with things like that are people who hate gays and think teaching tolerance counts as indoctrinating children. And those people aren't worth listening to. :derp:

Yeah, always this "Think of the children" bullshit while we all know it's defending their agenda :dry: 


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21 minutes ago, Tilgoreth said:

Those are charcters from Hanazuki Full Of Treasures. You can watch all the currentley released episodes on youtube if you want. Also the one on the left is Hanazuki.

Woah... That was definitely something >.>

^I'm gonna be honest, I haven't felt like this since I first started watching MLP:FiM back in 2011... O_O

Now, don't get me wrong, I think FiM has only been getting better (especially in more recent seasons)....

This show tho, it's like something fresh, you know >.> Something fresh I can actually get excited over? I may just end up getting rather unhealthily obsessed with this... and it's all your fault Tilgoreth! >.>

Now, I have only watched one episode thus far. so I cannot speak to the (potential) quality on display here. Things I noticed that caught me off guard in a very, very good way:

#1 The setting. This is what I call my FUCKING TYPE OF SETTING! So much wondrous, phantasmagoric nonsense! I love it \(^o^)/

#2 The character designs. So fucking adorable. Every damn character looks like they are just asking for a freaking hour-long hug lol. <-This in particular is pretty much how I felt about FiM in the beginning too. o,o

#3 This bitch "Hanazuki" talking to herself was rather enjoyable lmao. Idk, the dialogue monologue here was very captivating. And the vocal performance was just...



Mmm, so fucking spot on. 


Idk >.> Best case scenario, I MAY have just discovered my new obsession o,o

Worst case scenario, it's merely a quirky fluke...


Also, this is Hasbro?? Wtf... It's a web toon, no? What exactly does Hasbro have to do with it? 

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Ok, I'm going to put my 2 bits in.  I really don't think it should become an issue in MLP due to the age demographic. With that said, why is it so popular? Well, it's taboo and it isn't.  Some places it's more taboo than others. It's also nothing new. There are college literature and film classes dedicated to early references to bi/gay/lesbian relationships in early art and film.  If any of you are familiar with the Anne of Green Gables series, there's a pretty obvious reference with a character that has a recurring role, but isn't the main cast.  

It has become much more prevalent in anime, but why not?  Very often older teens or adults are the primary audience that anime is targeting.  It's obvious when there are genres called harem and, let's not forget hentai.  


  • Brohoof 1

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.-- The Tick


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1 hour ago, Pinkie_Pi said:

If any of you are familiar with the Anne of Green Gables series, there's a pretty obvious reference with a character that has a recurring role, but isn't the main cast.  

Wait up, what about Anne of Green Gables? I remember watching the cartoon adaptation all the time around Thanksgiving back when I was like 9-12 yrs old o,o

She's a lesbian? lmao. If not, please elaborate, as it will no doubt thoroughly entertain me regardless =^-^=

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They're cute to draw or look at, and they don't seem as forced as hetero ships.


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@K.Rool Addict No, Anne was not. Diana Berry's Aunt Josephine, who was very wealthy and both girls visited from time to time, remember her?  Well, in the books, she never married, lived with her female best friend all her life, and gives Anne a lecture about how, even if she never married, she still had a very full and happy love life. Anne comments on how difficult it must be to lose her best friend.  And the scene goes on.  I did a double take when I first read it. It was subtle, but it was there.


Edited by Pinkie_Pi
  • Brohoof 1

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.-- The Tick


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1 minute ago, Pinkie_Pi said:

@K.Rool Addict No, Anne was not. Diana Berry's Aunt Josephine, who was very wealthy and both girls visited from time to time, remember her?  Well, in the books, she never married, lived with her female best friend all her life, and gives Anne a lecture about how, even if she never married, she still had a very full and happy love life. Anne comments on how difficult it must be to lose her best friend.  And the scene goes on.  I did a double take when I first read it.

^Holy shit that is good information to know!

I'm having a freaking nostalgia overload atm with all this crazy shit I just discovered (first Hanazuki FoT, then the fact that the DUKE controller is coming back, and now this!? insanity! xD)

Anyways, thanks alot for the info! /)^3^(\

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23 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Woah... That was definitely something >.>

^I'm gonna be honest, I haven't felt like this since I first started watching MLP:FiM back in 2011... O_O

Now, don't get me wrong, I think FiM has only been getting better (especially in more recent seasons)....

This show tho, it's like something fresh, you know >.> Something fresh I can actually get excited over? I may just end up getting rather unhealthily obsessed with this... and it's all your fault Tilgoreth! >.>

Now, I have only watched one episode thus far. so I cannot speak to the (potential) quality on display here. Things I noticed that caught me off guard in a very, very good way:

#1 The setting. This is what I call my FUCKING TYPE OF SETTING! So much wondrous, phantasmagoric nonsense! I love it \(^o^)/

#2 The character designs. So fucking adorable. Every damn character looks like they are just asking for a freaking hour-long hug lol. <-This in particular is pretty much how I felt about FiM in the beginning too. o,o

#3 This bitch "Hanazuki" talking to herself was rather enjoyable lmao. Idk, the dialogue monologue here was very captivating. And the vocal performance was just...



Mmm, so fucking spot on. 


Idk >.> Best case scenario, I MAY have just discovered my new obsession o,o

Worst case scenario, it's merely a quirky fluke...


Also, this is Hasbro?? Wtf... It's a web toon, no? What exactly does Hasbro have to do with it? 

I think it was originally owned by like a Japanese company, but nothing ever came of it. Also I think Hanazuki just means moon flower, though I'm not sure. Also it'd would be cool if you did end up enjoying the show, I haven't seen that many people talk about this show online. 

Also I think there on like episode twenty one now, and it will finish "airing" sometime in July. Also theres supposed too be a Hanazuki Full Of Treasures short too play before the mlp movie later this year, and it will get a second season in 2018.

Actually now is probaly a good time too get into the show. Originally back in January Hasbro released nine episodes too there youtube channel, then did that again in March. I'm not sure what changed but they were originally going too release them on a every other month basis on the full moon of that month. So I'm glad that their releasing episodes every Friday now. 


Hey I also started a post in general discussion a few months ago too see if it would spark interest in the show, nope. I don't think it has any spoilers, but be careful regardless if your interested. Also because of the long wait between episode releases back in January-March I did sort of lose interest, though Hanazuki is probaly one of the few shows I was instantly able too get into. Even mlp took me a little while too really like it.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think they at least partially come from the longing for the companionship and love that we all wish we had in our lives, but totally lack. It's not a sexual thing, even. It's just an effort to fill that void.

  • Brohoof 1

"I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. I am a fool."


-Kurt Vonnegut

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13 hours ago, Tilgoreth said:

I think it was originally owned by like a Japanese company, but nothing ever came of it. Also I think Hanazuki just means moon flower, though I'm not sure. Also it'd would be cool if you did end up enjoying the show, I haven't seen that many people talk about this show online. 

Also I think there on like episode twenty one now, and it will finish "airing" sometime in July. Also theres supposed too be a Hanazuki Full Of Treasures short too play before the mlp movie later this year, and it will get a second season in 2018.

Actually now is probaly a good time too get into the show. Originally back in January Hasbro released nine episodes too there youtube channel, then did that again in March. I'm not sure what changed but they were originally going too release them on a every other month basis on the full moon of that month. So I'm glad that their releasing episodes every Friday now. 


Hey I also started a post in general discussion a few months ago too see if it would spark interest in the show, nope. I don't think it has any spoilers, but be careful regardless if your interested. Also because of the long wait between episode releases back in January-March I did sort of lose interest, though Hanazuki is probaly one of the few shows I was instantly able too get into. Even mlp took me a little while too really like it.


Alright, well I watched 5 episodes thus far. I stopped at #6 because the upload resolution on Youtube was a mere 720p Q.Q I was like "wtf?" so I started checking all the subsequent episodes to see if the problem persisted. Seems like it only continues up to episode 9 though. So Ep 6-9, for some reason are only available in 720p.... at least on Youtube >.> I simply must find these eps at 1080! It's so immersion breaking to have all those nasty video artifacts plastered across the image Q.Q

Anyways... the show is freaking excellent! There is no way in hell this isn't being discussed by a shit ton of people online. This seems to be right up /co/'s alley if you ask me (At least judging by what I knew of /co/ back in the "good old days"... <-- Actually, scratch that, even when all of 4chan went to shit circa 2010, people on /co/ still maintained their collective taste in cartoons :o ) It's basically Adventure Time + Ruby Gloom + an amalgamation of a ton of classic videogame sensibilities (namely Super Princess Peach, Super Mario Galaxy, and Yoshi's Story). I'm also sensing some feint hints of Inside Out and Making Fiends here as well O,O Sooo... not only should /co/ be frothing at the mouth for something like this, but so should fuckin' /v/!

Hanazuki. Hana + zuki. 
Hana = はな = 花

花 = Flower(s)

Zuki can be defined in a variety of ways, since Japanese is a very contextual language. 

First option would be:



^So by this, Hanazuki would equate to "Flower Lover"


"Tsuki" = つき = 月

月 = Moon

^Oftentimes within Japanese grammar, a word beginning with a more "complex" sound is simplified when used as a suffix of another word. Or sometimes, the opposite will happen and a more complex "hard" sound is substituted for a simpler "softer" sound. We can see this clearly in the Japanese word for fireworks, Hanabi.

So here are the kanji for hanabi, 花火

Flower + Fire, basically. While "flower" stays the same, "fire" changes from the normal "hi" to "bi". So, ひ becomes び.

^So, judging by this, it would seem as though translating "Hanazuki" as "Moon Flower" (as the show pretty much does outright lol), IS indeed accurate. 

14 hours ago, Tilgoreth said:

Also I think Hanazuki just means moon flower, though I'm not sure. 

^So yes, I just took like 10 minutes explaining why you are correct xDD

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they thought its "hot." when i find it annoying...ah who am i kidding? I think all ships are annoying.



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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BECAUSE fandoms are thirsty for gay bonds between their favorite characters. Especially the GAY part of the fandom. I am gay myself, sorta. And I see WAY too much straight stuff everywhere. Anywhere you go, in commercials, movies, books.. It's everywhere and it's always been everywhere. That the fandoms ship gay ships is just a change of pace and a really nice, fresh breeze along with the veeeery straight society we live in.

But.. Even in fandoms, there are plenty of straight couples anyway so. We need even more gay.

Edited by darkwingmare
  • Brohoof 2

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1 hour ago, darkwingmare said:

BECAUSE fandoms are thirsty for gay bonds between their favorite characters. Especially the GAY part of the fandom. I am gay myself, sorta. And I see WAY too much straight stuff everywhere. Anywhere you go, in commercials, movies, books.. It's everywhere and it's always been everywhere. That the fandoms ship gay ships is just a change of pace and a really nice, fresh breeze along with the veeeery straight society we live in.

But.. Even in fandoms, there are plenty of straight couples anyway so. We need even more gay.

Uh sorry is that Pear Butter in your avatar?

4 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:


Alright, well I watched 5 episodes thus far. I stopped at #6 because the upload resolution on Youtube was a mere 720p Q.Q I was like "wtf?" so I started checking all the subsequent episodes to see if the problem persisted. Seems like it only continues up to episode 9 though. So Ep 6-9, for some reason are only available in 720p.... at least on Youtube >.> I simply must find these eps at 1080! It's so immersion breaking to have all those nasty video artifacts plastered across the image Q.Q

Anyways... the show is freaking excellent! There is no way in hell this isn't being discussed by a shit ton of people online. This seems to be right up /co/'s alley if you ask me (At least judging by what I knew of /co/ back in the "good old days"... <-- Actually, scratch that, even when all of 4chan went to shit circa 2010, people on /co/ still maintained their collective taste in cartoons :o ) It's basically Adventure Time + Ruby Gloom + an amalgamation of a ton of classic videogame sensibilities (namely Super Princess Peach, Super Mario Galaxy, and Yoshi's Story). I'm also sensing some feint hints of Inside Out and Making Fiends here as well O,O Sooo... not only should /co/ be frothing at the mouth for something like this, but so should fuckin' /v/!

Hanazuki. Hana + zuki. 
Hana = はな = 花

花 = Flower(s)

Zuki can be defined in a variety of ways, since Japanese is a very contextual language. 

First option would be:



^So by this, Hanazuki would equate to "Flower Lover"


"Tsuki" = つき = 月

月 = Moon

^Oftentimes within Japanese grammar, a word beginning with a more "complex" sound is simplified when used as a suffix of another word. Or sometimes, the opposite will happen and a more complex "hard" sound is substituted for a simpler "softer" sound. We can see this clearly in the Japanese word for fireworks, Hanabi.

So here are the kanji for hanabi, 花火

Flower + Fire, basically. While "flower" stays the same, "fire" changes from the normal "hi" to "bi". So, ひ becomes び.

^So, judging by this, it would seem as though translating "Hanazuki" as "Moon Flower" (as the show pretty much does outright lol), IS indeed accurate. 

^So yes, I just took like 10 minutes explaining why you are correct xDD

I don't know about 4chan, but I haven't seen anyone talking about it. It's sort of like a cross between FiM and Steven universe, I don't know what Ruby Gloom is so I can't use that example.(I can't say I'll give it a try since I'm already having trouble finding a place too watch Kill La Kill online.)

Also sorry I only mentioned the Hanazuki thing because everytime I put Hanazuki in google it brought up articles about the japanese word and not the show. Actually I tried too come up with a japanese name for a charcter in a story I was writing. I though about calling her Jinrui Ai but I had trouble finding a place online that would help translate the names.

Anyways I'm glad your enjoying the show. :pinkie:


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I want to know this too. Maybe people just like the idea that girls and boys are free to date each other. To my suprise I also like the idea of a gay couple. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

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Because approximatively 80% of the people here are gay repressed ( not sure if it's the proper way to say it in English but I think that it's understandable ! )
So yeah, we love gay shipping because we just love to see it ! I think that it's just as simple as that.

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15 minutes ago, Tilgoreth said:

Uh sorry is that Pear Butter in your avatar?

5 minutes ago, darkwingmare said:

It is Pear Butter. She's so adorable. <3

Nuuuu! Season 7 spoilers! Q.Q It's sooo damn hard to avoid spoilers on this site, I swear! xD 

(She is very cute judging by that avatar tho =^-^=)


16 minutes ago, Tilgoreth said:

I don't know about 4chan, but I haven't seen anyone talking about it. It's sort of like a cross between FiM and Steven universe, I don't know what Ruby Gloom is so I can't use that example.(I can't say I'll give it a try since I'm already having trouble finding a place too watch Kill La Kill online.)

Also sorry I only mentioned the Hanazuki thing because everytime I put Hanazuki in google it brought up articles about the japanese word and not the show. Actually I tried too come up with a japanese name for a charcter in a story I was writing. I though about calling her Jinrui Ai but I had trouble finding a place online that would help translate the names.

Anyways I'm glad your enjoying the show. :pinkie:

Ruby Gloom is available at flawless 1080p in its two season entirety thanks to some rabid fan who uploaded all the episodes several years ago! I can't believe that they have not been taken down after all these years 0.0; It's kinda crazy when ya think about it lol

^Very good show, albeit with somewhat lackluster flash animation lol. It is a very "hugboxy" type of show with a huge emphasis on nurturing friendships and the like. It's also got quite a bit of sass to it as well ;)  it feels sorta like if Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and Death Jr. were put into a blender and topped with the fruitiest most fluffy whipped cream ever! (if that's not a bit too abstract for you xD). 

I definitely see the Steven Universe inspiration in terms of graphical presentation within Hanazuki. Not so much the writing/ overall composition of the show tho. Now, if you are implying that this show gets more like Steven Universe as it progresses then I am going to be bouncing off the fucking walls for the next 5 hours xD Steven Universe is literally my #1 favorite modern day cartoon of all time! The fantasy elements of Hanazuki definitely take a large influence from FiM, so I'll agree with you there :o 

If you want a good place to watch Kill La Kill try this: https://twist.moe   https://twist.moe/a/kill-la-kill/1

^The best anime streaming site I have found to date! So freaking classy :P 

If you want a good place for translations, I can highly recommend this site: http://jisho.org

^I translate quite alot of Japanese text (usually from hentai lol) and Jisho is hands down the best Japanese -to- English resource on the internet! I can also highly recommend Tae Kim's Grammar guide =^-^=

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5 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Nuuuu! Season 7 spoilers! Q.Q It's sooo damn hard to avoid spoilers on this site, I swear! xD 

(She is very cute judging by that avatar tho =^-^=)


Ruby Gloom is available at flawless 1080p in its two season entirety thanks to some rabid fan who uploaded all the episodes several years ago! I can't believe that they have not been taken down after all these years 0.0; It's kinda crazy when ya think about it lol

^Very good show, albeit with somewhat lackluster flash animation lol. It is a very "hugboxy" type of show with a huge emphasis on nurturing friendships and the like. It's also got quite a bit of sass to it as well ;)  it feels sorta like if Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and Death Jr. were put into a blender and topped with the fruitiest most fluffy whipped cream ever! (if that's not a bit too abstract for you xD). 

I definitely see the Steven Universe inspiration in terms of graphical presentation within Hanazuki. Not so much the writing/ overall composition of the show tho. Now, if you are implying that this show gets more like Steven Universe as it progresses then I am going to be bouncing off the fucking walls for the next 5 hours xD Steven Universe is literally my #1 favorite modern day cartoon of all time! The fantasy elements of Hanazuki definitely take a large influence from FiM, so I'll agree with you there :o 

If you want a good place to watch Kill La Kill try this: https://twist.moe   https://twist.moe/a/kill-la-kill/1

^The best anime streaming site I have found to date! So freaking classy :P 

If you want a good place for translations, I can highly recommend this site: http://jisho.org

^I translate quite alot of Japanese text (usually from hentai lol) and Jisho is hands down the best Japanese -to- English resource on the internet! I can also highly recommend Tae Kim's Grammar guide =^-^=

Thanks for the links too the japanese translation sites. Also the anime site you linked too actually works! But it doesn't have the dub... Yes I want too watch the Kill La Kill dub... Uh cough I'm a pleb like that.

I was thinking more season one Steven Universe. Were it starts out slow but as time goes on you learn more about the world and the charcters past. I won't spoil what happens but I think you'll like it. :orly:



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15 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Nuuuu! Season 7 spoilers! Q.Q It's sooo damn hard to avoid spoilers on this site, I swear! xD 


Aww, so sorry! ;-; I will hide it in a spoiler tag so I don't spoil others as fast. XD I just can't help but to have her as my avatar. My new fave mare. <3 Applejack has always been my fav, and Butter.. It's just too cute. <3

  • Brohoof 1

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." - Dr.Seuss

DeviantArt YouTube Tumblr ♥ Ask Flutters voice

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Just now, darkwingmare said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Aww, so sorry! ;-; I will hide it in a spoiler tag so I don't spoil others as fast. XD I just can't help but to have her as my avatar. My new fave mare. <3 Applejack has always been my fav, and Butter.. It's just too cute. <3

^Dare I click that ? xD 

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Also, people want to ship gay couples because f:yay:k logic and embrace the implausible romance/attraction/lust that I highly doubt is going to benefit humanity in anyway possible from an evolutionary perspective. But hey, love is love and that feels good. That's all that matters right?

Perhaps, but I want to marry and have a child that I made out of my own s:yay:n y'know? :lol: I would be fine establishing this thing I would like to call a "Bro Bond" where I maintain a relationship to the same sex in a platonic sense.


I'm spoiling it darkwingmare because I question your logic for putting a spoiler tag. So this seemingly mare known as Pear Butter is your favorite character next to Applejack? Cool story.

Edited by ZethaPonderer
I want to be a spoilsport. Next time I will edit and be a Party Pooper.
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