FemaleIntrovert1995 138 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 I left the anime fandom. Too many anime shows, manga, and merchandise to keep up with. Over sexualized characters killed it for me too. I'm a straight women, I don't care much for king-sized, jiggling breast. I left the fnaf fandom too. Lost interest in the games. Care to share about some fandoms that you left behind? 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreambiscuit 10,143 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 I used to be a big fan of James Bond up until GoldenEye, but the franchise started going downhill fast at that point. I still love the older movies (all of them up to that point) and Pierce Brosnan was good casting, but the movies just sucked after Barbara Broccoli took over. And Daniel Craig is a block of self-important wood. Can't stand him or any of the Bond films he's infected. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,770 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 Super Smash Bros because lord almighty are their heads deep up their rectums, especially the Melee fanboys 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 (edited) Yu-Gi-Oh franchises. Became really disinterested in it over time, and I grew to hate how complicated the card game — the most boring part of the series — became. Edited August 4, 2017 by Dark Qiviut 1 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrimGrimoire 4,973 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 I don't think I have ever left a fandom, perhaps just went on hiatus from some. I still like most of them to some degree or another, but the directions they have taken just have not kept me interested. I stepped out of the Sonic and Star Trek fandoms for example, and got burned out by the Star Wars fandom (although trying to return to it). Other fandoms I no longer am into as much include Universal Monsters, TMNT, Marvel & DC and Thundercats. 1 ~No profound statement needed~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Cynical Lone Wolf 615 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 (edited) I left quite few Star Wars mainly because of Disney putting the stop the EU or now "Legends" continuity. Which in my opinion, had better writing and characters then TFU. It also becuase of this decision and talking with a fan did I realize how far the Star Wars fandom has fallen since 2013/ Pokemon this was mainly because of circumstance . I stopped following Pokemon after the 3rd movie and one moment there 151 Pokemon now there are over 1000. Its waay too intimidating to get back into Pokemon now for me Sonic mainly because of how toxic the fandom is Halo. This the fandom I joined in my teens, around 2009, and left when Halo 4 was released. The reason is the franchise went sooo downhill at this point, 343 is pretending the Flood has never existed or wipe out all together in Halo 3 (which I doubt). Anyway, 343 mistreatment on the lore and the community has really gone downhill at his point. I left in 2012 and never looked back Edited August 4, 2017 by The Cynical Lone Wolf 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Piranha 29,440 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 1-Anime: Wasn't too much into a fandom in particular, but I'll lie if I say I've never had an anime phase. It lasted until the mid 2000's, and lost interest because.... I dunno, maybe I'm not into japanese culture and storytelling. Perhaps I've started to see an increase of bothersome cliches like super b00bz, going over the top in everything, focusing in spectacle to hide it's flaws, too much boring filler or overly long expositions. Although I've just watched, never went to a forum or anything 2-Pokemon: Lost interest due to three main factors: The games followed the same formula, the anime became stale and tiring, and the increasingly ridiculous conditions to acquire some pokemon, evolutions, and legendaries. The latter blown my morale, as I've never completed a pokedex ever, and it was becoming increasingly harder, and.... just left. I'm not even sure if we are in the seventh or eight gen 3-Nintendo: Nintendo has the merit of my first forum experience, and at the time, I've only consumed Nintendo consoles and games. But after the Gamecube, I've became increasingly disillusioned as the WII came. The forum lost activity, no worthwhile news in miles, false hopes that next year will be WII's year.... days passed with no new posts in that forum, so I've left it, and Nintendo's home consoles shortly afterwards (though the Switch seems to be getting back on track, but I'll wait, like I did with PS4) 2 Sig by Discords Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nerdy Luigi 2,065 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 Though, in a way, I wasn't really into the actual "fandoms" in the first place: League of Legends. The toxicity was absolutely intolerable, and I think I became a worse person because of the time I spent playing the game. Looking at the Talon Mains reddit should be enough to give anyone cardiac arrest. -_- Seriously, Talon mains are actually REALLY toxic... Halo. I was really into the games around the time I was in junior high school, but after playing Halo 4, I'm gone and not looking back. It was easily the worst game of the main series. 343 absolutely ruined the game by making it feel like I was playing their own version of Modern Warfare 3 (Though MW3 is probably worse). Call of Duty. Same thing with Halo, except I really only liked 3 of the games to some extent and that was really it. It was probably my first exposure to toxicity. Certainly never going back hearing and seeing that every game is almost a carbon copy of another they already released, but made worse every time... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clod 8,294 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 This one, actually. Of course it wasn't permanent, but I did leave for a while. First, I was depressed and losing interest in everything I enjoyed. That's one major reason. It was also sometime around or during season 6, I think. I didn't like season 6 very much lol. Other than that, I don't really remember. I'm not even 100% sure it was during season 6. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meeps 298 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 League of Legends, although I'll be darned if I didn't enjoy some of the times I had on there. It's not a bad game, the fanbase takes it far too seriously at times and it becomes toxic very quickly. Too difficult to have a good, fair battle without people raging or getting butthurt and ruining the experience for other players. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Titans08Mariota 763 August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 Never been part of one 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 4, 2017 Share August 4, 2017 Sonic. Though I do check on the fandom sometimes through some FB groups, I don't really take participation since the community is pretty toxic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prospekt 11,021 August 5, 2017 Share August 5, 2017 I no longer participate in the Minecraft fandom. Haven't done so in a couple of years. I lost a lot of enthusiasm over time and while I still play from time to time (always on my own) I grew tired of a fandom dominated by a bunch of immature kids. Like I aged, but the rest of the fandom didn't. Also, the Minecraft YouTube community has gotten so bland, and it's part of what got me interested in the game. The game is just too mainstream now. Signature by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The MegaBrony 219 August 5, 2017 Share August 5, 2017 (edited) Anime. Beyond my preferred Super Robot genre, I found non-action anime downright unenjoyable while long-running battle shonens got bogged down by filler. Inuyasha is a huge offender, as the only really important events happen near the end, and it took an eternity to finally destroy Naraku by wishing away his soul. Couldn't they have done that in a single movie? Plus, useless and immature moeblobs that speak with infantile babble, have less mental capacity than a 5-year-old, and rely on the protagonist to solve everything. Seeing the ponies act much more mature than said moeblobs really made my heart grow. And finally, the anime fanbase is so broken that those with different tastes will start fighting and ranting mercilessly. I have long since moved on to only watching the Tokusatsu genre (just finished Madan Senki Ryukendo and am watching Tomica Hero Rescue Fire). Edited August 5, 2017 by The MegaBrony 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZethaPonderer 2,199 August 5, 2017 Share August 5, 2017 (edited) I don't know if I belong in a fandom since I've never been in one. But, I used to be a casual fan of the SEGA company most notably their Sonic The Hedgehog franchise. That is until Sonic 2006 crushed my enjoyment of the franchise in one fell swoop along with the later installments that made it unnecessarily gimmicky in a not so fun way IMO e.g. Sonic & The Black Knight, and Sonic in the Secret Rings. I could care less about the Sonic Fans as a whole as I'm convinced the majority are just a bunch of spoiled good for nothing flamers, brats, man-children, insane, mentally unstable trolls still arguing about Sonic's eye color to this day and will NEVER be satisfied with any Sonic game SEGA pulls out of their greedy behinds. Good thing I've become an Ex-Sega Fan as the company in question has lost its ingenuity and spark for what made them Nintendo's Rival. Note how I used to be a casual fan. Not anymore. Edited August 5, 2017 by ZethaPonderer 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EightBit 285 August 5, 2017 Share August 5, 2017 I don't really leave fandoms. Some honest reviews and constructive criticism regarding my OC would be much appreciated. Thank you so much! https://mlpforums.com/roleplay-characters/bright-spark-r10033/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yakamaru 3,127 August 5, 2017 Share August 5, 2017 I haven't left the MLP fandom per se, as a fandom literally means "you are a fan of something". It has nothing to do with communities, forums, interaction with other people inside the fandom, etc. I just stopped watching the show. I am still a fan of the show and its franchise. I am however less active on everything from forums to interaction with Bronies in general. “Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messy Mane 9,032 August 5, 2017 Share August 5, 2017 Muppet fandom why did I leave? I just got bored after like just 1 year of memorizing all of 'em and watching multiple episodes of the muppet show XD 2 Avatar drawn by me, Signature by @Gone Airborne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twiia 1,843 August 5, 2017 Share August 5, 2017 (edited) I've left the mlp fandom. I'm finding the episodes rather boring and there's too many to keep up with. I also find the show sorta childish and overall I've lost interest. No offense. I suppose the forums aren't too bad tho Edited August 5, 2017 by Twiileh 2 'Make me your Queen' Sig by Wheatley Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Libra 11,691 August 6, 2017 Share August 6, 2017 Call of duty. The games were fun at first, but then I realized treyarch is just gonna rehash the same gameplay over and over again but just add more futuristic nonsense to it. I swear, in the next game you'll be using iphones to attack your opponents. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BritishBrony2012 823 August 6, 2017 Share August 6, 2017 (edited) Naruto, lost interest in anime. Do find pink hair girl annoying and unlikeable for me. Though, I just think of fandom cos you're fan of something and not part of group of people. This be some who share same interests has cause problem. Edited October 21, 2020 by Derpy Man Proud British Brony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 6, 2017 Share August 6, 2017 Sonic fandom. 14 years old. Was in it for probably five minutes. Went to DeviantArt. Cya. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pripyat Pony 2,608 August 6, 2017 Share August 6, 2017 I'm too stubborn to leave fandoms, I just participate less in certain ones, for example the Sonic one, cuz of the mindless stupidity and childishness of the fanbase. You think you know fear from shipping wars in MLP? You haven't seen nothing yet til you view them in the Sonic fandom. Some people are not only seriously deluded, but also violently delusional and will attack anyone who disagrees. 1 Signature and avatar by Pucksterv. Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jon the VGNerd 887 August 6, 2017 Share August 6, 2017 A list of fandoms that I left: Sonic, because of how toxic the fandom is, with 90% of "OC" being completely recolored with no actual effort. Call of Duty, because Activision cares nothing other than money, and will continue to make unnecessary releases for the franchise that most 12-year olds glorify, and their parents sure don't seem to care if they buy their kids M-rated games because they're considered "normal" and a "learning experience". Pokémon, because the show itself lost its luster with its usual, recycled plot, and Ash Ketchum doesn't age at all, much less being a complete Pokémon veteran because of, simply put, overused plot devices. Steven Universe, because while the show itself is great, the fandom itself is a complete opposite, hence why CN has been left in the shadows ever since. Never joined the fandom, but was glad to not step foot to it to find out myself. SpongeBob, because once the amazing show died out from Season 6 and beyond, the fandom itself also ceased to exist. Let's be honest, even the most popular shows end up going down in the gutter because of show the show is handled in a bad way nowadays. Bros, because PewDiePie is by far the biggest YouTube star with over 50 million subscribers... until it reaches to a breaking point where its community becomes rather cancerous with needless demands to make PewDiePie do this and do that. It seems that no celebrity is safe when it comes to these kinds of people who demand too many unnecessary things in order to get what they want. I used to subscribe to him, but I've grown distant and decided to just leave the poor man alone by simply unsubbing. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luminance 2,186 August 7, 2017 Share August 7, 2017 I left anime. Nothing but fanservice and character cliches that got overwhelmingly tiring and boring to keep up with. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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