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gaming Proudest Gaming Moments


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What are some of your proudest moments in gaming, moments that you look back on fondly?

One of my proudest moments is managing to defeat Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower, a notoriously difficult boss in Bloodborne, on my very first try. Granted, most of that was luck compared to skill, but I'm still amazed i managed to pull that off.

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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  • Going 29/2 playing my second game as Vayne ever in League of Legends. Same Game: When I solo carried an entire team the first game of League I had ever played as Ashe going like 15/1. Also, Same Game: When I got my first ever 1v5 pentakill while taking turret aggro, playing Vayne (I looked like a boss doing it).
  • My first time beating the Sinnoh Elite Four with only one Pokémon (it was a Level 70 Rayquaza though), not even using potions or anything. I would go on to do it several more times to grind that Rayquaza to Level 100. Same Game: When I almost did the same thing with a Dusknoir.
  • My 4th or 5th ranked game playing Barik in Paladins. I solo carried the entire team to a win, by stalling the point for as long as possible. I ACTUALLY WON THAT! XD I even dealt like 150k damage in that game! Same Game: When I won three ranked games in a row with my Pip.
  • When I stomped the second best Ike main in San Antonio on one of the first times I had played Smash 4 as Yoshi. I believe it was a 2 stock.
  • When I actually beat a 1000+ hour Sniper main in multiple rounds of TF2 (I only had about 100). Same Game: The first time I got 20+ headshots in a single life playing the Sniper XD (I used to be a freaking monster with the class back when I was really into the game)
  • When I finally unlocked Game and Watch in Melee. Yeah, I unlocked everything in that game like a total completionist!
  • Brohoof 1


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I suppose most recently it would be defeating the hellkite dragon in Dark Souls on my second sitting of the game.

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Beating Megaman X4 without any upgrades. First time I ever tried to challenge myself in a game

Platinuming Transformers Devastation, because it was the first game I ever platinumed

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Beating Dark Souls.

Also pulling off a mockball to get early super missiles in Super Metroid.

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Just now, Celli said:

Beating Dark Souls.

Also pulling off a mockball to get early supper missiles in Super Metroid.

Gotta love accidental typos. Now imagining a supper missile deploying tea and crumpets :D

  • Brohoof 2

ᚾᛖᚹ ᛚᚢᚾᚨ ᚱᛖᛈᚢᛒᛚᛁᚴ - ᚦᛖ ᚠᚢᚾ ᚺᚨᚦ ᛒᛖᛖᚾ ᛞᛟᚢᛒᛚᛖᛞ


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I think nothing will beat finishing my first game ever: Super Mario World. Kicked Bowser's ass over and over and over. I also discovered and finished the Special World, all when I was a mere 5-6 years old kid :fluttershy: 

  • Brohoof 2


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I've got several. Mainly getting all emblems/achievements in Sonic Adventure, Sonic CD and Sonic Generations. Considering how hard and time consuming some of them are its really of more dedication on my part. Misplaced dedication im sure with lapses in sanity over getting good at "going fast" but i've achieved stage clears in times I didnt even think possible.

  • Brohoof 2
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58 minutes ago, SONICchaos said:

I've got several. Mainly getting all emblems/achievements in Sonic Adventure, Sonic CD and Sonic Generations. Considering how hard and time consuming some of them are its really of more dedication on my part. Misplaced dedication im sure with lapses in sanity over getting good at "going fast" but i've achieved stage clears in times I didnt even think possible.

Question! What do you mean with got all emblems/achievements in Sonic Cd? As far as i remember i didnt got any because you mostly just collect all the Chaos Emeralds and thats it...or did i forgot something? Also im pretty sure, you cant even save in that game, so how can you get achievements? Just curious.

Also, just because you seem like a Sonic Fan, do you know how i can unlock the extra Games in Sonic Mega Collection Plus? ( for the ps 2 )

To get back on Topic, i guess im mostly proud because of that one time in Driver, where i had to chase down a car and smash it but i did always lose, but than i got the Idea of just standing in the way, right at the start to block that car, so that i dont even have to chase it and somehow it crashed into me with full speed, got instantly destroyed and i just flew into the sky with health left. Quickest Mission beating ever !

Or that one time where i got the Gold Medal in every Mission, in every Worms Game up to Worms Open Warfare 2. But i also had training for mutliple years, since my childhood. XD


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Successfully getting a Steam refund for No Man's Sky.

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Realizing Halo Reach penalized you for killing to many marines. Before you could murder them and face no consequences, but after purposfully killing two marines all the other mariens started attacking me. 


Signature made by Kyoshi.

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Hexakill in Overwatch with Genji. :D



“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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Getting my KDA in CoD:BO2 past 15. That was a proud moment in my life. Also when I realized (again) that I have no life. But I digress.

Doing my first no-hit-run in Dark Souls 3 (Non-DLC bosses, including optional ones). Only took a few tries, too. Made myself proud. And in case anyone's curious, I got hit once by Nameless King, and once by the Sage in the Grand Archives while I was fighting a few of the Thralls (was a rookie mistake, I know).

Getting to round 100 in CoD:Infinite Warfare Zombies. Took FOREVER. Longer than it took to get the DS3 No-Hit-Run done. Which is kinda sad, actually. But hey, worth! I think...

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Completing Prime Cup Master Ball on Pokemon Stadium with my big brother when I was young. Plus, going back to the classics to complete achievements I didn't do before. Ahh...to be young again...

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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On 8/15/2017 at 3:02 PM, Twilight Doll said:

Question! What do you mean with got all emblems/achievements in Sonic Cd? As far as i remember i didnt got any because you mostly just collect all the Chaos Emeralds and thats it...or did i forgot something? Also im pretty sure, you cant even save in that game, so how can you get achievements? Just curious.

So when looking back at the original Sega CD release of Sonic CD (Sept 1993) there were indeed two separate endings but two different ways of achieving the "good" ending. One way was to get 50 rings in a stage and jump through the warp ring at the end act goal in the exact same manner as the original Sonic the Hedgehog (June 1991). This would just the same lead to a special stage tho this stage was alot similar to Sonic 2 (Nov 1992), where the stage appeared in a pseudo 3D environment with the camera behind sonic with the goal to destroy all the UFOs on the stage before your time runs out to obtain a "Time Stone" this time around (but its obviously a chaos emerald)






While this seems like an easy task ask anyone who's actually done it. Its frustratingly hard for your first time as the UFOs seem to stop and change direction randomly although several play throughs you will see the 3 point pattern each have. One of the two main problems is sonic doesnt stop thus backtracking to a UFO you missed on a jump is like turning semi around to drive perfectly between two posts. Its very very easy to miss when jumping at a UFO meaning you now have to decide if you want to try another in your path or turn around to hit the one you missed. The 2nd reason why its hard is Oil and Water drains your timer FAST which is what you're fighting to beat. Making a mistake in a jump can lead you to shave 5-10 seconds off your already dwindling timer. The only way to "recover" time is once the timer gets to "20" seconds a blue UFO will appear dead center in the stage frozen that will add 30 seconds. As a commonly unknown bonus this UFO respawns again when the timer drops back down to 20 and will repeat indefinitely until you exit the stage. Its a stage that appears way easier than it actually is as the UFO sprite hitbox may not exist where you think it is and you swore you hit it but did not react. Also you would be incorrect to say Sonic CD doesnt save states. As the Sega CD used CDs media format it had internal storage for save game data, albeit a relatively small amount (Shining Force CD takes up the entirety of the internal memory capacity with just a single save file). On another side note you can increase the size capacity of the Sega CD with a "CD Backup Ram Cart" that plugs into the Genesis slot that allows saves from the CD to transfer to the cart which is over 16 times in size.





The reason why I bring up this save feature is another little known "bug" is Sonic CD automatically only save states a file after a stage score screen appears. This means if you fail or know you're going to fail you can reset the CD and start the special stage over and over again until you succeed as long as you dont allow the stage clear score screen to appear.

Now once you get all the time stones and beat the final "Metallic Madness" zone boss you get the good ending. Another way is to destroy all of the "Robot Generators" also called "Robot Teleporters" located in the past of the first two acts of each zone. Most arnt truly hidden and dont take very much effort to navigate to but if you're not already aware of where they are in each act it can be frustrating finding them without a guide considering the size of each stage. As long as the generator is found and destroyed in the first two acts of each zone you can obtain the good ending exactly the same as the time stones. There are also some "projectors" hidden around the past of each act as well but these dont do anything if destroyed(other than you visually see animals roaming around acts freely). Projectors are just something to find.

So thats sonic CD on the Sega CD but there have been releases and updates since the Gems Collection. The most current is the "Taxman" (2011) version which isnt a "rerelease" in a sense but rather the Sonic CD game rebuilt and designed from scratch to run for Playstation 3, XBOX, PC and Android devices using Christain Whitehead's "Retro Engine". All of this was officially supported by Sega. This rerelease version includes enhanced music, achievements, widescreen support, online features (such as leaderboards), filters to change the way the game is displayed and a Sonic 2 styled spindash option(visual difference only). When the game is beaten once, Tails is unlocked which is a completely new addition to unseen before. Tails gameplay is ripped right from Sonic 3 where he can freely fly. However when played he doesnt, receive any Opening or Ending "Anime Cuscenes" like sonic. Amy's and Metal Sonic's appearance are removed as well so you dont race Metal in Stardust Speedway Act 3. Otherwise this version is faithful to the original game. This is the version most modern audiences are aware of despite Sonic CD appearing on the Game Cube/PS2 and PC previously and most likely the one people say they've played if not referring to the Sega CD version. I've beaten Sonic CD on previous versions as well but this is the one I was referring too with "achievements".

An unnecessarily long post to your question but when I say i've 100% Sonic CD I mean i've gotten all the Steam achievements and played through the game again using tails getting the Time Stones and not.


On 8/15/2017 at 3:02 PM, Twilight Doll said:

Also, just because you seem like a Sonic Fan, do you know how i can unlock the extra Games in Sonic Mega Collection Plus? ( for the ps 2 )

In the same way as the Game Cube version except for "Comix Zone" and "The Ooze" which can be unlocked with a Sonic Heroes save game on the PS2 memory card.

The other games are unlocked by

[Alex Kidd and the enchanted castle]-Complete Flicky

[Blue Sphere]------------------------------Play Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic 3D Blast 20 Times Each

[Comix Zone]-------------------------------Have 40 hrs of game time on Sonic Heroes

[Flicky]--------------------------------------Play Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine 30 Times

[Knuckles in Sonic 2]---------------------Play Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic Spinball 20 Times Each

[Ristar]--------------------------------------Play Blue Sphere, Knuckles in Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Flicky 30 Times Each

[Sonic 2 Advanced Edit]-----------------Complete Sonic 2

[Sonic 2 Game Gear]--------------------Complete Sonic Chaos

[Sonic 3 & Knuckles]---------------------Play Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic & Knuckles 20 Times Each

[Sonic CD]---------------------------------Complete Sonic 1

[The Ooze]--------------------------------Have 40 hrs of game time on Sonic Heroes

[Vectorman]-------------------------------Complete Flicky and Ristar


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7 hours ago, SONICchaos said:

Also you would be incorrect to say Sonic CD doesnt save states. As the Sega CD used CDs media format it had internal storage for save game data, albeit a relatively small amount (Shining Force CD takes up the entirety of the internal memory capacity with just a single save file). On another side note you can increase the size capacity of the Sega CD with a "CD Backup Ram Cart" that plugs into the Genesis slot that allows saves from the CD to transfer to the cart which is over 16 times in size.

I had no Idea that you can save some Sega CD Games, i only played Batman Returns and Mortal Kombat and didnt found a Save Option in the game, so i just assumed it doesnt work. Thanks for this Information.

Also thanks for the help for Sonic Mega Collection Plus.^^

And just to stay on Topic : I was also very proud when i did beat the highest difficulty in Ridge Racer Type 4, despite me not being the best Racing Games Player.

  • Brohoof 1


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Getting Master in League was the biggest achievement I think.

Except for that I remember being proud of myself when I beat SA2B for the first time, the last 2 bosses frustrated me so much:D

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I have a couple, I beating Pokemon Sapphire and Heart Gold. Beating Yoshi's Island once, I was never able to 100% it, don't think I ever will, lol. 100%ing Scooby Doo unmasked when I was REALLY young. Ahh, those were the days.

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