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My Attempt at a Chronological Timeline

Starshine Sprinkles

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UPDATE: Unfortunately, I am no longer a fan of MLP and will not be completing this project.

TL;DR version:

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When I have the time, I like to rewatch the whole series before the new season premieres, which is what I did during the hiatus leading up to season seven. I've been wanting to try arranging the episodes in chronological order for a while now, since I often find myself enjoying a series more if I feel like I’m watching it in the same order as the characters experience it, as it adds more context to the episodes. So during my latest rewatch, I made notes whenever I encountered tidbits that could have an effect on the episode's chronological placement, and arranged the episodes according to these notes as season seven was being released. I figured the end of season seven would be as good a time as any to release my timeline. It would be much appreciated if you could give me feedback on my order and point out details I might have missed. It’s probably impossible to create a definitive timeline but I believe we might be able to at least get close.

Now, I am of the belief that the first three seasons take place over the course of a single year. It’s never outright stated that exactly one year has passed, but Celestia’s words at the end of Princess Twilight Sparkle make it sound like it’s the first Summer Sun Celebration since Luna’s return.

”Citizens of Equestria, it is no longer with a heavy heart but with great joy that I raise the summer sun. For this celebration now represents not the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but the return of my sister, Princess Luna.” – Princess Celestia, S4E2

So, the first course of action was to fit the first three seasons’ episodes into a one-year timespan. Although there is no evidence that would suggest an Equestrian year is the same length as an Earth year I’m going to be using real-life dates for the sake of simplicity. My interpretation is as follows:

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Equestria Girls is followed by Princess Twilight Sparkle, which marks the one-year anniversary of Twilight moving to Ponyville. I don’t believe there is any season-mixing necessary for season four, so I am going to rearrange the episodes within the boundary of their own season. My timeline is as follows:

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And that concludes season four. I’m not getting any other seasons mixed up in season five either, I’m just rearranging the episodes as follows:

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For seasons six and seven and the Equestria Girls specials, there will be some mixing, so I’m going to list them together:

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Season 8 doesn't require any mixing as of yet, so I'm just rearranging the episodes as follows:

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...And here's the super short WIP of season 9, why not:

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Kudos to you if you read all that! Feel free to ask if you want me to clarify things further. Feedback would be much appreciated!

Edited by Starshine Sprinkles
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  On 2017-10-28 at 9:51 PM, Flutterlina said:

Wow..... Just... wow...

(sugestion: Insert Rainbow Rocks shorts , Friendship Games shorts and Summertime shorts :) )


Years of writing academic essays will do that to you... :P

I didn't include the shorts since they are fairly self-contained and can be placed pretty much anywhere as long as all the elements that appear in them have been introduced beforehand, but here are the requirements I noticed:

Rainbow Rocks:

Guitar Centered, Hamstocalypse Now, Pinkie on the One, Player Piano and A Case for the Bass take place before the film since they show how the Rainbooms got their instruments.

Music to My Ears and Life is a Runway don't have any particular requirements, but they are listed as prequel short and encore short, respectively.

My Past is Not Today takes place after the film, since Sunset is now ready to move on from her past mistakes.

Shake Your Tail!, Perfect Day for Fun and Friendship Through the Ages seem to be only semi-canon since the first two seem a bit too light-hearted to take place during the film as Twilight was focused on creating a counter-spell during her whole stay, and she seemed to leave the human world pretty soon after the Battle of the Bands. The best placement would probably be during the time skip after the night of the Battle of the Bands to (presumably) the next day when she returns to Equestria.

Friendship Games:

Photo Finished doesn't have any requirements, since none of the mane characters appear, so we don't really get any clues as to when it takes place in relation to the films.

The Science of Magic can take place at any point between Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games, since the games aren't mentioned in this short.

Pinkie Spy, All's Fair in Love & Friendship Games and A Banner Day all serve as buildup to the Frienship Games, so I would place them a couple of weeks or days before the film.

Summertime Shorts:

Most of these shorts are very flexible in where they can be placed. The Equestria Girls Youtube series might give us some more precise references as to when they take place.

Make Up Shake Up, A Photo Booth Story and Raise This Roof take place before and during the Fall Formal, so I'd view them as deleted scenes from the first film.

Steps of Pep and Shake Things Up! don't seem to have any particular requirements, since neither Twilight nor Sunset appear in them, and without them it's hard to guess when in the series a short takes place.

The Art of Friendship probably comes after Rainbow Rocks since Sunset seems really close with the humane five (or at least Pinkie Pie) by now.

Epic Fails, Leaping Off the Page, Subs Rock and Pet Project have to come after Friendship Games since Sci-Twi goes to Canterlot High.

Mad Twience has to come after Legend of Everfree, since Sci-Twi has a photo of Timber Spruce.

In Good Vibes, Coinky-Dink World, Get the Show on the Road and Monday Blues, the girls are wearing their geodes, so these shorts should come after Movie Magic which is the episode in which they decided to start wearing them all the time.

The Canterlot Movie Club has to come after Mirror Magic, since the CMC are going to watch the Daring Do film that premiered in that episode.

Edited by Starshine Sprinkles
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I've been trying that, off & on, for quite a while. It's my understanding that Hasbro has said that the first 3 seasons were 1 year. Even allowing  for 90 days of Winter, with no adventures this is mathematically possible.  It helps if  you assume that the Crusader episodes take place during other episodes. It also helps A LOT if you assume that Magical Mystery Cure took place over 1 day.  This means that Fluttershy gave up very quick & that the dilapidation of the Apple farm & the botique were exagerated for dramatic effect.  BP = Before pilot 

15-25 years BP Mane 6 are born. (I've got reasons, but that's another thread)

12 years BP Cutie Mark Crusaders born (AJ's parents are missing in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, so Bloom must have already been born. I assume that they are all about the same age)

11 years BP the first Rainboom, as shown in The Cutie Mark Chronicles

Some time BP. Putting Your Hoof Down Fluttershy writes the letter, so that is after Lesson Zero. However, for time considerations I'm going with "that's a flashback episode". There is some evidence Rarity and Fluttershy were friends before the pilot

AJ mostly grew up in Ponyville, Rarity probably did. They did NOT get on well together (Look BeforeYou Sleep) At some point BP, Fluttershy & Pinkie move to town & become friends with Rarity.  Head canon, Rarity met Fluttershy through her cat (sick, needed grooming, adopted from, whatever) Green Isn't Your Color, they are good enough friends that they have a regular spa day

I assume that this is why AJ isn't in this episode.  It is before Look Before You Sleep & she doesn't get on well with Rarity.

I'm assuming that Dash isn't in this episode because she hasn't moved to town yet.

1 year BP

Dash moves to Ponyville (S4 Pinkie Pride), Dash moves to Ponyville on her birthday but Pinkie has to be told this.  Dash & Pinkie don't get on well together (Griffon the Brush Off

Late  May/ Late July Either Sweetie or (more likely) Scootaloo moves to town after school lets out (IMO, the timing on several episodes implies that school is early August to early May) The Crusaders have a cameo in the pilot.  I've heard that this is a continuity error, they don't meet until Call of the Cutie (early August). This means that they weren't in class together BP.  So, either 1 moved to town (my choice), they were 6 & just starting school, or Ponyville has more than 1 class per grade


June 19-21/22 The Pilot.   I'm assuming the Summer Sun Celebration is June 21.  This episode is either 2 or 3 days, depending on "How long did it take to get out to the castle & beat Nightmare Moon?" 

June 23-24 Griffon the Brush Off.  2 days  The start of the friendship between Dash & Pinkie. This or Bridle Gossip is almost certainly their first adventure.

June 25-26 Bridle Gossip.  Zecora comes to town every month.  This means that it is before the end of July at the very latest. Twilight has never heard  heard of her. This means that no one came to her "We're being terrorized by an evil enchantress.  Help us, Obi-wan Twilight! You're our only hope!"  This means that she has little if any street cred as a mage.  So,it must be before Boast Busters. I'm putting it after Griffin because Dash & Pinkie are hiding  together & this implies that their friendship has started

June 27 Boast Busters It has to be an early episode.  I'm putting it here because Magic Duel implies it was a long time before that.

June 28 Feeling Pinkie Keen.  Has to be an early episode, but after Bridle Gossip (T doesn't yet believe in curses then) (Could be in July, but it fits here) Probably before Sonic Rainboom because Dash is practicing stunts but doesn't do Rainboom

June 29 or 30 Look Before You Sleep.  Start of friendship between AJ & Rarity, so it has to be early.  AJ says that a storm scheduled last week was canceled. IMO, the 22 was for cleanup after the Summer Sun Celebration, the storm was supposed to be the 23rd, but NMM messed things up.  Lasts 2 days, so probably June 30-July 1.  I've got more, but this is already too long

Edited by sweetolebob18
mostly grammer corrections, minor editing
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  On 2017-10-29 at 3:43 AM, sweetolebob18 said:



I like your pre-show theories. I also prefer to think that Applejack's parents died before she left for Manehattan, even though the show seems to suggest otherwise since Apple Bloom wasn't around in Where the Apple Lies. To me, it just seems so weird that her parents wouldn't come see her off if they were still alive in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, not to mention the death of her parents would be the perfect catalyst for AJ to move to Manehattan. I like to think Apple Bloom was in kindergarten or being taken care of by a relative in Where the Apple Lies, explaining her absence.

I also like your headcanon on how Rarity and Fluttershy met. :)

I personally see Putting Your Hoof Down happening a bit later, since it seems kind of weird that Fluttershy would be acting so shy at the start of the series after the lesson learned in this episode, but I can also see how the events of this episode would make her scared of becoming a monster again, making her extra non-confrontational. I think this episode's placement can go both ways.

That's a good observation about Bridle Gossip and Twilight's magic prowess!

I was a lot more strict with the weekly friendship lessons, since I figured a lesson would count as meeting the next week's deadline if Twilight learned more than one lesson a week, although there is, of course, nothing that suggests this is the case.

Edited by Starshine Sprinkles
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  • 2 weeks later...

July is sort of a dumping ground (so far). I'm tentatively putting stuff there that IMO, is early but I'm not sure where it goes. Schedule first, reasons why at the end.

August, Year 1
Aug 1
Call of the Cutie (part 1) 1 day
The first part is Wed, Aug 1st because
1) School used to start on Wednesday when I was a kid.
2) Staremaster is on a weekend & the timeline works better
if you assume school starts on Wed.
Aug 2-3
Crusaders not present (school?)
Apple Buck Season (part 1) 1 day
The stampede
Baby Cakes (part 1) 1 day
Twins are born, AJ present
(possible non specified letter or 2)
Aug 4-5
1st weekend
Call of the Cutie (part 2) 1 day
Diamond's cuteceana party is that weekend.
Letter (possibly not written that day)
Aug 6
Ponyville Confidential 1 day (to start)
Crusaders get their jobs w school paper
this will run concurrently w other episodes, possibly until October, certainly until September
Gabby Gums story "Gum on the Bum"
Aug 11-12
second weekend in August
Stare Master
week of Aug 13
Gabby Gums Story about Cake twins
Aug 19
Apple Buck Season
end of part 2
Perhaps AJ hasn't been gone exactly 2 weeks, but close enough.
Aug 26
Lesson Zero 1 day
it's been a week since the last letter
AJ has recovered enough for a picnic
Aug 27
Too Many Pinkies 1 day
The barn is to replace the one wrecked in Lesson Zero
Ironically, if Twilight had just waited 1 day....
Aug 28
Ticket Master 1 day
late August/Early October
Baby Cakes (part 2) 1 day
Pinkie baby sits & writes a Letter.

This is why I think so
August has problems. The weekly Friendship Letter determines a LOT of the schedule
Call of the Cutie
2 days (but perhaps nonconsecutive days)
Crusaders are in the same class, so this must be 1st week of August
& Diamond's cuteceana is the first weekend. Twilight writes a letter
Poneyville Confidential
Should start 2nd week of August but that school has weird timing
(look at when Pip's election is). Crusaders get their jobs with the school paper
IMO, the school paper is a weekly & this stretches into at least September, possibly October & overlaps a lot of other episodes.
But I couldn't tell how many issues of Foal Free Press were involved
(Pictures of Celestia w cake are from Bird in the Hoof)
(AJ asleep on the job are from Applebuck Season)
I'm assuming that the spa has a lot of back issues floating around, (waiting rooms always do) so that doesn't really help.
AJ has the time to be in the spa, so that's at least the end of August (& after Lesson Zero)
Dash's spa pictures are what upsets her, so it stretches at least to September if not later.
Baby Cakes
Gabby Gums Story about Cake twins (? Possibly out sequence) is in the second week of Ponyville Confidential, so the Cake twins have been born & this must have been in August because AJ is in the first part (birth at the hospital), so the twins' birth must be before nobody sees AJ for 2 weeks. However, Pinkie writes a Friendship Letter, so "a month later"
must be after Lesson Zero
Applebuck Season
mid August for start of harvest?
(Wikipedia says "maybe")
Bloom helps herding sheep (ICR which episode) but not with the cattle stampede. Maybe they are just too big for her, or maybe she's in school. The problem is that before the second part, Twilight says that nobody has seen AJ for 2 weeks. This means that it's either after Lesson Zero or it overlaps at least 1, maybe 2 episodes.The problem with THAT is that, in the first 3 seasons there are only 4 episodes without AJ as at least a background pony

Putting Your Hoof Down

Fluttershy writes the letter. No help.

Hearts & Hooves Day
Pony Valentine's Day. Mac isn't injured. No help
Hurricane Fluttershy
Fluttershy writes the letter. No help.
Stare Master
Fluttershy meets the CMCs, so after Call of the Cutie
This has to be during ABS. Either 2nd or 3rd weekend in August
If you assume that Twilight wrote about the stampede,
(even though it's not specified) then that covers August.
otherwise, Apple Buck Season has to be after Lesson Zero
& the timing is (probably) too tight for that.
Lesson Zero
Must be after Apple Buck Season part 2 & Call of the Cutie but before Baby Cakes part 2 (Pinkie writes Letter)
Ticket Master
Twilight helps Apple Jack, so it's after Applebuck Season
Fluttershy says she is Spring cleaning &
Twilight replies "It's Summer", so before September 21 & probably before the end of August
Dash describes her proposed Gala routine & does NOT mention doing a Rainboom, so before Sonic Rainboom (this is a continuity error or the Rainboom is in September)

Edited by sweetolebob18
mostly grammer corrections, minor editing
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  • 3 months later...
  On 2017-11-12 at 12:59 AM, sweetolebob18 said:



Sorry for the late reply, I forgot to follow this thread.

Really well though-out timeline! I might want to try my hand at figuring out the exact dates in the future, but chances are it wouldn't be possible to fit all the episodes in, since making sure the timeline makes sense has never really been a priority for the writers.


Thanks a ton bro!! I'm gonna bing MLP using this order!! And it's for ALL the seasons!! You're a lifesaver bro!!


Thank you! :) Be sure to tell me if you come across any continuity errors in my chronology.

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@Starshine Sprinkles

Not to burst your bubble, but MLP Wiki already had made a fictional chronology of the series.

Still, yours is an interesting variation.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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  On 2018-02-22 at 7:48 PM, MegaSean45 said:

Iunno, this one seems more accurate than the wiki's.


@Starshine Sprinkles

But the show was never meant to have iron-clad continuity.

This method the OP made could easily takes away the freedom the fandom would have with writing their own interpretations of how events played out.

Still, As long as you're not forcing people to accept nothing but YOUR time line as canon, and let people choose whether to follow it or make their own time lines, I won't stop you.

You guys can understand that, right?

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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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  On 2018-02-22 at 8:03 PM, WiiGuy2014 said:

@Starshine Sprinkles

But the show was never meant to have iron-clad continuity.

This method the OP made could easily takes away the freedom the fandom would have with writing their own interpretations of how events played out.

Still, As long as you're not forcing people to accept nothing but YOUR time line as canon, and let people choose whether to follow it or make their own time lines, I won't stop you.

You guys can understand that, right?


Of cour snot! Believe whatcha wanna believe! ;) Till the show says otherwise, anything's possible!

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@MegaSean45 I haven't watched the leaks so I didn't know about the throne room, but that's really cool that the design change from the movie will make it into the show! I will probably have to place Movie Magic and Mirror Magic a bit earlier then (unless the girls like going to the beach in the middle of winter). :P

@WiiGuy2014 Of course you're free to follow whichever chronology you want. Sorry if I came across like thinking mine was the 'correct' version, and thank you for your feedback! :)

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This is pretty cool, especially seasons 1 and 2. :grin:

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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  On 2018-02-22 at 8:03 PM, WiiGuy2014 said:

@Starshine Sprinkles

But the show was never meant to have iron-clad continuity.

This method the OP made could easily takes away the freedom the fandom would have with writing their own interpretations of how events played out.

Still, As long as you're not forcing people to accept nothing but YOUR time line as canon, and let people choose whether to follow it or make their own time lines, I won't stop you.

You guys can understand that, right?


I freely admit, my continuity is merely my thoughts on the matter & is no more binding on anyone than they choose to allow it to be. It's just what I think makes sense

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I like this. I think it's pretty good. The problem with MLP is the later seasons when the ponies act like it's been years since the first episode... hell years since season 4... and it's a bit hard to believe the first 3 seasons is within a year.

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  On 2018-02-26 at 4:47 PM, Kadeda said:

I like this. I think it's pretty good. The problem with MLP is the later seasons when the ponies act like it's been years since the first episode... hell years since season 4... and it's a bit hard to believe the first 3 seasons is within a year.


Yeah, it's hard to say for sure how much time has passed. I'd say it's largely up to personal preference, since most references to the passage of time are vague enough to allow for several different interpretations. I prefer having time pass as slowly as possible to make the lack of visible aging (most notably for the Cake twins) less jarring.

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You worked pretty hard on this and it is very respectable, but I personally refuse to believe the seasons are intertwined. I think episodes within a season can take place out of order but not the whole series.

I think 1-7 is about 5 years, with time between episodes rapidly increasing post season 5, we had a timeskip of months in a single season 7 episode.


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My thoughts on "When were the Seasons?"

Episode 1 started "2 days until the Summer Sun Celebration" (the longest day of the year) IRL, that's June19 (The Summer solstice being June 21). So, that's June 19, year 1. S4 started with Princess Twilight. Celestia says it's 2 days until the Summer Sun Celebration. She strongly implies (but does NOT explicitly state) that this is the first Celebration since Luna's return. So, 1 year to the day since S1 E1, June 19, year 2 (if you accept "the first 3 seasons were 1 year"). As I said, this is tight but mathematically  possible.

All S4 episodes have to be between Magical Mystery Cure (S3 E13) and Twilight's Kingdom (S4 E25 & E26). This is because Twilight is an alicorn but living in the library. S4 can't possibly be mixed in with any other year. In S5 Scaremaster is on Nightmare Night (Oct 31, year 2). Allowing for the S5 season premiere & Castle Sweet Castle (probably the first 3 episodes), this means that Twilight's Kingdom is no later than the second or third week in October, year 2. (Oddly enough, several S5 episodes are important clues as to the dates of earlier episodes). So, S4 is June19, year 2 to mid October, year 2. S5 starts the third or fourth  week in October, year 2


S8 references the events of the MLP movie. This means S5 - S7 are before the movie & might be mixed like the first 3 seasons (I haven't even started to look). S8 clearly takes place later.


I almost forgot. If you accept Equestria Girls as canon, the first movie has to be between Magical Mystery Cure and Princess Twilight because Twilight is an alicorn but the Elements of Harmony have not yet been returned to the Tree of Harmony. This means that it ends no later than the night of June 18, year 2 because Twilight is crowned on June 19, year 2 in part 1 of Princess Twilight

Edited by sweetolebob18
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  • 7 months later...

Season 8 ended on October 13th(3 days after the 8th anniversary of when mlpfim aired on tv and also is the 35th anniversary of when mlp aired on tv in the 80s). Can't wait til the final season for G4 of mlp to air to tv and also for G5 of mlp to air on tv as well.

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  • 3 months later...

First, thank you for this detail.


Second, S8 is basically one school year at a much less frequent rate of episodes (instead of 30-50 episodes in a year, it's about 25).


This timeline gives us about 4 years for the full series so far, and does so nicely, only at the expense of a significantly higher rate of episode shuffling / season border crossing. It might help a bit if you make the year separations significantly more clear.


What I see: Year 1 is seasons 1-3. Year 2 is seasons 4-5. The end of 5/start of 6 is a little muddled ("little"? ha).

Season 6/7 is a little more than year 3, also a bit of year 4 (basically all of the summer vacation), leaving season 8 starting at the start of the school year 4.


I like this.

If the CMC's have the "late birthday curse", they would be 7 going on 8 at the start of the series, and then 11 going on 12 at the end of 8. These would be like children whose birthday is just after the deadline, who feel like they are a year behind other children in school.


Yea. End of season 8, 11 going on 12, wanting to study more advanced magic ...


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