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What is the most trouble you got into at school?


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I've always been a good kid. The closest I've gotten to actually getting in trouble is when I got sent to the principle's office when MY FRIEND airdropped pictures of Trump to the whole school off of MY iPad. Everyone thought it was me for a while, but he confessed.^_^


MLP Forums' own PUNK ROCK pony!

Alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, and a lil’ bit of emo. ;) 

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I was mostly a good student throughout elementary and middle school, but there was this one time where I got into an argument with the bus driver and called him a dickhead.
That was my first and only school suspension.

In retrospect, I wish I had been a little more rebellious. Cause there was a lot of dickheads that deserved to get their teeth knocked out.

Edited by Jack of All Spades


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I've been a good lad majority of my time in school, key word is majority. I'd almost never get in trouble and I'd follow the rules, but then I became a Sophomore. Once the second semester started I didn't show up for school for another two weeks. I didn't like going to that school and I was suppose to get into an online class, but it never happened. Once I returned I was pulled aside and forced to write a 5 paragraph paper on why I didn't show up and what I'd do to fix it. That annoyed me, but I did it anyways, and I was told I could never take another day off from school. One day I got sick and couldn't show up, and my mother didn't inform the school... so I got in trouble again, though with my truancy history they didn't believe me. So they took me out of class, made me wait 20 minutes in a office just so I could beg for my credits in front of the principle and school councilor. I told it to them straight, I'm not begging for my credits, and you're wasting my time. So they took away my credits, and in return I stopped giving a fuck about school. Which is why I went to a charter school for my Senior year in high school... probably the best decision I'd ever made, though I had to work my ass off to make up for that mistake I made two years prior. Eventually I did, despite people telling me it would be impossible, but I graduated with my class on time.


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Getting into fights..i have to admit I kinda miss these simple days.

  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Me and my friends spray painted several walls with our tagger names and other grafitti on school grounds. We eventually got caught and my parents had to pay for the damages (it wasn't that much)

We also used to ride our skateboards inside the halls quite a lot.

But, I mean come on... live a little. :rarity:

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  • Skateboarding 
  • coming 1 hour late to school.They said I was "Skipping"
  • arguing with other classmates
  • graffiti in textbooks and on desks 
  • profanity
  • wearing a shirt that had the F-word on it 
  • Listening to music in class
  • I was supposedly involved in a small minor food fight that involved raisins and baby carrots.

this one is the most stupidest. 

  • I wore a Iron Maiden "The Trooper" T-shirt to free dress day and they made me call my mom to bring me a new shirt to wear because it was "too Violent" "bloody" and "gruesome"
Edited by Messy Mane


Avatar drawn by me, Signature by @Gone Airborne

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I been homeschooled my entire life, so. :P But because I'm the type of person who hates rules, I can see myself get into trouble for rebelling against what the teacher tells me to do, or whatever other type of stupid rules they have at public school. I'm glad I get to do school at home, that way I can do whatever I want. Heck I could even do school in my pajamas if I wanted to. 

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1 hour ago, Lucky Bolt said:

I been homeschooled my entire life, so. :P But because I'm the type of person who hates rules, I can see myself get into trouble for rebelling against what the teacher tells me to do, or whatever other type of stupid rules they have at public school. I'm glad I get to do school at home, that way I can do whatever I want. Heck I could even do school in my pajamas if I wanted to. 

You're lucky...

I'm often threatened with suspension (exclusion) and have been given countless detentions

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welp, this kid i went to school with, told his friend to kick him enough to leave a bruise then, he went over to the teacher and, told her that i did it.

It was resolved in the end but, still...

That kid had a grudge against me since elementary. Needless to say, he went too far by trying "out to get me" tactic.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Me and this one kid stayed outside after everyone went in for recess. We played on this little ice patch at the edge of the playground, and I think it took about an hour for them to find us, and boy where they livid. When we were brought in, the principle came to scold us and both me and him (other kid) cried. This was in kindergarten, though, long long time ago. I can't remember anything major after that, our schools weren't the best at punishment other than detentions nobody showed up to. I'm still not much of a troublemaker anyway, not worth the results.

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Well, I once got involved with a good fight during the last week of school. Actually, it was more of a food war than anything. Mash potato and carrots being thrown everywhere! Someone actually threw a soda can at the principal... than blamed me. I guess that I deserved that, me and my friends were one of the first to start it 

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Apologies for how lengthy this is, I have a habit of too much exposition or whatever. If you want just the worst the worst that I've done, please skip to the bottom part in red.

In middle school we had what was called the "Steps" program. Basically if you did something wrong, the teacher would put you on steps which was time out. There were 5 steps in total. Steps 1 through 3 were basically the same thing, theoretically the higher the step the longer the time you stood facing a wall, but there was no set time. Step 4 meant you went to the principal's office and your parents would be called down to have a chat. Step 5 was in school suspension.

Five different times I was put on steps stick out to me. I was on step 1 once for commenting during an earthquake drill where we evacuated the building, that our position near some power lines were dangerous and could result in the deaths of students should they happen to fall on us if this were the real thing. The teacher considered that inappropriate rather than insightful.

Another time I was put on step 1, and I was never provided a reason despite asking for one. The day had ended and I was grabbing my things from my locker. A kid I had recently befriended and evidently had mental issues, came up behind me, grabbed either end of the scarf I was wearing, pressed his knee into my back and began to choke me, while there was a teacher behind us. I managed to turn back and make direct eye contact with her but I couldn't say anything. She takes a step forward, he let's go and runs down the hall way. So I guess I was in trouble for being a potential strangle victim. If we were put on steps by a teacher that wasn't our own or while going through the hallway, we were written up and given a ticket of sorts to pass on to our next teacher. I promptly ripped that one up.

And yet another time that stands out were when I had clipped some skin in my binder, and in response to the pain I yelled ouch. My teacher happened to have been speaking and for interrupting, told me to go face the wall. I attempted to explain what happened, and was put on step 2. I continued in earnest, asking for a Band-Aid, but was bumped up to step 3.

I was also put on step 3, but this was for defending other students. We had a substitute teacher that day, who was overly strict.  She had more than 6 kids facing the wall who had received no warning, or hadn't actually broken set rule. I called her out for this, and although I can't fully remember, I might have raised my hand before doing so. She of course did not take this insubordination lightly, and had me face the wall as well. I continued and stated I was fully aware of the consequences, which is why I stopped when placed at step 3. The next day our regular teacher returned and we explained what had happened and all was forgiven.

The final account that stands out to me, was when a janitor put me and my friends on steps. Now normally I feel bad for janitors, they have enough to deal with, including the likes of this other group of kids that sat at our lunch table, who would always make a huge mess of spilt food and beverages, a heaping pile of trash and goopy mixtures, it was disgusting, and they did this everyday. Now I'd normally feel bad for school's janitors, that was until this one decided to punish us, and learning that they didn't actually clean the restrooms. They'd go in and replace soap and toilet paper, or clean up explosive diarrhea or a flooding toilet, but nothing beyond an emergency. The other kids had left to go play outside but we were still seated. He told us to clean up their mess or face the wall. We weren't going anywhere near that shit, and since we weren't the ones responsible for it, we explained how it was those other kids and they always do this, but he wouldn't hear us out, so steps it was.

We also had what was called the "Make Your Day" system which had you state at the end of each class how many points you felt you deserved out of 45 I think it was. If the teacher had any grievances with your answer they could deduct points, and the same applied to other students but this was rarely used. At the end of the day the teacher would check to see how many points you had earned and if you were below a certain amount, you would recieve detention which was spending recess against a wall or scrubbing tables in the cafeteria which I did voluntarily in exchange for a free cookie B)

Now the power to deduct points from fellow students like I said, was rarely used, except by one girl. She abused this constantly, up to 10 kids in a single class, and primarily because they annoyed her in some way. She was able to justify this by means of claiming they were distracting her from her work, but this was hardly the case, and was seen as a betrayal to the student body. So with an overwhelming majority of kids having become sick of this, she has points deducted by almost every single student over the course of a week, and this was in no way organized, other than a mutual understanding that no one wanted her to make her day. We deducted points as we saw fit, some deducting a few, others deducting the maximum which I think was 20. This upset her so much that she broke out crying. From here on the teacher forbade abuse of the points system, and so everyone, the girl included, stopped doing this. Now that's not me getting in trouble, but I thought it was worthy of sharing.

I was actually on this thing called the "Make Your Day Committee", which discussed how effective the steps and points were in keeping the school orderly, and what ways we could improve upon it. A log would be taken down of what we said and be given to the principal and superintendent for consideration. Nothing ever came of it until I had moved on to high school and I heard the news that they had abolished both. However being dissatisfied with the lack of action during my tenure, I took the childish route of petty revenge.

Now these have all been pretty tame and I've provided reasoning for my actions, however many times I was put on steps because I talked in class a lot. But the there's two things I should have gotten in trouble for. The first being that in elementary school, I brought a dead rat. don't worry, I had picked it up by turning a gallon zip lock bag inside out and then turning it bag in, sealing it. I thought it was a cool thing, dead animals can be fascinating to a child, and so I thought why not share my discovery with my friend sat school. A teacher caught me outside with it on the playground before school even started, and it was thrown away and I sent to the principles office where they called my mother. In the end they just sent me to class and there was no punishment. It's probably on my record though. :lol:

Now during the final week of middle school, I took my revenge. It wasn't exactly spectacular or focused, but I'm sure it made everyone scratch their heads. Over the course of that year, I would take extra spoons from the cafeteria, and I saved them up till I had a total of 500. I was only able to bring about half of them, but I went to the cafeteria restroom which wasn't often used, and I dumped them into the toilet well beyond piling over the rim and calmly walked out after flushing. The only people I told immediately were two friends, one a grade lower and the other two, so them and whoever first found the mountain of toilet spoons were able to spread the news of what had happened. I never got caught, and a search was never made. You'd think some sort of announcement would occur, but nope. So I never got in trouble. Not like they could do much anyways. Grades were already final and I would be moving on to the next level of education. One of my more random and proud moments.

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When my teacher told me that ! got a C in math, and then on the report card, the C was gone. Crisis 'averted'.

All of right-thinking humanity is on my side. Sandwiches are meant to be cut in half. You would never, unless under extreme duress or madness cut a hot dog in half. Picture yourself at a ball park, or even at a restaurant, cutting a hot dog and you will feel an instinctive, entire repulsion at the very thought of it. You can get a soup with a half sandwich, but you’d never serve a half hot dog with a soup. It’s the equivalent of cutting a pizza with a knife and fork. Pashman says anything “sandwiched is a sandwich.” He’s using the derivative verb to describe the sandwich, so he is proving the premise with itself; it is a complete logical fallacy. I hope they’ll openly boo him.

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I was five years old. I wrote my name on my chair with chalk, and my teacher made me a) spend a lunch time in the principals office and b ) spend a separate lunchtime cleaning the chair

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1.  I failed a state test on purpose twice when the vice principal kicked out a friend of mine when she found out she was pregnant.   They had to call in my mom and have a talk with me,   and I still refused to take the test.    

2. I walked out on a teacher when a friend needed me in the middle of class. 


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  • 3 years later...

I took a nap on a field trip and let my former friend use my "new and just released Nintendo DS" of which is promptly found the chat room thing and bullied/joked/made a butt of himself and others apparently, under my name from what I gathered. No one said anything or had any problem for about a week then he disappears(from school, not abducted or anything, just pulled) and his mother has an issue with that event. A big issue. 

Many apology papers, an awkward apologize one by one thing to the entire grade in the hall, was automatically dismissed from any event, such as watching a movie on the last days of school and desert at lunch, and they tried detention before school but I never showed up as I live 2 hours away and was getting up at 5AM as it was, and a "electric  bullying " rule nicknamed after me and brought up, by nickname, in every assembly and rule discussion for about 6 years.

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