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What cheers you up the most?

joe mama

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The things that cheer me up the most are:


- Playing video games

- Talking and hanging out with friends

- Watching anime

- Watching MLP episodes and videos

- Watching funny and random videos

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Here are some things that cheer me up when I am feeling down:

  • Visiting my friends
  • Taking naps
  • Shopping
  • My favorite dishes
  • Playing my favorite video games
  • Funny YouTube videos
  • Watching anime or my other favorite television shows
  • Baby animals

In all honesty, it doesn't take me very long to get out of a depressed feeling (depending on the situation, of course). But I find that the above things make me feel better a bit faster than other things.

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The biggest thing for me is a movie with a heartwarming ending. Something like that can cheer me up for days at a time. Other than that, some good inspirational or happy music is sometimes a good pickmeup. Hearing Together Forever or Calypso after work always gets me in a positive attitude.

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Talking with my boyfriend always puts me in a wonderful mood. <3 Of course talking with good friends does as well.


Another thing is being reminded of my joys. Seeing things that remind me of things that I like, like a favorite game of mine or something similar, that tends to bring my spirits up. Having a nice meal with some videos is another thing that tends to make me happy. ^-^ The simple joys are the best joys.

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Here in the forums, probably When I get randomly mentioned or quoted in a thread...I love it and puts me in a great mood <3



> hanging out with my girlfriend.<3

> The grilling and eating of steaks*drool*

> Playing theme songs of TV shows on my guitar.

> receiving a package from online shopping.

> beating friends in basketball.

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Chatting and laughing with friends/family (mainly my brother)

Listening to the rain and taking walks outside

Petting my cat

Drawing or just doodling aimlessly

Watching shows I enjoy

Trawling tumblr endlessly to feed my obsession with the shows I enjoy

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When I play Smash Bros past midnight, I fight so many players who are better than me and I get so salty, and let me tell you that I've never felt worse in my life. When I feel this way, MLP Forums tends to cheer me up quite a bit, or I sometimes try to chat with my friend on Discord. If I'm tired, I'll take a nap.

Edit: Wtf Smash Bros was the worst I felt in my life wtf

Edited by gamecubeguy214
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It seems singing pokemon songs can help me cheer up.. :) Yay for pokemon^^


I think i should get more into pokemon when i'm not happy. I've known a lot of sweet pokemon fans in the past and overall have fun memories of the whole franchice :)

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The mere fact of being able to talk to some people that can bring a smile to my face is enough to cheer me up. I have never been an easy-to-cheer-up sort of person, but they almost never fail to do so, and I couldn't be more thankful p:

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My Dashie of course, and coming home to see her waiting for me. Her cute little hooves and eyes, her little tuft of chest fur.

Aside from my love, I like to troll little kids on games they shouldn't be playing like BF4 or GTA5. Or just sitting down and watching MLP: FiM.

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Music. When all else fails, music.


Whether it be listening to the right song, or playing music (like right now...). I'm focused on playing the instrument, whereas other things aren't active enough mentally so I feel upset while doing them.

Edited by 95-Wolf
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