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How open are you about who knows your a brony


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How much do you care if people know your a brony.

Who do you tell?

And what are some reactions you have gotten

Also, how common is it for you to meet other bronies

  • Brohoof 1


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Truthfully I would never ever tell anyone. I'm certainly not ashamed to be one, but I have nothing to gain by telling people and envision painful harassment in such a scenario. Just watching the show on my own is enjoyable and that's good enough for me :)

  • Brohoof 3

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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2 minutes ago, Prospekt said:

Most of my friends know. My girlfriend knows. But that's about it.

Can i ask what' up with those half slime half other thing profiles pictures like yours?

I have seen like 4 of them


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I don't really tell people upfront, since that's something that I'd like to keep private. Although if someone asks me, I won't deny it.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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9 minutes ago, meme said:

If someone asks I'll tell them

Same here, if they ask, then I'll tell them, because there's not much point in lying about it. 

A few of my friends know, and my mom and brother, and also a few of my cousins too, but overall not too many people know, but if they ever happen to ask, I wouldn't hesitate to tell them.   

Edited by King of Canterlot
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                                                    RA RA RASPUTIN

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I don't go around yelling at people's faces that I'm a brony, but most people that I'm close with know I'm a brony. No one that I've told really has any negative opinions of it or think of me less because of it. Most people that don't understand it usually just let it slide and leave it behind, they don't usually get in my face about it. (With one exception and that person being one of the close friends that I had. :dry:

  • Brohoof 2


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I let people figure it out for themselves but once they find out I don't hide it. Which made things interesting yesterday in the shop during class when I pulled in in my Rainbow Dash car. I had to explain to my instructor that there is a huge adult following to the show. After talking to me about it for like 20 minutes, he came to the realization that bronies are all around him. There's actually quite a few of them on this campus, which I find surprising seeings as how it's a technical based school. There mostly not open about it but a couple of them are and you'd think they'd catch hell for it but for the most part they don't.

  • Brohoof 1

The Tractor Pulling Brony

"2 years long, and still pulling strong"

Thank you to everyone! This has been the happiest 2 years of my life and I owe 90% of it to you guys:P.

Stay Awesome MLP Forums!!!

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58 minutes ago, donttellmum said:

How much do you care if people know your a brony.

I don't think about it much either way. 

58 minutes ago, donttellmum said:

Who do you tell?

Whoever it makes sense to tell in an organic conversation. Think about it this way. I like orange juice. It would be weird if I was talking to a stranger or friend about a football game and out of nowhere I said, "Damn I love me some OK!" Believe it or not, cartoons don't typically come up in conversation with the IRL I hang out with. 

Most of my family knows ... obviously ... cause how I became a Brony is kinda tied to them. :P

1 hour ago, donttellmum said:

And what are some reactions you have gotten

Because it's usually organic, and I'm normal and don't obsess over anything, no real reaction to speak of. My late wife made a saucy joke when I told her ... but I'll keep that to myself. 


1 hour ago, donttellmum said:

Also, how common is it for you to meet other bronies

Every day. Unless you mean people I'm not acquainted with already. Rarely. Cons and in October when the movie came out is basically it. 

34 minutes ago, donttellmum said:

Can i ask what' up with those half slime half other thing profiles pictures like yours?

I have seen like 4 of them

You may need to get that checked out. I heard that's contagious!

  • Brohoof 2



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I'm extremely open. I go to conventions and brony meetups. I wear my pony shirts and merch when I go to them. 

I post pics on my social media accounts of me at the conventions and I like/comment on posts. I sometimes post pony on my snapchat (where I have no friends who are fans of the show) 

I go to school with pony shirts and almost always have some pony necklace on. 

If it's necessary in the conversation I'm having with a stranger I'm definitely fine with it. All my social media accounts also state "I'm a brony." and sometimea also "Friendship is Magic" in my bio. 

For reactions most people are just either like "that's a thing" or "ewww (but in a joking manner)" or "I never would have guessed that you're a brony" or just curiosity about brony culture. But most of the time people just ignore me cuz like I said I wear pony shirts in public so everyone sees and just moves along. 

I would say, not including conventions and meetups, it's not common at all. Only people I ever met are just casuals and not part of the fandom. 

Edited by Misscellanio
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One the one hand hoof, I literally don't care if people know I'm a brony Pegasister. On the other hoof, I don't normally run around willy-nilly telling people what I watch. As an adult female fan, I guess I do have an advantage. People might find my cartoon and anime habits strange, (Kim Possible is my girl!) but there's little or no stigma involved.

  • Brohoof 3


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Well I mean I just told a background detective I'm a brony when he asked me what MLP Forums was sooo.... I couldn't care less. Being serious I really did tell him I'm a brony because I had to show him all social media I'm active on. Back on topic, I don't really care if people find out, but I don't go running around shouting friendship is magic.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't go around telling people that I'm a brony as that wouldn't do me any good not to mention it would make people very annoyed. I'm more comfortable with only letting a selective group know, such as my parents, for example, and pretty much no one else.

  • Brohoof 1


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Generally speaking, I tend to be rather introverted and like to keep to myself. It takes a lot to get make me open up to somebody I'm not too comfortable with yet. The only people who know that I'm a Brony are my close friends and close family.

My friends were largely overjoyed when I told them, since they had already been in the fandom before I joined.

My mother thinks it's... adorable :lie:

And my father wasn't too keen on it at first, but now lets me enjoy what I want.

  • Brohoof 3


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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My entire family knows. It makes it easier to sit down and watch it or start working on MLP projects out in the open with no judgement (my dad will always give some kind of nonchalant comment about my tastes but he just does it to get a good laugh)

Most of my co-workers know so that I can buy pony merchandise at their register if I want. It's also fun to share my tastes in Pop Culture because while thy're discussing the latest thing in Video Games and comics, they're open minded (and fully aware of how hypocritical it would be being complete nerds as well) to let me bring up pony if the conversation calls for it. They also have been great to bounce ideas off of when it comes to projects and even some topics I've posted one here. You would not believe how easy they can pick up and debate a subject like sympathic villians, redemption/reformation, or slice of life morals without ever having to see the show (usually tieing it to comics or movies they have seen):lol:

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It's just a show/movie like any other geeky thing I'm into. You'd be surprised how many "cool" people are super into anime/ponies/kids stuff. It's just a matter of being not too obsessed with one particular fandom. It scares people away if they're not already in it with you. I'm the type to bring newbies in.

  • Brohoof 1

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20 hours ago, Frosty Flames said:

THE title had wrong grammar. It’s you’re a brony not “your a brony”

You executed that joke poorly.


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At first, I didn't tell anyone and I tried to hide it. Mostly because I was afraid of what my parents would think when they found out, which they eventually did, and I got just the reaction I expected. They said they were "very concerned" about me. Eventually I got them to understand it was okay to like the show and that it had good lessons, but they still think that a great deal of people in the fandom must be gay.

After that was done, I eventually did tell some people who I thought I was close to, but most of them turned out to just be your average teenager who goes about gossiping after someone tells them a secret. So yeah, that was nice. Lots of kids who found out said things like "u r gay lol" or "that is so gay", but there is one kid I know who doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

But yeah, after those experiences, I don't tell anyone anymore unless they ask. I guess I am not the evangelistic type of brony. :D


Edited by Soren Peregrinator
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I don't usually go around shouting to all who'll listen that I'm a Pagasister, but it's no secret either. I don't have many acquaintances, so there aren't many people who'd be terribly shocked by the revelation. Those who do know me are aware that I like stuff like MLP, Strawberry Shortcake and other 'little girl' stuff. They may think it's unusual only because I have a dark outer demeanor, and it seems like a strange mix with my personality, but that's all.

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