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Introducing the 2018 MLPF World Cup


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Canterlot ==> Not Drafting

Appleoosa ==> No Coach



Rainbow Falls ==> Selects Adagio Dazzle as their pick and releases Flutterbat. 


Instantly creating a nifty Sunset and Adagio connection. 

Good pick @Ganondorf8 I'll make the changes now. 

Sweet Apple Acres ==> On the clock




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44 minutes ago, Ganondorf8 said:


It was either Adagio or Sonata but I decided to go with my first choice, namely Adagio.

If I wasn't on vacation this week I would totally make a picture scene for this! I knew you would make that choice and I'm glad you didn't drop Sweetie Belle for it. Your team is stronger than ever now!:blink:

  • Brohoof 3
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3 hours ago, KH7672 said:

If I wasn't on vacation this week I would totally make a picture scene for this! I knew you would make that choice and I'm glad you didn't drop Sweetie Belle for it. Your team is stronger than ever now!:blink:

I prefer Fluttershy to Flutterbat personally but something about Sweetie Belle prompted me to keep her on Sunset's team. I did consider releasing Sweetie Belle but I decided to go with what my heart was saying resulting in my decision.

  • Brohoof 2


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A shadowy figure looks over the many islands with an appraisal of master surveying his charges. He had no fear of staying hidden, though he knew that no creature would be able to see him. Any of these fools could accidentally gaze in his direction, true, but Grogar knew that their eyes would fail. They would not see the being bathed in darkness, but they would feel him. Fear. Sadness. Overwhelming and traumatizing. Those unlucky enough to feel his presence have, on occasion, been driven to madness. He considered it a shame there were so few unlucky ones. He considered his quarry, frivolous as they were weak, and planned. His thoughts were cold and deliberate. 


They still haven't realized. Sad really. 

Discord, Tirek, Chrysalis, even Sombra ... all of them failed precisely because they were impatient. The pathetic pretenders do not understand the glorious beauty of strategy. I can feel each of these souls greatest fears and weaknesses. The strongest of them, fears losing her friends. Good. Arranging that will be trivial ... albeit satisfying. 


He smiled, brief and ever so slightly. Soon all will dwell in darkness and his Tambalon will rise. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Victory is not assured. My cult shall not make its move unless our true enemy sheds its shell of invincibility. There is nothing more to be learned here. We shall meet again once all the strands of destiny are cut under the blind eye of a black moon. In the end, I lied. The names of those I represent cannot be found in equine tomes of current pasts, presents, or futures.

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With his draft pick Hollow Shades elects to release Stygian for .... 






By all that is good and pure .... 




That means that team has a demonic rock, Sombra, and Grogar the Necromancer. 





  • Brohoof 1



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I've been cast out... again. 

It's no use, is it? 

It doesn't matter what I do... no matter what lengths and dark powers I'm willing to stoop to, I must not be worthy enough for anything. 
Rejection once was bad enough, but happening twice makes me believe this
is the lot in life I'm destined to shoulder. 


...I guess it's apparent now, I really don't belong anywhere. 



Nonsense, Stygian. You cannot deem your worth based on who is selected for this... "contest", for all we know what it is. And It may not be apparent to you right away, but you do belong with us, contest or not.


...As a worthy ally and a friend.

No contest can dictate that to you.

[OPTIONAL: Fitting music track, FF4, Suspicion]


More important, however, I can't help but have a dread feeling about this beast who has displaced you... 
I sense some quite sinister air about him, it has me feeling quite uneasy.

You have forsaken the darkness, you would do well to stay away from them... lest it somehow ensnare you again.

Edited by Toastypk
  • Brohoof 5
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Y'all understand that Sweet Apple Acres is going to win this contest, right? I mean, you are looking at the best Buckball coach in Equestria. :mlp_smug:

Waitaminnut .... 

Where's my cutie mark? Starlight! You mind explaining this? 

  • Brohoof 1
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1 hour ago, Applejack said:

Y'all understand that Sweet Apple Acres is going to win this contest, right? I mean, you are looking at the best Buckball coach in Equestria. :mlp_smug:

Waitaminnut .... 

Where's my cutie mark? Starlight! You mind explaining this? 


You have no equal sign so it's probably my fault. :P




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2 hours ago, Applejack said:

Y'all understand that Sweet Apple Acres is going to win this contest, right? I mean, you are looking at the best Buckball coach in Equestria.

Wonder how much use the best Buckball coach in Equestria will be when the MLPF World(s) cup is being waged under..... under....

Wait, what sport is the cup? I know it ain't Buckball. We don't have enough Unicorns. 

Heck, what sport was the last cup even?


I always presumed that this was going to be a six mare, stallion, pony, dragon, human person/creature openweight trios tag team tornado elimination gauntlet style Marquess of Queensberry rules round robin grappling tournament?

Or to put it in countryism terms, a good ol' fashioned 'rasslin match.  At least it better be. 


I've already commissioned championship belts to be minted.... 


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Y'know, we can shave about a week off this endeavor if we just skip all the NPC teams. That would only leave another week remaining for the rest of the draft, at most. 

We could also speed this up by PMing the seven remaining teams as to whether they'll even draft or not. Eliminate the ones that say no or don't respond after a day. 

Heck, we could go even faster if every team left just states who they'll draft at once. And if two teams want the same character, then we'll let whomever's first in the order take precedence. 

We can work this out. 

  • Brohoof 1

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