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Finding your next best friend

Swick (ded)

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You know what, I may as well do this too.


Name: Yufery


Age: 18


Gender: Male


Country: USA


Likes: Cartoons, technology, video games, books, RP (To name a few, anyways)


Dislikes: Bigoted people, stereotyping, badly made things.


Hobbies: Writing, drawing, video games, cartoons.


Other Info: I'm just a guy looking to see if there's someone who shares his interests, so I mean feel free to message me if you want to talk!

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I draw fan art (and crossovers) of MLP, Undertale, Gravity Falls, Homestuck, and more! If you're interested, check out my Deviantart, Tumblr, and Twitter!




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Name: PsychoTwi or Marco.


Age: 21


Gender: Male


Country: Germany


Likes: Dc Comics Media, Horror Games, Creepypasta, Horror Films, My Little Pony G1-4, Enigma, Eurodance, Metal Arms, One Piece, Anime, Furrys, Marvel Media and Worms.


Dislikes: Rap ( not every rap, but the most ) , this stupid shortcuts for sentences , Anti-Bronies, ( i dont hate people that dislike mlp, thats totally fine ) Gangsta ( or people who constantly want to speak like gangsta, as they say...i dont get it, i just think its stupid ) , beer and cigarettes.


Hobbies: Drawing, sometimes ( never ) animate, making music, collect things.


Other Info:  I have a complete collection of all Amityville Films, i am a Veteran of the Worms videogame series, from Worms to Worms Open Warfare 2 with always 100 percent completion and rank and my Dc Collection goes from 1940 to 1974 with some cartoons from 1979 as well.


Also i am shy.Very shy.

Edited by PsychoTwi
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Sig made by Kyoshi

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Name: Jónas Rafnar Jónasson (JonasDarkmane)


Age: 18


Gender: Male :)


Country: Iceland B)


Likes: Video games, books, history, Puck <3, basketball, politics, RPing, drawing :yay:


Dislikes: Homophobes, fakers, unnecessarily mean people, bullies >_>


Hobbies: Reading history, playing basketball, playing games, drawing, talking with people :D


Other Info: I am just another user, nothing special about me :adorkable:, no one wants to be my friend anyway, but I am ok with that :icwudt:. If you are actually interested, you can PM if you want, I am always open for a PM. Not that I am expecting one since I am probably not a likeable person ;).









I am going to be reposting this ^w^

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Name: Rosa


Age: 19


Gender: Female


Country: USA


Likes: Pizza, being funny, dancing, talking


Dislikes: Garlic, people being mean to others, bugs


Hobbies: Sports, Art, Swimming, Writing, Reading


Other Info: I put myself down too much, is tomboyish, and that's all I think :|

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Anna


Age: 15


Gender: Female


Country: Germany


Likes: Weapons, Music (Rap, Rock and Trap mixes), Drawing, Arguing :P


Dislikes: When people act dumb to try to be funny


Hobbies: Drawing, Singing, Dancing, Shooting, Hunting,


Other info: im really REALLY shy (sometimes i even think people judge my breathing) so i usually am not the first person to start a conversation

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Name: Alex (or Pixel! :D)


Age: 16


Gender: Male!


Country: Britain ^-^


Likes: Baking, reading, writing, watching cartoon horses, youtube, music, singing, and video games! 


Dislikes: Arguing, busy places, new places, and homophobia (or just discrimination in general).


Hobbies: Oh, wait, I'm not meant to put my hobbies into 'likes'? Well oops. 


Other info: I always like to talk to people! I'm terrible at remembering to come on here though, so my KIK and Snapchat is AlexIsntDead, and my Skype is killerkirby247 :D I'm gay, and I don't go to sleep til 2am on most nights. Also, I can fit an entire apple in my mouth. I'm a new furry as well. Come talk to me! :D 

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Name:  I won't give that out so easily, kappa. 


Age:  21, I know I'm old...


Gender:  Male


Country: Ireland


Likes: Used to like mlp, but kind of grew out of it since no one around me likes it, so I kinda of bounced off that negativity and now I don't really like it. But I did some horror fanfics of it in the early years that I did like it. 


Dislikes: Anyone who wants to start a flame war with me, you do anything to set me off, you can be damn sure I'll be throwing it back at you twice as hard. I'm no one's bitch. Anyone who judges, who has a short fuse, who snaps too easily, who gives me a hard time about the stuff that I like, etc, the list goes on-- but I digress. 


Hobbies: fanfic author, artwork editor, critic, hopefully to one day make a horror game which involves my OC. 



Other Info: Pretty much all you need to know about me, I'm just here to make friends :) don't taze me though bro....

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name: my real name is Angel but I'm normally called shy


Age: 19


Gender: male


Country: united states


Likes: Animals, Music, sweets, and cats


Dislikes: Scary stuff


Hobbies: spending time with my pets, listening to music, Sleeping


other: I'm really shy

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Name: Not telling (not yet)

Age: 17

Gender: male

County: Finland

Likes: MLP, music, games, documents, listening/reading/watching conspiracy theories/theories about anything really, Mythology

Dislikes: liars, bullies, peoples who hurts others, ''I'm perfect'' peoples, etc.  

Hobbies: gaming, listening music.
Other: It might take a while me to start truly trusting somebody.
I like to talk with people.
Edited by The Cerberus
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“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Name: Just call me Pi


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Country: Brazil


Likes: Digital art, jazz and pones


Hobbies: Drawing from time to time


Other Info: I'm always trying to be kind and I respect everyone's opinions.

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(My profile picture originates from a drawing by mirroredsea on DeviantArt)

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I'll repost here :D


Name: Elias


Age: 15 (16 next month)


Gender: Male


Country: Sweden


Likes: Drawing, Music, People and gaming, The usual :P


Dislikes:.... Spiders? Otherwise i'm fine with most thing.


Hobbies: I draw (I have art in high school as well), Gaming (League of legends mostly), Anime and music.


Other: The main reason i'm posting this is because i'm looking for some new LoL buddies on EUW to play with :) My summoner name is "Kurwi Cruki" and my Skype is "Ponyshiro" so feel free to add me :)

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Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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I'll just do a paragraph :P I'm Heather , 20, Ohio. I have a lovely family , boyfriend , and best friend . But I'm hoping to name a new brony best friend . If you're under 18, as I tend to stay away from friend requests , cuz I'm just just not quiet comfortable . Seventeen is fine but 18 and up usually. I am in the USA. I am autistic , like mlp, anime, manga, reading, writing, and want to get into RPGs .

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Gonna post here again.



Name: RattPitt. I prefer to use an alias rather than my real name. If you had my name, you'd want to use an alias, too.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Location: Idaho, USA (It does in fact exist, and people do live there.)



-Music of pretty much every genre. I'm always on the lookout for new music to listen to. You're free to PM me any music you find. Listing my favorite musicians would take a long time, so just send me anything.

-Video games. My favorite series are Assassin's Creed and Fallout.

-Writing. I've got a FiMFiction account. My best (according to readers and me) is Fly on the Wall, followed by its sequel In Sheep's Clothing.

-Animations, whether they're cartoons, anime, or come from the internet. My favorite cartoon is easily Friendship is Magic.

-Movies. I can't name my favorite movie, but my favorite director is Quentin Tarentino. I've also got a fondness for silent films.



-Repetition for pretty much anything.

-Anything poorly written.

-Extremely nosy people. On that note, being constantly talked to. That doesn't mean I don't ever like being talked to.


Other: I don't really have any brony friends. Sure, I've got friends that are into MLP, but none of them call themselves bronies. If anybody's willing to change that, go ahead.


I'm also an aspiring voice actor. I don't consider myself one yet. I haven't been in any projects yet and I'm unable to at the moment. I don't have anything to record my voice. I've heard a lot of positive comments about my voice, even from a voice actor, specifically Lee Tockar.

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I'll play!


Name: Simstat

Age: 6 hours old

Country: Aussie! (soon to be Yankee-land)


* shooting (pistol: IPSC, service) (shotgun: trap, tactical) (Rifle: long range precision, service)

* spotlighting

* outdoor-isy stuff

* Hapkido

* counter terrorism studies/justice studies

* Dogs!


* loud places/people

* romantic comedies

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Name: North 


Age: 13


Gender: Male


Country: US (In California)


Likes: Anything that comes from Apple.


Dislikes: The sound that Velcro makes.


Hobbies: Flight Simulator X, and anything about planes


Other Info: I'm shy soooooooooooo...

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Name: Ross


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Country: U.S.A (Florida)


Likes: Pones, Anime, Video Games of all shapes and sizes, Music of all shapes and sizes, Dexter, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Computers, Roleplaying, Rapidly Changing Conversation (Conversation with topics that change a lot), People who can put up with my attention span, Reading, this emoji  :love:


Dislikes: Math, Rice, Spiders, Hater potaters, People who can't put up with my attention span, boring conversation, 


Hobbies: Gaming, Reading, Breathing,  Rapidly Changing Conversation


Other Info: I have ADHD, so if you can deal with that, or also have it, I'm your guy! I also support the LGBT community. I'm not a hardcore gamer (I'm not very good at them tbh) and I'm not an artist. I can't draw at all. I make frequent John Cena jokes. I have a serious passion for ramen noodles.


My PSN is Rossman01, on ps3.

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Alabaster (Main OC)


It's not about how many pizzas you have, it's about the quality of each slice.

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I already feel awkward..Welp, here we go.


Name: Let's go with Tech for now


Age: 18(Nearly 19)


Gender: Male


Likes: MLP(I know, right?), Doctor Who, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, YouTube, drawing, music, movies, hugs, and pretty much anything cute


Dislikes: Bugs, death(makes me shiver, good thing I can regenerate!), puppets, boring-ness(that is a word now), people who can't hold a conversation, waiting, being ignored, and being left behind


Hobbies: Drawing, making videos, waiting for people to respond to my messages


Other Info: I can tend to be kind of awkward and shy when it comes to new people. I guess it's because I don't get a lot of conversation on a regular basis. I've lost a lot of friends, so it's a bit hard for me to fully trust right away. BUT, I do love to talk, and I'm a silly goofball person thingy..so it balances out.


So that's me. Feel free to send a message my way :D

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Welp, what can I put here? Well I'm a YouTuber. My channel, Diddle Box, is over here



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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Hasna


Age: 15 (almost 16 )


Gender: Female


Country: The netherlands (Holland)


Likes: games,youtube,movies, series, most of the internet and being lazy 


Dislikes: overrated stuff, that kinda 'you have to be a hipster thing'


Hobbies: games, watching youtube, talking with friends


Other Info: nahh

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I guess I will post here. 


Name: Zach (derp)


Age: 13 but people mistaken me for 16 a lot. 


Country: Canada


Province: Saskatchewan (Mountain time)


Likes: MLP, South Park, Politics, Skype, learning code. 4chan (this is a hobby I keep away from people), internet, snapchat, Clash of Clans.


Dislikes: Call of Duty, mosquitoes, outside (I like being inside a lot, its because of emotional feelings), flame wars, Debates, cursing too much, and the list goes on and on. 

Edited by Zach
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signature made by myself.

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Name: Daniel (W.G.A.)


Age: 16 


Gender: Male


Country: United States (of 'Murica!)


State: North Carolina


Likes: Video Games, Movies, Creative Writing, Food, Music, Wrestling.


Dislikes: Racism, Bullying...that's about it.


Hobbies: Playing video games, watching movies, writing stories, creating documents/powerpoint presentations, listening to music. I also made a fictional nation based on a lot of things that I like and I usually tend to update things for that nation often (but I don't really consider that a hobby).


Other Info: I am Agnostic, but I treat everyone equally as any other should treat everyone. I don't care what your beliefs are as long as I have a friend...who will not get me killed. I usually tend to be on these forums a lot whenever I am not updating and posting for my fictional nation (as stated above). If anyone has any questions about my nation, I am more than happy to reply. Though an important thing to know about me is that I don't have the best memory, so I may tend to forget some things easily.

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eh i'm bored and i feel like doing dis


Name: SuperNESBrony (don't like sharing my real name cuz privacy)


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Countries: United States


Likes: MLP:FiM, Steven Universe, We Bare Bears, Thomas and Friends, Gravity Falls, Super Mario series, Sonic the Hedgehog series, Angry Video Game Nerd, Queen (band), Freedom Planet, Nintendo, Sega, Valve, Super NES, Team Fortress 2, Linux Mint, Windows 8.1, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Rarity, Gilda, Dank memes, PCs, Cats, Chicken, western animation, the list goes on.


Dislikes: Trolls, bullies, Breadwinners, Bubsy, Mr. Pickles, racism, sexism, pennies


Hobbies: Coding/programming, gaming (mainly on PC, retro and Nintendo consoles), watching cartoons, drawing, writing, thinking to myself (:P), surfing the internet.


Other info: In terms of politics, I'm more on the liberal/democratic side, although I'm not overly focused on political stuff, and my religion is agnostic. Also, I'm on a few social media sites like Twitter and Youtube, so there's that. 'bout all I can think of.


Make of that what you will.

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