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spoiler Can't Discord just like snap his fingers and destroy any antagonist?


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15 minutes ago, Jeric said:

They use Discord for jokes and gags. Not an inherently bad thing, bit it is the same arguments you see with Trek fans and Q. Q continued to make appearances because the actor was fun and he was a fan favorite, but how his powers worked were always nebulus by design.  

Q made sense though in that he was acting like a loving God/Father, guiding humanity in a certain direction without out-right forcing them. Discord arguably did this with Twilight and there's enough evidence to suggest that Discord intentionally allowed Tirek to rise to power  as a really twisted way of helping Twilight reach her full potential.

Being a literal spirit of chaos though, smiting things out of existence might actually betray his nature.

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3 minutes ago, Goat-kun said:

His internal organ, of course.


Oh, so maybe he has some biological limits. Fair enough, but as he was set to stone for almost more than a 1000 years and can literally break and fix his body parts at will, so I don't think he follow that much biology.

Edited by Totally An Admirer
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2 minutes ago, Totally An Admirer said:

Oh, so mayb3 he has some biological limits. Fair enough, but as he was set to stone for almost more than a 1000 years and can literally break and fix his body parts at will, so I don't think he follow that much biology.

How is lasagna following common sense biology?

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1 minute ago, Totally An Admirer said:

If you're referring lasagna as his internal organ, then you must see how.

You implied that he does not follow biology. I added that he does not follow biology that makes sense. Thus: lasagna.

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Maybe Discord is just too lazy to beat antagonists with finger snaps, so he allows those antagonist to ruin most of Equestria and Elements of Harmony barely save the land? hmmm hmmm :huh: :dash: :darling: :ooh:

Edited by Iam
*unnecessary "s"*
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13 hours ago, Unity said:

I feel like discord could just snap his fingers and he could teleport an antagonist away.

Is there a reason for him not to?

Simple we saw the answer in the tea party episode. Acting against his nature will kill him literally. So setting things to order on such a grand scale as that would like cost him his life or his magic. Thus he cant or wont do it. 

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10 hours ago, Goat-kun said:

You implied that he does not follow biology. I added that he does not follow biology that makes sense. Thus: lasagna.


So he follows a different kind of biology that doesn't make sense to us. Just like Q.

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6 hours ago, Totally An Admirer said:

So he follows a different kind of biology that doesn't make sense to us. Just like Q.

See what's happening? We're pitting fanon against fanon. No canon-based theories, just bullshit, that's FIM lore for you. One can't even use it against lasagna.

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  1. If Discord gets involved, the plot is over instantly. He's a literal God who can warp reality.
  2. Killing isn't in his nature. He thrives and depends on creating chaos. He was also very harsh towards Celestia for her barbaric punishment upon him in Return of Harmony and knows other ways to break them down without violence (in RoH, mixing manipulation and time).
  3. Discord stands out for his snarky, sarcastic edge and can get bored easily if things don't go his way. If Chryssie didn't kidnap Fluttershy, he won't tag along with Starlight.
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  • 5 years later...

Discord can do this...And snapping his fingers would restore peace, but also Destruction, by killing someone and creating a rip through the dimension as the Magic the antagonist would have would be absent...Something like this...And, Discord does not like killing or murdering...I mean, he said it in the comics...

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