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YouTubers You No Longer Subscribe

Jon the VGNerd

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More than I can remember. It is crazy how seemingly wonderful Youtube cahnnels can start out so good but then fall so far.

One in particular, was Markiplier. Looking back, I don't know why I was ever subscribed to him, but I was subbed when he had only 500,000 subscribers. That's it. I found his videos enjoyable for what they were, but the moment he hit that 1 million mark, everything went to total shit. He was already annoying admittedly, but after that he tripled down on being as annoying as he could possibly be. He simply tried to be as wacky as possible and it was clear that everything was about that sweet sweet youtube cash. An obvious giveaway of this was him making 15 million videos for Goat Simulator, a game that wasn't even funny in the first place. I knew then to jump ship and I know now that was the best choice, because he only got worse and worse and worse. Nowadays he is absolutely abysmal. I seen a random recommendation of a video of his and it was "Try Not to Laugh Challenge #15" and it had millions of views. Seriously? Absolutely pathetic. He has became one of the lowest of the low. He is a great example to why I find 'job elitism' in this society to be hilarious, because we have people who live a life of luxury making worthless shit like that.

I was also subscribed to penguinz0 (Notably known as Cr1tikal) for a long time. I originally found his dry as hell humor to be hilarious, especially when applied to all sorts of different games. His Slender video was why I subbed. Then, something about him changed so much. Originally, he refused to take any Youtube money, as he said he didn't want youtube to become his job, as it would make it less fun. Then at some point, he started taking the youtube money because of financial troubles and it was all downhill after that. He revealed his face in numerous videos and started making some of the cringiest shit possible and all of a sudden expected all of us to care so much about his personal life. I know not everyone is going to keep up the same shtick for so many years, but he went from someone who seemed like a simple guy who just loved what he did, to a Youtube attention whore, which is what most of Youtube is now, attention whoring bullshit for the sake of raking in the cash.


  • Brohoof 3



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Story Booth:  I unsubscribed from him, because I tried to get a heart on my comment from him in his videos, but I felt like he is ignoring me and he has a problem against bronies. Even, when people say I'm the comment section "Put a heart on my comment Story Booth!" and he puts a heart on those instead of mine. I even one time said to him saying "I love your animation videos❤!", but he completely ignored me. I feel like he is kinda or is boasting and especially his subscribers

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Unsubbed Jacksepticeye. Yes, he was funny back then, but now he's trying too hard to the point where he's just craving nothing but attention that it makes it hard to take him seriously anymore.

  • Brohoof 2


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I'm ashamed to admit I used to subscribe to The Amazing Atheist. The problem is that I think most of his views were great, but then you get him talking about feminism and no... He's so bad. Note: I don't know what his views are in recent years. I think I fell out of watching him sometime before 2014. He might have regressed on other things, as well.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Oof, there's a few of them...

I Hate Everything: I used to enjoy his pseudo-intellectual rant videos, as well as his film reviews. But, he eventually got extremely complacent with his uploads, and started getting a bit of an ego. Plus, his video defending The Last Jedi was honestly one of the worst attempts at damage control I've seen in a long time.

YourMovieSucksDOTorg: His earlier reviews were pretty funny, even if it was all just nitpicking. However, I learned that he's really a complete dirtbag in real life, especially with how he treated his buddy Mark. I think the final nail in the coffin was when he actively defended bestiality during a livestream. I had no problem with him being a self-proclaimed gay furry, but actively defending something so disgusting is just going too far. 

Angry Joe: Partly for the same reason as you, OP. But also because when it comes to movies, he hasn't a clue what he's talking about. Plus, his reaction videos are garbage.

Nostalgia Critic: His content used to be genuinely entertaining, but his formula got stale and as a result, his new attempts at content are just cringeworthy. Oh yeah, and the Channel Awesome drama didn't help. 

I could list dozens more, but I'd be here all day.

  • Brohoof 2


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Honestly, I was one of his original 10,000 subscribers back in the day. I discovered him on a whim. Back then he made videos about everyday crap and relatable topics such as going to the barber, what he hates about public bathrooms, etc. The humor was gold back then because the subject matter was relatable and non-controversial. Then he started doing youtube beefs with other creators and it went downhill from there. His content started becoming focusing on controversy and chasing the current political trends. I believe one of his recent videos was about political correctness?

Either way, the problem is he just sort of started becoming another channel that chased what was currently the "talked about topic" and using controversy to get views. The humor suffered immensely because of this, because his commentaries on these things seldom are funny, just boring because we've seen it a million times before.

I held on for two years in the hopes that he would go back to his roots, but I've sort of let go of that hope and I left him behind. I still miss his old stuff though...

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  • 1 month later...


They definitely appeal to their demographic well (10-13 year olds)... but I have since grown out of  their content. It's not outright bad, but their content is terribly repetitive. The age of YouTube Top 10 videos has since passed, in my opinion.

Paul Joseph Watson & political channels in general

I am mystified as to what I could have ever seen in this cretin... but either way, I am relieved that I am past the "politically enlightened" phase of my life. Every criteria for a horrible political channel is met: extreme hyperbole, treating their opponents like imbeciles, pseudo-psychology, pseudo-philosophy, doomsday predictions, endless sanctimony... you understand what I am saying. In short, I am simply not willing to watch any political YouTube channel which engages in this conduct. A smidgen of professionalism wouldn't kill them.

I Hate Everything

Simply put, I have stopped caring about hyperbolic review channels. I still enjoy humourous reviewers, of course, but the over-the-top personas are simply not entertaining to me any longer. Speaking of which...

Cinemassacre, specifically The Angry Video Game Nerd

The same criteria for I Hate Everything applies here, but to a greater extent.  Not only is AVGN's excessive profanity incredibly tired at this point, but it is also clear to me that James would like to move on from this character. Jame Rolfe's passion lies in cinema, not video games, which is why I find James' honest reviews much more entertaining.

You have likely noticed that the pattern among all of these channels is excess hyperbole... and you are absolutely correct. I imagine all of this rubbish was a symptom of teenage angst, all circumstances considered. Sarcasm, irony, and exaggeration all have their place in the world (and arguably a very important one), but an excess of any of them can be toxic for one's mind. My preference for YouTube channels has since shifted to more realistic, professional, and sometimes humourous content, while all of the dramatic rubbish has since been discarded.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also forgot to explain me unsubbing Jacksepticeye. yes, he used to be funny and energetic, but over time, his humor was so forced that it's just too cringey to even watch. His humor is also forced beyond belief as well, and it's hard for me to even take him seriously anymore.

On a side note, I subbed to Call Me Kevin because he does humor right and never in a forced way. Hell, his personality's quite amazing too and he looks like a pretty laid-back guy as well, compared to that other guy (fun fact; both are from Ireland, but Call Me Kevin has a much better humor than Jacksepticeye's in my honest opinion).

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I try not to subscribe to garbage youtube channels so I don't need to worry about this kind of thing. The only one I'm considering unsubbing to would be Drift0r but his old Call of Duty content keeps me subscribed. Can't remember the last time I actively unsubscribed...


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Far too many. Markiplier, Jacksepticeye,Watchmojo,Rebeltaxi, planet Dolan along with their other channel, penguinz0, and far too many more. Mostly because I just grew bored of all of them. With jack and mark’s personality becoming a bit obnoxious. I tried watching some of mark’s content recently and yeah didn’t subscribe again after that. 

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I used to subscribe to Annoying Orange, even got a question immortalized in "Ask Orange!" But these days, it became orbvious that Homestar Runner is WAY better to put up with. I mean, I don't even play most of the games he or his fruity pals play. I traded in my DVD of The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange's First Season. Homestar Runner is WAY better, especially the Strong Bad Emails! And here's a tidbit of information: Matt Chapman of the Brothers Chaps, also worked on stuff from Disney like Gravity Falls, the Paul Rudish Mickey Mouse shorts, and even Legend of the Three Caballeros (coming to Disney Plus, this fall!).

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  • 1 month later...

I've decided I couldn't stand penguinz0 any longer.

I discovered him when his QWOP video was featured on =3 back in the day. Back then, his humor was great. He'd focus on commentating on games, using... colorful vocabulary, non-nonchalantly, in monotone. He later uploaded a video I believe, and it was talking about his mental health and how he struggled putting himself out there. He had a good deal of anonymity, but he wanted to be more of an open person and his friends encouraged him to do so. Knowing this, it was really inspiring once he did start showing his face more. He began making infomercial parodies, which I loved. 

But then he started making "reaction videos". Which, started out mediocre, but it's gotten to the point where he now reacts to various YouTube videos on his Twitch, and then re-uploads them on YouTube. Some videos he reacts to are very talk-heavy, and he just talks over it, without pausing. Since he's doing it live, now, he no longer takes the time to make proper jokes/shots at the material. When he isn't "reacting" to other people's content, he's swinging fleshlights around. He still makes infomercial parodies from time to time, but they're hardly funny anymore. His whole channel has gone down the toilet.



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Secular Talk/Humanist Report/political channels in general- I just decided I was extremely tired of hearing a bunch of grown men whine and complain every time they posted something. Not to mention, in a couple of cases, some of what they had to say was utter nonsense. There are a lot of things that resonated with me and the two I specifically mentioned, I believe, are accurate most of the time, but they were outweighed by how frustrated I'd eventually become and how ridiculous I felt watching it. Though other than a few, including Secular Talk and Humanist Report specifically, most of the other ones are total nonsense to me anyways. 


This isn't to mention the increasing prevalence of the far right  and Anti-SJW idiocy on YouTube. Seriously I can't watch Sargon of Akkad (don't even try to say he isn't an Anti-SJW...) or the like for more than two seconds without shouting profanities at my computer. :unamused: Don't even get me started on PragerU...

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I don't normally subscribe to people on YouTube like I have to really like you, I joined Youtube in 2006 when I was 15 and I subscribed to a lot of gaming channels back that were big and had a good size fan base, and if you go to my YouTube account most of my subs are from people who haven't uploaded in years (One I know for a fact hasn't uploaded anything since 2007) I don't really care about popular YouTubeer never have most of them just turn into jerks in the end anyway.

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