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Flower Shop


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 Wait...so the only way to collect aforesaid flowers is to just post somewheres somebeing can see it, and hope against their own inclinations, that they would give you a specific reaction that, by rights, isn't entirely clear on what its supposed to mean other than if that specific viewer had seen this very selfsame thread? That would, by merit of logic, implicate that none of any going out to seek selfsame such would lack the capacity to personally "Pick" their own flowers.

 Besides. I'd rather give out flowers!

 Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm going to go spend the next, solid, twenty-four hours attempting to pick one flower.

 Aww blast! I've turned it into a pancake!... AGAIN! 

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19 minutes ago, Dark Horse said:

Hurry! Give more flowers before Twily eats them all! :wacko:

Oh no that's awful, of course I'll help you. Plus if anypony else needs help, Fluttershy's always picking flowers, but just don't sneak up on her....like I did:blush:


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Shouldn't Ponyville's local flower arrangers be stocking up on lots of flowers, especially on a day like Hearts and Hooves Day? That's pretty bad business if they're running out and asking us to gather flowers for them.

But all of them are cute so who cares lets pick some flowers


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