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Worst moments ever of Mane Six?


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What do you think the worst moments ever of the Mane Six are? (individually or together)

Pinkie's inconsiderate Yovidaphone incidents comes off the top of my head, also at Horse Play when she completely counts how many times she irritated Applejack. (it ain't severe than other cases, but that she's completely aware of the situation makes it worse.)

Fluttershy - Putting your hoof down as it's supposed to be. I actually like this episode. Fluttershy at Fake it Til You Make it left a worse taste in my mouth after all.

Applejack - when she left Ponyville without saying why, and broke a Pinkie Promise by 'not lying'.

Rainbow Dash - when she put a brick inside Mr. Cake's sandwich.

Mane Six - when they faked Rainbow Dash with Mysterious Mare Do Well, and couldn't even wipe out the grin of their faces in front of RD.

What do you think?

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Pretty much any time the writers decided to reset their learning / plot progression because "oh, SOMEONE needs to be the one at fault in this episode", aka a lot of later seasons stuff where they act as if the lesson they learned in an earlier season didn't even happen.

Okay but no really, shout-out to Twilight during the MLP Movie right after they got out of the ocean / seapony kingdom, yelling at Pinkie and everyone. Even if its kinda believable why she did it (stress, worrying about Equestria's future, etc), you think she'd still take a moment to calm down and think

And theeeeeeeen...there's Tanks for the Memories...oh boy x3

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Twilight: When she kicked Pinkie out of trivia night just to answer all the questions herself

Pinkie: When she blared her horn thing I forgot how to spell and she was somehow more depressed about not playing it than anything 

Fluttershy: When she went over-the-top on Henry and nearly broke his neck trying to massage him

AppleJack: When she thought bringing rainbow fruit bats to the farm was a good idea

Rainbow Dash: When she argued with AppleJack over nothing in Non Compete Clause

Rarity: When she flirted with a stallion just to get some celery

18 minutes ago, fare67t said:


Pretty much any time the writers decided to reset their learning / plot progression because "oh, SOMEONE needs to be the one at fault in this episode", aka a lot of later seasons stuff where they act as if the lesson they learned in an earlier season didn't even happen.

Okay but no really, shout-out to Twilight during the MLP Movie right after they got out of the ocean / seapony kingdom, yelling at Pinkie and everyone. Even if its kinda believable why she did it (stress, worrying about Equestria's future, etc), you think she'd still take a moment to calm down and think

And theeeeeeeen...there's Tanks for the Memories...oh boy x3

Whats wrong with the Tank episode?

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1 minute ago, ExplosionMare said:

Whats wrong with the Tank episode?

I mean, I can fully understand not wanting to be lonely / have a pet basically go away for a while...but basically messing up the weather / seasons (or trying to) just because you don't want an animal to go into hibernation? Jeez RD, the heck is wrong with you? x3

That would be like if when I was still in school, I was like "oh no, summer break is almost over!" and decided to perform almost terrorism to ensure the school stays closed as long as I can.

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These are subject to change, but as of now the following are what I consider to be the worse moments ever of the mane six:

  • Rainbow Dash: just the way she acted throughout "Newbie Dash". Her dilemma was relatable in the episode, but that didn't make her behavior any less annoying. Lying to Pinkie Pie in "Secrets and Pies" was also bothersome for me.
  • Applejack: Applejack's repetitive behavior in "Applejack's 'Day' Off" felt extremely contrived, as well as her brutal honesty in "Honest Apple".
  • Twilight: her unwillingness to forgive Trixie throughout the episode "No Second Prances". This bothered me, as it contradicted her willingness to forgive Trixie in "Magic Dual".
  • Rarity: her behavior in "Dragon Dropped" was selfish and irritated me.
  • Pinkie Pie: "Yakity-Sax" was one of Pinkie Pie's worse moments in my opinion, her response to the mane six telling her that she needed to stop playing the instrument was unreasonable. She could have just played it elsewhere! Or taken lessons to get better at it! Or at least communicated how she felt about the mane six telling her that instead of immediately sinking into depression without saying anything!
  • Fluttershy: I didn't like the way she treated her animal friends and her friends in "Fake It Till' You Make It", as she clearly took her "acting" way too far. She shouldn't have did that, and at least have told them she was just acting because it was clear that they took her seriously.
  • the mane six: In the season 7 finale, they didn't do what Starlight did, which was consider giving The Pony of Shadows a chance to reform like they did to Starlight; instead, the mane six just followed Starswirl's lead, who clearly didn't know much about friendship and reforming villains. I found that to be very contrived. Also, in the season 6 finale, the mane six were "nerfed" like Celestia when Chrysalis returned, for the sake of plot-convenience. Apparently the magic of friendship didn't work when the changeling army attacked and Equestria fell, unlike what happened in the season 2 finale, yet somehow it worked for Starlight. I found that part of the season 6 finale to be annoying.

So, those are what I currently consider to be the worst moments ever of the mane six. Well, some of them are more of episodes rather than moments, but I still think it is relevant to mention them anyways.

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Applejack - It's either between AJ's Stupidity in AJ's Day Off, her exaggerations of Pinkie and Rarity in PPOV, or her brutal honesty in Honest Apple. I'm tempted to pick Honest Apple because it goes out of its way to turn her Element of Harmony into a negative

Twilight and Rainbow(because they both go in tandem) - RD shitting on the cheerleading team, and Twilight scheming everything behind her back "to teach her a lesson"(and this includes every other time she's done this). Pulling this shit so late when they know everyone hates it, and for it to be RD's last episode was one last blatant fuck you from the writers and they damn well know it. Both these in tandem was enough to get me to quit watching the rest of the season

Fluttershy - Putting Your Hoof Down. This one has been done to death so much I don't even need to explain it

Pinkie Pie - Yakity Sax, Pinkie's obsession with that dumb bag pipe and for her to constantly fuck with her friends events. Like I refuse to believe she was that oblivious. To the point she threatened to leave Ponyville over being told she wasn't good at it? C'mon

Rarity - Simple Ways. Rarity is brought down to Newbie Dash levels of stupid, complete with an awful southern accent(I have yet to see Dragon Dropped, but I dread to think that there's an episode that topped Simple Ways)

Mane 6 as a group - Of course it's MMDW, with 28 Pranks Later on par. Going behind your friend's back to humiliate them in public "to teach them a lesson" is shitty and for them to pull the same shit in 28 Pranks Later shows they learned fucking nothing

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2 hours ago, ExplosionMare said:

Fluttershy: When she went over-the-top on Henry and nearly broke his neck trying to massage him


I think it's a false impression Twilight got, not actually Fluttershy committing severe violence against the bear. (if I remember it correctly, his name was Harry.)

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Twilight: Any of these, all from Owl's Well.

  1. Right after the wind blows her quill away:

    Oh... This is a job for Spike. If only he were awake...

  2. Dismissing Fluttershy for believing that Spike's worried.
  3. Being completely ignorant of the abusive slapstick at Spike's expense.
  4. Angrily calling him out for hiding his accident from her.
  5. Declaring he's "not the Spike I know and love."

Every single one of these is horrible, and when you put it all together, it paints Twilight in a very horrific light. But my answer has to go with Option 1. Spike was her "baby dragon" and sound asleep. You got plenty of quills, and if not, you could wait till the morning to write the shooting star report. This line implicates that Twilight sees Spike as nothing more than a servant, a line in which Owl's Well showed to great use in the second act.


Rainbow: Nearly causing Yona to drown. In one of the most OOC moments of the show, RD is so obsessed in winning Teacher of the Month, she'll risk the lives of the students, all of whom she (and AJ) promised to take care of while out of grounds.


Rarity: Her half of "It's Gonna Work." Why does Rarity's morale from Canterlot Boutique matter so much? Because she's a creator and quality matters so much to her. She strives for folks to be themselves as they wear her creations. Here, she does the exact opposite of what she learned and is proud of it!


Fluttershy: Threatening to evict Smokey and family. Think about this for a second. Why do Smokey and his fellow racoon family live in Rarity for You in the first place? Because FS wanted them to live comfortably in their home and hired them. They have been instrumental in Rarity's growing business and the communication of her customers. Threatening her animal friends is well beyond out of character for her!


Pinkie: Making Fluttershy cry (with no remorse) three times and bragging in Big Mac's face after he lost his voice. Her actions to FS were mean-spirited and out of character in their own right, but how she bragged to Big Mac — who was already stressed after losing his voice — was no better. Flashing the award and jumping happily in front of him suggests she's aware of the state he's in. NOT cool!


AJ: Nearly causing Yona to drown. 'Nuff said, NEXT!


Mane Six (TV show): Pranking Rainbow Dash in 28PL. Their prank in Mare Do Well is absolutely horrific, but what they did in its ripoff was absolutely atrocious. They were able to gather everyone in Ponyville (including some of Dash's closest friends like Scootaloo!) and agree to pull off an elaborate, realistic prank that Dash believed her friends were sick. If this was a joke, I'm NOT laughing! This "joke" was evil, and Ponyville's supposed to be the good guy! WTF?!

M6 (overall media): The HuMane Five abandoning Sunset Shimmer. So lemme get this straight. Based on a rumor, Sunset's "friends" (all of whom were more than happy to have her part as extended family) abandoned her to cry in the hallway. Even worse, the panel where Sunset wrote on Twilight's makeshift bed suggests she was homeless. So the RM5 knew she didn't have a home, yet chose to let her rot on the street?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! :angry:

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