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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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Um, well I have a few. With LOTR related stuff I was sometimes Turelie Nilde or Turelie (my name in Elvish), sometimes I'm just Nicole (my name), or Elocin (my name spelled backwards). I chose StarGazer because I like looking at constellations and the stories behind them. I've always been one for stories and stars can be used to tell stories or predict our futures. I thought it should be my pony name :)

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I've had this user name for like 4 years. My first user name was FreedomArbiter (this is when Halo 2 came out and I loved the Arbiter.) But then I grew out of it and changed my name to DevalsAdvoket and one of my friends bashed on me for fail spelling on devals so changed it to Devils. I didn't know for along time that I was spelling Advoket wrong as well I felt dumb but I chose not to care and I thought to myself that spelling advocate like Advoket gave it sum character and maid it more interesting. Not 2 years ago I learned that the name is actually very fitting. I do take the opposite side of an argument just to argue even if it opposes on my views. So in a way it fits me a person as well my outer appearance conflicts with who I really am inside. I'm a really nice person given the chance but I put on a very strong front. With this front I end up loosing allot potential friends and it pains me so I end up putting on a even stronger front just to hid who I am and how i feel. (Gosh I sound wimpy)

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It all started with a chatroom I stumbled upon. Everyone had a ponyesque name so I decided I would choose one of my own.

I chose scootaloo for many reasons.

I am a boy with dreams of being high in the sky (not literal) I have an inspiration quite like Rainbow Dash. Someone I want to be just and recognized by. And I keep working to strengthen my true talent.

  • Brohoof 1


Who is best pony? Scootaloo is best pony.

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A long time ago I became member somewhere I don't know why but I just typed some random stuff like jokucdihrvosdijh and then it was too long so I removed almost everything exept jokuc. Now I use it everywhere lol

Edited by Jokuc


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Once upon a time (roughly 1999 AD, just prior to the day of lavos) I used the handle Zophar in all of my online gaming endeavors.

WAIT ARE YOU THAT DUDE WHO-ohhhhhhhh never mind.


Long ago back in the year 2004, back when zombie cults terrorised rural Spain and Paris was under attack from a time-travelling samurai demon army, I joined a game music forum known as VGMusic who made crummy midi imitations of videogame music, back before I knew of Galbadia Hotel or THAT OTHER ZOPHAR'S site or even knew Winamp could work game music files.


I made the nickname "FinalGamer" because I wanted to sound badass without sounding arrogant, and I could only think that or "UltraGamer" so I went with "FinalGamer" to have the slighter sense of humility.

After a while I was rather comfortable with the nick and then a year later I actually created a character out of him with that same name. Since then, I've always been known as FinalGamer or FG to friends. I may not be the ONLY one called FinalGamer but that's my story.

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I thought epic demon sounded cool so I wrote it in l33t and voila, my username was born. I use this username for everything with oftentimes an underscore between 3p1c and d3m0n.

"Reducing existential risk — that is, carefully and thoughtfully preparing to not kill ourselves — may be the greatest moral imperative we have."  - Lukeprog


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Here I a using my OC's name, which is based off my usual username of Shadowysilence.


I wanted something fairly original, and after using way too many name generators (I suck so bad at coming up with names) I got something like shadowquiet and it morphed into Shadowysilence.

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I used to use Tails0600, Tails is my favorite video game character, and 0600 was my news paper route at the time. But thanks to people not liking me, others started joining sites using it, and basically ruined my reputation. So I had to change it.


On another forum I was on, we changed our usernames to names of Digimon, I have no clue why. Anyway, I chose Veemon, and was using it for a bit, until someone on IRC chat registered it before I could. So I had to choose another one. Just finishing Digimon World Dusk on DS, I took one of the "Fresh" Digimon's name, Kapurimon. And then somehow on chat someone shortened it to Kapi, and I just went from there.


If I'm on a site and someone is already using Kapi, I use tehkapi, and if not that, then SnivySnake, Snivy from Pokemon, basically.


EDIT: Actually, I used Tails0600 until November 4th, 2008. At that point, I changed to using Veemon, only using Tails0600 in one or two instances after that.

Edited by Kapi

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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The username I used 3 years ago was Jarred12345. Because I wasn't very creative back then.

Then I started using Jarred12354-don't even remember why.


Before CynicalBrony, I was known as xXmEtAlFaNxJxL. The metalfan stands for....metalfan. The J and the L are my initials- Jarred Leblanc, and the X's are just filler.


As for CynicalBrony, for this one, I wasn't trying to have a very exciting name. I'm cynical and pessimistic, so I felt this was fitting. Also, PessimisticBrony doesn't roll of the tongue as well.

Edited by CynicalBrony
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My name Matv is from Matias, actually Matias to say it shortly it's said Matu, but i changed de U to a V (roman u if im not mistaken). And Dromadan, it's a pretty long story but i will tell it anyway.

With my 2 best friends, we were playing world of warcraft in the same house, they leaved a computer for me everytime i went to their houses and in the moment, a friend said "How about we create a clan?", his name is Alan, and his brother Juan answered "Yeah, totally, how should we name it?", i agreed too and then it's when we started to throw up lots of names for the clan, when i said "WarsongLeaders" they stopped, and there it's when the Clan was born.

We decided to put names to ourselves, each one had a fundament.

Alan's name was Akharu, if im not mistaken a cheat from Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories

Juan's name was Sein, he likes to have short names, and he selected that name because it looks like a troll name (Trolls are his favorite race on World of Warcraft).

And my name, Dromadan, it came from World of Warcraft too, i mixed up names (troll race names, not my favorite race but they have the best names) and there is when i created my name.

We created a channel on youtube, chich we made group let's plays, like They Hunger (Sven Coop mod) and Minecraft, those 2 let's play elevated us to the top channels of gaming in Argentina, so my name is pretty famous in Latin America.


*Thanks Veece!*

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I chose mine because I been I love with the version of Derpy Hooves that the fans have created ever since I first found out about it. I've come to realize that it describes me pretty well(random,a little clutzy and slightly spacey but not stupid). One of my friends even calls me "herp derp" on a regular basis because of my behavior. I also like muffins(not as much Derpy, that's impossible, but still quite a bit). Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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I really wanted to use the username i used for my warrior cat forums which was Bramblestarofsunclan but figured that would be kind of out of place so i chose fluttershy4life because my bestie and i call each other Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy!

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Story time i guess :D. the name "Platinum Rook" is from a character from the game James Bond Nightfire and a friend and me was always joking about when talking about strange or rediculous stuff we always said: well yeah its Rook's Platinum Rules. and not long after i changed my Steam Name to Platinum Rook and thats how equestria was made!


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Eenohay came from a character I did for some roleplaying thingy somewhere, it derives from the spanish word "Enojado" wich means angry.


It was unique, so from then on I started using it instead of the more simple Meteoro I used before

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Well I am #2 in the Top Random People Records, (RainbowDude is surely #1 in it) So why not combine the 2 things you would never expect to see together? Duh!! Doctors and Derpy!! Plus Derpy is my favoritest pony of all!



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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My friend on steam (I'll call him Cloudy) told me that having a username that's like your real name is lame, so I changed it to the most random thing that I could think of. TA DA!



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