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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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At first I was planning to take the name "Twinkle", but somebody else already took it, so... I just added a 'shine' behind it!


Then turns out the name "Twinkleshine" is already belonged to a background pone. Not a single apples was given that day.


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If i were to change it it would most likley be an impersonation name of a fictional character like a pokemon or something of the like. I plan on sticking with my current name until Chaotic Discord changes his and that may never happen so i guess im never changing mine  :D

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Chose this name as it is my steam user name and I preferred it to my previous one dariusgib (a compound of my middle and last name) I chose that nickname as my favorite animal is a lion but I wanted a cool name with it so paladin, a holy elite knight seemed fitting

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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Because I could simply just not think of one at the time, so I then got a tweet from my friend at school saying 'I've nyaned for (numbers) seconds, beat that b***h!'

So then i though... OMG NYAN CAT.

And then I was born :o

Oh and also this: nyan_22d601_2295212.gif


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I chose Windbreaker 'coz it sounded cool. Supposed to have an anime vibe to it. In my intro, someone pointed out that there's also fart jokes galore with it too, so it's funny as well :)

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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I have pretty much the most extreme wanderlust imaginable, I'm always looking for an excuse to travel. Also, I'm an aviator, who feels more at home among the skies than on the ground...like I'm a pegasus at heart. So I took those two traits of mine, and try to make them sound mysterious and esoteric...or at least like something I can name an OC after later. So after some thought, I ended up coming up with Sky Nomad.

  • Brohoof 1


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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Well, I knew the new Trixie episode was coming out, and I decided to come up with this username to celebrate it.  Basically, I combined the words Trixie and Lover with my birth year.  Lame story, but yeah, that's me.  

#1 Asuka fanboy.  

Signature created by Thunder Bolt.


Former names:   Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666

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i started using curtistyl since i was 9..or was it 7...i cant remember anyways i was singing up to AOL it was difficult for me to decide on my username. then since i realized that my middle name was named after my grandfathers father. so i decided to user curtis but i had a feeling it was to short and was thinking on what else to put on it. my older brother suggested that i add "taylor" on it. but it was too long so i cut the "a","o",and "r" from "taylor" and it created "curtistyl". and i been using it ever since

dragonanimated_751195.gifheres my dragon from dragon adopters i've got other dragon but he's newer than the other dragons hes only level 36 and im trying to level him up though if you visited him and my other dragons i appreciate it ^_^. i also accept all request i like a good challenge and to have fun ^_^.this is my...27 or 28th website i've signed up to. you can ask about the websites and guess a website that you think i signed up to ^_^.
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i chose my becasue i wanted an alicorn name, and the only name that i was able to find was Dazzleglow that seem to be me. I dazzle people on how i can be so happy all the time (deep down i am always sad) and how i can glow (which i managed to do from years of practice) so Dazzleglow became my name on xbox live and here because i can always pretend to be happy

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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That was odd, it wouldn't let me reply for a while, saying I was posting too many words and that the Admins had limited my right to post...hmmm


Anyway, I was just going to say mine was pretty obvious when I thought of it - elsewhere I'm a wolf of greyness, but that wasn't really appropriate for here (since you wouldn't get a pony called that!). So I went with the Latin word for wolf, as a name for my pony-ness (tho it also appears to be a disease, which was NOT my intention!)

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My best friend had a heavy crush on someone who I thought was a bit out of his league, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.


Absolutely not believing it would work, I swiped both of their most heartfelt possessions from their houses the day before I knew he was going round to her house (I pretended I needed the toilet because my own house is quite far from both of theirs, and luckily both objects were of mostly sentimental value and small).


This was naturally to give them something in common which was also very personal, yet I actually regreted stealing almost as soon as I did it.


But my little faith in both my friend and my plan was proved wrong when, by a couple of weeks later, they'd become very close over it and they ended up together. She'd liked him all along.


Both items were mysteriously found posted through their letterboxes the next day.


Now they've been together for over a year and, to this day, neither of them know it was me. 

  • Brohoof 1
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My username is a portmanteau of Taco, a traditional Mexican dish composed of a corn or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling, and Cockatrice, the main antagonist in the episode "Stare Master".


I chose Taco because it is my favourite food, and I chose Cockatrice because it is my favourite character.

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Its the name I used for years.  Also it means my real name.  J is me first name (hint: VERY use male first name).  G me middle name. H is me last.  X5 random though. 











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I chose this because it has been my standard username for years and years. But to be honest the only reason why I used it in the first place is because it sounded cool and it wasn't taken yet on whatever program (the memory of which is lost to time) I was using at the time.

“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.”


-St. Thomas Aquinas

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I avoid revealing my full nickname or its history but in a friendly brony environment, why not ;)


I've been Dark Mage, Mystic Sorcerer because I was interested in fantasy. Then my interest switched to sci fi and space stuff, so I needed a new name. In 2006 I looked through NASA's site for something to help me with a space name and... there was it.



So... since 2006™ just using abbreviation of it...


What's more.. in the uni and after already with this name I took Astronomy courses and had to solve problems where my nickname was mentioned as a word haha.

Edited by ImtR
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I chose Ronaan because it means "Archer" in the Skyrim Dragon Language (http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon_Language), and I play an archer/sniper/support type in video games. The name looks cool, and it fits with me, so now everyone knows me for being Ronaan.


I originally chose Vornim as a username, because it means honor (vorn) and love (im). I am an honorable gamer, and I hate those noobs who think they can troll you just by saying something along the lines of "You suck scrub, go back to real life." I don't cheat, I don't camp, I don't tea bag (unless it's a good friend and I'm trolling him), and I most certainly don't message anyone after a game to tell them how much they sucked. I might just go back to Vornim though, becuase I kinda stole Ronaan... :/

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Back around my Elementary school days, My friends and I would run home and play The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. We all picked colors, and I got Purple. Over time it evolved. We used to eat at Cici's a lot, and when we went we went into the arcade and put our names on the machine when we got high scores. Everyone started shorted their name - Green to GRN, Blue to BLU, Red to RED (duh), and I was going to be PPL or PUR. Both shortenings sounded horrible, so I changed purple to Violet and shortened it to VIO. It sounded cool ,So I've kept it all these years. It just stuck. I know Violet's a bit of a girls name, but hell, as stated by 4chan all girls on the internet are guys in disguise.


Eventually I'll legally change my name to it, but to almost everyone I know I'm currently...

Violet Belmont Link. 



Quote my Posts if you want me to see your reply please!

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My username is "Domo" because it is off a old Japanese stop-motion cartoon, the full name of the character from the show. I use it for most of my usernames, Minecraft, Steam etc because it fits so well and it is short and easy to remember. 

4chan beat the FBI,

MLP beat 4chan,

Haters arguments are invalid.

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