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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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It's obviously not a happy story, but during 7th and 8th grade I was constantly ridiculed for everything you could imagine, I was made into an outcast, I remember overhearing my parents one night say that they were worried about me. "It's a shame, really..." My mother said, they always said that, what happened was a shame, the way I was was a shame, I was a shame. Shameful, ashamed of their son. I crafted this character carefully, he is me and I am him. My name is no longer Shame because of what happened, but I am Shame because Shame is my life. I have attempted suicide, I've felt depression and I'm ashamed to think of the thoughts I've had. Shame has a future though, I am no longer what I was, but I have kept the brand as a reminder. This character is me and this name is mine, but it does not mean ill, even though it was.


Hope that answers the question.

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The way I got Bronze Horse is the way I get most of my user names, I look around my room for ideas. While looking, I noticed a horse statue made of bronze in the corner on my room. So I thought, "why not?" and here I am.

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Basically my fursona + plus a stupid name I gave for cats. MEKITTY is basically how It's translated. (Cause' I'm kawaii-desu) :3


I was a lonely child drawing Zelda kitties and 3rd gen Pokemon, okay?

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When I first found out about these forums, I wanted to make a name for an OC (though creativity failed me and all I ended up with was Sky Star :|). Then I had found Quilava's thread about recruiting people for a Starter Pokémon group (which, sadly didn't take off). I stuck with Bayleef for a while, but the name just didn't suit me.


The reason I went with Lugia was it is almost my identity now. About a year ago, I played a private server for MapleStory called ChickenMS (which went through multiple name changes, finally ending on AncientMS). I was severely dedicated to this server, and could easily spend 10+ hours a day on it (summer vacation ftw :3). A couple days in, I had the urge to help people, so I stopped playing the server and would just stand around trying to help anyone who had problems. Sitting around Ch.1 Henesys (the main hangout area for those who don't know) became my spot and I soon made a lot of friends. At this point, not only was I known for helping anyone who needed it, but for my..."questionable" appearance. I had tried to actually make a replica of Lugia in MapleStory, which ended up me (a male character) using female eyes and a hair style that (even though it WAS MALE) still looked girly. This also led people to thinking I was a girl and everyone always reacted the same way when I told them I was a guy >.>. Eventually I applied for GM (Game Moderator/Master) and was eventually accepted. Being a part of that server was the best experience I've ever had with a game. Everyday I would log on and I would have a whole friends list on, I knew a ton of people, and everyone knew about me and my "dedication". *I was also the leader of the guild Pokémon there and would only accept people who had Pokémon names as well...which is what started the Pokémon revolution there, but that's a different story :3*


No way! I have a question for you - what was the consensus of ExtaliaMS in the AncientMS community? And that scandal with Jay stealing everyone's donations - was that legitimate? I was a pretty active member of Extalia before switching to this forum, see :)

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Mine is a bit of a story. Before I joined up here I had an account on another website. After about four years sticking with my name I asked my friends what they thought of the new name SmartyPants. They agreed that it sounded better than my old name, so I had my username changed to SmartyPants. It wasn't long after changing it that I remembered SmartyPants is the name of Twilight's doll. I thought it was a funny coincidence. So, I decided to stick with the name whenever I joined a website. That's why I chose SmartyPants here.

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'Cuz Glaceon is cool

I have actually wanted to be a part of the Eeveelutions for a while. When I noticed that one of the Eeveelutions had stepped down, I quickly grabbed Glaceon. Glaceon is one of my favorite Pokémon, and I knew the name would be gone if I didn't take it quickly.

Sadly, most of the well-known Eeveelutions have stepped down. I have been seeing an increase in Pokémon usernames though. ^^

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I've had way too many usernames, to start is "Neo Bazooka" Well I Liked the name at First, It just didn't Suit my Personality, It didn't Reflect well on myself, so I changed to "Shimmering Honour" That didn't hit off well with people so I Changed to "Sapphire Quill" Soon After, I loved the name, and it did Suit me, But Well I didn't Feel a Great Connection with it as I Didn't Create it, So I saw That Eeveelution Spots were Opening up, So I Took "Leafeon" For a couple of days, I just saw that Eeveelutions weren't as Popular as they used to be, I wasn't getting Reconized as well, and Just Didn't Suit me, So I changed to "Luminescent Dawn" As I have Now, I Love the Username as I did Create this, and it's held close t my heart, as why I chose it, But Well, I've been wanting to change it, as It's a Bit bland, So Tomorrow I will have another name, Which Will be my Final name, and No One will know Until then, not Even I.
Cheers <3

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My username is BronyMielonyPL, beacuse my friend's nickname while playing Gun Mayhem was Dżony Mielony, so I was thinking about my nickname on this site. And I created BronyMielonyPL. PL is beacuse I am fom Poland and I wanted to Grammar Nazis know that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well its my psn username steam username was my XbL gamer tag  and youtube user as well so yer and i couldn't be botherd to change it or think of a new one 

Edited by HunterScars
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  • 4 weeks later...

Well for my username it started its root when i was playing kill-zone 2 a month or two ago (having become a Brony in September last year) and i was amazed by the main antagonist of the first two games Scholar Vissari. Now i wanted to reference him in forums I participate in but I needed to make it more Appropriate (becuase this is a MLP so in my opinion the name has to be Ponied) name so I tried to find something that would rhyme and guess what i had a good time doing it, but I still couldn't find a funny way to do it Then i thought What about Scholar Fillisari?, I then proceeded to laugh my head off and it stuck.

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I would've chosen one of my usual usernames, but I wanted to try something different for this website. So I thought of a band I liked (Falling in Reverse), and I just switched up the name. Thus, ReverseFaller was created. 

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Well at the time I was a huge Rainbow Dash fan: and I recalled that time when Rainbow Dash said “dangers my middle name” and combined Rainbow Danger Dash with my first name and Asherdangerdash was the result.

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Now I'm going to explain Fondue For Two.


So, recently I found out that Cory Monteith died. I was pretty sad because I know a bunch of Glee fangirls. I've never really had the chance to watch any of Glee which kind of disappointed me. So, I overheard some girls talking about Glee and the word "Fondue For Two" were said. So, I decided to make my username Fondue For Two, for sort of, in memory of Cory Monteith.

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My first username here was Proton, which I chose because I thought it was kinda unique. Months after that, I for some reason began reading the Bionicle Serials from BionicleStory.com, and remembered that Makuta Teridax is essentially made out of a substance called Antidermis. And well, here I am.

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I was reading the Foundation trilogy by Asimov when I joined the forums. Hari Seldon is one of the main characters. I think "Seldon" would be a good pony name.

  • Brohoof 1
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daVINYLs (based from Skype name, daWHITEFOXx, whitefox's my middle name((Literally))


vynilography (Spelled how people pronounced it)




xxvynikk (Then capped)


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Because it's Gamer + Pony (PON3)

That is really it. And it also is pretty cool as well as an obscure and slightly incorrect reference to Vinyl Scratch.

Edited by Gamer P0N3
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I thought of it since there was actually a pony in G3 named Minty Wintergreen, who was my favorite character back then. I reformed her and now here.

I thought of it since there was actually a pony in G3 named Minty Wintergreen, who was my favorite character back then. I reformed her and now here.

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Mine is essentially a mix of the word 'Bro' and my actual name.

It's a pretty boring story, I know, but it seemed clever at the time and now I just use it with everything

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This is my username everywhere.  I came up with it when I started playing Guild Wars.  I didn't know Marbella was a city in spain >.< and I get asked if I ever been there, haha.  The lotus is from Rock Lee from Naruto.

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