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searching [CLOSED] The Town Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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Okay, so I am seeing a little bit of confusion with this RP so far. So allow me clear things up so that no one accidentally tags the wrong person.


The Heroic Party consists of:
@Astral Vision Astral Vision (Who is currently staying with the king)
@Dynamo Pad Dynamo Pad
@Pastel Heart Pastel Heart
@C. Thunder Dash Thundy & Chelsea
@ExplosionMare Pencil Pouch
@GeneralDirection Silver Slate
@Windy Breeze 🥧 Shadow Trail
My OC Trilby Hatter, and Mayor White

The Dark Party consists of:
@Kronos the Revenant Kronos
@Ragland Tiger Bluebell
@Windy Breeze 🥧 Keen Fan
@CameoShadowness Beryl
Elusive Facts, Daring Decor, Tempest Shadow, and Mayor Black

The two parties are NOT traveling together! In case that wasn't clear, they are not on the same side and are not traveling together.
Members of the Dark Party are going to be the bosses of the video games, they will be encountered individually one-by-one, but they might be given a chance to join the Heroic Party after they are each defeated.

If you ever get confused, just look at my post to help clear things up. My posts in the RP will tag all the party members. If I need to address both the Heroic and Dark parties, I'll seperate it with a line of dashes. Not hard to figure out. :)

I'm not saying this to get on to anyone, I am just trying to help. For example, right now, Beryl would not be anywhere near the Heroic Party. They'll find her eventually, but not right now. So some of you might want to consider editing your previous replies.

On 8/30/2020 at 9:53 AM, CameoShadowness said:

WAIT Do I turn into a Pegasus because I don't think breezie wings can let me fly at this size and I don't think the game knows what a breezie is.

I mean, if that's how you want to logic it. I was just thinking she grew to full size, but if you want her to be a pegasus in the video game, that's fine too. :ooh:

On 8/30/2020 at 12:42 PM, Pastel Heart said:

I haven't ignored any posts, I'm just super overwhelmed by the sheer amount of posts coming in, don't worry everypony!

You're good. :mlp_smug:

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On 8/31/2020 at 9:24 PM, Samurai Equine said:

Okay, so I am seeing a little bit of confusion with this RP so far. So allow me clear things up so that no one accidentally tags the wrong person.


The Heroic Party consists of:
@Astral Vision Astral Vision (Who is currently staying with the king)
@Dynamo Pad Dynamo Pad
@Pastel Heart Pastel Heart
@C. Thunder Dash Thundy & Chelsea
@ExplosionMare Pencil Pouch
@GeneralDirection Silver Slate
@Windy Breeze 🥧 Shadow Trail
My OC Trilby Hatter, and Mayor White

The Dark Party consists of:
@Kronos the Revenant Kronos
@Ragland Tiger Bluebell
@Windy Breeze 🥧 Keen Fan
@CameoShadowness Beryl
Elusive Facts, Daring Decor, Tempest Shadow, and Mayor Black

 The two parties are NOT traveling together! In case that wasn't clear, they are not on the same side and are not traveling together.
Members of the Dark Party are going to be the bosses of the video games, they will be encountered individually one-by-one, but they might be given a chance to join the Heroic Party after they are each defeated.

If you ever get confused, just look at my post to help clear things up. My posts in the RP will tag all the party members. If I need to address both the Heroic and Dark parties, I'll seperate it with a line of dashes. Not hard to figure out. :)

I'm not saying this to get on to anyone, I am just trying to help. For example, right now, Beryl would not be anywhere near the Heroic Party. They'll find her eventually, but not right now. So some of you might want to consider editing your previous replies.

I mean, if that's how you want to logic it. I was just thinking she grew to full size, but if you want her to be a pegasus in the video game, that's fine too. :ooh:

oops got you.

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1 hour ago, CameoShadowness said:

I'm the size of a normal pegasus and our groups are super far apart so idk how to react.

Oh whoops. Want me to change my response a little to make it sound like my character saw a pegasus instead?

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1 minute ago, Samurai Equine said:


Would you rather be one of the dark characters instead? :ooh:

Right now I just posted about helping @CameoShadowness’s character, but I could definitely see some kind of corruption occurring. Maybe later on, though, cause I wanna create some stronger creatures so Pencil doesn’t look completely useless.

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I only ask because like CameoShadowness repeated for me, neither of you are suppose to be in the same place right now. Miles apart. You're character is a heroic character, Beryl is a dark boss character, it should currently be impossible for them to be having a conversation or doing anything together at this moment. But if you're enjoying the interaction, I can always change things and make Pencil a dark character instead. I am trying to help, but I also don't want to ruin anyone's fun.

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2 minutes ago, Pastel Heart said:

I dunno what to post now. Stuck.

Hey Pastel! :kirin: Glad you're still in this. I was going to wait and hope things get better for you IRL.

Things are kind of slow right now, but I'll be posting a reply in a second.
The heroic characters are about to be split up into two groups; one for main levels and one for side quests. You could always have Pastel voice her opinion on that.
Also, Trilby offered to make her video game costume for her in real life. She's got sharp eyes, so I know she'd hear that, even if he mumbled it. :sneer:

It's not much, but I hope that gives you a start!

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11 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:


I only ask because like CameoShadowness repeated for me, neither of you are suppose to be in the same place right now. Miles apart. You're character is a heroic character, Beryl is a dark boss character, it should currently be impossible for them to be having a conversation or doing anything together at this moment. But if you're enjoying the interaction, I can always change things and make Pencil a dark character instead. I am trying to help, but I also don't want to ruin anyone's fun.

Hehe whoops

I don’t really know what to do besides ignore the whole post I made before with the beetle. I think my character is better suited for normal heroics. I wasn’t aware Beryl was far away, sorry for confusing everyone

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6 hours ago, Scar said:

How do I join this? It looks interesting.

Thank you for showing interest in our RP! :fluttershy:

If you'll read the first page of this thread thoroughly, you'll see a character form. Fill it out for as many characters as you wish to be, and post it here.
I'll review it, possibly ask some follow up questions, and then I'll decide if you're in or not. And I don't often turn people down, so your chances of getting approved are good!

Edited by Samurai Equine
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1 minute ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Samurai Equine

How many levels will there be? And will the dark king try to interfere?

About 7 or 8, give or take.

@Ragland Tiger's OC never answered Tempest's question about teaming up, so we'll see when we get there.

The Dark King will not interfere. @Kronos the Revenant's OC might spy on all of you for a while, if he wants, but that's that. The Dark King is the last boss, so he will stay in his castle.

Also, feel free to be expressive and creative with your game character's powers. Thundy is a Battalioneer, he can summon battleships and other attack vessels (sea and land based), and Chelsea has a few water based attacks. Let your imagination run wild on that. :squee:

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11 minutes ago, Samurai Equine said:

Thank you for showing interest in our RP! :fluttershy:

If you'll read the first page of this thread thoroughly, you'll see a character form. Fill it out for as many characters as you wish to be, and post it here.
I'll review it, possibly ask some follow up questions, and then I'll decide if you're in or not. And I don't often turn people down, so your chances of getting approved are good!

Here is my character of Cali here.


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14 minutes ago, Scar said:

Here is my character of Cali here.


Very interesting. Now some follow-up questions...

Friendshire is a nowhere town, a last resort of sorts for ponies and creatures that have nowhere else to go. Would your character be okay living in a town like that? Would she be interested in taking up a job while she's there? She doesn't have to be, just curious.

The way we set up the RP is in "days" (not actual days IRL). We'll have major event days that really require as much participation from as many active participants as possible, and then we have regular slice-of-life days that don't usually have any big story moments. Will this be something you're okay with? It's not exactly a 100% casual RP. It occasionally asks to show off all the different things your OC is capable of.

Last of all, we currently in an event day. The entire town is trapped in a Magical VR Video Game World. Do wish to start RPing right away, or would you like your character to come in at the start of a new day? I can accommodate you in either situation. :) Just need to know what you prefer.

13 minutes ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Samurai Equine

Okay, that's good. I was thinking more of medieval times...but I've got something good since Thundy is from earth... 

The game isn't tied down to medieval. That is the basis of it, yes, but it's a crazy mash up of that, modern era, and future/sci-fi. :squee:

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3 minutes ago, Samurai Equine said:

Very interesting. Now some follow-up questions...

Friendshire is a nowhere town, a last resort of sorts for ponies and creatures that have nowhere else to go. Would your character be okay living in a town like that? Would she be interested in taking up a job while she's there? She doesn't have to be, just curious.

The way we set up the RP is in "days" (not actual days IRL). We'll have major event days that really require as much participation from as many active participants as possible, and then we have regular slice-of-life days that don't usually have any big story moments. Will this be something you're okay with? It's not exactly a 100% casual RP. It occasionally asks to show off all the different things your OC is capable of.

Last of all, we currently in an event day. The entire town is trapped in a Magical VR Video Game World. Do wish to start RPing right away, or would you like your character to come in at the start of a new day? I can accommodate you in either situation. :) Just need to know what you prefer.

Cali would probably not live there forever. She may take up residence in abandoned building somewhere or buy out a house, she wouldn't take up a job there. She's not one to limit herself in anything. Unless you count stealing as a job, of course. She is only here to increase her own power and steal.

I would probably be fine with that. I would try my best to be active. Tell me about this Magical VR Video Game World, and I would like to start RPing right away.

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14 minutes ago, Scar said:

Cali would probably not live there forever. She may take up residence in abandoned building somewhere or buy out a house, she wouldn't take up a job there. She's not one to limit herself in anything. Unless you count stealing as a job, of course. She is only here to increase her own power and steal.

I would probably be fine with that. I would try my best to be active. Tell me about this Magical VR Video Game World, and I would like to start RPing right away.

Not sure what you mean by "not live there forever". :ooh: This RP isn't really for characters that will be wondering in and out of Friendshire, it's more for characters that okay staying there a while. If you can't RP because of real life issues, that's fine. Not everyone here can RP every day.

The video game is called "Two Castles." It's a mix of medieval and sci-fi. It's also a mix of different video game genres. We've all ready made teams of heroic main characters and villainous boss characters. So, if your character were to randomly walk into Friendshire right now, she'd be absorbed by the video game and you'd only be allowed to play a non-major role. Something like random NPC, shop owner, side-quest character, something like that. However, we haven't heard back from some of our RPers, so if they can't play as a boss character when the time comes, I could possibly give the position to your character instead. Depends on what happens when we get there.

If it sounds too complicated, or if you don't like those options, there's nothing wrong with waiting til the beginning of a new day. Someone else is all ready doing that, and I'd tag you when that happens. :)

Edited by Samurai Equine
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1 minute ago, Samurai Equine said:

Not sure what you mean by "not live there forever". :ooh: This RP isn't really for characters that will be wondering in and out of Friendshire, it's more for characters that okay staying there a while. If you can't RP because of real life issues, that's fine. Not everyone here can RP every day.

The video game is called "Two Castles." It's a mix of medieval and sci-fi. It's also a mix of different video game genres. We've all ready made teams of heroic main characters and villainous boss characters. So, if your character were to randomly walk into Friendshire right now, she'd be absorbed by the video game and you'd only be allowed to play a non-major role. Something like random NPC, shop owner, side-quest character, something like that. However, we haven't heard back from some of our RPers, so if they can't play as a boss character when the time comes, I could possibly give the position to your character instead. Depends on what happens when we get there.

If it sounds too complicated, or if you don't like those options, there's nothing wrong with waiting til the beginning of a new day. Someone else is all ready doing that, and I'd tag you when that happens. :)

She would stay there for a while only to build up her own power base and try to loot the town as much as possible, lol.

I would be happy to join this video game thing, although I am not sure exactly what she would be doing. If anything she would be one of those cheaters or hackers trying to get a win or something. Its possible I'll wait until the 'new day' thing. 

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