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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@C. Thunder Dash

Pencil let out an ‘aww’ as the shark gently nuzzled her to say goodbye. Unfortunately, it had to leave as well to return to its mother.

“Bye-bye, little shark. Had fun playing with you!” Pencil beamed.

Pencil waved as the shark and its mother swam off, suppressing the sad smile that threatened to appear on her face. She missed the little shark already, but knew none of the sea creatures could stick around forever. It wasn’t like they were in an aquarium, swimming around just for amusement.

Once the sharks were completely out of view, Pencil’s vision trailed off until she noticed a peculiar cave up ahead. While Pencil wasn’t one to venture off into such places, this was an adventure, so not exploring the cave would be a waste. Her curiosity from staring at the cave only grew stronger the longer she looked, so she knew she had to ask Chelsea about it.

“What do you think is in there?” Pencil asked in a adventurous tone, pointing towards the direction of the cave. 

Edited by ExplosionMare



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8 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

"Heh, wait until you get to the multi-humps, that's where the real fun begins, as Thundy headed straight for two dunes close to each other, with minimal room for Thundy to land in the middle of them. Thundy seemed to put his talon on a lever next to the gear shifter. As the raptor went up the dune, Thundy pulled the lever hard. The suspension contracted and the ride felt very rigid and stiff. "Get ready for a mega leap!" Thundy warned. 

@C. Thunder Dash

"Wait a minute. What's are dune multi-humps?" The gamer pony would ask as he saw two dunes up ahead. They were very close to one another with barely any room. As Thundy placed his talon on the lever, Dynamo could feel his stomach beginning to drop. "Are you telling me we are going to make a leap over that!? What even is a mega leap!? Is that even possible or even safe!?" He shockingly asks as he wondered how huge of a mega leap they were going to experience.

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"Those are sea caves. If I remember, some of them can lead to very cool places, like where the seaponies dwell. I have...quite the story with the seaponies...which..." Chelsea said suddenly beginning to sniffle. 


@Dynamo Pad

"You'll see Dynamo." Thundy said as the raptor was about to take the jump. Thundy pressed the button on the lever, which released the springs, causing the Raptor to leap high into the air. The bounce felt like being launched off a slingshot. The raptor soared over the two dunes clearing them both. "Brace!" Thundy called out as he gripped the wheel tighter. The raptor landed harder than last time. "And that's a mega leap." Thundy stated continuing to drive. 

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3 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

"You'll see Dynamo." Thundy said as the raptor was about to take the jump. Thundy pressed the button on the lever, which released the springs, causing the Raptor to leap high into the air. The bounce felt like being launched off a slingshot. The raptor soared over the two dunes clearing them both. "Brace!" Thundy called out as he gripped the wheel tighter. The raptor landed harder than last time. "And that's a mega leap." Thundy stated continuing to drive. 


@C. Thunder Dash

The blue unicorn wasn't too confident with Thundy's remark. However, he decided to take a deep breath and exhale slowly, before nodding. "Okay. If we make it through this, then I hope I can learn some magic from you, Thundy!" He exclaimed, just as soon as a lever was released to send the trio high into the air. The bounce felt like being laughed like a slingshot. Dynamo tentatively looked out the window. His eyes widening in both shock and awe at how high the car was in the air. It was as if he could touch the clouds with the amount of air they achieved. As he heard the warning to brace for impact, the gamer pony could only scream as he held on tight to his seat. With a heavy slam, Dynamo felt himself getting thrown in his seat. Even with the seatbelt, he felt as if he was being sent flying forward from the initial crash. "N-Now I know why that was a mega leap. That was cool, but way too much mega." He sighed with a sheepish chuckle. Wincing slightly from the rough landing and being thrashed about in his seat.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad

Iron Shoal casually just lounged in his seat. It was more exciting seeing stunts on TV rather than take a backseat. He decided to have some fun at Thundys expense.

"HEY BUBBA! PONIES OR GRIFFONS! Which one you fancy more eh Mr. Showsoff?"





Pastel didn't find the kirins back uncomfy particularly, it wasn't nearly as hard as an orphanage wooden chair. She kinda felt like she was on a Yoshi's back which helped her mood.

@Samurai Equine

Pastel was mad, but seeing Samurai all dejected made her feel bad. She calmed down a bit, from riding on her Kirin Yoshi's back, and didn't wanna make Samurai sad since this may be her last day... She twisted her pout into a rather devious, playful smile.

"Ne ne, Sami~ I'll forgive you if you promise to buy me sweets~"

She tried to act like a femme fetale from an action movie but all she did was seem bratty. At the least she wanted to see Samurai off with a smile.

@Astral Vision

"Curses? Dark magic?... This is like an anime... AWESOME!"

Seems she felt better even if she was getting excited over a dangerous situation.

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@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

"Yep, the landings can get to you after a while." Thundy said as he veered right, drifting around a corner. "Let's take her back home and see what else we could do." He added as he saw a trail up ahead, reminiscent of where they first came out of. 

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@Astral Vision @Pastel Heart @Samurai Equine

Silver can tell that Samurai is hurt by Pastel in her anger and can’t help but feel somewhat responsible. If he had just put his hoof down and denied her of her request in the first place, Samurai wouldn’t be in the situation he found himself in now. His social ineptitude and naivety to the rest of the world around him had reared its ugly head once again. But what could he do at this point? Learning from this encounter and trying not to make the same mistake again would be a good start.

Regrets aside, it was time to move on to Fable’s place. Silver walked in relative silence, broken occasionally by grumbling from Pastel, who stayed on his back the entire way. Once Fable went inside, he heard Pastel try to make some sort of reparations for her behaviour, sort of. He didn’t think that’s how forgiveness was supposed to work, but at least she was making an effort.

It seemed that Astral was close by, and Silver followed Samurai over to the alley where Astral was located.

“Yep, I am indeed a Kirin, name’s Silver Slate, nice to meet you.” He nodded his head in reply to Astral’s question.

However, Silver could sense the urgency of the situation at hoof meant introductions would be best left till later. He listened to Astral describe what had happened to Trilby, who was laying on the floor passed out for the time being. Unfortunately, Silver didn’t think that he really knew any sort of magic that would help in this situation. Kirin were rather simple ponies, not seeing a need to gain any further magical knowledge than their fire magic, which came naturally, or simple telekinesis, which wasn’t terribly difficult to learn. They knew what they needed to go about their daily lives, why learn anything else?

This was the thought process of most of his village. Silver had often wondered if he was capable of learning any other spells, or perhaps different types of magic, but with no one in Kirin Grove interested, his questions largely went unanswered. Silver stood silently awaiting Samurai’s answer.

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@GeneralDirection, @Astral Vision, @Pastel Heart

Samurai hears Pastel's request. He probably shouldn't, but... He leans in and answers her. "Deal. I'll let you have so many sweets, the dentists will hate me." Samurai says.

As for Astral, Samurai wasn't sure how to answer him. This was a lot of information all at once, and for this to happen on today of all days! "Well, I'm not even sure if he thinks of me as a friend, we've been at odds before, and... Gomen. That's not important right now. Let's get Trilby back to his clothing shop. I heard he prefers that more than his house; something about it being his life's passion. And also... I can't teleport us there. Teleportation is not my strongest magic ability. I can only use it 5-6 times a day, and I've all ready used all 6 just running around town and preparing for tonight. Astral-san, do you think you can teleport us there?" Samurai asks.

Samurai turns to Silver. "This might be some advanced magic stuff. Silver, if you do not wish to assist, then I understand. Trilby Hatter isn't a pony you've met yet, so it seems rude to ask you to help out a complete stranger. But I've enjoyed your company, and you're welcome to come with if you want. It's all your decision to make." Samurai offers. Ultimately, it's up to him. If he follows, Pastel can continue to enjoy her ride on his back. If he decides to go his own way, he'll have to let Pastel get off.

@C. Thunder Dash

As Thundy drives down the paved trail, a unicorn can be seen walking up to the trail just ahead. He's clearly an elderly unicorn with a massive beard. This mystery unicorn waves at the oncoming vehicle, acting much like a hitch-hiker. And since vehicles aren't in common place in Equestria, safe to say this stranger is trying to get Thundy's attention.

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Samurai Equine @Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Thundy noticed the unicorn up ahead a started to slow down to a halt. "Hm? I wonder if this unicorn needs a ride..." Thundy said slowing to a halt and rolling down the power windows. 

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Shadow and Keen went out of the arcade after a several minutes of playing some games, both have smiles on their faces.

“That was so fun” Shadow said. 

“I know right? Having to play as somepony as cool as Zapp is so cool!” Keen agreed. There was a shopping bag balanced on her back. They won two plushie for the amount of tickets they received “So, where you want to go next?”

“The library!”

@Buck Testa

“How rude” 

“Did this colt's parents touch him good manners?” 

“Is he calling us slaves?” 

“Why did even Ms. Delight want to adopt a colt like him. I couldn't imagine how much damage he'll cause to the house”

Sundae's servants whispered to each other, however, this was heard by the latter, who gave them a slight frown, telling them to stop. Seeing this, Server said “Let Sundae and our new master talk about this matter by themselves” the servants nodded. The servants, including Server herself leave Sundae and Boulder.


Sundae's rump hit the ground. Boulder had shouted at her. Should she become angry? Punish him for his disrespect? Throw him out the street? No she mentally shook her head to rid of the negative thoughts going around her head Maybe he is thinking about my servants, the mares and stallions that I'm forced to give them jobs she decided to stay sitting on the carpet “Boulder, do you want to talk about something?” she asked. Her voice was a little shaky and fragile, which she tried not to show “Y-You can get out of the house if you want some fresh air or if you want to... run away and stay with Shadow and Keen at their apartment” she fought the urge to let out a tear, she slightly lowered her eyebrows, she bit her mouth, she was starting to shake a little as she fought not to cry. 

Edited by Windy Breeze 🥧
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@Astral Vision @Pastel Heart @Samurai Equine

Silver ponders Samurai’s offer for a moment. He certainly didn’t mind helping other ponies out, even if he had only seen Trilby for a whole 10 seconds earlier. He had also enjoyed being with Samurai and Pastel, but he was more worried about getting in the way of whatever it was they planned on doing.

“I wouldn’t mind coming with you, Samurai, I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to help you and Astral, but I’ll try to do whatever I can.” He stated with as much confidence he could conjure up. He would try his best, but what exactly the Kirin could do in this situation, he wasn’t too sure of.

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@C. Thunder Dash, @Dynamo Pad, @Pastel Heart

The elder pony was quite the sight as soon as Thundy stopped his vehicle. His long, fluffy beard has many random pieces of clutter stuck inside it. Along his front two legs/arms are multiple wrist watches, and he is wearing a coat with many different kinds of time pieces attached to it. Clocks, watches, pocket watches, stop watches, sun dials, analogue and digital pieces, etc. He smiles when Thundy rolls down his window. "About time. Not sure how, but you're two minutes late. No worries, though."

He teleports into the vehicle, sharing a space with Iron Shoal. "Ooh, a little cramped back here. Forgive me for underestimating your fabulous size, Mr. Iron Shoal. And Thundy! I'm glad to see you are having fun with everyone. Be sure to send my regards to Chelsea. And don't worry about your predicament. You are far from home, but you're not beyond hope." The elder pony says. How in the world does he know them?! How does he know their names, and how does he know anything about their personal stories?! This is the first time ANY of them have seen this unicorn before!

They have no way of knowing who this is. So far, only Astral Vision has met this pony. Dynamo might know who he is, if Astral has shared any stories about him. This unicorn is Final Premonition. He clears his throat, covering his mouth with his hoof. "Now Astral, I was thinking about that trade I mentioned, and I thought of something important. You see, there is a lost deposit of magic quartz stones somewhere outside Friendshire. I'd be very interesting in having those, if--" The unicorn stops, and looks around. "Oh, Astral isn't here? Did I arrive too early?" He checks a clock necklace that he has. "Ah, here's the problem! This darn piece of novelty is a few minutes off. My mistake, you weren't late, I'm here early! No wonder Astral isn't here. I swear, I always have the hardest time properly setting this thing." Final puts the clock away.

"Oh well, my time is up today. I guess I'll have to trust one of you to send the message to Astral. Umm... You there! Dynamo Pad. You're friends with him, right? I'll let you tell him about the quartz's. And don't forget to check in on that arcade of yours regularly. You're the manager of it now, correct? You never know when you might get a new shipment of arcade cabinets. Well, good day then!" Pulling out a pocket watch, Final presses the button on top of it, and vanishes. This time, he vanished even more abruptly. There was no magical glow, no sudden pop noise that you usually hear from teleportation, he's just gone. He's not inside the vehicle, he's nowhere outside either. He just vanished without so much as a trace or even a fade away. Just an instant, split-second vanishing act.

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Samurai Equine

Listening to the unicorn address everyone of them made Thundy quite suspicious. Before he could ask anything, the unicorn had vanished. Thundy turned to Dynamo. "Well that was very weird..." He said. 

@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

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16 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

"Yep, the landings can get to you after a while." Thundy said as he veered right, drifting around a corner. "Let's take her back home and see what else we could do." He added as he saw a trail up ahead, reminiscent of where they first came out of. 

"I guess you'd have to be used to driving this thing in order to be used to the landings. Not every pony or creature is invincible, after all." The blue unicorn chuckled slightly, before sighing once more with a nod. "I think that's a good call. Maybe we can take a breather and catch our breath from the wild jumps from those dunes. Maybe you can show me how to use the kind of magic you use. At least, the way you use magic, of course. I know Mr. Shoal said something along the lines of wanting to show me something too. I could always use some training." He added as the group veered right, while seeing a trail up ahead.

10 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

As Thundy drives down the paved trail, a unicorn can be seen walking up to the trail just ahead. He's clearly an elderly unicorn with a massive beard. This mystery unicorn waves at the oncoming vehicle, acting much like a hitch-hiker. And since vehicles aren't in common place in Equestria, safe to say this stranger is trying to get Thundy's attention.

9 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Samurai Equine @Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Thundy noticed the unicorn up ahead a started to slow down to a halt. "Hm? I wonder if this unicorn needs a ride..." Thundy said slowing to a halt and rolling down the power windows. 


As the group began to drive down the paved trail, Dynamo blinked as he took note of a unicorn walking up towards the trail. The unicorn seemed elderly, while having a massive beard. He took note of the elderly stranger was waving at them like a hitch hiker. Dynamo could only nod, but felt slightly worried. "I suppose he does, but I'd be careful. We usually have only taxis and such in Equestria. So, it's not very common for someone to be asking for a ride." He responded to Thundy, who slowed to a halt and rolled the window down.

7 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

@C. Thunder Dash, @Dynamo Pad, @Pastel Heart

The elder pony was quite the sight as soon as Thundy stopped his vehicle. His long, fluffy beard has many random pieces of clutter stuck inside it. Along his front two legs/arms are multiple wrist watches, and he is wearing a coat with many different kinds of time pieces attached to it. Clocks, watches, pocket watches, stop watches, sun dials, analogue and digital pieces, etc. He smiles when Thundy rolls down his window. "About time. Not sure how, but you're two minutes late. No worries, though."

He teleports into the vehicle, sharing a space with Iron Shoal. "Ooh, a little cramped back here. Forgive me for underestimating your fabulous size, Mr. Iron Shoal. And Thundy! I'm glad to see you are having fun with everyone. Be sure to send my regards to Chelsea. And don't worry about your predicament. You are far from home, but you're not beyond hope." The elder pony says. How in the world does he know them?! How does he know their names, and how does he know anything about their personal stories?! This is the first time ANY of them have seen this unicorn before!

They have no way of knowing who this is. So far, only Astral Vision has met this pony. Dynamo might know who he is, if Astral has shared any stories about him. This unicorn is Final Premonition. He clears his throat, covering his mouth with his hoof. "Now Astral, I was thinking about that trade I mentioned, and I thought of something important. You see, there is a lost deposit of magic quartz stones somewhere outside Friendshire. I'd be very interesting in having those, if--" The unicorn stops, and looks around. "Oh, Astral isn't here? Did I arrive too early?" He checks a clock necklace that he has. "Ah, here's the problem! This darn piece of novelty is a few minutes off. My mistake, you weren't late, I'm here early! No wonder Astral isn't here. I swear, I always have the hardest time properly setting this thing." Final puts the clock away.

"Oh well, my time is up today. I guess I'll have to trust one of you to send the message to Astral. Umm... You there! Dynamo Pad. You're friends with him, right? I'll let you tell him about the quartz's. And don't forget to check in on that arcade of yours regularly. You're the manager of it now, correct? You never know when you might get a new shipment of arcade cabinets. Well, good day then!" Pulling out a pocket watch, Final presses the button on top of it, and vanishes. This time, he vanished even more abruptly. There was no magical glow, no sudden pop noise that you usually hear from teleportation, he's just gone. He's not inside the vehicle, he's nowhere outside either. He just vanished without so much as a trace or even a fade away. Just an instant, split-second vanishing act.

@C. Thunder Dash @Pastel Heart @Samurai Equine

Getting a closer look at the elderly stallion, Dynamo was able to get a better view of his appearance. Along with his fluffy beard, it looked as if there was some clutter that was stuck within his beard. All the while, having multiple wrist watches all along his front hooves. You could even hear the sound of ticking that one couldn't simply ignore. He even wore a coat that had clocks, watches, pocket watches and so much more attached to said coat. Hearing that they were late caused Dynamo to raise an eyebrow in confusion and suspicion. "Wait a minute. We're late? Were you happening to expect us, sir?" He asks, being surprised by the sudden teleportation from the stallion. He was about to mention that it was kind of rude to just barge in without asking to go into the vehicle. However, he stopped as he heard Iron's and Thundy's names were brought up. Even Chelsea's name had been brought up into the conversation. 'How in Equestria does he know our names? Who or what is this pony?' He thought, trying to wonder if he had seen this pony before in this town. Drawing a blank, he assumed that this was the first time they had ever met, but it didn't seem like that to the elderly stallion. He wanted to say he knew this pony, but he couldn't exactly put his hoof on it.

The blue unicorn suddenly heard muttering coming from the stallion. Almost as if he was in a deep conversation with someone of great importance. Hearing Astral's name being brought up suddenly cause Dynamo to give an alarmed expression. "Astral!? You know Astral!?" He blinked in surprise as the pony seemed to just check his clocks to admit that he was early. What was going on right now? His ears perked as his name was suddenly addressed by the elderly unicorn. Wanting answers, but not wanting to be rude, he simply nodded. "Yeah. I'm friends with Astral, but how exactly do you know him, sir? W-Who are you?" He wondered what the stallion had meant about the quartz, but he was even more dumbfounded as the arcade was brought up. "The arcade? I'm the manager, but how do you know that? I'm getting more arcade cabinets? I know I put some orders in, but still." How did he know about the arcade to begin with, or even the fact that he was working there. 

By the time he finished, the stallion pulled out a pocket watch. Seeing him glow as if to leave, Dynamo held out a hoof as if to stop him. "No, wait! Don't-" Once the stallion pressed the button, it was too late. He had already vanished and was out of the vehicle. Sitting in that awkward position, Dynamo looked as if he was frozen in time. A moment had passed, before he slowly lowered his hoof. Fixing his seating position, he sighed as he leaned back in his seat. He looked around to see if the pony was anywhere to be found, but it seemed the elderly pony was gone without a trace. 

7 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Samurai Equine

Listening to the unicorn address everyone of them made Thundy quite suspicious. Before he could ask anything, the unicorn had vanished. Thundy turned to Dynamo. "Well that was very weird..." He said. 

@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Hearing Thundy's remark caused Dynamo's eyes to shift over towards the griffon. "You can say that again." He slowly sat back up as he shook his head. "I...I don't get it. He knew about Mr. Shoal, you, Chelsea, Astral and even myself. He knew about my job at the arcade and even being the manager. Even so far as to knowing some games I had recently put on order." He tried to wrack his brain on what had just happened, but he almost couldn't wrap his mind around it. "I wanted to say that pony was just crazy or something. Saying things on being late, but then being early. What was he? Some kind of time traveler?" He could only sigh once more as one thing was clear. "Well, one things for sure. That was definitely weird as how you put it, but it might have been helpful. He definitely knew something about Astral. I know I'm going to have to talk to him later about it. Maybe he might know what's going on."

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Samurai Equine

Following up on his friend’s instructions, Kronos stood at the entrance of the town, remaining vigilant like a sentry. As the day went on, he balanced himself on one leg with the other crosses over, placed his zither on his lap, and began to play manipulating the wind around him, picking up random leaves and litter around the entrance to swirl around him. 

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9 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

@GeneralDirection, @Astral Vision, @Pastel Heart

Samurai hears Pastel's request. He probably shouldn't, but... He leans in and answers her. "Deal. I'll let you have so many sweets, the dentists will hate me." Samurai says.

As for Astral, Samurai wasn't sure how to answer him. This was a lot of information all at once, and for this to happen on today of all days! "Well, I'm not even sure if he thinks of me as a friend, we've been at odds before, and... Gomen. That's not important right now. Let's get Trilby back to his clothing shop. I heard he prefers that more than his house; something about it being his life's passion. And also... I can't teleport us there. Teleportation is not my strongest magic ability. I can only use it 5-6 times a day, and I've all ready used all 6 just running around town and preparing for tonight. Astral-san, do you think you can teleport us there?" Samurai asks.

Samurai turns to Silver. "This might be some advanced magic stuff. Silver, if you do not wish to assist, then I understand. Trilby Hatter isn't a pony you've met yet, so it seems rude to ask you to help out a complete stranger. But I've enjoyed your company, and you're welcome to come with if you want. It's all your decision to make." Samurai offers. Ultimately, it's up to him. If he follows, Pastel can continue to enjoy her ride on his back. If he decides to go his own way, he'll have to let Pastel get off.

@C. Thunder Dash

As Thundy drives down the paved trail, a unicorn can be seen walking up to the trail just ahead. He's clearly an elderly unicorn with a massive beard. This mystery unicorn waves at the oncoming vehicle, acting much like a hitch-hiker. And since vehicles aren't in common place in Equestria, safe to say this stranger is trying to get Thundy's attention.


8 hours ago, GeneralDirection said:

@Astral Vision @Pastel Heart @Samurai Equine

Silver ponders Samurai’s offer for a moment. He certainly didn’t mind helping other ponies out, even if he had only seen Trilby for a whole 10 seconds earlier. He had also enjoyed being with Samurai and Pastel, but he was more worried about getting in the way of whatever it was they planned on doing.

“I wouldn’t mind coming with you, Samurai, I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to help you and Astral, but I’ll try to do whatever I can.” He stated with as much confidence he could conjure up. He would try his best, but what exactly the Kirin could do in this situation, he wasn’t too sure of.

@Samurai Equine @Pastel Heart @GeneralDirection

"No worries Samurai, I'll have us there-"

Astral's horn glowed and the group vanished with a 'Poof', reappearing dead center in the middle of Trilby's shop.

"-in a flash!" said Astral as he finished with a smirk; it was clear the unicorn's magic reserves weren't running low today.

Astral lifted Trilby as slept, and gently laid him on a couch in the customer lounge; the blue unicorn began to flip through book pages at lightning speed, but then paused to face Samurai. Was now really the right setting?.. No, he'd help Trilby first then explain himself later, but he knew the time of explanation for his magical talent was closing in. Out of his satchel bag, Astral levitated the medal inscribed with the initials 'E.W.E.' with his magic, and placed it around his neck.

"Now listen very carefully Samurai, you too Silver Stream. Curses and dark magic are like parasites, they feed off of negativity from all living creatures, and can slowly corrupt those they choose as their host. However, if the curse is removed from a pony or any other creature, it will immediately search for a new host to possess, which means anyone here could be in danger if Trilby really is cursed. The most important thing is that Trilby stays asleep, the curse won't be able to possess him while he's unconscious, and that should allow me to remove it with little trouble. As for how we'll deal with the curse once it escapes,"

Astral's horn glowed as he spoke, but the color of his magic was different from its usual turquoise hue, and instead shined a light gold. His medal seemed to react, and to the surprise of everyone, it began to transform. The medal grew thicker, its color changed from bronze like a penny to a fine platinum exterior, revealing a blue gem within that matched Astral's own fur.


"-let's just say I'm prepared to act as bait." While this statement might worry Astral's friends, the confident look in his eyes would hopefully ease their doubts.

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@C. Thunder Dash

Pencil was excited at first, but upon seeing Chelsea’s expression, she grew a bit concerned. She seemed to have a bad history with seaponies from what Pencil could gather. This might have been what she was crying about earlier. Now Pencil knew why she was crying.

“Hey, what’s wrong? I, um, I know you don’t, uh, like talking about it, but what happened with the seaponies?” she asked sympathetically.



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"It's...what happened *sniffle*, before the seaponies..." Chelsea said trying hard not to start sobbing again. She could really use a hug right now...


@Dynamo Pad

"We gotta keep an eye out for that unicorn again. He may be a time traveler like you said Dynamo." Thundy stated continuing to drive through the dirt trail back to the main town. 

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1 minute ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

"We gotta keep an eye out for that unicorn again. He may be a time traveler like you said Dynamo." Thundy stated continuing to drive through the dirt trail back to the main town. 


@C. Thunder Dash @Pastel Heart 

"I guess we should, but I wouldn't know where the first place to look. I guess we should keep on the lookout for the sounds of ticking. Given the fact that he had a multitude of watches, clocks and such in his beard, hooves and coat." Dynamo responded, while Thundy continued to drive back towards the main town. "I'm not sure if he's a time traveler or not. I just assumed given how he said we were late, or he was early. What he said really confused me somewhat. I feel like he was familiar, but I...I don't know. I guess it's sort of just a feeling."

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@Dynamo Pad

"Unless he was speaking in riddles. You know how it sometimes is...a villain in a game tells the main character a riddle, which sadly, the main character sometimes doesn't get it until it is too late." Thundy said continuing to drive. 

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4 minutes ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Dynamo Pad

"Unless he was speaking in riddles. You know how it sometimes is...a villain in a game tells the main character a riddle, which sadly, the main character sometimes doesn't get it until it is too late." Thundy said continuing to drive. 

@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo could only give a solemn nod as he had experienced things like that in video games. "Unfortunately, you're right about that. I've come across some things like that in certain stories. Even though it's meant to be like that in stories, it's a shame that one can't realize it sooner. Although, I don't think he was a sort of villain." Dynamo said, his eyes glancing over towards Thundy. "I mean, he did know something about us, but it was as if he was trying to tell us something. Maybe he was trying to help us in one way or another. I know he said something about you and Chelsea are far from home, but not beyond hope. What do you think he meant by that?" He asks, placing a hoof under his chin.

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49 minutes ago, C. Thunder Dash said:


"It's...what happened *sniffle*, before the seaponies..." Chelsea said trying hard not to start sobbing again. She could really use a hug right now...


@Dynamo Pad

"We gotta keep an eye out for that unicorn again. He may be a time traveler like you said Dynamo." Thundy stated continuing to drive through the dirt trail back to the main town. 

Pencil felt really bad for Chelsea. She wanted to hug her, but wasn’t sure if that would be okay. She ended up moving her arms around in funny motions for a while until she finally put them down. She blushed at her embarrassing display then turned away for the heat in her cheeks to fade. Once she was settled, she spoke to Chelsea again.

“What happened before then? Hey, uh, it’s ok! I-I’m here for you!” she asked, then stammered as she did her best to comfort the griffon.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Yes, Chelsea and I came all the way from Equestria to seek some vacation time from the norm...especially Chelsea. She's really had a rough past, and it's hard for her to go a day without thinking about it." Thundy said. 


"My...my parents...died in during an ambush. All we wanted was...peace but this cowardly general attacked our unarmed ship...I was one of the only survivors..." Chelsea said managing to get through the sentence but was absolutely close to breaking point. 

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21 minutes ago, C. Thunder Dash said:


"Yes, Chelsea and I came all the way from Equestria to seek some vacation time from the norm...especially Chelsea. She's really had a rough past, and it's hard for her to go a day without thinking about it." Thundy said. 

@C. Thunder Dash @Pastel Heart

"I think I recall you had appeared out of nowhere when Samurai, myself and others were having a party last night. Celebrating the completion of the cart derby race. That was also when I had met Pastel's grandfather, Iron Shoal." Dynamo said, recalling the events from the night before. "I know you had told me that you are from this dimension known as the human world. However, where are you and Chelsea from exactly? Considering how you said that you come from Equestria to see vacation. I wanted to ask Chelsea what was wrong, but I didn't want to upset her and/or to make the situation worse. What happened to Chelsea's past and what is the relationship between you and her?"

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@Dynamo Pad

"Chelsea was born in the old griffon kingdom after the overthrow of the old griffon king, who wanted to conquer Equestria and rule as king. He was overthrown just as explorer ponies went in search of lands beyond Equestria. A pegasus explorer discovered the griffon kingdom and was immediately welcomed. He fell in love with a female griffon and that's where Chelsea comes in. She's a hybrid. She got the pony from her father and the griffon from her mother. That's why she was able to get a cutie mark. Unfortunately, back in Equestria, because of the old griffon king's reign, word was spread that the griffons were savages, planning an attack. General Iron Hoof, Celestia's top general at the time was the leader of this lie. The griffons had planned to take an unarmed ship to Equestria to meet with Celestia to extend their peace with the ponies. However, as the unarmed ship with Chelsea, her parents and other Griffon Ambassadors headed for Equestria, Iron Hoof being the evil coward he was, ambushed the ship. Every single griffon including Chelsea's father and mother...died. Chelsea was the only survivor. She ended up drowning due to exhaustion but seaponies in the depths of the ocean found and took Chelsea to their ruler. The ruler of the seaponies saw the pureness in Chelsea's heart and unlocked the abilities within Chelsea, granting Chelsea the ability to wield water and use it for good. To make a long story short, Chelsea earned her cutie mark by showing a peace sign to General Iron Hoof and his army when they were coming in for the "final invasion". The army's eyes were opened to the truth, and Iron Hoof was banished to one of the deepest parts of Tartarus for good." Thundy explained. 

"I met Chelsea as she was walking through Ponyville. She was quite the flirtatious one. Should've seen her, she was like all cuddly and huggy hug...who knows, maybe you just might see it." Thundy added. 

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