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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Windy Breeze

"It's no big deal, really" Raze said. "I dont really mind telling people about it, to be honest. To answer your first question though... I was hired by some guy to investigate a disturbance, which ended up being that apparition and those plunderseed vines..." He paused.

"As for my spirit... sit back, it's gonna be a long one."

He looked up at the ceiling. "It was about four months back... remember how I said I do 'extermination work'? This was one of those missions. I was hired by a small village to clear out a cave nest of changelings that were harassing the people nearby. I thought it was gonna be a simple, easy mission. Go in, destroy the nest, get out. As it turned out, I had grossly underestimated just how bad the situation was. There was tons of them, everywhere. Despite my best efforts I had found myself up against a wall, shot up by magic energy and bitten from every angle. I was bleedin' out, and bad... barely energy left to pick up my sword. And I thought to myself, 'this is it. This is how I die.' But before they could get to me, a flash of blue just appears right before my eyes, almost blinding me and every changeling in the cave. When it all settled down, there he was, floating in right of me... my 'Persona', as he called himself. He takes out his sword and just cutting everything in sight. Any changeling still alive fled all the way back to their kingdom..."

He paused again before continuing

"Then he turns around, heals me with magic, and just introduces himself. Said his name was Thanatos, and that he was devoted to protecting me should I need it. He kinda explained that if I wanted to summon him, I needed to 'invoke the fear of death.' Finally he disappeared, and on the ground in front of me was this thing..." He held up his pistol. "He called it an 'Evoker'. Doesn't actually shoot bullets or anything, but it definitely feels like the real deal. The only way I can summon him is if I point this thing to my head and squeeze the trigger. Freaks everybody out, though I'm not surprised; I mean, it really looks I'm about to shoot myself, yeah? Have to explain it to people everytime I use it..."

He sighed. "Sometimes, I wonder... what is this power, really? Why do I even have it? Where does it even come from. I really want to know... sometimes I even think I should just march right on up to Princess Twilight's castle herself and ask her. In fact, I'm determined to do so. If anyone would know, it'd have to be her. Until that happens though... I'm gonna have to find out the answers myself..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Windy Breeze

Trilby nearly laughs. "Rich? Nah. In this town, pretty much all the citizens are super accommodating. No one was living here before I came to town, and no one stopped me from claiming this house as mine, just like no one stopped me from re-purposing the abandoned clothing shop into my own business. That's just how the town is. We've all been waiting for something to happen." Trilby explains.

After that, he grabs a few of his things. "If you need me, I'll be in the clothing shop. That's where I'll be sleeping for the night. I'm so busy that I often fall asleep at my work station."

@Kronos the Revenant

Samurai's expression through that whole speech can be summarized as: :wacko:

Another moment of awkward silence once Kronos finishes. "...Okay?" Realizing how rude he is being, Samurai shakes his head and snap out of it. "Oh! Military services. Well, not that there's really been a need for any around here, but I've been the sole soldier and protector of this town for quite some time." Samurai explains, a smile returning to his face. "Typically, this town is pretty peaceful. However, if you're willing to pitch in, I wouldn't mind having some fellow protectors on guard with me. It sure would put my mind at ease." Samurai stands up straight, hooves on his hips, and gives a sigh of relief.

He then remembers what he wanted to say at the beginning. "Oh! By the way, I saw you sing earlier. I really liked your performance! You really know a thing or two about showmanship."


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@Samurai Equine

“Maybe i should go visit you daily so I can wake you up” Shadow suggested. Then something came pop out of her mind “Oh, you also had mirror right?” she asked. 

@Jack Baker

“Wow, your adventure is very... outstanding” she said, trying to avoid being dramatic “Daring Do might even become jealous of you if she wanted. What about the plunderseeds, is that what you call the vines, and also the apparition?” she asked, very curious to know. This stallion with her is very interesting and she wanted to know more about him.

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@Samurai Equine

Kronos scratched the back of his head and chuckled, “Aww, shucks, thanks. Music has kind of been a side thing of mine for quite a while now.” 

He took out his case again and pulled out some more gear and weapons. He also somehow had a suit of war armor, which he modified to look like a samurai’s armor yet have the same protections as his Eternium Warmonger Suit. His suit was custom made with multiple sheaths to place many weapons on. He had swords, spears, pikes and many other medium to wide range melee weapons equipped on his sides and back. 

“I understand it’s not the most subtle getup,” Kronos told Samurai, “However this armor set allows me to have all my weapons at the ready and the custom inner hydraulics still keep it rather mobile, which i can modify to make it silent and low impact.”

He proceeded to demonstrate by leaping up to a tree and land on top of with without disturbing a single blossom. He then dropped off and landed on his claw tips and slowly curled back up. 

“Eternuim is a rather flexible yet durable material,” Kronos explained, “It’s amazing how tough and sturdy poly-carbon crystalline alloy is. Light as a pegasus feather, yet hard as diamond. The only way you can really break this is through either alicorn magic or monomolecular blades.”

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6 hours ago, ExplosionMare said:

@Dynamo Pad @Pastel-chan @Astral Vision

Pencil clapped her hooves together rapidly after Dynamo’s performance. She could tell he had a lot of fun up there dancing and hopping around. Pencil swished her tail around excitedly and joined Dynamo by the edge of the stage to congratulate him.

“That was such a fun performance! If I wasn’t already tired from singing I would have sung along!” she exclaimed.

She grinned at Dynamo, Astral, and Pastel, happy they had all decided to participate in the event. As the group conversed, Dynamo suggested they all celebrate with some breakfast. According to a loud growl surfacing from Astral’s stomach, he had the same idea.

“Sure, I’d love to get some breakfast! You guys will have to lead the way though cause I couldn’t tell you where my next door neighbor lived I’m so bad at directions!” she said to Dynamo, attempting a bit of humor. She feared her comment would arouse more concern than laughter, but she already took the gamble so she couldn’t go back on the joke.

As Pencil waited for somepony to lead the way, she couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. The auditorium felt colder than it did an hour ago. She had just now noticed that her and the three ponies she was with were the only ones here. Everypony else had disappeared. The thought that something had happened to the rest of the crowd sent a pit down her stomach. Pencil tried her best not to think the worst in hopes that her new friends wouldn’t notice.

Maybe they just got tired and went home. Yeah. Or maybe everypony went ahead and got their own breakfast! she reasoned with herself.

A part of her wanted to believe these thoughts, but another part told her there may be a deeper reason for the crowd’s disappearance. She was truly conflicted by her worries. The more she thought about them, the more she wondered why they were even there at all. It was complicated, to say the least. 

Willfully, Pencil pulled herself out of her troubling thoughts and focused on the fun breakfast she was about to have. She could worry about the crowd later.



Dynamo turned to Pencil as she heard her clapping her hooves together in congratulations. "Thank you and it's from an anime I've watched recently. I loved how the song was upbeat and whimsical. So, I thought it was fitting to just have fun and dance around." He smiled with a chuckle. "I'll try to lead the way, but I'd probably suggest that maybe it should be Astral. Since I'm still new here, but the again. We are all pretty much new in this town. That, and you're not alone in that regard, Pencil. Unless I have a map, then I'm pretty bad at directions, as well." He chuckled once more with a sheepish grin. His sheepish grin had vanished as he thought he saw the expression upon Pencil's face. He glanced behind him to see that the crowd in the auditorium had dispersed and vanished. He didn't even hear the doors open and close from the retreating audience. He felt his spine shiver slightly in worry, but he tried to pay that no mind.

4 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

It takes a moment, but Samurai slowly makes it back to the concert, in the backstage area. He looks around. "I know I'm a little late, but I hope my friends are still here..."

After a moment, Dynamo's ears perked as he heard the familiar voice of Samurai. He turned and gave his friend a look of reassurance. "Oh, Samurai! It's good to see you and there's no need to apologize. Astral, Pastel, Pencil and I were just about to go get some breakfast. If you'd like, then you're welcome to join us."

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@Windy Breeze

"That apparition I was fightin' earlier is apparently the spirit of Nightmare Moon, somehow back with a vengeance," Raze explained to Delight. "As for the vines, yeah they're called plunderseeds. They're magical vines, so they don't exactly die when you cut them once. Magic fire seems to work though..." 

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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As Forest slept he dreamed, a spark of white at first, it slowly enveloped his mind as a whole, and then, it showed him.

From the white clouds he saw the land of Equestria, far and wide, from Canterlot to Appleloosa and even Neighpon, it was a beautiful scenery, with every building decorated with its own architecture, Romanic, Art deco, and many more. 

It all seem normal until shadows appeared, the land turned black and the sun was covered by the moon, a marvelous but disturbing black now reigned in the land, and with it, Nightmare Moon.

Forest jumped from his bed.

Damn it! *heavy breathing* 

Not this again, it must be a profecy, now im sure, I need to tell somepony, I need support.

This was the second time he had dreamed that, the land was warning him, and he would listen.

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9 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

Dynamo turned to Pencil as she heard her clapping her hooves together in congratulations. "Thank you and it's from an anime I've watched recently. I loved how the song was upbeat and whimsical. So, I thought it was fitting to just have fun and dance around." He smiled with a chuckle. "I'll try to lead the way, but I'd probably suggest that maybe it should be Astral. Since I'm still new here, but the again. We are all pretty much new in this town. That, and you're not alone in that regard, Pencil. Unless I have a map, then I'm pretty bad at directions, as well." He chuckled once more with a sheepish grin. His sheepish grin had vanished as he thought he saw the expression upon Pencil's face. He glanced behind him to see that the crowd in the auditorium had dispersed and vanished. He didn't even hear the doors open and close from the retreating audience. He felt his spine shiver slightly in worry, but he tried to pay that no mind.

After a moment, Dynamo's ears perked as he heard the familiar voice of Samurai. He turned and gave his friend a look of reassurance. "Oh, Samurai! It's good to see you and there's no need to apologize. Astral, Pastel, Pencil and I were just about to go get some breakfast. If you'd like, then you're welcome to join us."

@Dynamo Pad @Pastel-chan @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine

Astral took notice of the silence, and looked around to see that the theater seemed empty, the ambience chilling to the core. Thankfully, the others were still close by, and Samurai arrived on the scene. As much as he wanted breakfast, Astral knew it would have to wait for the mystery at hand.

"Everypony stay close, and don't make a sound." Astral whispered to the group.

The blue unicorn's horn began to glow bright, acting as a beacon which shined like the sun.

"I'm scanning the area for essence of dark magic. Now listen carefully. If I detect something that seems highly dangerous, then I will tell you to run, and you should in order to stay safe." Astral said with a determined look, it seemed like he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.

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10 minutes ago, Astral Vision said:

@Dynamo Pad @Pastel-chan @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine

Astral took notice of the silence, and looked around to see that the theater seemed empty, the ambience chilling to the core. Thankfully, the others were still close by, and Samurai arrived on the scene. As much as he wanted breakfast, Astral knew it would have to wait for the mystery at hand.

"Everypony stay close, and don't make a sound." Astral whispered to the group.

The blue unicorn's horn began to glow bright, acting as a beacon which shined like the sun.

"I'm scanning the area for essence of dark magic. Now listen carefully. If I detect something that seems highly dangerous, then I will tell you to run, and you should in order to stay safe." Astral said with a determined look, it seemed like he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.

Dynamo closed his eyes slightly due to the bright light. Taking a moment for his eyes to adjust to the bright glow of magic. He stayed silent as per Astral's warning. All the while, darting his eyes around to what was going on at current situation. "What's up, Astral? I mean, I understand your concern, but what makes you think there's something highly dangerous?" He whispered in wonder as he took heed of Astral's plan of action. He wanted to help, but he wasn't sure what kind of help he would be due to his magic control.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Dynamo’s look of reassurance put Pencil at ease. If he wasn’t worried about the crowd, then she shouldn’t be either. Samurai had just returned as well, so that gave Pencil even less reason to be concerned. She let her body relax and her mind rest. Perhaps she was right during her earlier assumptions. Nothing dangerous was going to happen.

@Astral Vision

Everything Pencil thought previously was thrown out the window. Astral was hunched down in a predatory position as if he was preparing for a fight. Oh, Pencil knew better than to immediately say everything was fine! She grew increasingly worried as Astral’s horn began to glow. Out of nowhere, he had insisted that dark magic may be present.

Dark magic? Where are you finding dark magic? she whispered sharply to Astral.

She didn’t mean to sound rude, but a newfound panic was overriding her senses. A small tremble escaped from her hooves and Pencil struggled to react against it. To distract herself, she flopped her ears down on her head as hard as she could, hoping the sensation would be enough to keep her still.




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@Samurai Equine @ExplosionMare @Astral Vision @Dynamo Pad @Pastel-chan

Forest was going to find Samurai, he thought that he might be in the theater where the contest was taking place so he went there, his dream couldn't go unnoticed.

After some minutes of walking he reached the stage where Pencil, Samurai and other ponies he hadn't met, were. He noticed the glow in Astral's horn and he frowned, worried of what could be happening he started to look for dark energies and he found it...

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1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:

Dynamo closed his eyes slightly due to the bright light. Taking a moment for his eyes to adjust to the bright glow of magic. He stayed silent as per Astral's warning. All the while, darting his eyes around to what was going on at current situation. "What's up, Astral? I mean, I understand your concern, but what makes you think there's something highly dangerous?" He whispered in wonder as he took heed of Astral's plan of action. He wanted to help, but he wasn't sure what kind of help he would be due to his magic control.

@Dynamo Pad

Astral didn't want to panic Dynamo, so he figured it best to answer him quickly.

"Notice how we're the only ones here? Not a pony left in the audience, nor backstage. You could say that everyone left to grab a bite, but that seems too coincidental. Furthermore, we would have heard hoofsteps or at least some kind of sound to indicate their departure, but instead there's just silence. Whatever caused the crowd's disappearance singled our group out for a reason, and I intend to find out what that reason is, before it's too late."

46 minutes ago, ExplosionMare said:


@Dynamo Pad

Dynamo’s look of reassurance put Pencil at ease. If he wasn’t worried about the crowd, then she shouldn’t be either. Samurai had just returned as well, so that gave Pencil even less reason to be concerned. She let her body relax and her mind rest. Perhaps she was right during her earlier assumptions. Nothing dangerous was going to happen.

@Astral Vision

Everything Pencil thought previously was thrown out the window. Astral was hunched down in a predatory position as if he was preparing for a fight. Oh, Pencil knew better than to immediately say everything was fine! She grew increasingly worried as Astral’s horn began to glow. Out of nowhere, he had insisted that dark magic may be present.

Dark magic? Where are you finding dark magic? she whispered sharply to Astral.

She didn’t mean to sound rude, but a newfound panic was overriding her senses. A small tremble escaped from her hooves and Pencil struggled to react against it. To distract herself, she flopped her ears down on her head as hard as she could, hoping the sensation would be enough to keep her still.



Astral took quick notice of Pencil's fear. Not wanting her to be scared, Astral tried to reassure Pencil, but it wasn't easy.

"Pencil, relax. I know it's scary, but you can't let your fear take control. So long as the group sticks together, everything will be fine. I promise." Astral almost stuttered at the end of his sentence, as he was unsure of what the potential threat was. However, he knew he had to focus on locating the problem, and protect his friends at all costs.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, Astral saw a darting shadow of sorts. He tried to quickly direct his horn's light, but the being escaped into the darkness. As the room fell silent, all that could be heard was a hissing noise, and the sound of scraping along the floor.

"Guys, there's something in here with us. Whatever you do, don't panic." Astral whispered while gritting his teeth. Even though he was well practiced in magic, Astral couldn't deny that he was a little fearful of their current situation. Arching his back and readying his horn, Astral prepared for whatever was about to reveal itself from the shadows.

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@Windy Breeze

Trilby nods. He points to it in the room. It's a big, round, full-sized, rotating mirror. "A clothing maker never goes too far without it. Is there anything else you need before we part ways tonight?"

@Kronos the Revenant

Watching Kronos was like watching a dealer trying to sell his wears. Still, it was fascinating. "The armor kind of reminds me of my own." Samurai makes an observation. He also wonders when they brought a tree in back stage. "...Eternuim? Can it also withstand dark stone?" Samurai asks out of curiosity.

@Dynamo Pad, @Astral Vision, @ExplosionMare, @Bastian, @Pastel-chan

"Dynamo! Astral! Pencil! Pastel! So good to see you all again, my friends." Samurai is happy to greet them all. "I've had quite the day today, but I'm really looking forward to just relaxing with my friends, maybe over a meal."

However, just as Forest is also joining the group, Samurai notices Astral talking about a lack of ponies in the area. "Well, it could just be because it's late and most ponies want to get home by now..." However, he realizes just how serious Astral is being. "Another threat?" Samurai asks, getting ready again.

He also looks at Kronos. "Would you be willing to help us out?"


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59 minutes ago, Astral Vision said:

@Dynamo Pad

Astral didn't want to panic Dynamo, so he figured it best to answer him quickly.

"Notice how we're the only ones here? Not a pony left in the audience, nor backstage. You could say that everyone left to grab a bite, but that seems too coincidental. Furthermore, we would have heard hoofsteps or at least some kind of sound to indicate their departure, but instead there's just silence. Whatever caused the crowd's disappearance singled our group out for a reason, and I intend to find out what that reason is, before it's too late."


Astral took quick notice of Pencil's fear. Not wanting her to be scared, Astral tried to reassure Pencil, but it wasn't easy.

"Pencil, relax. I know it's scary, but you can't let your fear take control. So long as the group sticks together, everything will be fine. I promise." Astral almost stuttered at the end of his sentence, as he was unsure of what the potential threat was. However, he knew he had to focus on locating the problem, and protect his friends at all costs.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, Astral saw a darting shadow of sorts. He tried to quickly direct his horn's light, but the being escaped into the darkness. As the room fell silent, all that could be heard was a hissing noise, and the sound of scraping along the floor.

"Guys, there's something in here with us. Whatever you do, don't panic." Astral whispered while gritting his teeth. Even though he was well practiced in magic, Astral couldn't deny that he was a little fearful of their current situation. Arching his back and readying his horn, Astral prepared for whatever was about to reveal itself from the shadows.

Dynamo nodded as he too felt the timing was probably not just a coincidence. "You make a good point. I don't know much about this auditorium, but one could argue that you can hear the sound of anyone walking in. Provided if it's a large group of audience members, or something like that." He whispered, taking a deep breath to try and keep his nerves under control. He looked over to Pencil as he thought he heard Astral stutter. "We'll all be okay, Pencil. We are all here together as a group. If anything were to happen, then we all got each other's backs. If anything, then we can hope that someone will alert guards or such." He would say, placing a hoop upon her shoulder. He snapped his head quickly over to where Astral shined the light. He gritted his teeth at the thought of hearing a hissing sound. "Hopefully, it's just a snake and nothing else."

17 minutes ago, Samurai Equine said:


@Dynamo Pad, @Astral Vision, @ExplosionMare, @Bastian, @Pastel-chan

"Dynamo! Astral! Pencil! Pastel! So good to see you all again, my friends." Samurai is happy to greet them all. "I've had quite the day today, but I'm really looking forward to just relaxing with my friends, maybe over a meal."

However, just as Forest is also joining the group, Samurai notices Astral talking about a lack of ponies in the area. "Well, it could just be because it's late and most ponies want to get home by now..." However, he realizes just how serious Astral is being. "Another threat?" Samurai asks, getting ready again.

He also looks at Kronos. "Would you be willing to help us out?"

The gamer pony looked back at Samurai with a soft smile. "It's good to see you too, Samurai. You can say that again on having quite a day. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to hear the song I was singing. I kind of dedicated it to you and the others." At the mention of a meal, Dynamo nodded. "I'd like that. Hopefully, we'll be able tog get out of here and then we can find a place to eat." He would say, blinking at the point that Samurai had brought up. "That's true, but I'm surprised at how quietly everyone had left."

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@Dynamo Pad @Samurai Equine @Pastel-chan @ExplosionMare @Bastian

As the creature moved into the light, it's eyes gazing through the darkness, IT DASHED FORWARD AND!!!!....

...revealed itself to be a common street cat. Its claws were scraping across the floor, and it's hiss was identical to what they had heard before. Astral sighed and dimmed the light of his horn, feeling ashamed he had blown this entirely out of proportion.

"False alarm everypony, its just a street cat. Sorry for the worry..." Astral looked down in shame. He let his imagination run wild, only to needlessly scare the others. As he turned away from the group, his head hung low, but he stopped to turn and speak.

"You guys go along, I'll catch up once I lock the place. Samurai, I'm sure you can recommend a good place to eat?" Astral then slowly walked off, making his way to the center of the empty stage. Astral sat in silence, gazing into the empty audience seats, and into the night sky that now draped over the town. As he admired each star in the cosmos, Astral pondered on his own thoughts, until the only thing on his mind was the grand silence of night.

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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Astral Vision

"Hehe, sounds good! Find Something fun and do it, thats what grandpa tells me!"

Pastel stood proud for some reason, ready to go. Looks like she was taking the dress with her. She probably didn't even think about it.

@Samurai Equine @Bastian

Pastel waved to Samurai and Forest as they arrive. She probably looks odd to Forest, dressed so nicely since their last confrontation.

As Astral started acting strange, it looked like Pastel was getting ready for something big; she didn't know what it was, but...

...As it's revealed to be a cat, she breaks out laughing.

"Ahaha! What was that!? All that build-up! It's like those horror movie false alarms!"

She looked out to the crowd, where Astral was looking earlier. Even if that was just a cat... something did feel off. Something seemed to be bothering Pastel too. She quickly shook this off though; she was having fun with her friends! Save all that serious stuff for another time. As long as her friends were with her and she was happy, that was all that mattered.

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38 minutes ago, Astral Vision said:

@Dynamo Pad @Samurai Equine @Pastel-chan @ExplosionMare @Bastian

As the creature moved into the light, it's eyes gazing through the darkness, IT DASHED FORWARD AND!!!!....

...revealed itself to be a common street cat. Its claws were scraping across the floor, and it's hiss was identical to what they had heard before. Astral sighed and dimmed the light of his horn, feeling ashamed he had blown this entirely out of proportion.

"False alarm everypony, its just a street cat. Sorry for the worry..." Astral looked down in shame. He let his imagination run wild, only to needlessly scare the others. As he turned away from the group, his head hung low, but he stopped to turn and speak.

"You guys go along, I'll catch up once I lock the place. Samurai, I'm sure you can recommend a good place to eat?" Astral then slowly walked off, making his way to the center of the empty stage. Astral sat in silence, gazing into the empty audience seats, and into the night sky that now draped over the town. As he admired each star in the cosmos, Astral pondered on his own thoughts, until the only thing on his mind was the grand silence of night.

Dynamo crouched to the ground as the creature dashed forward. Ready to go into fight or flight mode, until he saw the creature was just a common street cat. Dynamo had a look of disbelief, before giving a sigh as he put his fears to rest. "At least it was just a street cat. I wonder if their owner was looking for it. I guess it's not the case as you said it was a street cat." He would say, turning towards Astral's direction, before smiling and shaking his head. "Hey. There's no need to apologize. If anything, then it shows that you wanted to protect everyone. It's shows your care towards your friends. Plus, I guess the false alarm helped me to realize something. That I need to learn and practice magic in order to defend myself and my friends." 

The gamer pony frowned as he saw Astral making his way off towards the center of the stage. He wanted to call out to him to let him know that everything was okay, but he wasn't sure if it was right to interfere. He just couldn't trust Astral's words as it felt like there was no emotion or feelings backing them up. "O-Okay. Samurai will give us the place and we'll make sure to let you know. Just catch up as soon as you can." He would say, turning back towards the group. "Hey, you guys? Should I or one of us stay and be there for Astral? I know he said he would catch up, but I think he might need a friend right now." He whispered to the others to see what they thought.


"It sounds like your grandpa has the right idea on how to look for something fun to do, while being able to spend time with friends." He says, chuckling at the way she stood proud for some unknown reason. "Hey, Pastel. I just noticed you still have the dress you were wearing for your performance. I'm guessing you're taking said dress with you? You never know if you'll need it for a sort of formal party. Kind of like the Grand Galloping Gala."

He nodded slightly in agreement as he heard Pastel's comment on a false scare in movies. "I know what you mean, but it's those kind of scares that always get you to freak out. Especially if it was a false scare, before said film leads you into a frightening jump scare. I'm not a big fan of scare movies, but there are some scary films that I take an interest in watching." 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Kronos the Revenant@Dynamo Pad, @Astral Vision, @ExplosionMare, @Bastian, @Pastel-chan

Samurai was also happy to see Pastel and gave her head a pet.

He also listens to what Dynamo has to say. "Sorry, my friend. I'd love to hear more about it over dinner. Maybe somepony made a recording of it." Samurai suggests.

Still, it was quite jarring to find out the threat was just a false alarm.
Upon hearing Astral's request, he nods. "Everypony, I know just the place. It's a big buffet restaurant that has all the best dishes in town." Before Astral can get too far, Samurai puts a hoof on his shoulder and whispers. "Don't take the false alarm too seriously. There was a threat tonight, and it might not be completely gone." Samurai suggests, hoping Astral will understand that it might not have been a completely false alarm after all.

Samurai hears Dynamo's suggestion. "That's very nice of you to offer. If that's what you want to do, I won't stop you." Samurai takes a moment to write down the address of the restauran and give it to Dynamo. He and/or Astral can catch up later, if they want. "Come on, everypony! This way. I'll pay for the food tonight. My treat." Samurai leads the way.


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@Samurai Equine @ExplosionMare @Pastel-chan @Kronos the Revenant @Astral Vision @Dynamo Pad 

...A cat, a normal cat, not what Forest had expected but it was still better than another thing to fight, he had already fought before this very same day.

Hahaha! It was just a cat, and to think I was worried about something dangerous.

Hearing Samurai's proposal also excited him.

A buffet sounds great! And I can get to meet all of you! And he pointed to the Astral and the rest whom he hadn't met before.

Forest could surely use some food, its true he didn't need as much food as the normal pony but he still loved to eat.

He then remembered why had he gone there and turned to Samurai.

Hey Samurai, I think we need to talk, something dangerous might approach in these days to come.

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@Dynamo Pad @Astral Vision

Pencil blushed very hard at all the sympathy she was getting. She had really hoped nopony would notice her. It didn’t help that Dynamo was touching her. She almost pulled away, but she didn’t want to be rude. She decided to turn her head away to hide her face instead. Just as soon as she turned, Pencil heard a loud hissing sound coming from a distance. The hairs on her back prickled as if she was a porcupine. Her eyes darted towards the noise frantically. Pencil lit her horn slightly as a precaution.

Thankfully, the noise had come from a simple street cat. Pencil mentally sighed and took a moment to relax once more. She let her tail sway back and forth like a pendulum, the motion soothing her back to a calmer state of mind.

@Samurai Equine 

Once everypony was over their sudden anxieties, Samurai mentioned food once again. The idea of food reminded Pencil she was hungry, so she happily said,

“I’d love to go eat now! I bet the food in this town is pretty good,”




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4 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

@Windy Breeze

Trilby nods. He points to it in the room. It's a big, round, full-sized, rotating mirror. "A clothing maker never goes too far without it. Is there anything else you need before we part ways tonight?"

@Kronos the Revenant

Watching Kronos was like watching a dealer trying to sell his wears. Still, it was fascinating. "The armor kind of reminds me of my own." Samurai makes an observation. He also wonders when they brought a tree in back stage. "...Eternuim? Can it also withstand dark stone?" Samurai asks out of curiosity.

@Dynamo Pad, @Astral Vision, @ExplosionMare, @Bastian, @Pastel-chan

"Dynamo! Astral! Pencil! Pastel! So good to see you all again, my friends." Samurai is happy to greet them all. "I've had quite the day today, but I'm really looking forward to just relaxing with my friends, maybe over a meal."

However, just as Forest is also joining the group, Samurai notices Astral talking about a lack of ponies in the area. "Well, it could just be because it's late and most ponies want to get home by now..." However, he realizes just how serious Astral is being. "Another threat?" Samurai asks, getting ready again.

He also looks at Kronos. "Would you be willing to help us out?"

Kronos replied to Samurai’s initial question, “Dark stone? Hmm, haven’t heard much about it. I’d like to field test it’s durability against such a force.”

He then took his request into consideration and pulled out his instrument case. 

“Let’s get this over with.” This was Kronos’ signature line when starting any job or quest given to him.

He donned his armor and had his oriental arsenal at the ready. He armed himself some very traditional weapons such as sais, nunchaku and swords but he also had some unconventional ones, one of which was a Chinese zither. A strange and unorthodox object to use as a weapon for sure, but if it’s in his arsenal, then Kronos must know how to use it as a weapon. 

“Let’s find whatever threat this is and destroy it.” Kronos’ armor helmet sheathed up to cover most of his face save his eyes which glowed red. He brandished the pole staff and stood by the party. 

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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@Windy Breeze 

Raze looked up at the ceiling of the house for a while. Then stood up.

"Well... this has been fun and all, but I think I'm gonna explore the town for a bit. Methinks I'll be here for a while, so might as well get acquainted with my surroundings." He waved his hand once at Delight. "Catch ya later. I'll be back soon." He gathered his things and re-equiped his longsword and Evoker, then stepped outside, making his way back towards the town proper. Once there, he slowed his pace down a bit, while looking around and absorbing the sights.

@Samurai Equine @Bastian @Pastel-chan @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare

As he walked, he could hear a commotion coming from what looked like a theater. Curious as to what was happening, he decided to check it out. Inside, he could see a group of ponies chattering excitedly amongst one another, two of which he recognized as Samurai, and the other fighter at the cemetery. Raze whistled at Samurai to get his attention.

  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Kronos the Revenant@Dynamo Pad, @Astral Vision, @ExplosionMare, @Bastian, @Pastel-chan, @Jack Baker

Samurai pats Kronos' back. "I appreciate it, buddy. However, it was a false alarm. Just a stray cat. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find something else to protect, eventually.
And he waves when he sees Raze. "Oh, hey! Raze! You're just in time to join the party. We're hitting up a buffet. Still hungry? My treat!"

Samurai listens to Forest as they all walk. He nods. "I wouldn't be surprised. Feel free to tell me." He listens to everything Forest has to say. It'll be a bit of a walk getting there.

Moments later, they all arrive at the buffet. Taking up the largest table, Samurai does his best to bring everyone up to speed.

He mentions that starting the concert was his idea. Midway through the concert, he sensed an evil presence. Finding the new citizen Raze, they went to find the source, and they found an evil spirit calling itself Nightmare Moon. Forest Gum and Trilby Hatter were all ready trying to subdue the threat, but with their backup, the evil spirit was forced away from the city. By the time Samurai came back, it seems the concert was mostly wrapping up for the night. There were still some ponies performing, but most of the crowd had gone home for the night.

"...And let me tell you, when that cat popped up, I thought it was Nightmare Moon round 3! Haha." Samurai jokes. "But behind the scenes at the concert, I think we all did a great job. The concert was a TOTAL success! We somehow managed to attract two new citizens because of it, and it gave us cover while we saved a bunch of other innocent ponies." Samurai takes his cup and raises it high. "To all the new citizens, my new friends, and to a job well done." Samurai makes a toast.


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Kronos was still in his samurai suit and was still wary of his surroundings as his instincts tell him to. He suspiciously scans as Samurai makes his speech. He returned Samurai’s toast and, after sheathing his mask plate back, drank with his eyes still peeled. 

He began to eat and his voices came back. 

Damn, one of them exclaimed, the festival food was great, but this is the shit right here. 

Enough with your vulgarity, Krux. 

Fuck off, you prude. 

Kronos gave a low growl and slightly tensed up, which wasn’t really noticeable under his armor. 

Despite the disappointing result of the night, he said to his voices, it’s nice to know that this village is at peace. For now. 

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@Samurai Equine @Dynamo Pad @Pastel-chan @ExplosionMare @Bastian

Astral sighed once more as he collected himself, rising up from his sat position. He knew that he was only trying to defend the others, and his serious attitude was necessary until the shadow's reveal.

"Well, I can't just sit here moping forever. But I must say, the night sky sure is beautiful tonight. Each star sharing a portion of the sky, all connected..."

Astral paused and looked towards the town, trying to locate the group.

"Dynamo, Pastel, Samurai and the others, it's been quite the visit so far. But I guess for now, there's nothing to report to the EWA. But if I do help solve this town's friendship problem, will I be on the road again? Should I even have to tell them?"

Astral turned his head to the night sky once more, whistling in the wind as his horn glowed, and magic began to take place. A blue light shot out from his horn, exploding into the sky as it reached the highest distance, and then showered down in an array of shooting stars.

"I guess it can wait, the important thing is that I have fun and help in anyway I can." As Astral finished his sentence, his stomach growled even louder than before, like an angry grizzly bear.

"Okay Mr. grouchy, you win. Let's go find the others, I'm starving!"

Astral left the stage, locking the theater doors behind him as he'd promised, and made his way into town. Eventually he found the group sitting together, and Astral made his way over to join them.

"Hey guys, got room for one more?"

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