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Is there /not/ a McDonalds in your city/province/country?


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There are numerous islands in the "Sunshine Coast", the archipelago between Vancouver Island and the British Columbian mainland. Many of these islands only have populations of a few dozen to a few hundred. The biggest is Salt Spring Island, with ten thousand living there. BC Islanders have a reputation for being laid back, polite, friendly, casual (even moreso than your average Canadian) and also fiercely environmentalist and provincialist. Given the option between 10 brands from anywhere and 1 brand from just down the street that's four times the price, they'll go with the local brand every time.

One of McDonald's Canadian fast-food competitors A&W found this out the hard way. They opened an A&W on the port city of Ganges. While tourists did attend it during the summer, business dried up to zilch through the winter, and the burger joint shuttered its doors before even a year had passed. To this day, no major brands or chains have any presence on the island, with the exception of government services (aka the Coast Guard).

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There used to be a McDonalds in Iceland. But then we kicked them out. They did not want to use our cowmeat, so no selling burgers in our country~ 

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McDonald's is popular, like Burger King. Though we don't have them around every corner and every city/town. Nearest McDonald's is around 24km away from me.

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9 hours ago, Freikorpist Jonas said:

There used to be a McDonalds in Iceland. But then we kicked them out. They did not want to use our cowmeat, so no selling burgers in our country~ 

Pretty sure that they left Iceland when your currency collapsed and after the global economic meltdown of 2008/09.

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5 hours ago, zerox said:

Pretty sure that they left Iceland when your currency collapsed and after the global economic meltdown of 2008/09.

Pretty sure all you did was a simple google search and looked at the first simplified non in-depth reason as to why Mickey D's left. 
I was here when McDonalds was having an open dispute with the Icelandic government that they should be buying the meat locally and not shipping it over to the country. 
The high import cost of foreign meat was what cost them the business here. The Depression only made it cost even more. Had they only swallowed their pride and started buying locally, they would have started turning a profit again, considering people were still coming in droves to eat at their restaurant. 

In other words, no, it did not have to do with the collapse of our currency nor with the global economic depression~


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Nope I actually remember that this was on the news a few years back. I remember hearing about it. Not actually a problem for mcdonald's as Iceland was such a small market for them. Same reason why you don't have a Starbucks in Iceland.

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I live way out in the country. Closest McDonald's is like 30 something miles away.

There isn't a single traffic light in this county either. The two little towns just have 4-way stop signs.

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Two hours to the nearest one here, and then you might as well go to Culvers or the local place instead. 


For what it's worth, either they or  Dairy Queen had a stroke of genius  building across from each other. No ice cream at McDonald's? Across the street to Dairy Queen you go, or DQ brings their truck across the road(which I find pretty funny).

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Mcdonalds left Iceland as due to the financial collapse of course the currency was less valuable therefore imports would become more expensive. When the decision was made mcdonalds or rather the franchise owners here had two choices either use local ingredients which goes against mcdonalds policy of consistency but also would cost them more or actually import the meat again costing them more. In other words they would have had to raise prices on their burgers. Whether they'd have remained competitive or not is a question but when it comes to the fast food industry tiny numbers can get you out of business. So it simply made more sense to them to close the stores rather then take the chance of potentially losing customers over their increased price.

In hindsight they did the right thing as the same happened to dunkin donuts they began raising prices and guess what people stopped buying their coffees. People are very price sensitive so really it is better to leave and at least have some profits rather then losing money only having enough to cover their expenses. 

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