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general How well do you think you can write or draw?


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I absolutely cannot draw to save my life, I have the fine motor skills of a 90 year old (despite being able to play instruments and such proficiently, I dunno how that works either). I think I'm good at writing in the sense that I have a good command of the English language and can articulate myself clearly when I wish to, but my handwriting (like my art skills, or lack thereof) is absolutely appalling.

  • Brohoof 2
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Draw? Not anymore as I haven't done anything like that since late 2008. Writing? I consider myself to be average at best as there are clearly way better writers out there than me and I acknowledge this fact because they've proven themselves time and again.

  • Brohoof 1
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13 hours ago, Props ValRoa said:

Can't draw at all, I can write fairly well, at least that's the way I see it.

Yes, you can! 

As for me, I'm worse than a 6 year old at drawing :( just can't seem to make the shapes turn into things.

I enjoy writing though :3 I haven't gotten much objective praise for it, but recently - after putting a bit of effort - I got a fic past the pre-readers on EQD and am in the middle of writing another much longer fic which I hope to get into the pony starlight. Judge for yourself if it's any good (especially if you like cute G1 ponies). 


  • Brohoof 1
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I can't draw for shit. I basically have no real artistic talent. Same applies to my writing ability. Oh sure I can come up with all sorts of ideas but actually putting them to words in a story format? Nah. That would actually take skill to do, something I clearly don't have. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Lately my writing contribution has been writing lyrics. Albeit on a more comedic note, it's kinda fun in a way but can but not my forte.
I haven't drawn in years. I should probably do that more. heh. 

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Average in drawing and maybe slightly above average in writing. I say maybe because I haven't really written anything since high school.

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I have no talents. My parents really thought I would grow up to have talent in drawing, as I apparently was quite an artist in my early childhood, but once I hit my teens I became frustrated with my lack of ability to draw what I wanted and dropped it.

Writing - I am decent at writing academically. Creative writing I am horrible at, though.

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