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health How well do you sleep?


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I haven’t gotten a good nights sleep in forever. Either I’m tossing or turning, some noise outside wakes me up, or some noisy person inside. Just woke up today with bags under my eyes that are so large, they look like I got punched.

How well do you sleep?

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I sleep just fine.

 Something wakes me up?  I can go back to sleep fine.

 A lot on my mind?  Doesn’t matter I’ll fall asleep just fine. 

Fortunately getting to sleep has never been much of a problem for me. 

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I sleep horribly. I’ve worked every shift. Due to that I...I’m lucky to get sleep while I can. I never realized the off shifts would truly destroy my sleeping pattern like they have.

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I sleep really fine. Sometimes I may wake up to get a bottle of water, drink it, and then go back to sleep. My blankets usually are really comfy so much that it makes me fall into a deep peaceful sleep.

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I have misophonia so I really have trouble getting a good sleep. Though I've learned coping methods some of which are sleeping with earplugs, having my bed sheet over me and keeping doors closed and any noise at minimum. So I sleep pretty great you know. 

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Once I fall asleep, I remain as such until I choose to wake up however long it is later. Mostly, I am a heavy sleeper though I can sleep softly if it means needing to wake up in case of an emergency.

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Not well. I have been struggling with insomnia for 10 years and I have to rely on sleeping medication to put/keep me asleep at night.

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Usually not very well. I tend to have a lot on my mind that keeps me awake at night unless I am exceptionally tired. I’m also either too hot or too cold :scoots: 

I love when I can get a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day, but it doesn’t happen so often.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It can take me 4 hours to go to sleep, if that gives anyone an idea of how crap my sleep is but I know if I didn't take the meds that I do, I probably wouldn't go to sleep at all.  I kinda feel like my sleep is like some sort of puzzle I have to go through every night.  Like sometimes it feels like I have to be in an exact position to sleep, or I have to drink a certain amount of water before I go to sleep or a bunch of other things.  Doesn't really help that my mind won't shut up sometimes... :Cozy:

  • Brohoof 1
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my biggest problem is not that I sleep bad. When I fall asleep, I usually wake up in the middle of the night really rarely. But when I wake up, than it is often hard for me to fall back to sleep. I often sleep to short. 

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I sleep as well as a fish trying to climb a tree. It consistently takes me well over an hour to fall asleep (sometimes upwards of two), and no matter how much or how little sleep I get (usually about ten hours) I still wake up exhausted, and only if I'm lucky will I feel awake two or three hours later.

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